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Dirty Dealings

Page 37

by Gillian Godden

  On the day of the funeral, she smiled to herself. The procession of people paying their last respects was long and just what Ralph had wanted. He hadn’t wanted to slip into obscurity. His hearse was a vintage Rolls Royce, his favourite. The pavements were full of people waving at the car, it was manic. Although at the churchyard, looking around, she secretly smiled to herself. There weren’t half as many women as there had been at Tony’s funeral!

  As promised, she had sent any recordings she had of the judge to his house. He had done his job well. After the police had searched the courtroom and his clerk had put his files on the desk, he had gone in and put the gun that had been delivered to his hotel room under the chair.

  There had been police milling around the place, but no one had paid any attention to him. He was the judge and above all suspicion. It had surprised him just how easy it had been. The chair had already been placed in the witness box for Ralph, it was just a matter of discreetly pushing the gun with the tape attached to it underneath. He hoped the tape would hold it firmly in place. But then, if it didn’t, it wasn’t his problem. He had done his bit.

  The police knew it had to be an inside job. How else would a gun get under the chair? The problem here was that Ralph knew and had befriended so many police commissioners and detectives that a thorough investigation could open up a can of worms, and nobody wanted that. He had given money to their charities and invited them to his parties. They all had secrets they didn’t want uncovered. Thankfully, they had all argued the case that no civilians were hurt apart from the accused. And, since Ralph was now dead and couldn’t be arrested, it had been swept under the carpet, just as Ralph had predicted.

  The judge hadn’t been checked or scanned. He had waltzed in there as free as a bird. The very fact that Ralph had pointed the gun at him cleared him of all suspicion. His own life had been at risk. He, too, had been on the end of Ralph’s wrath. Nothing would be said by him. Apart from the recordings, he was up to his neck in it.


  ‘I’ve been thinking, Julie, why don’t you move in with me?’ Francesca couldn’t see the point of Julie living alone in that big mansion of hers. She spent most of her time around her house, anyway. It seemed only right they should live together. They both needed support.

  ‘That’s not a bad idea, Fran. The gangland widows unite, eh? I could sell up, or give the house to Diana and Josh to do as they please with. I suppose it would make sense. Although,’ Julie paused and gave her a naughty wink, ‘what if I meet a young man and become a cougar in my old age?’

  ‘We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.’ Francesca laughed. Even at a time like this Julie hadn’t lost her sense of humour. There were lessons to be learnt here. Julie was just as much a widow as herself; it was time to get on with life.



  ‘You’re getting fat.’ Filling the doorway of Scarlet’s office, Knuckles sucked on his lolly and stated the obvious.

  ‘No, I’m not getting fat, Knuckles. I’m having a baby!’ Scarlet threw her hands up in the air and looked across at Mark. ‘You were saying, Mark. So, we have some new kids on the block who think just because I am a woman they can do without our protection. Is that right?’

  ‘In short, Scarlet, yes. They have only just bought that store in Whitechapel, Open 24 Hours, or something. They are making a noise and badmouthing you. Do you want me to send a couple of the boys around?’

  Pausing and taking in what Mark was telling her, Scarlet shook her head. ‘No. If they are badmouthing me or my name, I will go.’

  ‘You’re six months pregnant, Scarlet! You can’t go. What if they get rough?’ Mark had been amazed by her spirit these last few years, but even he thought this was a recipe for disaster.

  ‘Get my coat, Knuckles, we’re going out.’ Scarlet stood up, her obvious pregnancy before her.

  ‘Scarlet! You can’t do this. Let me send the boys around.’ Mark was desperate to make her see sense. But she stood there while Knuckles put her mink coat over her shoulders.

  Watching Knuckles make his way to the car, Mark stopped Scarlet. ‘I’m glad we’ve had this chance to meet again, Scarlet. I’ve been meaning to have a word with you.’ His voice was low. He didn’t want Knuckles hearing his conversation.

  ‘What? You mean since Aunty Julie jumped on board and stole you as her driver?’ Scarlet laughed.

  Mark looked down a little sheepishly. ‘Well, after your dad died and you didn’t need a driver, I didn’t know what to do. Julie needed a driver.’

