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Dirty Dealings

Page 38

by Gillian Godden

  ‘Come on, Adam, cut the cake, Teddy is gagging for some,’ shouted Scarlet above all the singing and laughter.

  ‘Bloody Teddy! What a fucking name! Can’t that idiot say her name? Has it got too many vowels for his brain?’ Julie couldn’t help having a dig at Knuckles. It seemed he had taken Tony’s place when it came to her sarcastic digs. The only problem was he didn’t rise to it and so it wasn’t as much fun.

  Scarlet had given birth to twins, only this time it was a boy and a girl. As Katie had called her son Antonias, Scarlet had called her son Jake. The brothers re-united. The most unusual thing was that Scarlet had called her daughter Annette, after Tony’s mother, saying that she felt Tony’s mum deserved a second chance and Tony would have liked it.

  Knuckles had decided that Annette looked like a little cuddly teddy bear and had called her that. Weirdly, it had stuck, and so everyone called her Teddy now.

  ‘You can call her whatever you like, Julie,’ exclaimed Scarlet. ‘Although, it is nice. And now people do call her it, it seems her initials are TL, just like Papa’s. Anyway, isn’t Mark coming to the party?’ Scarlet had found her own way of getting Julie back for her sarcasm.

  ‘Why should he?’ Jumping to the defensive, Julie gave her an icy stare. ‘He’s my driver, Scarlet. Mind your own business.’

  ‘Really, Julie? Since when did you need a driver in the middle of the night?’

  ‘Don’t push it, Scarlet. Better people than you have tried to get one over on me and failed miserably. I have been a widow for years. Now and again it’s nice to have a plus one and a little male companionship. Just like you and Shrek. Anyway. Did you ever find out who was the father of your kids?’

  ‘Stop it, both of you. Not today. And definitely not in front of the children.’ Francesca felt it was time to referee between them again.

  ‘Well, I’m not fucking stupid! Twins. One white blonde and the other one with black hair, just like their dad.’ Julie dripped sarcasm and gave a contented grin.

  ‘You can bring Mark here, you know, Julie. This is your home now and has been for years,’ Francesca whispered in Julie’s ear. She knew Julie was in denial and didn’t want anyone to know that she had become close to Mark. It was also obvious to Francesca she felt a little guilty about it. ‘Ralph would be pleased that you had some company. Come on, let’s join the others.’

  ‘Well, if he thinks he is going to be Mr Gold he is very much mistaken. There was only one and there will never be another,’ pouted Julie in defiance. Although she knew Mark wasn’t like that. It wasn’t a regular thing. Just now and again, they had a drink or a meal together and it had been nice to have a little male company. If and when they spent the night together, Julie always booked a hotel. She didn’t want to take him home to Francesca’s or go to Mark’s house. She felt that was too personal. She was battling with her own demons and she knew deep down Mark was hurt by it. He continued to play the role of the chauffeur and gave all the proper respect that was due. Sometimes Julie even felt sorry for him, especially when he had called her ‘Julie’ in public without thinking and she had bitten his head off and told him to remember his place.

  ‘You know Mark doesn’t think like that, Julie, love. And you’re used to people gossiping about you. You’d be disappointed if they didn’t.’

  ‘Well, you have never moved on, Francesca. It’s been just as long for you.’ There was sadness in both of their eyes when they spoke of their husbands. It seemed time wasn’t a great healer. It just numbed the pain somewhat.

  ‘Were not talking about me, Julie.’ Francesca reached over and took out some headache tablets and put them in her mouth.

  ‘Are you still getting those headaches?’ Julie was concerned. Either Francesca was addicted to the pills or she seemed to have a permanent headache these days.

  ‘Yes, just now and again. It comes and goes. Just aches and pains. None of us are getting any younger.’

  ‘Well, I am making you a doctor’s appointment for next week. It’s been going on too long.’

  ‘I’m fine, Julie. Now. Let’s join the others and celebrate my little boy’s birthday, eh?’

  ‘You okay, Mum?’ Katie stood beside Francesca. ‘Is everything okay?’ Her concern was touching. They all constantly made journeys back and forth to Italy. Sometimes if felt like she had never left home.

