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Searching for the Answers

Page 4

by Paige Orr

  Finally, Sam gives me what I really want when he slides his hand into my underwear, feathering a finger through my wet slit, applying gentle pressure to my clit as he circles it with skilled fingers. Drawing things out, he rubs his hand up and down my slit over and over again, almost petting me, keeping me on the edge without letting me fall over.

  “Do you want to cum for Daddy my sweet girl? Daddy would love to have you cum all over his fingers so he can get a taste of your sweetness, I’ll be able to smell your delicious scent all day. Would that please you? Knowing Daddy will be hard thinking of that sweet little pussy while he’s going about his day?” I vigorously nod my head, needing him to let me cum and I feel his smirk against my skin. My walls clench when he surprises me with two fingers to my opening, bringing his thumb up to my clit, as he begins to fuck me hard with his fingers.

  I feel Tae capture a nipple between his lips, flicking his piercing over it in rapid movements, bringing me even closer. At this point, my chest is heaving as I get lost in the feelings these men are bringing out in me, but something has me trying to hold back until Sam whispers to me. “Cum for Daddy my sweet girl, let me feel you tighten on my fingers.” At his words I fall apart in their arms, feeling my whole body quaking with how strong my orgasm is, and as the waves of pleasure subside I become completely boneless.

  With a deep chuckle, I hear Sam say against my shoulder. “You're such a good girl for Daddy. I can’t wait to have you under me, spreading your pretty pink lips with my cock. We have all the time in the world for that though, this was all for you, Daddy can wait for his turn.” I’m still completely stunned, who would have thought that sweet innocent Sam was the most dangerous of my guys. I sure as hell didn’t expect it but fuck me! I can’t wait to continue what we just started. I watch enraptured, as he pulls his hand from my pants, bringing them to his lips, he licks them clean with a low groan, as Tae leans back still holding me tightly. That shit is so fucking hot!


  I stare between them both, lost to my lust fogged mind, when I hear a throat clear from the doorway. Whipping my head around, I find Aiden standing there with a cocky smile on his face, and a very noticeable bulge in his pants. Feeling my cheeks heat, I refuse to look away as he saunters towards us. This boy is straight-up sex on a stick, and it really isn’t fair. I don’t want to let him have such a massive hold over me, when I still don’t even know if I can trust him. Sure he hasn’t really done anything to show me that I can’t trust him, but letting my vagina rule my heart surely isn’t the best way to come to that conclusion, especially when she’s a thirsty bitch!

  He stops in front of me while the others help me lower my legs to the floor, with Sam pulling me back against his chest, and resting his chin on my shoulder. Aiden reaches out tilting my head up, before quick as lightning he steals my lips in a sensuous kiss. What are these boys doing to me?! I should be getting to the bottom of this whole mate thing, not letting him turn me into a puddle of need. It’s like I have absolutely no self control around any of my guys, and if the angels turn out to be untrustworthy, then that’s a fucking dangerous thing. Most people would be thinking with their head right now, but here I am soaking up the attention, like I need it to fucking survive. He pulls back, refusing to take his eyes from mine as he gently wipes his thumb over my swollen bottom lip, watching my reaction to his touch.

  “That was one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen little dove, and I can’t wait to be able to show you some fun myself. Before you object, I know that I have to earn your trust first, but that little show I just had the pleasure of witnessing, and the scent of your arousal in the air, should definitely keep me going for a little while. What is it the humans call it, that show will be at the top of my spank bank.” My jaw drops as I watch him spin on his heel slowly making his way from the room, only looking back to send a wink in my direction before he disappears. That rude little shit! I can’t believe he just said that, even if it did send my pulse racing, it was completely inappropriate!

  I turn to the others finding just as much shock on their faces, even though they’re doing a better job of hiding it. D and Lucien stroll into the room chatting between themselves, but I see the exact moment they realise what they just missed, as their chests expand with their deep intake of breath. That shit is going to take a while to get used to, I can’t help feeling embarrassed at the thought of them being able to scent me any time I get turned on! Sure it makes things easier in the fact that I don’t even need to tell them that I want them they just know, but it’s still mortifying to say the least.

