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Her Highland Secret: Steamy Historical Scottish Romance

Page 24

by Fiona Faris

  “Nay, ye need tae deal with Evans’s men!” His limbs were like jelly, he knew not which direction to move. Evans’s men be damned, all he cared about at the moment was Ella. “Ye are th’ Laird!” Milly said, slapping him hard across the cheek. “Ye need tae be in charge. We’ll take care of the lass.”

  Lucas could only nod. “She is my world, Milly, my whole world.”

  “Don’t ye worry brother, I ken.”

  He rose and moved quickly to the wall that surrounded the keep. The gates were open, which he thought was odd—Evans had said his men surrounded the keep. He was primed for battle. Not one of the English soldiers would survive this day. They should be pouring in, but when he climbed the first turret, he was surprised to see no one outside the gates and young Mattie sitting on top of a stone lookout, swinging his legs in boredom.

  “What dae ye see lad?”

  “I was hopin’ for a battle, Laird,” the boy said. “But there were no men here. I think the bastard came alone with just the two my da already got.”

  “Aye, looks like it, what of th’ other clansmen, did they have any trouble?”

  “Nay, everyone says th’ same. We were ready tae fight, but nothin’.” Lucas looked down at the disappointed boy. He remembered being young and itching for a fight. But now he was relieved, Evans had come with just the two- it was an illusion. He wondered what of his other men. He remembered how the soldiers in the barn had speculated Evans had gone mad—maybe he had lost his commission, stuck out on his own to claim Ella. Ella… The pit in his stomach grew, he quickly bid Mattie farewell, and asked him to close the gates and keep lookout just in case. He had to get to Ella.

  It had been two or maybe three hours since Lucas made it to Ella’s bedside, and there had been no change. He had lost track of all time. The day had turned dark, and night had fallen. The wound on her head had stopped bleeding, and it didn’t look deep, which was good. But she was still unconscious. Not a movement or a moan stirred her.

  The room had been busy, first Magnus came in and told him the two men who came with Evans and Edina were all placed into cells in the keep’s dungeon to be dealt with at a later time. The men confirmed Evans had sold out his commission, offering instead to split the bounty for any Jacobite soldiers with any man who stayed with him. The men, thinking they would be able to make their fortunes if Evans was right, took the chance. They were the only two.

  “And ye think they are tellin’ the truth?” Lucas asked, not caring one way or another. He would see them both hanged for their role in Ella’s injuries. Edina as well. There was no way to reform her thinking now, and he wouldn’t allow her to draw breath and potentially harm Ella again.

  “Aye, I see no signs of any more trouble.”

  “Good, that’s good.” More time passed. At some point in the evening his mother arrived. She offered a prayer over Ella, and took Lucas’s hand in her own. They didn’t need words. His mother knew the pain he felt. They sat in silence, then she was gone.

  It was the maid Violet, Milly, and Kelly that caused Lucas to hit his limit.

  “She hurt her head verra badly my Laird.” Lucas barely registered the words Violet was speaking. He looked at Ella, asleep on their bed. She looked like an angel. He lifted her delicate hand and brought it to his lips. She was so warm.

  “Is there anything ye can give her tae make her wake up?” Milly asked. Violet shrugged her shoulders.

  “Her ladyship had only just begun tae teach me th’ herbs. I’m not sure what will help and what will hurt.” The girl burst into a fresh round of tears. Lucas was tired of tears, he wanted action. Someone had to help him fix Ella.

  “When I was sick, before I came back tae th’ keep, Ella gave me a tea. She thought it would help tae wake me. Dammit what was the herb!” He wracked his brain trying to think of what Ella had put in that disgusting, bitter tea. She had forced it down his throat so many times, he thought he would never be rid of acrid taste.

  Finally it dawned on him. “Willow bark, she used willow bark! I ken what it looks like, she pointed it out on a walk. It grows near here. I can get it, we can make Ella the tea.” He made to leave the room, but Kelly put her hand on his arm to stop him. Her head shaking. The look on her face filled with sadness.

  “Why not? We want her tae wake up don’t we?” Lucas was confused. He knew what Ella used worked on him, why wouldn’t Kelly allow him to get it for Ella? This was absurd. He made his way to the door again, only this time Kelly moved to stand in his way.

  “Lucas, willow bark is good for fevers, but Ella hasn’t a fever,” she said.

  “But it could work, ye don’t ken that it won’t!”

  “Nay, it won’t and we shouldn’t try it, there is something ye need tae know…” She lowered her head. Pausing as if looking for the right words.

  “What dae I need to know, Kelly? We hae tae try everything. She is my wife!” He looked at his sister distraught and begging for answers. What was Kelly talking about? Milly hung her head and avoided Lucas’s eyes. “Somebody tell me something! Please, what is wrong with Ella!”

