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Searching for the Answers

Page 3

by Paige Orr

  Seriously my vag cannot take any more hot men popping up, it’s starting to get fucking ridiculous. I watch as he smirks at me, and opens his mouth to speak, flashing me his pearly white teeth. “That’s a good girl, do you see something you like, because I ain't got a problem helping you out with that.” He’s so goddamn cheeky, but I can’t stop the smile twitching at the corner of my lips. Like fuck me, he's the perfect amount of cocky bastard where it's fucking hot, and not douchy as fuck. Hey vulvasaurus, we'll be fucking having words when we get home, you do not weep with joy when a fucking stranger is playing with us! You seriously have enough dicks at home, you fucking hoebag, this cock muncher isn't for your personal fucking collection! I snap myself out of my conversation with my traitorous lady garden, when I see his self assured smirk, arseholes shouldn't be your type Lilith! Trying to steer things back on track, I clear my throat, straighten my shoulders, and try to act like I'm not at a disadvantage here.

  “Do you mind telling me who the fuck you are, and why you have me pinned to this wall? It’s not very gentlemanly to be all up on a girl you don’t even know!” His head tilts back, as he lets out a laugh, drawing my eyes to his toned neck, and fucking amazing collar bones peeking out of his shirt. He clears his throat, causing my cheeks to heat as my eyes flashback to his, finding humor there in his chestnut orbs. I scoff, turning my head to the side to break his penetrating gaze, but that’s the wrong fucking move. He leans down, slowly inhaling my scent from my neck, before licking his way up the column of my throat, and sucking the lobe of my ear into his mouth. I can't help but let out a low moan, as heat pools between my thighs, this arsehole is dangerous to my fucking health. He nuzzles gently behind my ear, before whispering to me in almost a growl.

  “Me? I’m just the personal guard to the man you were spying on, and I'm very good at what I do. So I would really appreciate you telling me what you’re doing here, or I could always get it out of you my way which is!” With each pause, he gives a little nip along my neck, and I’m completely lost to the pleasure he's causing, until I hear a throat clear beside us.

  Whipping my eyes up to the mouth of the alley, I find Aziel standing there, and I feel the blood drain from my face. Shit! How much of that did he see? I don’t have time to ask, as he turns to the man still holding me tightly between him and the wall. “Aiden!? What are you doing? Would you let my fucking mate go!?” Aiden (which is apparently who hot stuff is),lets me go, holding his hands out to the side. When he does I’m fucking gobsmacked. For real! Not another fucking mate! How the fuck is my pussy going to survive! I feel all the energy leaving me, as I slide down the wall into a heap, beginning to feel completely fucking out of it.

  Aziel rushes to my side crouching down in front of me in concern, and I see flames dancing in his startling blue eyes, he turns to Aiden, all but shouting at him. “What the fuck did you do to her, you little shit?” Aiden just stares at me in confusion though. I can’t seem to get my mouth to work to push out the words, so I reach over, pointing to Aziel’s mark then to Aiden’s, and finally understanding dawns on his face.

  With a curse, Aziel bounces to his feet, beginning to pace back and forth like a caged animal, as Aiden watches him in frustration. “Want to explain why the fuck she’s freaking out, when two fucking minutes ago she was putty in my hands?” Aziel stalks towards him, grabbing him by the throat, causing my eyes to widen.

  “You’re her fucking mate, you idiot!” With that said, he lets go, and Aiden sucks in a sharp breath. He turns to me with wonder in his eyes, and I can't stop my stomach from doing flips, for fucks sake, this is just my luck! Why the fuck did my grandfather's personal fucking guard have to be my mate? I let my eyes close, dropping my head back against the wall in frustration. As if the fucker didn't already hate me enough, I knew when he found out that Aziel was my mate, he was going to be pissed, but now Aiden too? He's going to be royally fucking pissed now!