  Turning in Sam’s arms, I bury my face in his chest, trying to hide my bright red face from the room. I really don’t know what I’m supposed to do in this situation, and I really wish there was a fucking rule book for this shit. I know they’re not jealous, the smiles on their faces tell me as much but that doesn’t stop me from feeling guilty. How am I supposed to equally divide my attention between seven men? I really don’t want anyone being left to feel like I don’t feel just as strongly for them as I do the others. I know I’m probably overthinking things, the guys seem happy enough with the way things are, but I really don’t want anyone to feel left out. It’s seriously starting to feel like I’m juggling knives on a tightrope, with them all standing below me as I try not to drop them, knowing that I’ll be hurting the people I care about most. All I can really do is try my best, and if I fuck something up, then I’ll talk to them about it, like the mature ass bitch I’m supposed to be.

  For fucks sake, I completely forgot that Gale had been sitting on the couch this whole time, with a front-row seat to the show. He still hasn’t said a thing, and all I can do is hope that him not being a part of what we did hasn't made him feel left out. This is exactly what I meant, how could I just forget he was here, I honestly feel like such a bitch right now.

  My conscience is cleared when I turn, finding him with his shirt pulled up, and rivulets of his own cum coating his abs as he sits there out of breath. I won’t lie, I’m getting all hot and bothered again at the thought of him watching the others make me cum as he stroked himself to release. The thought alone causes me to clench my thighs together, picturing them wrapped around his head as he licks his lips at me. I've never been so fucking horny in my life, but these guys do something to me, and leave me overrun with thoughts of them naked.

  I shake my head, trying to clear my mind as I step out of Sam’s arms. Ignoring his grunt of protest, I slowly walk to Gale, bending at the waist, and placing my lips gently against his. As he reaches out to pull my closer, I straighten giving him a small smile as I rush from the room and head upstairs. I know that if I stay in that room right now, I'll end up wanting to be pressed between all three of those men, to let them have their wicked ways with me, and to be honest I'm just not ready for that yet.

  Reaching my room, I head towards my bathroom closing the door behind me, taking deep breaths to calm my raging libido. I strip after starting the shower, giving the water time to heat up before stepping under the spray, and tilting my head back into the steaming water. The heat of the water helps to relax my tense muscles, as I think over everything that's happened today, fuck it's not even evening yet, and the day has been fucking chaotic. I don’t know how long I stand there lost in thought, before I feel a solid chest sliding against my back, shocking me back to myself. I whirl around, gasping as I slip nearly falling on my arse like the clumsy bitch I am, until strong arms catch me pulling into a pair of strong arms. Looking up from under my lashes, my eyes lock onto D’s emerald green ones, and knowing it’s just my big cuddly guy, I relax my body against his as he reaches out taking my cherry and wild berry shower gel from the shelf. Pouring some in his hands, he lathers them up, before slowly running his hands over my heated skin.

  Letting my eyes close, I just let go of everything while he takes care of me, washing me thoroughly, before grabbing my coconut shampoo. He carefully spins me around, leaning me back against his chest as he washes
my hair for me, and the whole time I can feel his hard cock resting between my cheeks, but he doesn’t make a move to start anything. Instead he just makes sure I'm completely pampered, before pulling me from the shower, and patting me dry with a big fluffy towel. The attention he gives me making sure I'm comfortable and looked after leaves me glowing, feeling so much love for my big teddy bear.

  I peer at him curiously, wondering why he decided to help me wash, without expecting anything from me, but I really should remember that my guys aren't like the human guys I've been with. My eyes widen as they catch on his intimidatingly thick cock, I knew it felt big as he was pressed against me, but I could never have been prepared for its size. When my eyes travel back to his, he sends me a look of pure male satisfaction, before wrapping the towel around his thick waist, which does nothing to hide his arousal. My eyes immediately latch on to the deep v that leads down to where I want to taste him, as I can’t take my eyes off him he turns, causing me to stare at his arse next, and I have to fan myself as he makes his way to my bedroom door.


