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The Line: The Complete Series

Page 57

by Nikki Rose

  “Oh okay.” she sat back in her seat, relaxing again as we walked out into the hall.

  “What’s going on Mason?” the Director said as soon as Hana and I were out into the hall.

  I looked around, waiting for a nurse to pass. Then another one. And another. There was no privacy there so I motioned for them to follow me into an empty patient room.

  “How well was Natalie vetted before her and James got married?” I figured blunt was the way to go.

  “We did a thorough background check on her. Why?”

  “Was it to the same standards that we usually do?”

  “Interpol? No. We didn’t have time considering they ran off and eloped. Why? What’s this about?”

  We proceeded to explain to the Director everything we’d just discussed. At first, he looked as perplexed as I had but then some of the puzzle pieces began to make a rather clear picture.

  “We need to get Mikey to run a more in-depth search including a facial recognition with Interpol,” Director Applegate said. “We don’t want to go around making accusations of one of our own if it's unprecedented. Especially after everything they’ve both gone through.”

  “I completely agree.”

  “Thank you for bringing this to me. Get Mikey to do the search when we get back to the waiting room...discreetly and quickly. Until we get answers, don’t let her out of your sight.”

  “We should tell Hunter too. He can help keep an eye on her and he’ll be discreet.”

  The Director nodded and motioned for us to head back so we did.



  We walked back into the private waiting room. Hunter sat in the same spot but Natalie was no longer beside him.

  “Hey, Hunter. Where’s Natalie?” I asked as I walked over to him.

  “She said she needed to get some fresh air. She’s been through so much I think this is all really taking its toll on her.”

  My heartbeat kicked up a few paces. I didn’t like not having eyes on her now that we were pretty certain she was behind the attacks on our agency. Hunter must have noticed the worry in my expression because his brow furrowed.

  “What is it? What’s wrong?”

  “There’s a chance that Natalie is the one calling the shots with the Russian’s. It’s a long story but we need to find her. Now.”

  “Shit. She just left,” Hunter said as he jumped up from his seat and we both ran for the door.

  I could see her walking down the long hall. Luckily for us, she wasn’t going fast, probably assuming her chances of quietly slipping out and disappearing would be better if she didn’t make a big scene. Hunter and I took off running as fast as we could in her direction.

  “Natalie, stop,” Hunter called after her.

  She looked back and started to move faster. She glanced back at us, almost running into a bed as a transporter wheeled it into a room. The startled transporter froze. The bed was turned, blocking her way and giving us a chance to get closer to her.

  They moved the bed too soon and she took off running but we were gaining on her. It wouldn't be long before Hunter or I would be able to lunge forward and tackle her.

  She knocked over one of the portable computer stations, slowing us down as we jumped over it, giving her time to put some space between us.

  Natalie turned off into one of the ICU rooms. James’s ICU room. We followed, stopping short the moment we entered. She stood, holding the oxygen tubing. We could hear the quiet hissing as pure oxygen filled the room. In her other hand, she held a lighter, her thumb positioned to light.

  “Natalie, whatever you do don’t light that lighter. Oxygen and fire are a very dangerous combination,” I tried to keep my tone soft and calm.

  “You think I don't know that? And in just a few minutes, this whole room will be filled with highly concentrated oxygen.”

  “You’d ignite yourself too. And James. He did everything he could to make sure you were kept safe. Why would you want to hurt him?”

  “He’s pathetic.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Natalie,” my heart sank into the pit of my stomach when I heard Hana’s voice but I didn’t turn around to see her. I couldn’t risk taking my eyes off of Natalie.

  “Hana, what are you doing in here? Get out. It’s not safe.”

  “I want to talk to her. I don’t think she understands what she’s doing.”

  “Oh, I understand perfectly.”

  “Why would you want to hurt James? He was so worried about you. I got to talk to him a few times while you were missing. He told me you’ve been married for three years and that they were the best years of his life. He told me how much he loves you.”

  “His love made him weak. That’s why he’s here.”

  “Love doesn’t make you weak. It gives you strength to do the right thing no matter what. He told me how in love you two are.”

  “He was an idiot.”

  Hunter tried to step closer to her but she turned toward him, holding the lighter closer to the tube.

  “Uh-uh. Don’t come any closer. I wonder what would happen if I ignited this right at the tip of the tube? Do you think the flame would travel all the way to the oxygen tank?”

  “Natalie, you don’t want to do that,” I warned. You’d kill yourself and probably a dozen innocent people besides us.”

  “You're talking like I should care,” her cold, emotionless expression gave me an eerie feeling.

  “What about the baby?” Hana argued desperately.

  “Baby?” Natalie scoffed. “You really are all idiots, aren’t you? There is no baby.”

  “Natalie?” James woke up slightly, groggy from the painkillers I was sure they’d pumped him full of.

  “My name isn’t Natalie. It’s Natalia. Natalia Vasiliev.”

  I stood in shock, my jaw dropped open. “Natalia Vasiliev.”

  “I see my name precedes me.”

  “The only Vasiliev I knew was from old stories from before I joined the agency.”

