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Dirty Dealings

Page 31

by Gillian Godden

  ‘I’m looking for a driver. I don’t suppose you would consider it, would you?’ The confused expression confirmed her suspicions. He had always been given orders, he had never been asked.

  The nonchalant shrug he gave didn’t give her much encouragement. Here was her moment and she was going to grab it with both hands. ‘Well, if all goes well when I make my statement at the police station after what that horrible man did to me and all the lies he is saying about me, I will need a driver, and I thought you might like to do it. You’re so big and strong, you could protect me from men like that.’ Squeezing a tear from her eye for good measure, Scarlet waited, but there was nothing … oh, well, it had been worth a try. Now it was time to make her way to the police station.

  ‘Why you going to cop shop?’ He narrowed his eyes at her and she could see he was interested. That had been the hook to catch the fish.

  Wiping a supposed tear from her eye, Scarlet told him her version of the story and then dropped the bombshell of what hospital James was in.

  ‘What about your dad?’ His conversation was short, but she could see she was getting through to him. This helpless female act was working its way into his brain.

  ‘That’s why I’m going to the police station. He wants me to tell them the truth about what happened. Though God knows what lies that man is saying about me,’ she half sobbed. ‘Oh, well, nice meeting you again. Bye.’ Scarlet smiled; she had said her piece and now was the time to leave. It was a gamble but anything was worth a try, given the predicament she was in, and she could see he was interested.

  After being interrogated and making her statement to the police Scarlet wasn’t sure If they believed her or not. They hadn’t pressed charges – yet – but she felt the knock at the door was imminent. The fact that she hadn’t gone with a lawyer had confused them. They had expected her to waltz in with one of her father’s expensive lawyers, but she had gone alone.


  James, the restauranteur, lay in the burns unit. His hands were in plastic bags to keep them from infection. He was sedated, but he opened his eyes when he sensed someone come into his room.

  Knuckles stood there eating an ice lolly, totally oblivious to the situation. ‘You telling lies about Miss Scarlet, trying to get her into trouble.’

  James shook his head. His body was wracked with pain. ‘That bitch did this to me and she is going to pay for it.’ His words were laboured, in his dazed state.

  ‘No, she’s not. You’re a pervert and she a young girl.’ There was no emotion in Knuckles’ words. ‘Time to eat your words and say no more.’

  James’s eyes widened with fear. Suddenly he was awake from his dazed state and watched this giant lean forward and grab his jaw. The pain in his jaw was worse than the pain in his hands. He was helpless, he couldn’t fight him off, his hands were so badly burnt and blistered. Knuckles shoved two fingers down his throat, making him gag. Having no feeling in his hands, Knuckles wasn’t sure how hard he pushed, but he could see the man was choking and about to vomit so he took his hand away, leaving James gasping for breath and spewing all over the bed sheet and down his face.

  ‘Change your statement or I will be back and maybe I will slap your wife’s arse.’ His low threatening voice echoed in James’s ears. He nodded as best he could. Satisfied, Knuckles took another lick of his ice lolly, which he’d held in his mouth momentarily. Paying no attention to James’s distress, Knuckles walked out of the room. On his way out he saw a nurse. ‘You better go in, he’s been sick,’ was all he said, then he left.


  Scarlet had gone back to the salon. She’d been like a cat on hot bricks all day. Her heart sank when she saw two policemen come through the door and they asked to speak to her in private.

  Her hands felt clammy and she was nervous. She wished now she had taken a lawyer with her. However, as they spoke, she realised her plan had worked. Knuckles had come up trumps. Relief spread through her as the police informed her there were no charges. James had told them he had made the whole thing up because he didn’t want his wife to know what he’d done. He’d confessed everything and took all the blame. She was off the hook!

  An hour after they had left, Scarlet was in the back room when one of the stylists walked through. ‘There is a brick wall with a suit on in the shop asking for you, Scarlet.’

  Puzzled, she followed her out and there was Knuckles. He had come to claim his prize as her driver. ‘Knuckles, how lovely to see you,’ she said. She smiled and greeted him like an old friend.

  Ignoring her greeting, he got straight to the point. ‘When do I start, Miss Scarlet?’

