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Dirty Dealings

Page 30

by Gillian Godden

  ‘Look, sweetie, why don’t you just take that pretty blonde arse of yours and get out.’ With that he slapped her backside for good measure. A red mist appeared before her eyes and she could feel herself beginning to tremble with anger. It reminded her of that builder at the salon.

  ‘You have nice hands. Strong hands.’ Her voice was smooth and velvety, just like her father’s. An idea popped into her head. She would show this bastard!

  ‘You like my hands, blondie?’ A sick twisted smile appeared on his face and for the first time he looked at her properly. Running his tongue over his bottom lip he leered at this pretty young woman in his kitchen. Obviously alone. She was just the messenger. He almost laughed to himself.

  ‘Let me hold them.’ Reaching out seductively, she held his hands and brushed one over her lips and smiled. Then, with a vice-like grip, she forced them into the boiling fat fryer. James’s howls were loud and piercing as she held them in for as long as she could without burning herself. Hot oil boiled over onto the floor and onto his feet, making him howl even louder.

  Another man came rushing in from the fire exit door. Scarlet was shocked as he pushed her out of the way, grabbed James’s red, burnt hands and pushed them under the cold tap. Cold water poured over them but they could all see the damage had been done. James’s red hands were already blistering and the skin was peeling.

  ‘Somebody call an ambulance,’ the man shouted. ‘You.’ He turned to one of the kitchen staff. ‘Close that bloody door so the customers can’t hear him.’

  Weeping and wailing, with tears streaming down his face, James cried out, ‘Lambrianu! She’s from Lambrianu.’

  Panic and mayhem erupted in the kitchen. The staff were trying their best to avoid the burning hot oil on the floor. Some even ran out of the fire exit. They were shocked and horrified at what they had witnessed.

  Rinsing James’s hands under the cold rushing water, the man screamed at him to make himself heard above the screams coming from James. ‘Are you telling me that you didn’t pay him? You didn’t pay that Italian bastard what we owed him? You bloody fool.’ Then he looked towards Scarlet. ‘Who the fuck are you? Lambrianu?’

  ‘More to the point, mister, who the fuck are you?’ Scarlet smiled. She felt a sweep of sadistic pleasure in watching this maimed man scream before her eyes.

  ‘I’m his brother. We own this place together,’ he said, looking at her with horror and disgust.

  ‘Where is my money?’ Ignoring his anger and questions, Scarlet focused on what she had come for. She was at ease and felt a strange calm within herself.

  This feeling of power was better than sex. Watching the frightened man before her as he held his brother’s blistered hands gave her a feeling of excitement.

  ‘Here.’ The man reached into his pocket and threw his keys at her. ‘The safe is in that room. Now take what is owed and fuck off or I will call the police as well.’

  Taking the keys, Scarlet walked back into the little cubbyhole-cum-office and spied the safe in the corner. Trying each of the three keys on the key ring in turn, she opened it and took out a huge amount of money. She wasn’t sure what the amount she was supposed to collect was, her father hadn’t said. He obviously never thought she would get it. Well, they were all wrong.

  Walking calmly back into the kitchen, she picked up a tea towel and wiped her fingerprints off the key ring. She had used the cuff of her jacket to open the safe door handle. Hearing the sirens of the ambulance, she realised now was the time to leave.

  ‘If you’d had protection, shit like this wouldn’t have happened. Don’t bother calling the police; I will scream rape. Everyone saw that sleazy bastard brother of yours slap my arse, and then trip over when I pushed him off. His hands must have gone into the fat fryer as he tried to steady himself on this greasy floor, eh? Next time, I will come with a gun and blow both of your brains out. Don’t forget, now. The name is Scarlet. Scarlet Lambrianu ... and I will be back.’ With that, she walked back into the restaurant. It was nearly empty. What had been a thriving place when she had walked in seemed almost deserted now. Obviously, the screams from the kitchen had put people off their food and they had hastily left. Only the curiosity of some had made them stay to see what was going on.

  After pushing past the paramedics as they rushed in, Scarlet walked to her car and got in. For some reason she couldn’t stop herself; she burst out laughing. She had enjoyed it. She enjoyed the power. This was just the beginning.