  “My father made quite a name for himself before I was even old enough to spell our last name.”

  “Your father was Adrik Vasiliev?” I asked and she just nodded with a smug look.

  “Who is Adrik Vasiliev?” Hana looked between us bewildered.

  “He was the most vicious, dangerous, and ruthless leader the Russian mob ever had.”

  “He was also an amazing father who taught me to be strong and loyal to my country.”

  “He probably killed hundreds...many of them from your country,” I argued.

  “Traitors,” Natalie, or Natalia bit out the harsh word.

  “He killed women and children. Tortured, mutilated... For a long time, he was completely unstoppable.”

  “What happened?” Hana was enthralled by the story.

  “They killed him. That’s what happened,” Natalia screamed at her and I took a step in front of Hana. “They came into our home in the city and ripped my father from me while I cried and held onto his leg until one of your soldiers pried me away from him and left me and my mother crying in our home. So, I went after your agency. I plotted for years, got James to fall for me which was pathetically easy. Petrov and his men were eager to help me for their own reasons. It seems your agency has lots of enemies.”

  “But why go after our agency? It wasn’t us who took him?”

  “It was your Director. He took my father from our home and shot him in the street just to make a name for himself. To impress his superiors and get a cushy position as Director.”

  “I didn’t kill him. Some of his men fired on us. We fired back but one of their bullets hit him,” the Director said from behind us and we all glanced back to look but turned to keep an eye on Natalia.

  “Liar. You shot him in the street. I saw his blood there the next day. My mother cried every time we had to pass that red stain. She quit going out of the house. She quit taking care of me. They had to take me away and put me in a home once she drank her
self to death. You destroyed my family and now I will destroy yours.”

  Natalia moved the lighter toward the oxygen tubing.

  “Natalie, no.” James cried out and she looked at him, slightly hesitant.

  I knew I had to make my move. As she yelled, distracted by the Director’s presence, I’d managed to take a few steps around the room to bring myself closer to her. I lunged for her, knocking the lighter and tube from her hands as we tumbled to the ground.

  “No,” she cried out in anger, clawing at my arms, trying to reach for the lighter again.

  One spark in that room and everything would have gone up in flames. Oxygen at such high concentration had that ability. I clasped my hand around her wrist and pulled her hands behind her back, resting my knee on her back to keep her still.

  “Bring me something to tie her hands.”

  “No,” she roared out like a banshee. “No, you all will die. I will kill every last one of you for my papa!”

  “No one else is dying today,” Hunter handed me zip ties from his pocket and I secured her hands behind her back before lifting her off the floor.

  Hana ran over to the oxygen tube and turned off the valve as Hunter and I forced Natalia from the room kicking and screaming.



  Mason stood at the podium in a crisp black suit as he gave his speech while everyone hung on his every word, “Ladies and gentlemen, I want to thank you for being here today as we honor an amazing man who not only led this agency but united us into a family, a brotherhood. Richard Applegate began his service at the early age of nineteen when he first enlisted into the marines. He claims that the most terrifying aspect of joining our armed forces was breaking the news to his father that he wasn’t going to college.”

  “I still remember the first day I met Director Applegate. It was my first day at the agency. I’d been a part of the ATF unit as one of their certified explosives specialists when some Director called from some mysterious agency that I couldn’t even know the name of, wanting to recruit me to his team.”

  “I walked into headquarters like I owned the place. I mean, they had recruited me specifically, right? So, they had to feel lucky that I’d accepted their offer. But the Director was quick to cut me back down to size. He never hesitated to tell it like it was. He taught us what it was to be a true leader to lead by example, to inspire, and to always do what’s right, even if the rules say it’s wrong. In truth, I could stand up here all day listing all the things he taught me but instead, I’m just going to say that he taught me to be a better agent and a better man. He will be missed and no matter how great his replacement is, there will always be a little piece missing from our team,” Mason smiled a bittersweet smile to Chris who had announced just that morning that he had been chosen to step in as Director. “They are some very big shoes to fill, Chris, I hope you’re ready.”

  “Oh, I’m up for the challenge,” Chris called to him.

  “And he truly is, guys. Chris has proven over many missions that he is an amazing team leader. I have no doubt that he will lead our agency with just as much courage. And, who could be more courageous than a man who decides to date his boss’s daughter?” Mason teases. “Oh yes, a man who knocks up his boss’s daughter.”

  There were several gasps around the room from people who had yet to hear the news. They all turned to look at Chris and Caroline and Mason laughed, “I begged them both to let me be the one to announce their big news tonight. Please, join me in congratulating Chris and Caroline,” we all clapped energetically at the exciting news even though their team had been told privately earlier in the week.

  “And Help me congratulate our retiring Director in becoming a grandpa as well as a retiree. Here’s to jumping into your geriatric years with both feet,” Mason held up his glass in a toast and everyone laughed as they held up theirs, including Director Applegate.

  Mason walked into the crowd of tables with everyone standing and clapping. He shook hands and hugged the Director before shaking hands with both Chris and Hunter. The majority of people were other agents from one organization or another. Security had been insane when we came in, probably because half the country’s defenses were in one place.