  ‘I know, Mark. It was hard for you after Papa died. You were very close and had been through a lot together. He thought very highly of you.’ Sympathetically, Scarlet squeezed his arm. Everyone seemed at a loss when Tony died and losing Ralph as well seemed to throw everyone into a panic. Everyone had lost their way. And, like sheep, they needed someone to follow. Scarlet had worked hard convincing everyone that everything would remain the same as before. And it had.

  ‘I didn’t feel I could stay, Scarlet. Well, not after Dominic left you the way he did. I couldn’t believe he would cheat on you like that. I’m so sorry, Scarlet. Thank God your father wasn’t alive when he left. He would have strung him up by the balls.’

  ‘It wasn’t all his fault. We just wanted different things and there was so much to do. I couldn’t walk away from it all and play happy families. Dominic just couldn’t understand why. No. He’s happy now and that’s what matters. Maybe we were too young and Papa was right after all.’

  ‘These guys you’re going to see, in your condition, Scarlet. They will put up a fight, you know that. I think the boys should go.’ Mark was worried. It didn’t seem right that a pregnant woman should go and face her enemies.

  ‘I am in charge here, Mark. And if there is trouble in the camp, it’s my job to go and sort it out and let them know who is the boss lady.’

  ‘You remind me so much of Tony. That is, without the bump.’ Mark laughed. Scarlet showed no fear. She was ruthless. Behind her back they called her the ‘Ice Queen’, although she probably knew it.

  ‘Just out of curiosity, Scarlet. I know that’s not my grandchild. It’s been a couple of years since you and Dominic divorced. And I haven’t heard you have a boyfriend. So, who is the lucky guy?’

  Everyone seemed curious about this. There was no man on the scene and Scarlet kept her business very close to her chest.

  ‘Have you never heard of the Virgin Mary, Mark? Anyway, what about you and Julie? Word is that you’re more of a companion than a driver.’ Seeing him blush slightly, Scarlet felt she had said enough. Mark was a good man and at one time had been her father-in-law. It was good to know they could still be friends. ‘Thanks for the tip-off, Mark. I have to go, Knuckles is waiting.’ Scarlet had started to walk away when she stopped and turned back to him. ‘It’s good to know that you’re still loyal to the Lambrianu firm. Thank you.’ After kissing him on the cheek, she walked away.

  ‘Right, Knuckles,’ she said, when she was in the car, ‘I have a plan and I’ll tell you about it on the way. Let’s go and see these hard men, shall we?’ Knuckles pulled away and she gave him her instructions as he drove through the streets.

  It was early evening and most of the shops around this 24/7 store were closed. This fitted in nicely with Scarlet’s plans. The fewer witnesses, the better. Walking in, she turned the sign on the door around to ‘Closed’.

  ‘Are you the owner?’ Scarlet was all smiles and charm. ‘My name is Scarlet Lambrianu and I believe you’re having trouble paying your protection money.’ Putting her finger to her chin and looking up to the ceiling, as though deep in thought, she carried on. ‘Oh, yes. That’s right. You don’t need protection from a silly pregnant woman, do you?’

  ‘Get out, missus, and turn my fucking sign around. Leave while you can.’ The owner turned to shout through the back room. ‘Come and see this. It’s that Lambrianu witch coming to threaten us, with a bun in the oven.’ He was laugh
ing and mocking her, but still she remained calm. Over the years she had faced many situations like this and they made her smile. All these owners started out with bravado and insults and they all said the same things. ‘Just what the fuck are you going to do?’

  ‘Me?’ Scarlet looked shocked. ‘I’m not going to do anything. As you say, I’m a pregnant woman. What could I possibly do?’ Turning around and noticing a little stool which she presumed they used to stand on to get to the high shelves, she sat down. ‘But he will, darling.’

  The owner turned around and his face turned ashen as he stared at Knuckles, who stood in the doorway behind him. His eyes seemed to go up and up as he took in the bulk of him.

  ‘Mick!’ the owner shouted out. ‘Get through here.’

  ‘He can’t. He’s unconscious. He’s breathing, though.’ Knuckles seemed pleased that he had done it right, just as Scarlet had instructed him, and had not killed the man.

  Opening her handbag, Scarlet took out her nail file and started filing her nails. ‘Show him what happens when your store isn’t protected from thugs and burglars, Knuckles.’ She was wearing her well-practiced bored face.