  It was a lovely sight to see Katie’s son, Antonias, with his blonde hair and blue eyes, running around the vineyard, playing. Francesca wished Tony could have seen him. But, on the other hand, she decided it would have probably made him sad. Little Antonias was living the life that he should have led, without a care in the world and with a loving family.

  Christopher had been as good as his word and moved Lambrianu Vineyards forward, making it even more successful. Scarlet was more than established in running the organisation and had gained the respect and admiration of her employees. She even had Adam working for her.

  Poor mite. She made him work in the kitchens, behind the bar and on the doors, claiming that he needed to know every aspect of how the club worked. And now he was facing his biggest challenge.

  When he had first seen the strippers at the club, like any young man he had been gobsmacked. All those beautiful women, scantily dressed. He had been flattered and made to feel important when they had made a fuss of him.

  Scarlet knew that he had sampled a few of them and she had accepted that. He was a very handsome young man. And so she had encouraged his flirtations. That had been her plan. She had once heard a story about a young boy who had been caught smoking by his father, and as a punishment his father had given him a packet of cigarettes and made him smoke one after the other. This had made his young son very sick and he had never smoked again.

  This was Scarlet’s plan. Being surrounded by the strippers on a daily basis would soon lose its attraction. This was business and she didn’t want Adam interfering with business like that. There were plenty of young women out there just waiting for his attention. No, she had decided, the way to stop this was to let him have his freedom. Now, he could walk into the club without even noticing the girls dancing. He’d heard them moaning on about their lives, their boyfriends and their menstruation. This seemed to take all the glamour out of it for Adam.

  She was now going to let him work out their work rotas, knowing full well they would all offer certain favours to get the best shifts. She expected this, and would wait to see just how quickly Adam got fed up of being used and nagged. She wanted him to be like Tony and Jake. They never played around with the strippers. They didn’t need to. You didn’t shit on your own doorstep.

  ‘I’m okay, Katie love. Just tired, that’s all.’ Smiling at her, Francesca wanted to put her at her ease. It was true her headaches seemed to be more regular these days but otherwise she was okay. Just tired.

  ‘Have you seen the painting Scarlet has had put up in the foyer of the club? It’s a six-foot oil painting of Dad that she took from one of his photos. It’s behind glass, in a silver frame. It’s beautiful. Here, I took a photo.’

  Francesca had never been to the club since the night Tony had been killed there, even though she had been asked many times and had started to run out of excuses. At last, the family had given up. They knew there was no way they were going to change her mind, which was why they were having a small birthday party at home for Adam. His big party was to be at the club on Saturday.

  ‘That is beautiful.’ The full-length oil painting was of Tony smiling, dressed in his grey suit and pink tie; to have him there like that overlooking the club seemed very apt. She had known Scarlet was organising it, but whoever had painted this had caught him to perfection. It oozed charm and sophistication.

  ‘Will you be staying long, Katie, or is it just a flying visit for Adam’s birthday?’ Francesca was desperate to change the subject. The very mention of Tony still felt like a dagger to her heart.

  ‘Well, we’re staying for a couple of weeks. You know why. It’s nearly the anniver
sary of Dad’s death and I want to be here to go to the cemetery with you all. I know you go every day, Mum, and read the paper or just talk to him. But I don’t get to go as often as I should and so I am staying until then.’ Katie knew this wasn’t the right time to bring it up, but someone had to mention it. ‘Anyway, Scarlet wants Christopher to show Adam how to do the accounts and now he is at college enrolled on that course, he should be okay. He has a good head for business and is excellent at mathematics. Dad would be proud of Adam, all he lacks is experience, but Scarlet is teaching him well.’

  ‘So, the spies keep you informed of my weird ways, do they?’ Francesca laughed. ‘That would be nice if you can stay. And Katie, for the record. Your father would be proud of you all, no matter what you did.’

  ‘It’s not spies, Mum. We all grieve in our own way. It’s just people looking after you. We all miss him.’ She put her arms around Francesca, and they hugged.

  ‘Hey! You two. Stop looking so bloody miserable and get over here. If I have to stand and watch Shrek eat half of a cake to himself, I’m not doing it alone!’ Julie’s voice bellowed over the chatter and excitement of Adam unwrapping his presents. Knuckles’ face was blank, as though he didn’t even know Julie was talking about him. This angered her even more.