  ‘You start being my driver, Knuckles, when I have cut and styled your hair; then we will go shopping and buy you a new suit, one fitting for my driver.’ Linking her arm through his, she led him to one of the basins to wash his hair. She could see everyone grimacing as Knuckles tried his best to squeeze himself into the chair.

  Standing behind him, spraying his hair with warm water and massaging the shampoo in, a big smile crossed Scarlet’s face. This was the beginning of a wonderful relationship.



  ‘Sorry to come and see you on a night like this, Mr Lambrianu. I didn’t know you were having a party.’ Norman stood in front of Tony’s desk. He had done a lot of business with Tony over the years and it was more than worth what he had paid. Business with Tony was very lucrative.

  ‘I have another four black cabs now, Mr Lambrianu, and they will all want parking spaces. So ... how much do you want?’ He was friendly and jovial. There was no ill will between him and Tony. Money exchanged hands and his fares were guaranteed.

  ‘As it’s you, Norman, the usual for each cab. I will lengthen the taxi rank at the front for you, as always. Good luck.’ Standing up, Tony reached out and shook his hand. ‘Come and have an orange juice. It’s my daughter’s leaving party. She and her husband are going to live in Italy.’

  Black cabs always parked outside of the club in the hope of picking someone up. It was a good opportunity. Norman had approached Tony many years ago. His business proposal was simple. He wanted to always be at the front of the rank and, now they had radios and texting apps, Tony always contacted Norman when a taxi was needed.

  It had been a good proposal and it had worked. Slowly, over time, Norman had bought another cab and then another. Tony had set up his own rank outside and the bouncers were immediately to walk a customer to one of Norman’s cabs, irrespective of who had been waiting in line first.

  ‘Thank you, Mr Lambrianu. Don’t mind if I do.’ Norman followed Tony’s lead into the club. It was buzzing. ‘Could be a good night for me and my cabs tonight.’ Norman rubbed his hands together and laughed.

  ‘Give Norman what he wants to drink,’ Tony shouted across the bar. Looking around the room while waiting for the barmaid to hand Norman his drink Tony spotted his family. Soon Katie would be leaving the fold. It was what she wanted and he was willing to go along with it, but he was sad to see her go.

  ‘Phew! I hope she wants a taxi tonight.’ Norman nodded in the direction of one of the booths. ‘She’s a good tipper. Remember her well, I do.’

  Tony followed his gaze and looked across to where Norman was looking. All he could see was Julie, Scarlet, Francesca and Katie.

  ‘They rarely use cabs, Norman. I thought they were all chauffeur-driven. Are you sure you have the right women?’ Picking up his own glass of whisky, Tony looked across at the four of them again.

  ‘Too right I am. That one there,’ Norman indicated again,’ she gave me a fifty quid tip. You don’t forget that in a hurry, Mr Lambrianu. Never seen her since, not until tonight.’

  Tony couldn’t help his curiosity. Why would a member of his family give a fifty-pound tip to a cabbie? Why hadn’t they just called for one of the cars to pick them up?

  ‘When was that? You see, I know those women and they all have chauffeurs when they are out and about. They drive themselves occasion
ally, but I have never known them use a black cab … no offence, Norman.’ Minding his manners and not wanting to offend, Tony held up his hands and smiled.

  ‘No offence, Mr Lambrianu, but it was definitely that one there. God, was she in a hurry on the South Bank that night.’

  ‘The South Bank? You picked her up on the South Bank? Are you sure?’ Stunned, Tony turned to look at them again. He couldn’t believe his ears. ‘When was that? Can you remember?’

  Scratching his head and rolling his eyes up at the ceiling, Norman pondered the question. ‘Oh, sorry, Mr Lambrianu. I just remembered, it was that night Mr Jake ... well, you know. The night he died.’ Embarrassed and realising he had brought up the night of Jake’s tragic death, Norman could have bitten off his tongue.

  ‘Who else have you mentioned this to, Norman? A hefty tip like that deserves a lot of boasting.’ He was laughing and trying to make a joke of it, but Tony felt sick inside. He was stunned.

  ‘Mentioned what to who?’ Norman shrugged. He obviously had no idea what he was saying. ‘I picked up a woman on the South Bank and she heavily tipped me. Half the guys on the rank tell lies about the famous people they have met and how much they got. It’s a load of bollocks, usually. It was my guess she’d had some argument with some fella, the hurry she was in.’