  What the fuck am I supposed to do do about all of this shit?! This is all starting to look like some seriously fucked up teen drama. Where am I going to put them all? (that's what she said) Great now my mind has reverted back to being a dirty bitch, real fucking mature! How the fuck am I going to explain to the guys that although it appears I’m just going around picking up strays, that’s not the case? My head is fucking spinning with this bullshit! I give up trying to make sense of it all, numbly getting to my feet, and without a backwards glance, I blindly start to walk in the direction of home.


  We're all gathered in the lounge waiting for Lilith and Aziel to come back inside, but I’m really starting to get worried now. I mean they’ve been out there for over a fucking hour, what the fuck could be taking so long? Before I can get lost in my worry, the front door bangs open, and we all jump to our feet, going into defensive mode. Just as we are about to get ready to kick some arse, Lilith walks into the lounge, flopping down on the couch, and holding her head in her hands.

  She looks so fucking defeated, and I swear if that fucking angel has done something to upset our girl, I’ll fucking gut him! Sitting down beside her, I pull her into my arms, and sift my fingers through her hair. "What's wrong babygirl?" She turns to me with tears shining in her eyes, and my gut clenches. I fucking hate seeing her like this! That fucking angel better have a good explanation for this, or he'll be eating his own dick!

  Just as she's about to answer me, Aziel walks through the door with some cocky looking bastard on his heels, and we all rise back to our feet, surrounding Lilith protectively. From beside me, I hear Tae growling, but all it does is make the grin spread wider over the little arseholes face. Since no one is bothering to ask, I turn to him with a sneer on my face.

  "Dude, who the fuck are you, and why the fuck did you just walk in here uninvited? Aziel, why the fuck are you bringing strangers to our house? You know the shit that’s been going on!" I growl at Aziel, that prick should know better! We’re all left speechless, when the newcomer turns to us with a self-assured grin on his face. Is this guy for fucking real, who the fuck walks into someone else's house, and fucking acts like they own it!

  "I'm that sexy little dove's mate, and I'm guessing by the protective bullshit you guys are pulling right now, that you’re her mates too! Although I’ve never seen a female with this many mates, I can already tell that we’ll be great friends, you’re all just so welcoming." In astonishment, I turn to Lilith, finding her staring at the floor, now her dazed expression makes more sense. Shit! She found it hard enough accepting the five of us before Aziel, and now she has two new people that she's got to let in as well. I just hope she doesn’t have another complete fucking meltdown, our girl has had enough surprises to last her a fucking lifetime.

  I nearly jump out of my skin when Lilith starts laughing hysterically. I turn to her, knowing she finds this anything but funny, with the tears streaming down her face. Sitting beside her, I pull her back into my side, as she dissolves into hiccuping sobs. D walks around to the back of the couch, bending over the top of it to stroke her hair reassuringly, we all hate seeing her so unsure of everything, and I’m sure the rest of the guys want to try and comfort her too. She squeezes me so tightly, that my ribs literally creak from the pressure, but there’s no way I’m going to stop her. She’s been through enough shit without this, and these stupid fucking angels just had to dump more shit on her, I’m not going to hash this out with them while Lilith is in this state though.

  The new dude looks at us all with a shrug, before opening his mouth, as if our girl isn’t fucking falling apart in my arms. “So I guess since we are going to be around each other a lot more, I should probably introduce myself, I’d rather get that shit out of the way. My name's Aiden, and I’m pretty fucking awesome, if I do say so myself. I’m a griffin shifter, so I look fucking badass when I shift. Probably why I’ve always been made to be a guard, even when I’m more of a lover than a fighter. Until this little dove here showed up, I was forced to be Archangel Gabriel's personal g
uard, but just like this fuckface beside me, I’m not going to choose that entitled prick over my mate, so here I am!” Yeah, cause that shit is going to make us feel any better about him being here. This dude is seriously missing some freaking brain cells. It was bad enough knowing that Aziel was Sarah's guard, and now Aiden is Gabriel's guard. If I didn’t know that the mate mark couldn’t be forged, I’d be suspicious as hell.