  Next morning, before going to the club, Scarlet went to her salon. She felt different today. There was something in the air. Each time she thought of last night a smile crossed her face. She had enjoyed hurting that man. It gave her power.

  She checked the salon appointment list, which seemed to be overflowing with famous names. She made a point of writing them down and putting an ‘S’ in the appointment template, which meant she would be doing them personally.

  Looking around the salon, she swept her fingers across the leather chairs and looked at them. Dust! There was dust on the chairs. On closer inspection, she noticed the floor had not been cleaned properly. So, while the cat’s away, she thought. This needs to be nipped in the bud, quick-smart. After putting on the coffee machine, she waited for her manageress to come in.

  ‘Hi, Scarlet. I didn’t expect to see you here so early. I thought you had things to do at the club.’ She was friendly and carefree as she waltzed in with a smile on her face, holding two pints of milk for the fridge.

  ‘I’m sure you didn’t,’ Scarlet drawled, noticing the young woman’s carefree manner.

  ‘What’s up? You don’t seem yourself today. Is something wrong?’

  ‘Too bloody right it is, lady. I come in here, there is hair on the floor, it hasn’t been washed and there is dust on the cutting chairs. This is a deluxe salon and it looks like a shithole. I want it cleaned from top to bottom. I want this place sparkling before I get back. That is what I pay you for.’ Walking up to the manageress, Scarlet grabbed her jaw. The snarl on her face frightened the life out of the manageress and brought tears to her eyes. ‘If you don’t want this job, honey, there are a million hairdressers out there who do. Sort it.’ With that, she let go and walked out, leaving a very frightened and upset manageress in her wake.

  Next, she had decided, was to visit this Angus guy. All night long, while she had listened to Dominic snoring his head off, she had been planning the day ahead. Her father seemed to think a lot of Angus. Personally, she thought he sounded like an idiot. It was time to go and see for herself.

  She introduced herself to Angus with all the sweetness and charm she could muster, and was satisfied. Angus was an oaf, but her father was right – all was in order at that side of the Thames. Angus was a tall bright-red-haired oaf, although his hair was thinning somewhat, and he had a broad Scottish accent. Being introduced to his wife was another matter. This short woman ruled Angus with a rod of iron, barking orders at him to get out her best china for such an important visitor. Looking around while Elsie barked her orders at Angus, Scarlet spotted him. He was everything she would need. He was magnificent.

  Coming in to see Angus and get his orders for the day was an almost seven-foot-tall man. He was nearly seven feet wide, too, but she could see it was all muscle. By no means was he handsome. His nose had been broken so many times it was hooked and the bone was apparent across the bridge. Her father always insisted that his male employees wore good black suits and ties and that is what he was wearing, only he looked like he had got dressed in the dark. He was unkempt and even smelt a bit. Yet there was something about him.

  His stern face never moved as he sat down at the table. Then something strange caught her eye. Although it was warm, he was wearing black leather gloves and never attempted to take them off. Angus’s wife caught her looking his way. ‘This is Knuckles, lassie. He doesn’t say much.’

  Proffering her hand to shake his and giving him her most enchanting smile, Scarlet waited for a s
mile or something in return. But nothing came. He just nodded his head in her presence.

  ‘He won’t shake your hand, love. Too many complaints. But he’s working on it.’ Elsie gave her a wink and poured the tea. Scarlet explained that she was working with Tony and felt she had to meet the man her father spoke so highly of. She watched Angus blush. So, this gentle giant was shy, was he? That was always a bonus for a flirty female to work on.

  Scarlet’s curiosity rose. What was the story behind this fearsome man, Knuckles? His very presence set your teeth on edge. ‘Well …’ She proffered her hand again. ‘There won’t be any complaints if you shake my hand, err … Knuckles, was it?’ She smiled.

  Surprised, Knuckles held out his leather-gloved hand and, to Scarlet’s surprise, the vice like grip that held her hand made her wince in pain. Doing her best not to show it, she tried pulling her own hand away. But she smiled through gritted teeth, not wanting to offend. ‘Well, thanks for the tea. I have to be going now. It was nice meeting you all.’ Mesmerized by this strange man sitting at the table, Scarlet gave him one last look and smiled. She noticed even this animal of a man seemed to blush slightly. Rubbing her hand from the fierce grip she had just encountered, she left. An idea was forming in her head.