  Finishing his drink, Norman shook Tony’s hand again and left. It was such an innocent conversation. Norman had no idea what he had just said. Tony’s mind was in overdrive as he walked over to join the four women in question.

  It was dark in the club and the possibility of Norman being mistaken was a possibility, but he’d seemed damn sure!

  ‘How are my favourite ladies enjoying themselves?’ Tony was all smiles and charm as he looked at the four women around him. But this time he looked at them differently. One of these women had killed Sharon. And they had also let Jake die. What is it they say? Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Well, one of these women had watched Jake walk to his death. They had mourned him and gone to his funeral. They knew he had tortured himself, wondering what had happened to Jake that night, and yet they had said nothing.

  His mind was spinning and he didn’t know what to say. His mouth felt dry, although he could feel the bile rising in his throat. He wanted to shout and ask all the questions that had gone through his mind about that night. But he didn’t. He wanted to gather his thoughts first.

  Francesca linked her arm through his and smiled, then frowned as she looked at Tony’s ashen face. ‘Are you okay, love?’ she said.

  ‘I’m fine, Francesca. It’s just hot in here. I think I’ll just pop out the back for some air.’

  ‘Do you want me to come with you? You don’t look well at all.’ Concerned, Francesca stroked his face and moved to walk with him.

  ‘No, you stay here.’ Unwinding her arm from his, he gave a faint smile. ‘I’ll just be a minute.’ Desperate to get away, Tony walked on. He could feel the beads of sweat on his brow. His head was swimming. He needed to compose himself.


  ‘Tony, come back to bed. What’s wrong? I know Katie is leaving the nest but I thought you were okay with it.’ Standing in the kitchen, Francesca put her arm on Tony’s shoulder. Since they had got back from the party he had been quiet. Then he had tossed and turned in bed until he had eventually sneaked out the room in the darkness and gone downstairs. After waiting a while for his return, she had got up. She knew Katie leaving seemed like the end of an era. But kids grow up. They move on.

  ‘I just can’t sleep, love. You go back to bed.’ Tony reached out and kissed her hand, then sipped his whisky and just stared at the walls.

  ‘No. What is it? Is there more trouble? The last time you were troubled it was all that casino business and Sharon. Is there anything I should know about tonight?’ Wrapping her dressing gown around her and sitting at the table, Francesca waited for the worst.

  ‘No, that’s all over and done with now. I have just been thinking about Jake. He would have loved tonight. I still can’t believe he has gone. It’s still on my mind, who killed Sharon and left them both there in an alley to be found by strangers. No one seems to know anything about it. Even the police have given up on it. It’s all very strange.’ Tony looked up at Francesca. Did she know anything?

  Looking at him blankly, Francesca shrugged. ‘That is a mystery, Tony. There is no point in torturing yourself about it. We will never know how or why it happened.’ She looked genuinely sad. He realised there and then she knew absolutely nothing about it.

  ‘What about Julie?’ He pushed a little further. Maybe Julie had said something that had seemed irrelevant at the time but now meant something.

  Surprised, Francesca sat back. ‘You don’t think Julie had anything to do with it? She was as shocked as the rest of us. Anyway, you know Julie, she was never one to shirk from the truth. She would have admitted it. Told you point blank. No, I guess Julie missed her chance there and regrets it.’ A wry smile crossed her face at Tony’s absurd thinking.

  ‘Yes, you’re right,’ he had to admit. Julie would have shouted it from the rooftops. She wouldn’t have given a damn and she wouldn’t have let him wallow the way he had. She would have finished it there and then. Please or offend. There were only two other people stood in that group when Norman nodded in their direction. Scarlet and Katie. The very idea of either of his daughters killing someone in cold blood disturbed him.

  What should I do? he pondered to himself. What on earth was he supposed to do? He needed to know and the only way to do that was to confront them both. For the first time in his life he was frightened. What if Norman had made a mistake? That would mean he would be accusing his daughters of murder without good reason. It could cause a real rift in the family. He could lose them forever. Damn it! He wished he had never had that conversation with Norman.

