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Feeling His Steel

Page 8

by Brynn Paulin

  The thought caused Toby to misstep and Wyn dove into the opening, taking advantage and outclassing Toby. In moments Toby found himself on his back with his sword a few feet away. Wyn gently pointed his sword into the hollow of Toby’s throat.

  “Give,” he ordered.

  Toby set his jaw. “Never.”

  Wyn tossed his sword on top of Toby’s. He knelt quickly, straddling Toby, capturing his hands and pressing them on the grass to either side of his head. “Give.”


  Wyn leaned forward. He nipped Toby’s bottom lip. His hips lowered and Toby felt the proof of his arousal pressing into his own cock. “Give,” Wyn breathed against his mouth.

  Toby smiled. He purposely shifted his hips beneath Wyn. “I prefer for you to give. You do it so well.”

  “Mouthy squire…”

  “So punish me.”

  Before Toby had completed the last syllable, Wyn pressed forward, his mouth fully covering Toby’s and stealing his breath and any more teasing words. His tongue thrust into Toby’s mouth just as effectively as he wielded his sword, and Toby countered with far more skill than he had with a weapon. Their warfare had moved to another more effective, more dangerous playing field.

  Toby’s knee lifted beside Wyn’s hip as he tried to get more of the knight and unable to move anything else, he lifted his head to try for more of Wyn’s kiss. If this was the result of sparring, he was all for it—daily.

  The honk of a horn and the obnoxious yells of a group of teens heckling them jarred Toby from sinking completely into the moment. He yanked his mouth away from Wyn only to draw more jeers.

  Good Lord! What had happened to his head? He knew better than this. He shoved at Wyn’s shoulders. “We can’t do this here.”

  “They are just churls.”

  “Even so, I could lose my job if I’m caught like this with you. They’re completely close-minded. We need my job.”

  Wyn frowned and Toby wasn’t sure if it was displeasure over Toby’s career situation or his refusal to continue the intimacy. Wyn rolled away and sat to Toby’s side, his knees slightly drawn up and his arms resting loosely on his legs.

  Toby didn’t move except to cover his eyes with his arm. He didn’t want to fight with Wyn. Not now. Not again.

  “I know things have changed,” Wyn began, “but in many ways, they seem to be exactly the same. We still must hide what we are, covertly sharing our love, hiding in the dark and pretending to be like everyone else.”

  “It’s not like that everywhere. Some people can live openly—”

  “But it’s like that here, Tobias. I feel as if I’ve been thrown forward into the same situation with a different setting. Only now, I have no usable skills. The one good thing, that part I cling to, is our love. It rips out pieces of my heart each time you deny me. If I am to live a lifetime like this, I will end up with nothing. A living shell with no soul.”

  As Toby moved his arm to look at Wyn, Wyn leaped to his feet and stalked to his sword. He sheathed it as Toby got up and reclaimed his own weapon.

  “I would like to go home,” Wyn said. “I know you do not want a disagreement any more than I do. We can be there without this coming between us.”

  “Let’s. I’d rather focus on spending time with you before I go back to work tomorrow. You’re right. I don’t want to fight.”

  Wyn looked around then pulled him to his chest with one arm, and it killed Toby. He hated that Wyn had to make sure no one watched them, that the future had broken that much of his spirit—just as it had his.

  * * * * *

  The evening had been spent eating pizza, drinking beer and critiquing A Knight’s Tale—Wyn laughing uproariously at the improbability then pulling Toby to the floor for his demonstration of the joust.

  Wyn had been less impressed by Toby’s safety lessons regarding things with cords and the dangers of electricity. Still there was no way Toby was leaving Wyn alone in the condo without warning him that a knife in the toaster could kill him.

  Toby was still worried when he went to work the next morning. Compounding that, a message awaited him in his staff mailbox. Dean Palmer required Toby’s presence as soon as he arrived.

  His stomach clenched.

  Just great.

  When he got to the dean’s office, the dean’s secretary treated Toby to a sour look

  that did nothing for his nerves.

  “Go in. He’s waiting for you.” She pursed her lips then turned back to her PC. Toby’s hand shook slightly as he reached for the knob. He paused. Why was he so

  worried? It wasn’t as if the townspeople from the past awaited him in the office with hot pokers. He was a warrior and he’d already confronted nastier opponents. He could face down that blowhard Palmer. What was the worst he could do?

  Fire you.

  And therein lay the problem. He could be fired and be forced back to England since his work visa would be invalidated, and where would that leave Wyn? It wasn’t as if he had papers and could just hop on a plane with Toby.

  But Toby hadn’t done anything wrong. There was no reason to fire him. Squaring his shoulders, he went into the office.

  “Professor Woods. Have a seat.”

  Not even “hello”? This was gonna be great. Just great.

  Toby silently took his seat, carefully placing his arms on the rests and keeping his hands loose. Fists would betray his agitation and he didn’t plan to do that.

  “How was your weekend?” Palmer asked.

  “Good, thank you.”

  “Your friend from out of town still visiting?”

  Toby’s brows pulled together. “Yes.”

  “Hmm…I suppose it was him. I won’t keep you in suspense. That’s not my style.”

  Sure it’s not. Palmer enjoyed the power play.

  “Someone from the staff reported seeing you out with this fellow at a park.

  Publically kissing him where any of our impressionable students could have seen you. This individual reported your behavior to the board because of a concern about your influence on the students enrolled at Grand Riverside. Frankly the board is concerned as well.”