  ‘I’ll call the police. Get out or I will call the police.’ The once brave owner had suddenly become a quivering mess. He was frightened. He became hysterical when he saw Knuckles sweep everything off his shelves on to the floor and take his lighter out.

  ‘I pay the police, love,’ said Scarlet. ‘Believe me, they will drive very slowly to get here. And by the time they do, everything will be burnt to a crisp. Including you.’ Her voice became more threatening. ‘Now. Do you need protection from an overweight pregnant woman or not?’

  ‘Please don’t do this. This is everything I have.’ Unable to take his eyes off Knuckles as he set fire to the newspapers and magazines on the shelf, he started to plead. ‘Please don’t. Yes. Yes, I need your protection.’

  ‘Open the till, honey. Let’s see what’s in there.’ Scarlet watched as the owner opened the till. It didn’t have much in it. After all, most people paid by card these days. ‘I will take that on account and the boys will be around in a couple of days for the rest. Or would you like me to send Knuckles back? Now. Are we going to be friends or are you going to carry on badmouthing me?’ said Scarlet.

  The owner was jumping up and down trying to stamp out the fire. Looking in the far corner, where the fire was starting to take hold, Scarlet decided it was time to leave. It was beginning to get smoky and bits of burning newspaper were floating through the air, while the owner made it worse by hopping around on it.

  After opening her handbag, Scarlet took out her gun. ‘Just in case you think I need protection and someone to fight my battles, I don’t. You wouldn’t be the first shop owner to have a bullet in him. It’s common practice around here. That, or knives. Come on, Knuckles, let’s go.’ The shop owner was hypnotised by the gun Scarlet held. Reaching over and tapping him on the shoulder, she whispered in his ear, ‘If I were you, I wouldn’t just stand there. I would get my fire extinguisher. Or ring the fire brigade.’ With that, she turned the sign around on the shop door. ‘See you soon. Come on, Knuckles.’ Scarlet left, shutting the door behind her, leaving the smoky burning shop.

  Getting in the car, she started to cough. She had inhaled some of the smoke; she opened the car window. ‘I did see what you did, you know. For God’s sake, Knuckles, was it really necessary to steal a bar of chocolate as well?’

  ‘I like chocolate.’ Knuckles opened the wrapper and proceeded to eat his ill-gotten gains as he drove off.

  ‘Knuckles.’ A thought crossed Scarlet’s mind. She had been thinking about it for some time. ‘Do you remember what happened at Christmas when you stayed at my mum’s?’ It seemed like a lifetime ago. After her disastrous marriage to Dominic, the very last post she got on Christmas Eve was her decree absolute; she’d known it was coming, but seeing confirmation her marriage had ended in black and white saddened her.

  She had gone through the motions on Christmas day at her mum’s, laughing and joking, filling the house with Christmas spirit. But during the night she had wanted to feel needed. She felt drained, worn out from being strong Scarlet. She had gone to Knuckles’ bedroom, across the landing, and was surprised that he was still awake. He had pulled up the duvet and, without a word spoken between them, she had got in beside him and welcomed the warmth of those big arms enveloping her.

  Of course, one thing had led to another. She had been surprised that for such a big man, Knuckles had been a gentle, caring lover. Shy, even. She left early in the morning, before her mum and Julie got up, and went back to her own bedroom. Knuckles had never mentioned that night, it was like it had never happened, and he had never tried repeating it.

  A few months later, when she realised that Knuckles’ little tadpoles had swum past her contraceptive pill and found a home, she had accepted her fate. No, she wasn’t going to terminate it. It was meant to be and her biological clock was ticking. Everyone was speculating on who the father could be. Being the hostess with the mostess at the clubs, and dancing and flirting around with the customers, caused a lot of curiosity. Not once did they presume it could be Knuckles. He was always at her side and sometimes seemed to be invisible to others.

  He now joined her for the Sunday dinners and Christmases at her mum’s, much to Julie’s disgust at how much food he ate. He looked a lot smarter these days. His made-to-measure suits and his hair, which was always washed and styled, had given him a new lease of life. Knuckles’ voice brought her back to reality.

  ‘Yes. It was nice, Miss Scarlet.’