  Walking into her father’s office, Scarlet stood in front of Tony and put the money she had taken from the restaurant safe on his desk. ‘Morning, Tony.’ Scarlet still faltered when she called her father by his name, waiting for the reprimand.

  Immaculately dressed in his grey suit and pink tie, Tony looked down at the pile of money before him. Then he looked up at Scarlet, ignoring her greeting. Nonchalantly, he looked down at the money again and moved some of it aside.

  ‘There is more there than what is owed,’ he answered, showing no pleasure in her proud moment. She wanted to show off and he knew it. He wasn’t going to rise to it.

  Scarlet’s blue eyes met Tony’s own. This wasn’t what she had expected. She had expected some kind of praise. ‘Well, the rest will go towards next month’s, won’t it. Or at least some new shoes for me. God, that place is a greasy shithole,’ she snapped. She was determined to stand her ground.

  ‘Mm. Thank you,’ was all he said as he scooped it up.

  ‘Is that all you have to say?’ she snapped. ‘Aren’t you even the least bit curious as to how I got it?’

  ‘I know how you got it, Scarlet.’ Tony’s smooth calm voice filled the air as he got up and put the money in his safe. ‘Believe me, Scarlet, I know.’ Tony had his back to her as he closed the safe. He knew his lack of interest was driving her mad. ‘That man’s fingers are stuck together. Is that what you want to hear? And you want to thank your lucky stars he is not pressing charges. But then again, he might. What you did is GBH.’

  She stuck out her chin in a stubborn way and her eyes flashed at him as he turned to face her. She was angry that he already knew. ‘I pushed him off me when he slapped my arse. Ask the other people in the kitchen. That floor is so greasy and dirty, he slipped, and when he tried to steady himself with his hands they went into the fat fryer.’

  This time Tony smiled and nodded. ‘And that’s your story and you’re sticking to it, eh, Scarlet? That would also be the reason why you held his hands in the fat fryer. Well, it wasn’t just his hands. When the burning oil flowed over it went down his legs. They have done their best at the hospital and cut his trousers off him without peeling too much of the skin away in the process.’ Tony pointed at her in a stern way. ‘Don’t ever think I don’t know what is going on, young lady. And never forget, what was given can just as easily be taken away.’

  She looked down at the floor, embarrassed. The day had started well and now she felt like a child again. ‘Is he going to the police?’ she asked.

  ‘He’s already made his statement. But it’s good you already have your own story firmly fixed in your head. You play with fire, Scarlet, then you get your fingers burnt. Or hot oil, in your case.’ Tony almost laughed at his own joke, but now was not the time for frivolity. ‘The police have been in touch. They want you to go down the station and make your own statement.’ Waving his hand towards her, indicating that she was dismissed, he picked up his pen and started writing in his ledger. ‘Go on, then. Off you go.’

  ‘Right, I will, then.’ As she turned to leave, a thought crossed her mind. If she was going to mention it, now was the time. ‘When I come out of this unscathed, and I will, I would like a favour for all my hard work,’ she snapped.

  Looking up at her again and realising she was not going to apologise or back down on this, Tony waited.

  ‘I need a driver. And I need my own wingman. You had Jake and now you have Mark.’ She stopped herself short, realising what she had said. ‘Although he is no Jake and could never take his place, I would like Knuckles,’ she blurted out.

  Tony looked at her, amazed. ‘Knuckles?’ This indeed was a revelation to his ears. ‘How on earth have you met Knuckles?’ Throwing his pen down on his desk and sitting back, a wry grin crossed his face. ‘Angus. You have been to visit Angus. Well, you have been busy. I’m impressed.’ Tony nodded and smirked at her. ‘You do know that Knuckles has been sectioned and is certified insane? One gang member cut his hand off and, to prove he didn’t care and wasn’t afraid, Knuckles shouted and screamed at them to hack the other one off, as well. Do you hear me, Scarlet? The guy is nuts!