  “She’s with child my laird!” Violet’s voice broke through at a fevered pitch. “Any herbs we give her could harm the babe. She’d only just found out. She had been so upset about ye keepin’ long hours and not talking tae her, she was sickly and tired. She’d not even thought it could’ve been a bairn. She was headed tae th’ stables tae give ye a piece of her mind, and tell ye about the babe. That’s why she was there, when… when… everything happened.” Sweet, quiet, shy Violet was shaking with anger. Her finger pointed at Lucas in accusation.

  “She’s with child?” He could scarcely believe what the girl was saying to him. He looked at Milly, who simply nodded. Still clutching Ella’s limp hand, he collapsed to the ground in agony. Everything his fault. He was going to lose not only the love of his life, but their first born child.

  “Everyone out,” he whispered.

  “I’ll not leave ye like this brother. Ella is not dead yet, ye cannot act like she is.” Milly took Lucas into her arms, hugging him tightly. He sobbed against his sister, wondering when she had become so fierce. He would not have made it through this day were it not for her. “Ye need to allow time for her mind tae heal. Lay with her. Hold her. Tell her how ye feel, maybe it’s what she needs tae hear, tae ken there is somethin’ tae fight for.” Milly grabbed Kelly and Violet and quickly escorted them out of the room.

  “Ye are my world, lass. Is Milly right, is that what ye need tae hear?” Lucas climbed into the bed beside Ella, taking her into his arms. He drew her close and leaned his head against hers. “Since the moment ye first invaded my dreams, you’ve been savin’ my life. I love ye more than any man ought tae love a lass. I need ye. Please come back tae me. Please…”

  He rocked her gently, keeping one hand on her flat stomach, allowing sleep to overcome him.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Ella struggled to open her eyes. But she couldn’t. She tried to move through the darkness, but a strong arm was holding her down. She tried to push away, but the grip tightened. Bile rose up in her throat. He couldn’t have won. He didn’t… “NO!” was the only word that would pass from her lips. Evans found her. He found her and took her from the keep, now she was trapped in his arms.

  She thrashed and whimpered, begging to be let go. Another strong arm clasped around her.

  “Shhh… hush now lass, yer safe, I’ve got ye.” Lucas, it was her husband. Her breathing slowed. Her heart beat calmed. “I love ye lass, quiet now. Shhh…” He was rocking her gently, back and forth as she faded back into oblivion.

  Ella realized it was morning, she opens her eyes. Her head is throbbing, but she looked to her right and saw Lucas. She pushed her body to sit. He looks devilish while he sleeps, she thought. His beard had grown in, flecks of red and blonde covered his chin. I rather like him with a beard.

  Evans. The memories of what happened in the stable come flooding back. She instinctively placed a hand agai
nst her head, feeling the bandages. He knocked her to the ground, but she stabbed him. Oh god, did I kill him? she thought. It was entirely possible. She remembered the blinding rage, she couldn’t let him torment her forever. If he was dead, she would not shed a tear. She looked down at her husband. He looked peaceful at rest. She was unsure of what happened but she knew Lucas was alive, next to her, living and breathing. Well snoring actually. But that didn’t matter. She reached out and placed a hand on his cheek. He slowly opened his eyes. Shining green. He slowly smiled as he sat up.

  “Yer awake,” he whispered, taking her hand into his own and kissing it.


  “I thought I may never see ye awake again, lass. Ye gave us all a scare.”

  “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” she began to sob, she couldn’t help it. Lucas smiled at her. She had never seen such a brilliant sight. How could he be smiling like such a fool with everything that had happened.

  “Lucas, tell me– did I kill him?”

  “Nay, lass. I did. Commander Evans will ne’er bother us again.”

  “Am I ok? What about the babe?”

  “I think ye’ll both be fine. But you and I, we have some things we hae tae discuss. Important things.” Ella began to shake.

  “What do we have to discuss? Are you upset about the baby? I planned to tell you, but you never came home, and I thought you had taken a mistress, and Oh Lucas I was so heartbroken. I love you so very much, but if you don’t want me and the babe, I understand. Now that Evans is dead, I’m sure I can go safely back to England. No one has to know. I’m sure Kelly and Milly will stay quiet…” Her words came out in a rush. Every fear, every misgiving. She was a runaway carriage of words and emotions.

  “Shhh... Shhh now lass,” He gently pulled her close and brought his lips down to hers. His kiss was warm and giving. She melted into him. He pulled away too fast. She tried to bring him back to her, but he took her hands in his and kissed the insides of each.

  “First, let me tell ye, I’m so verra sorry. I’m sorry for letting ye think I didn’t love ye. I love ye more than I ever thought possible to love.” He punctuated each sentence with another kiss to each of her palms. “When I thought I lost ye, I was beside myself with grief. I shouldn’t of kept ye in th’ dark about Evans and for that I can only hope ye forgive me.”

  “Wait, you love me?” She was having a hard time keeping up. But he had said it. He had just said he loved her more than he thought was possible. Could it be true?