  Scarlet hadn’t expected fireworks from Knuckles but this was an understatement. A little more enthusiasm would have been appreciated.

  ‘Well, just so you know, this baby of mine is the product of that night. It’s my baby and I don’t expect anything from you. I just thought you should know the truth.’ There, she had said it. Expecting some kind of response, Scarlet sat in the back of the Rolls Royce, staring at the back of his head, waiting.

  ‘Okay,’ was all he said, and he nodded.

  A couple of days later, Knuckles walked into her office pushing a pram. It was a grey, deluxe model. Absolutely beautiful. Definitely neutral and something she would have chosen herself.

  ‘What’s this, Knuckles? You took to babysitting now?’

  ‘It’s for that.’ Knuckles nodded to her stomach as she sat at her desk.

  ‘You bought me a pram, Knuckles?’ A smile crossed her face as she stood up to admire it, until she saw Knuckles lower his head in a sheepish fashion and blush slightly.

  ‘You stole it, didn’t you? How the hell did you walk out of shop with a pram and nobody noticed?’ This beggared belief.

  ‘Practice, Miss Scarlet. Got this as well. I’ve been practicing.’ Leaning forward, Knuckles took a baby-sized doll out of the pram.

  ‘Practicing? Practicing what?’ Baffled, Scarlet stood there stunned. She was still wondering how he had walked out of a shop with a pram.

  ‘Holding it.’ Knuckles put the baby in his arms and promptly showed her how to cradle the baby.

  Looking at this laughable sight, Scarlet had to bite her bottom lip. Then she frowned. She noticed something peculiar about the doll. ‘Knuckles, it’s only got one arm. Surely if you can walk out of a shop with a pram, you could pinch a better doll than that.’

  Again, that sheepish look crossed his face and he looked down at the floor. ‘It fell off. Squeezed it too tight.’

  For a fleeting moment Scarlet thought about Tony and Jake. They would have laughed their heads off at this revelation. She almost felt like bursting out laughing herself, but she realised it was a serious moment and it had meant a lot to Knuckles.

  ‘Well, Knuckles. You have a few months yet. Maybe you just need a little more practice.’ She squeezed his arm and smiled to show her appreciation.

  Knuckles seemed satisfied with that. He put the doll back in the pram and carried on as normal. ‘I’d better go and b
eat that bloke up who owes you money, at the pub.’ With that, he left the office.

  A warm feeling filled Scarlet as she watched him leave and a smile crossed her face. Putting her hands on the pram handle, she felt content. There were no jealous outbursts. No tantrums and no demands, like there had been with Dominic. Knuckles was doing his best to support her in the only way he knew. And for now, that was more than good enough.



  ‘Happy Birthday to you!’ Everyone burst into song around the dining table. Today was Adam’s eighteen birthday. Time had moved on and a lot had happened in the last few years.

  ‘Elle would have loved this, Julie.’ Francesca couldn’t help feeling sad, although it was a happy day.

  ‘I know, love, but she’d had a good innings and, by God, what a life she lived, she could have written a book. I think the turning point was when Albert died. Let’s face it, Fran, she lost both her sons and then her husband. She just didn’t want to go on. She loved those boys of hers and protected and lied for them all her life. She knew a lot more about their dirty dealings than she cracked on.’

  The whole house seemed empty without Elle, but Julie was right, she was in her nineties and she had gone peacefully in her sleep.

  ‘Scarlet’s bought him a car for his birthday, you know. There is no competing with that.’ Francesca looked at her presents for Adam. The one thing she really wanted to give him was Tony’s vintage Rolex. She hoped that would mean a lot to him. Julie, in her unique fashion, had bought him socks and underpants!

  ‘Well, what the hell does he need? He’s got money. He is forever back and forth to Italy on his holidays. I’ve gone for the things everyone would forget.’

  ‘Very true.’

  ‘For God’s sake, Fran, I got bugger all for my eighteenth. Did you get a car for your birthday?’

  Francesca laughed. ‘I don’t even remember mine. As for Adam, Katie paid for all the driving lessons and the boys took him on a wild weekend in Amsterdam. I don’t even want to think about what might have gone on.’ Some of the things they had got up to had slipped out, and none of it was for the faint-hearted.


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