  ‘The guys who he was fighting hacked at his other hand, but they didn’t cut it off. Then they ran for it. He was too much for them. Even though they were slicing his hand off, it was him who frightened them.’ Tony spoke to shock her, but her face never moved. ‘One of his hands is a myoelectric prosthetic thing. It’s metal or bionic or something, God knows, but he paid a lot of money and only got the best.’ Tony threw his own hands in the air in disbelief. He couldn’t believe he was having this conversation. ‘He had knuckledusters or some kind of metal plate inserted in the other one. Are you sure you want that madman driving you around?’ Tony shrugged and laughed at her. The very thought of it was incomprehensible.

  ‘So, he can drive, then? If he’s so bad, why do you let him work for you?’ She was determined to get her own way on this and the more he told her about this man, the more he intrigued her.

  ‘Oh, yes, he can drive. Automatics only, but yes. That is why he is a driver, Scarlet. And to answer your other question, I employ that emotionless nutcase because he’s brilliant at his job. I don’t deny that. But he’s as ugly as sin. He grunts and doesn’t speak. Shit, Scarlet, Knuckles didn’t evolve. He’s a fucking ape. From day one he has been in one correction school or another and he has ruled every prison he has been in, which by all accounts has been a lot.’

  Tony despaired at his daughter’s choice of driver. He had expected her to want some young, handsome man by her side, or even Dominic, not this animal of a man without fear or conscience. He was a killing machine.

  ‘We are the only family he has known. He has no feeling in those hands of his. They are merely for show. Shit! He never even bothered going back to the physio or whatever at the hospital to find out how to use them properly. That is why you never shake his hand, because he cannot judge how hard he is holding you.’ Trying hard to appease his daughter, Tony had softened his voice. She obviously had no idea what she was talking about.

  ‘Well. When I walk away from the police station a free woman, with my reputation intact …’ She smiled. ‘Can I have him as my driver?’ She was adamant she wanted this magnificent giant by her side.

  Tony looked at her. She was setting the challenge. He despaired. She was unafraid of going to the police station and giving them her story. She had done well to get his money that was owed and she hadn’t gone crying to him and begging for his help, considering how things had turned out. Secretly, he was proud of her. If she had been his son, he would be full of congratulations, but this was his daughter. Baby steps. Tony stood up and walked around the room and swept h
is hands through his golden hair then, as always, the fringe flopped forward again with a life of its own.

  There are some advantages, he argued mentally with himself, trying to weigh up the positives of Scarlet’s request. There was no need for Dominic to be jealous. Knuckles wasn’t handsome and he most certainly wasn’t a ladies’ man! Scarlet would always be safe with Knuckles by her side to protect her. He welcomed that. Against his better judgement, he pursed his lips together. ‘If you escape the police pressing charges against you and you think you can walk away from this unscathed, then yes, okay then.’ He nodded. ‘Knuckles is yours,’ he heard himself say.

  ‘I will, Papa. I don’t want a lawyer to go with me. That will only make me look guilty of something. Believe me, I have everything sorted. Thank you.’ Walking up to Tony, Scarlet kissed him on the cheek.

  ‘You will need a lawyer, Scarlet. That restaurant guy’s brother is going bonkers. I will take care of things.’

  ‘No!’ she shouted. ‘No.’ Pointing her finger at her chest in an angry fashion, her eyes flashed like sapphires. ‘I will take care of this. I am Scarlet Lambrianu and I will clean up my own messes.’ She left Tony open-mouthed as she hastily walked out the door.

  Before going to the police station Scarlet drove back to South London. A plan had already crossed her mind. It might not work, but it was worth a try. She waited outside of Angus’s to see if Knuckles was still hanging around. She had almost given up and was about to drive off when she saw him coming down the street.

  ‘Hi, it’s Knuckles, isn’t it? I’m Scarlet; we met at Angus’s place.’ Standing there, she could see he had no real recognition of her. It had only been a few hours but he seemed to have already let it disappear from his mind. Damn it! ‘Well, I won’t shake your hand this time.’ She laughed, and suddenly she saw the recognition spark in his eyes. Thank God for that. The lightbulb had turned on and he nodded. He was about to walk on when she stopped him again. There was no playing games with Knuckles, she realised, you had to get straight to the point to let it sink into his brain.


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