  “Aye lass, I’ve loved ye from the first moment I laid eyes on ye. I was just tae stupid tae realize. I dinnae mean tae not come tae yer bed, I was in the woods. I had become crazed with the thought of Evans getting tae ye somehow and I needed to think. I was comin’ back tae tell ye everything when he ambushed us.”

  “I was coming to the stables to yell at you for leaving me alone in our bed. And to tell you I was carrying your child.” At the mention of the child, Lucas bent his head and placed a delicate kiss on her stomach. Her insides went weak at the soft touch of his lips right over where their baby would grow.

  “Do you think the baby will be ok.”

  “I think so lass, it’s so early. I don’t think the fall did much damage to yer insides. But we’ll hae tae be careful. You may need to stay a bed until yer fully healed.” Ella couldn’t believe how stubborn they both were. To have almost lost everything. She began to cry again.

  “Och, lass please don’t cry.”

  “Oh Lucas, I love you so much. I can’t help it.”

  “I love ye too lass, forever.”

  “Forever,” she said, and kissed him deeply. He was her savior. Her highland savior.


  Four Years Later

  Ella sat just outside the busy kitchens, she was too pregnant to be allowed to help inside. Mrs. Thomas had put her to work mending linens, and resting her feet. Everyone was concerned she was going to go into labor at any moment. Truth be told, she felt like she was ready to give birth a week or more ago, but this MacGille was taking his sweet time coming out. A woosh of air brushed past her followed immediately by a loud and booming Magnus MacGille.

  “Angus Fergus MacGille get yer arse back here ye wee shite.” Ella usually didn’t like it when the men used foul language around the little ones, but she had just watched her son, or rather a fop of red-hair that she suspected was her son, steal a whole pie from the cooling rack and run right between Magnus’s legs and out the main hall door. She had to bite back her laughter at his antics. He was only three and a-half and already causing no end of trouble for anyone who loved him.

  “The lad is like his da, can’t keep his hands off anythin’ sweet.” Ella let out a yelp as Lucas came up behind her and pinched her through her skirts before capturing her mouth with his own. She moaned, yearning to be closer to him, if only her swollen belly didn’t get in the way. She didn’t remember being this randy when she was pregnant with Angus, but this time around all she could think about was bedding her husband and Lucas wouldn’t do anything about it except torture her with stolen kisses and soft caresses.

  “Ah Lucas, take me upstairs and make love tae me please,” she begged.

  “And bring about the babe early? I dinnae think so my lady. Ye’ll have tae wait a little bit longer.” He laughed.

  “You’re no good Lucas MacGille. If you aren’t going to make love to me, you better go fetch your son, before Magnus gets his hands on him.” She swatted him away with her apron.

  “I’ll dae nae such thing. I think I’ll stay right here and torture me wife some more.” He leaned over her and this time kissed her deep and full. His tongue forcing its way into her mouth and she willingly opened for him. He tasted of fresh picked apples, and he smelled of cedar and wood smoke. She so loved these autumn days when the men would bring in the harvest and the women would prepare for winter. She loved the way Lucas’s cheeks would cool next to her own as he kissed her fresh in from the cold outdoors. She nipped his bottom lip with her teeth and ended their kiss.

  “If you won’t make love to me, then no more kisses for you my Laird.” She was defiant and still he just laughed.

  “Well if ye won’t kiss me, I won’t give ye this letter I seem tae have found from Paris…”

  “A letter from Paris? It must be from Amelia!”

  “Uh uh… where’s my kiss?”

  “Oh you fiend,” she said, leaning in to kiss him and grab the letter. Ripping it open, she loved receiving news of her sister’s travels. As soon as she had healed after Anton Evans tried to kill her, she had written immediately to her sister, only to find Amelia had fled their father and run away to Europe. She eventually tracked her down, and now letters came from all over.

  “Well lass, what does it say?”

  “Oh Lucas, it is wonderful news. Amelia is finally coming to Scotland. She will be here before winter!” Ella could not have happier. A sharp pain hit her in the side, and she clutched the letter tightly.

  “Lass, what is it?” His voice filled with concern. Ella felt moisture pool between her legs, then at her feet.

  “My Laird, I think your newest son is ready to meet you,” she said smiling at her husband.

  The End?

  Extended Epilogue

  Eager to learn what happened with Lucas’s sister, Milly?

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  Do you want more Historical Scottish Romance?

  Turn on the next page to read the first chapters of my previous best-selling novel: Ab
duction of a Highland Rose

  It’s the story about a clan where maidens are mysteriously disappearing from the castle …

  Abduction of a Highland Rose

  Chapter One

  September, 1648, Kellie Castle, Pittenweem, Scotland

  A brisk autumn morning highlighted by a pale blue sky encompassed the Erskine clan as an ominous silence from the pasture frightened the elders. A bone-chilling wind propelled the red and yellow leaves onto Freya’s soft cheek, as the first shimmer of sunrise rose above the valley, with the Highland mountains perched over the shadow of Kellie Castle.


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