  ‘Oh, hang on. There is my present, I have left it upstairs. Back in a minute, you lot.’ Francesca ran up the stairs and into her bedroom, and opened one of the drawers on Tony’s side of the room. She wanted to give Adam Tony’s beloved Rolex. Rummaging through the drawer to find it, she came across another red velvet box. A cold shudder ran through her. She’d forgotten about it. It was the anniversary present Tony was going to give her the night he was killed. She had never opened the box and looked inside. At one point she was so angry that was the present that had led Tony to his death she had thrown it in the bin. Someone must have found it, possibly Julie, and put it away.

  Suddenly something compelled her to open it. Tentatively opening the box, she stared at the thick gold bangle. It had two ruby hearts in it, and the inscription read, ‘Two hearts, one soul.’ The tears welled up in her eyes.

  ‘Come on, Mum. Adam’s waiting,’ Bobby shouted up the stairs. Brushing away the tears from her eyes and putting the bangle back in the drawer, Francesca picked up the Rolex and went downstairs.

  ‘Here you are, darling. Sorry. I forgot where I had put it. Here, wear it with pride. Your father loved that watch.’

  ‘Oh, Mum, are you sure?’ Adam asked. He knew how much it meant to her. ‘Can I put it on? Oh, God, this is the best present, Mum.’ Beaming with happiness, he put it on his wrist and admired it, then held it up for all to see.

  ‘Hey, what about my car?’ Scarlet butted in to lighten the mood. ‘And, of course, there are Julie’s very expensive socks! That will remain in his memory for his eighteenth.’ Everyone burst out laughing. It was a good birthday and a good day with all of the family there, reunited as one.



  ‘Are you getting ready to come to the cemetery, Mum? The cars are ready and filled with flowers.’ Katie held Francesca’s hand. It was a hard day for all of them, especially Mum. It was the anniversary of Tony’s death and they were all going to the cemetery to lay their flowers.

  ‘If you don’t mind, Katie love, I would rather go on my own later. It’s a beautiful sunny day and I thought I would just potter around in the garden. It’s been pretty neglected lately.’ Seeing the worried look on Katie’s face, Francesca smiled to assure her. ‘I’m okay, Katie. Really, I am. I just want to be alone for now. And I will go later. Where is Adam?’

  ‘Where he always is, Mum. With Scarlet.’ Rolling her eyes up to the ceiling, Katie sighed. ‘No offence, Mum, but sometimes I wonder who his mother is. I know she is bossy, but she means well and she loves Adam. We all do.’

  ‘Don’t be silly, Katie. Lay a yellow rose on your father’s grave for me. Explain to them all for me, please. I want to take some roses out of the garden later.’ Francesca couldn’t wait for them to leave. For the last couple of weeks she’d had a yearning to look back into the little velvet box with the gold bangle in.

  There had been no time. There was always someone in the house and she felt like a burglar wanting to take out the box and look inside it. She felt a sudden urge to wear it today. Yes. Today was the day it was meant to be worn. It was her wedding anniversary and the anniversary of Tony’s death.

  Watching the cars leave from the window, Francesca breathed a sigh of relief. After going upstairs and opening the drawer, she took out the box and opened it. She felt compelled to try it on. It was beautiful. She could see that Tony had had it especially made, because it had the ‘Aspinal’ name on the box. A very exclusive jewellers.

  Looking out at her own private little garden, she felt guilty. Things needed pruning. Her border plants had been neglected and had died. There were so many happy memories in this little garden, including conceiving Adam there on a day just like this.

  She felt like a naughty schoolgirl wearing a priceless ruby bangle while turning over the compost in the garden borders. It was hot and sweaty work and she wished she’d put her hat on. Her head pounded and ached. Maybe she should have gone to the doctor’s after all. Tears started to flow and fall down her cheeks. ‘Oh, God, Tony. I need you. Where are you?’ she shouted out.