  I give him my best ‘are you shitting me bro’ look, before trying to explain why that doesn’t make us feel any better about his presence. “Are you fucking serious? We’re just supposed to trust Gabriel’s fucking personal guard without blinking a fucking eye!? All this after the fact that we just found out this morning, that he rewards people for hurting Lilith along with her fucked up mother? Are you hearing yourself right now!?” He stands there gaping at me, looking confused as fuck, before that confusion morphs to anger.

  “Wait just a fucking minute man, I had no fucking idea she was his granddaughter! What shit did he let Sarah get away with? I might’ve been his guard, but I don’t know shit about what he does! I just stood outside rooms to make sure no one tried to get in and attack him, it’s not like I was his best fucking buddy! In fact, if I could have gotten away with it, I would have killed the prick myself!”

  It’s my turn to look shocked, and I share a look with the guys, it’s at these times I really wish we could speak telepathically. It's really not my place to be telling this jackass anything, that’s Lilith’s choice to make, I won’t go talking about her like she isn’t fucking here, and I won’t tell someone something she doesn’t want them to know! I look down at her, and find her beautiful eyes looking up at me, she gives me an almost inpercievable nod, showing me that she’s alright with me explaining things to the fucking twatwaffle.

  I turn to him, letting out a weary sigh, before trying my best to make him understand. “Her mother, and all of her ‘guards’ used to beat her, she put up with that shit till she was eighteen. Some of the shit they did to her was just depraved, and that arsehole Gabriel allowed it all to happen. Aziel even said that those dickheads were rewarded for punishing ‘the abomination’. So you can see why we don’t exactly trust anyone who he had in his inner circle!”

  I’m struck speechless, when he partially transforms, suddenly sprouting golden wings, a beak, and sharp as fuck talons, before letting out a murderous screech. Aziel spins on him, pinning his arms at his sides, before he can do anything fucking stupid, and we all listen with rapt attention, as he tries to calm the dumb fucker down. “Aiden stop! Gabriel will get what he deserves eventually, but do you think Lilith needs the stress of you running off, and starting bullshit right now!? You know how bad a war with him would be for her, he’s already looking for any fucking excuse to hurt her, hence why he let those sick fuckers do whatever they wanted to her!”

  Finally, we all watch with relief as he lets his power go, standing there back in his human form, and panting heavily. He curses under his breath, turning and walking out of the room to go and collect himself, and I let out a breath I didn’t even know I was holding. Aziel’s right, we really don’t fucking need to start a war with an Archangel, we don’t even know the full extent of Lilith’s powers, and there might be seven of us, but there’s no way we’re strong enough to fight off a fucking Archangel!

  I rock Lilith back and forth trying to soothe her, grateful that her tears have finally dried up. She just looks so defeated, and it breaks my fucking heart! Her eyes gradually drift shut, and her breathing evens out, as she falls asleep. She’s had a fucking hell of a time lately, and I have no idea when this is all going to end for her. I’m starting to wish that we could take her somewhere, where no one knows who we are, and wrap her up in cotton wool so the world can’t hurt her anymore!

  I comb my fingers through her hair, gazing down at her beautiful face, I swear this girl was made just for us, and I will die before I let anyone hurt her again. If that means putting my life on the line, then that’s exactly what I’ll do!


  I wake up with my head on Gale’s lap, I must have fallen asleep after my little breakdown. Now that I'm awake, I can feel the embarrassment building over my outburst. I'm getting really sick of feeling so overwhelmed like that. Slowly sitting up, I try to discreetly wipe my mouth to make sure I didn’t drool on him, hearing a chuckle though I know I've been caught, and turn to find Tae in the seat beside us. My face burns, and I look down at my lap feeling self conscious. I hear Tae moving around, and I’m surprised when he crouches in front of me, tilting my face up so he can look into my eyes, finding the soft look in his eyes only causes my blush to deepen.