  I watch as the fucking incubus walks out her room with a cocky grin fixed on his face, and just barely refrain from throwing my knife, not wanting her to know I’m here quite yet. That would really spoil my fun, but it's getting really fucking difficult to stay calm when watching those arseholes putting their hands all over her. I could hear her moans of pleasure not too long ago, and I was even more fucking irate when that monstrous male followed her to the shower. They have no fucking right to touch her like that, it should only be me that she let's give her pleasure, not those greedy mother fuckers.

  Crawling away from my little peephole, I make my way towards my cell door, wedging my knife in the lock, wiggling it around hoping to loosen it just a little more. I’m so close to finally getting out of here, not that I will be leaving, I have a lot of work to do to make sure those fuckers don't try and worm their way back into her life once she's finally mine. My little minx will have to go through intense training to make her my perfect little wife, who will be the perfect lady during the day, and my little freak at night. Her training will take a lot of work after the freedom these idiots have given her, but it will all be worth it in the end, when she learns to be obedient to me alone.

  Time wears on as I try my hardest to free myself, and as night falls, I finally manage to pry the lock to my cage open. Being as quiet as possible, I make my way to the attic door, lowering it slowly so that it doesn’t creek from the lack of use. Giving myself away now after all of the work I've put in to remain hidden, would be disastrous, and I can't be having that, not after all this time. I make my way into the heart of the house, sneaking towards her room, and slipping inside without a sound. I head towards her bed, standing over the top of her before crouching down, and stroking her cheek. It won’t be long now my little minx, then I’ll protect you from these fools, they won’t be able to use you, and let you get hurt anymore. I’ll see to that!


  I lay awake tossing and turning, thinking of my stunning little dove only a few rooms over, wondering what she really thinks of me. I saw the heat in her stunning eyes when she looked at me today, and seeing how responsive she was between Taehyung and Sam was fucking hot, and the thought of her making those sweet little sounds while she’s under me has my cock throbbing. I’m snapped out of my dirty thoughts, when I hear one of the others making their way towards her room, leaving me confused. Sure I know they’re worried about her, especially with me here because they don’t know if they can trust me, but isn’t it a little late? Our girl will be sleeping, I’m pretty sure she would scream or some shit if something was wrong, that’s what females do, is it not?

  Okay, maybe that wasn’t fair, I’ve met my fair share of badass females who could probably kick my ass, a little bit of advice, never fuck with a valkyrie. I suppose I’m just jealous that they can go into her room during the night and I can’t. I may be a cocky bastard, but inside I’m probably the most insecure out of the guys. D, Gale, Lucien, Sam and Taehyung have been with her for a while, and Aziel has at least had the chance to show her a bit of who he is. All I’ve done is pin her against a wall in an alley, force my way into her life, and watch while the mates she trusts got her off. Sure, I didn’t mind that little show, but I would have enjoyed it a lot more, if I could have been a part of it. I just wish that we could have met in a different way, then maybe she would have been able to see who I truly am, and not the arsehole I have to pretend to be for Gabriel.

  I meant every word I said to her though, I will show her that she can trust me. My hand will just have to do the job until I can get between her creamy thighs. With those thoughts in mind, I reach down grabbing my hard length, while I imagine sliding it into Lilith’s slick heat. I take my time, enjoying myself to the images of her face as she came around Sam’s fingers, and finally I blow my load. Not quite as satisfying as it would be with her, but it's better than nothing, and at least I know that I’ll finally win her over. I always hated working for Gabriel, I just have to prove to her how different I am from the rest of my kind. With that I close my eyes, hoping to dream of my girl, and slip into a peaceful sleep.