  He walked over to me, wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me tight against him before firmly pressing his lips to mine with such passion that he made my toes curl.

  “That was a great speech,” I smiled up at him and squeezed him tight.

  “Nothing felt special enough for him so I just went with sincerity.”

  “That’s the best thing you could have done.”

  “Hey, Hana.” Chris came up to me and gave me a hug.

  “Hello, Director,” I said to Chris although the words felt strange.

  “Not officially until next week.”

  “Congratulations again on the new position and on the baby. Wow, a lot of life changes all at once.”

  “Isn’t that how it usually goes. You can go years with barely anything changing then boom.”

  “All good though, I hope?”

  “Couldn't be happier.”

  “How’s James doing? Have you talked to him?”

  “He’s doing okay. It’s been hard. He mainly feels stupid for not seeing it sooner, but he also loved her so it’s got to be hard.

  “James is a strong man, He’ll be just fine once he has time to let the shock fade,” Mason added.

  “Someone mention my name?” James came up to the group, still looking slightly weak from his injuries.”

  “Hey, I was just asking how you were doing. I was wondering if I’d see you here.”

  “Of course. I wouldn’t miss this for the world. I hear congratulations are in order for you, Mason. Fully exonerated on all charges and they finally managed to round up that Donovan guy.”

  “Yeah, I don’t think I’ll ever take my freedom for granted again,” Mason said with some relief.

  “Speaking of losing your freedom, how are you two love birds doing? Enjoying being able to actually leave the house with her now, Mason?” Chris teased.

  “We actually haven’t left the house that much,” Mason bragged, pulling me closer to his side and I blushed.

  In truth, we’d only gone out on one date. It was beautiful and fancy with the right amount of fun but we’d mostly opted for staying at the house, rolling around under the covers.

  “Ah well, be careful. That’s the kind of thing that leads to this kind of thing,” he placed his hand on Caroline’s still flat belly and although he teased, you could see the genuine pride and excitement in his face.

  “Let’s give the world time to adjust to another Chris before we add another Mason or you guys might throw off some cosmic balance or something,” Hunter laughed.

  “There you are,” a female voice came up behind Hunter. She was beautiful with her long dark hair and the look of love in her eyes when she gazed up at him. “Oh, I’m Addy, by the way. You must be Hana. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  “It’s nice to meet you too, Addy.”

  “I heard you’re an artist. I’d love to see your work sometimes.”

  “Of course, and I’d love to see yours.”

  “Some of my pieces are scheduled for a show next month. Maybe you and Mason can join Hunter and myself for the showing and dinner?”

  “That sounds great. I would love that.”

  “Great. I’ll get your info from Hunter and we’ll set it up.”

  “That sounds perfect.”

  “I believe you owe me a dance,” Hunter spoke softly to Addy, slipping his arm around her waist. Seeing that softer side of him made me smile.

  “I think that’s the best idea you’ve had all week,” Chris joked and smiled down at Caroline. “You think you’re up for a spin around the dancefloor?”

  Caroline’s eyes got big and she placed her hand on her still flat stomach, “I’m not sure I could handle much spinning right now.”

  Chris chuckled and gently pulled h
er up against him. “How about some gentle swaying then? I just want to hold you close.”

  Caroline beamed, wrapping her arms around him. “I think I can handle that.”

  “If you’ll excuse us,” Chris nodded to Mason, James, and me before escorting Caroline to the dance floor.

  “Well,” James said, slapping Mason’s shoulder. “I’m gonna go get drunk and maybe even hit on that hot bartender over there.” He let out a sad chuckle, trying to hide his pain.

  “How about one dance around the floor before you go?” I offered before he could walk away.

  James smiled at me, a real smile. “Thanks, but, maybe later.”

  “James, are you sure you’re going to be alright? I know it can’t be easy—”

  He held up his hand to stop me. “I promise you, I'll be fine. I just need a little time for wallowing in self-pity. Then I’ll pick myself up and move on.”

  He sounded so convincing that I really did believe he meant what he said. It helped to ease my concerns for him somewhat. I gave him a quick hug before he left us for the bar.”

  “And then there were two,” Mason announced.

  “I didn’t want to ask with James around, but what did the agency end up doing about Natalie, or Natalia, I guess?

  “She has been locked away in a deep dark cell where only the highest level of clearance can have contact with her. She won’t be going anywhere for a very long time.”

  “Good, a part of me feels bad for her, for what she went through as a child, but she is one extremely dangerous person.”

  “I agree. The good news is, now that we know who she is, our team has been able to find several of her contacts. They are following the trail from the top to the bottom, which is actually a lot easier than how we usually have to do things, going from the low-level criminals up to their bosses and their bosses’ bosses.”

  “Makes since. I’m just relieved and looking for a little time to relax and enjoy time with you,” I smiled at Mason and he gently brushed a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

  “Speaking of enjoying time together, may I have this dance?” He held his hand out to me the way prince charming always did in the movies.


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