  ‘I’m here.’ That smooth velvety voice filled her ears once more and stopped her short. Slowly looking up from the ground, her eyes took in the figure of the man standing before her. Standing there in his suit and with that familiar smile on his face, was Tony. He looked younger. Raising her hand to shield her eyes from the sun, she noticed her own hands looked younger and felt smoother. Francesca shook her head. It must be one of the family who had come back. It felt like a dream. But there was no mistaking it. As she continued to look up, her eyes met with Tony’s blue ones. ‘I’ve always been here. I told you I would come back for you, Francesca. Two hearts, one soul, remember?’

  Standing up, Francesca walked towards him. Tears fell down her cheeks. ‘I’ve missed you, Tony.’

  ‘I have missed you. But I couldn’t come back sooner and make our beautiful son an orphan. You took your time wearing that.’ He laughed, holding her arm up and looking at the ruby bangle. He smiled and kissed the back of her hand. ‘Come here,’ he said, opening his arms wide. She stepped into them and he held her tightly.

  ‘What do you mean about Adam?’ Confused, she looked up into those beautiful blue eyes. Suddenly Francesca’s thoughts were interrupted. She could hear a commotion behind her and it was getting louder. ‘What’s that noise? What’s going on, Tony?’

  ‘Don’t turn around, Francesca. Look at me.’ Brushing aside her long auburn hair and cupping her face in his hands, he gently kissed her.

  Swiftly turning around to see what the noise was, she could see her whole family behind her. They must have come back from the cemetery. But lying amongst the bedding plants, still holding the trowel in her hand, was a woman resembling herself.

  Scarlet was shouting and screaming to the paramedics. ‘Do something for fuck’s sake! Oh, God, Mum. Come on, open your eyes.’ She was crying. They were all standing in a circle watching the paramedics trying to waken their unconscious mother.

  Katie fell to her knees. ‘Oh, Mum, please don’t leave us. She’s having a seizure. What’s happened, Julie? We’ve only been gone for a few hours.’

  ‘How the hell do I know? I’ve been with you,’ Julie snapped, as she watched the panic and mayhem before her. Everyone fell to their knees shouting for Francesca to wake up. This was a time Julie had dreaded.

  ‘Get the defibrillator,’ said the paramedic to his colleague. He was on his knees and about to start CPR.

  ‘Stop!’ Julie stood there stony-faced and held her hand up. ‘Don’t do that. If she is going to wake up, let her do it naturally. Your mum had one of those do not resuscitate agreements in place. She did it ages ago.’

What’s one of those? Why would she do that?’ Scarlet looked up at Julie and then at the paramedics.

  ‘It’s exactly what it says, Scarlet,’ snapped Julie.’ If ever your mother was ill, she didn’t want resuscitating, and she signed the forms in front of witnesses, including her own GP. This was her wish.’

  Everyone carried on crying and shouting for the paramedics to do something. Only Julie stood still, calmly looking down at Francesca’s body as it lay there.

  Turning her head to look at Tony again, Francesca met his eyes and smiled. She had missed him so much. Now, no one would ever take him away from her again.

  ‘Do you want to go back, Francesca? You can if you want to.’ His hushed whisper filled her ears and made her smile.

  ‘No, everyone will be okay. I want to be with you.’

  Leaning forward and holding her tightly in his arms, Tony kissed her, inhaling the very last breath from her. ‘Come on, Francesca. Take my hand.’

  ‘She’s gone,’ said the paramedic, looking at his watch. ‘Recording time of death 3.54 p.m. Agreed?’ He looked at his colleague for confirmation of the time and saw him nod.

  Bobby was on his knees, holding Francesca’s hand. ‘They couldn’t have saved her and if they had she could have been a vegetable, Katie. Look. She’s had a stroke, and my professional guess is a brain aneurysm.’

  ‘A what?’ Scarlet shouted. ‘Why didn’t you save her? You’re a fucking doctor!’ Katie grabbed hold of Scarlet and stopped her slapping Bobby.

  ‘A brain bleed, Scarlet. Maybe that was the reason for all of those headaches. Didn’t she go and see the doctor, Julie?’ Everyone turned around to look at Julie. They needed someone to blame.

  ‘No, I don’t think so. She said it was just a headache, but she has been getting a few lately.’

  ‘Why didn’t you force her? You’re supposed to be her friend,’ shouted Scarlet.


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