  “How's my sleepy kitten feeling now? Does your head feel a little clearer? We were all so worried about you, I know this is all happening so fast, but we’re here for you whenever and however you need us. I wish I could make this easier on you somehow, but I'm even getting to the point where things are catching me off guard just as much as you.” I lean forward, throwing my arms around his neck, and burrowing my face against his neck. He reaches up wrapping his arms around my waist, and pulling me as close as possible without actually pulling me off the couch, and I feel safe in his warm embrace. I’m left completely shocked though, at the words he whispers in my ear. “We all love you so fucking much kitten, and we don’t want you feeling like you need to deal with this all on your own. If you need us for anything at all, no matter if you think it’s important or not, we’re right here, and we’re not going anywhere.”

  I feel tears begin to fill my eyes, and I squeeze him as tight as possible against me, sniffling into the crook of his neck. What are these guys doing to me? If it was anyone else saying this shit to me so early in a relationship, I would probably be freaking the fuck out. But with Tae I can feel how much he means it, and I would never degrade that by telling him it’s too soon. I’ve seen how all my guys look at me, and I won’t lie to them, not about something like this, so I bring my lips to his ear. “I love you guys too, I can’t even describe how much. I’ve never felt like this about anyone before, but you all make me feel so cared for and happy. Every time one of you touches me my heart races, and my stomach fills with butterflies. I could literally sit and stare at any of you for hours while you do the simplest of shit, and my heart feels so fucking full. I’ve never had anyone look after me the way you guys do, and it makes me feel special, like I’m worth more than Sarah’s drilled into me over the years. If that’s not what love feels like then I don’t know what does. Learning I had more mates was just a bit hard to grasp, especially when you guys already explained how rare it was to have four mates, I’ll get used to it though, once I feel more comfortable around them.”

  I lean back, wiping my eyes on the back of my hand, and giving him a watery smile. I’m caught completely off guard when he leaps to his feet, reaching out to grab my hands, and pulls me up to stand before him. He lifts me off the ground like I weigh nothing, and I wrap my legs around his waist with a squeal, as he brings his lips to mine in a searing kiss. He seductively runs his tongue along the seam of my mouth, and as usual his piercing sends shivers down my spine, it brings back the memories of the magical things he can do with it, and the way he had me screaming his name.

  I can’t hold back my moan, and I hear him chuckling, making me pull back swatting his arm in mock annoyance. “Don’t be such a meany Tae Tae, you know what that blasted tongue piercing does to me! I’m pretty sure you did that deliberately too, which is so unfair. Teasing isn’t nice, wasn’t it you that taught me that?” Looking down at him with a little pout, I get lost in the intensity of his dark orbs, before feeling someone press up behind me. Turning, I expect to find Gale smirking up at me, but I’m completely surprised when I find that it’s my sweet little Sam instead.

  He gives me a heated look as I lean back into his chest, letting out a satisfied sigh as his arms come around me, his hands caressing my breasts. Settling my head back on his shoulder, I feel Tae grinding his hardness against me as S
am begins to tweak my nipples almost roughly. Rolling my hips against Tae, my breathing starts picking up, as the feeling of both of them against me becomes overpowering. These guys drive me fucking crazy with lust, but at the same time, I’m fucking lost on how to handle this situation, I’m not exactly used to having more than one lover at a time.

  I just about lose my mind when Sam leans down, nipping at the sensitive skin of my neck, before soothing away the sting with his tongue. He slowly makes his way back up to my ear before growling. “That’s Daddy’s good little girl. Do you like having us both focused on you like this? Pleasing you, and making your pretty little pussy all nice and wet?” As he says this he trails one hand slowly down my stomach and into my trousers, cupping my mound through my underwear. I never thought I would be one of those girls that would get so turned on by calling someone Daddy, but just the thought has my stomach tightening with want.

  I gasp at the feel of his touch on my most sensitive area, and I buck into his hand ready to beg for more, as Tae slides my t-shirt up my sides, bending down to kiss his way up my stomach. He stops at where he expects to find a bra, but finding none he sucks a breath in through his teeth, as he looks up at me with molten eyes before sucking my skin into his mouth. I’m nothing more than a pool of pleasure and they’re barely even touching me, but the picture of the both of them loving and pleasuring me when anyone could walk in on us, has my heartbeat picking up.


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