  The next day as I wake up, I lay in bed thinking over the weird-ass dream I had the night before. I could have sworn that there was some guy standing over top of me, with his eyes full of hate, and a knife in his hands. He was one creepy mother fucker, with a sadistic grin on his face, and it felt so fucking real. I haven’t had many nightmares in my time, but I could tell this one was different. You would have thought that my brain could be a little more imaginative on what it comes up with to scare me, but to be fair, having someone watching me sleep is pretty fucked up. The really weird thing about it was the fact that it was like I was on the ceiling, looking down at myself lying in the bed. There used to be rumours in my family of our people being able to see things that no one else could, but come on who would have the balls to break into this house?

  Shaking myself from those thoughts, I sit up in bed, leaning against the headboard. Maybe I could convince Lilith to spend some time with me today so she can get to know me a little bit better. Then again Gabriel is probably looking for me, since I just disappeared yesterday. So leaning over picking my phone up from the nightstand, I dial his number. It doesn’t take him long to answer, and I know from the tone of his voice, that I’m in some deep shit. I’ve dealt with his shit long enough to know how to handle him though, and I don’t owe him shit, so he’s lucky I’m even giving him a fucking courtesy call

  “Where the fuck are you, you little shit!? I had to cancel my meetings yesterday, because my useless fucking guard decided to just up and leave while he was on the job! I swear, if you were just chasing a bit of skirt, you aren’t going to like what I do to you! I knew I shouldn’t have let a fucking piece of shit griffin be my guard! But my brothers are dead set on fucking humiliating me!” I roll my eyes at the sheer size of his superiority complex, this motherfucker really is a sack of fucking shit, taking a deep breath I answer the stupid fuck.

  “You’re only half right there G, technically it was a bit of skirt, but that skirt was attached to my mate, so I think I can be excused for wanting to meet her properly. I’m pretty sure if the universe was ever stupid enough to grant you a mate, you would follow her around like the fucking dog you are. That brings me to the other thing I’m calling about though, I won’t be back, so you’re going to have to find yourself a new guard. I don’t plan on protecting someone who’s helped to make my mate’s life a living fucking hell! You always were an arsehole, but letting your stupid little cronies hurt a child, is low even for you. I never should have agreed to work for you in the first place. Your head’s so far up your own arse, you can see what you ate for breakfast!”

  I can hear the fury in his squeaky little voice, he’s always hated when I called him G, and the thought of pissing him off makes me fucking giddy, I always wanted to tell him some harsh truths. It’s the least he deserves for
what he’s let that bitch Sarah, do to my girl he’s fucking lucky the guys asked me not to go after him or I swear, Archangel or not I’d rip his head off his shoulders! There seriously isn’t a person out there right now that I would enjoy killing more than this bastard.

  “What do you fucking mean you won’t be back? You’re fucking lucky that you got this job in the first place! Little bastards like you should be earning their place in our ranks, yet my brothers fucking handed the job to you! On another note, how the fuck could I have made your mate’s life hell? I don’t even know who the little whore is! You younglings really are the most fucking stupid of our race! I should have fucking dropped you on your arse the minute my brothers threw you to me, you filthy little maggot!”

  I chuckle at him dryly, as I prepare to drop my bomb, this shit is going to be so fucking satisfying. “You may not have met her, but you definitely know her, she’s your granddaughter. You know the girl you let your slut of a daughter, and her guards terrorize for years! Or in your words ‘the abomination’ that deserved everything that was done to her. So why the fuck would I want to do anything for you, as far as I’m concerned you can go fuck yourself! The most satisying thing about finally telling you to go fuck yourself, is the fact I know your piggy little face will be bright fucking red, and then you’ll throw a childish little fit. That shit really is the best reward.”

  With that I hang up the phone, throw it onto the bed, and lean my head back, letting out a deep breath. I suppose that could have gone better, but I don’t really give a fuck! There’s no way I’m going back there, where they let shit like this slide. Lilith was only a child, she needed people to protect her, when she was too small to protect herself. I don’t care if she’s a hybrid or not, she didn’t ask to be born the way she was, so I don’t see why they had to take it out on her. If anyone should have had to go through that shit, it should have been Sarah. But that bitch gets away with fucking murder, without a single fucking concequence.


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