  ‘I will leave you to your thoughts, honey. Come up when you’re ready.’ Tony was so wrapped up in his own thoughts he never heard her leave the room.


  ‘Come on, everyone, wave them off.’ Francesca hugged her daughter again. Tears rolled down her face. Her baby was leaving them.

  ‘Mum, it’s a couple of hours on a plane. You have done it millions of times. Be honest, it’s taken us longer to cross from one side of London to the other, in traffic,’ laughed Katie.

  ‘Yes, I know, love, but I don’t like the idea of you being on your own. Especially in your condition.’

  ‘I’m not alone, Mum. I have Christopher, Rosanna and the Internet.’

  ‘Your father said he would come home early, I don’t know where he has got to.’ Worried and upset, Francesca looked towards Julie and Elle.

  ‘Simple, Fran. He has said his goodbyes and doesn’t want us all to see him bubbling. Come on, let the girl go, she has a plane to catch.’ As usual Julie was very matter-of-fact, even though deep down she was sorry to see Katie go.

  ‘Right, no more goodbyes. I want no one at the airport, this is hard enough as it is.’ Katie got into the car and watched as they all waved her off with tears in their eyes.

  ‘Come on, Christopher let’s start our new life.’ Squeezing his hand, she turned and took one last look at her family home and all the wonderful memories it held.


  ‘I thought you would have gone to see Katie off. She leaves soon, doesn’t she?’ Ralph looked at his watch; he was surprised to see Tony in his office. This wasn’t the time for work. This was family time.

  ‘We have said all we have to, Ralph. I don’t like long goodbyes. We will visit her soon enough, it’s just a bit raw, eh?’ A lump rose in his throat. This is exactly what he didn’t want to happen. ‘She’s just a kid, Ralph. What does she know about life? I won’t be there when she needs me.’ Feeling slightly embarrassed, Tony looked down at his books, avoiding Ralph’s eyes.

  ‘You underestimate her, son. That Katie and Scarlet both are as hard as nails. Both of them are good businesswomen and have their heads firmly screwed on. You
and Francesca have brought them up well. Scarlet’s seeing them off. No doubt they have things to talk about. Last minute confessions, probably.’ Ralph laughed out loud.

  ‘I think I know who killed Sharon, Ralph. Would you believe me if I said it was one of my own daughters?’ There, Tony had said it out loud, and to the only person he knew he could say it to. He rubbed his chin and looked at Ralph for answers.

  Ralph put his drink down on the desk. There was a silent pause between them as they exchanged glances. ‘Do you have anything to back that up, Tony? That’s a strong accusation.’

  ‘Call it gut instinct, Ralph, but I know one of them did. I’m sure of it.’ Ralph’s response confirmed Tony’s suspicions; Ralph Gold knew nothing about it. He wouldn’t let the girls take the blame if he was behind it. This was his last stab at the truth.

  ‘Well, son, you have a choice. You either let it haunt you for the rest of your life or you go to the airport now. This is going to be one of the very few chances you have of getting the pair of them on their own, without any other family members around. Sharon got what she deserved, no matter who did it.’ Ralph’s face sneered and his eyes filled with hate at the thought of Sharon. ‘But don’t let this come between you, Tony. Find out the truth. This may be the last proper chance you get.’

  Realising Ralph was right, Tony stood up and grabbed his jacket. ‘You’re right, Ralph, I have to go. I won’t be long.’

  Running through the airport packed with people and suitcases, Tony’s heart was pounding. He was looking up and scanning the monitors to see what check-in they would be at, pushing people out of the way as he did. Then he saw them: Katie, Scarlet and Christopher were standing together having a coffee.

  Out of breath and panting, Tony stopped.

  ‘Dad! What are you doing here?’ Katie smiled and walked towards him.

  Still winded, Tony looked past Katie. His face was flushed, but he knew it was now or never. He pointed at Scarlet. ‘It was you, wasn’t it? You killed Sharon,’ he blurted out. Scarlet had become cold and calculating. Why hadn’t he seen it before? This was one of the reasons Katie was leaving. She couldn’t keep Scarlet’s secret anymore. ‘You’re driving your sister away. Tell me. Tell me now!’ All his emotions came pouring out. He was angry and frustrated.


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