  Toby had feared this, but in fruition, it seemed ridiculous.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

  “You must be aware your position here is tenuous. Your behavior and performance

  must be above reproach—”

  “Wait! You’re calling my work into question as well?”

  “You’re suspended until Friday afternoon when the board is scheduled to meet. At

  that time, they will decide your fate at this school.”

  “Answer my question,” Toby demanded. “You’re questioning my performance?” “Frankly yes. Have a good day, Professor Woods.” The dean turned away, dismissing him.

  Toby surged to his feet. “This is a farce! I can’t believe—”

  “Don’t!” Palmer spun toward him with a glare. “Don’t make this worse for yourself than it already is. Don’t forget, I am one of those scrutinizing your behavior.”

  “Yeah. Well I guess I’m lucky, because we all know how well that will go.” The words were out of Toby’s mouth before he could stop them.

  Crap. Shouldn’t have said that.

  “You can’t do this. It’s discrimination and you know it.”

  The look on the dean’s face turned nasty as he smiled smugly. “You signed a decency agreement, Woods. The witness states you were practically having sex in a public park. Whether your partner was male or female, you are in violation of the college’s code of conduct. Good day, Professor.”

  Angrily Toby stormed out of the office. He knew he should argue further, but at the moment, he just wanted to punch something.

  Chapter Six

  Toby sped home, going well over the speed limit. At the rate his day was going, he’d end up without a job and in jail. And Wyn would have no idea what had happened to him. That didn’t sit well. And it slowed him to a more reasonable speed, tho
ugh it was still over the speed limit.

  In minutes, he’d parked in his space and was on his way up the elevator to his condo. On his floor, he didn’t smell smoke—well, that was a good sign. And he tried to summon a smile before he went inside.

  Wyn was sitting at the table with his back to the door when Toby entered. He seemed completely engrossed. He jumped and turned when Toby engaged the lock, as if startled to find Toby there.

  Toby tried to smile. “Hi, honey. I’m home.”

  Wyn frowned and put down whatever it was he’d been so intent on. His chair scraped across the marble tiles as he got up. He rushed to Toby and pulled him into his arms. The concern on his face showed his embrace was more from worry than affection. Apparently Toby’s brave face was transparent as glass.

  “What is wrong? I did not expect you back until it was nearly dark.”

  “Do you remember yesterday when I told you kissing in public could cost me my job?”

  Wyn nodded. “Well it may have cost me my job. Someone saw us and reported me. My behavior and job performance are being reviewed.”

  A growl rose from Wyn’s throat. “I’ll skewer them.”

  “No. No, you won’t.” Toby tilted his head into Wyn’s shoulder. “You know…I hate the job anyway. I’m just worried. If I have to leave the country because my work visa is invalidated, I don’t know what you’ll do.”

  “Tobias, we’ll figure it out. The angel wouldn’t have brought us together again only to have us parted.”

  “Are you so sure of that? Perhaps this is a test or a joke. You’ve always said it’s not for us to understand the way of heaven. What if heaven is just as against us as everyone else? What if this is a lesson we failed to learn last time and are having to redo?”

  Wyn rested his head against his. “Do not be negative. I am not losing you again unless it is your choice that we part.”

  “No worries there. I just wish I could tell everyone how much I love you. I hate that I can’t.” Toby turned his head and kissed Wyn’s neck. Wyn hugged him tighter and they clung to each other, taking solace from their embrace and being together. Toby almost believed everything would work out. Then he remembered the look on Palmer’s face. There was no mistaking his utter disgust. He’d already made up his mind.

  “I need to go see David and let him know I might not be available after this week. Maybe he can recommend someone to get you out of the country.”

  “Perhaps. Tobias…you may retain your job. Do not despair yet.”

  “I still need to talk to David.”

  Wyn nodded. “I’ll go get on my shoes. There were strange papers on the table when I awoke. What are they?”

  “I didn’t leave anything.”

  Toby went over to where Wyn had been sitting and stared at the pile of paperwork.

  “Wyn…oh my God…Wyn…”

  “What is it?”

  “This…this is what I was worried about. It can’t be this easy.”

  “And why not?”

  At the words, Toby looked up to find the angel standing near the wall. “Well, because…well…”

  “Cat’s got your tongue? Perhaps I should have gifted you with language too,” she laughed.

  Wyn came up behind Toby and put an arm around him. “Are we to be parted?”

  “That’s entirely up to you and how much you plan to mess things up. That paperwork ensures no government will part you by sending either Toby or you to another country.” She rubbed her nails on her sleeve then looked at them. “I’m just that good. Have fun, kids, but wait ’til I leave. I’m supposed to be pure and stuff.” She pointed up. “The big guy gets irritated when I play outside the corral.” She made a square with her fingers. “But He’s all-loving and believes in all love, if you know what I mean. So cut out the ‘it’s a test’ theories, kid. You don’t want to get hit by lightning.”

  Wyn whispered into Toby’s ear, “I have already done that. It hurts a bit.”

  The air seemed to shimmer around them and the angel disappeared. “Is that our cue for fun?” Toby laughed. He shook his head and picked up one of the papers. Education credentials. His eyes wide, he dropped it and looked at another, then Wyn’s passport, several credit cards and his driver’s license—well, damn, he wasn’t letting him try to test that plastic out soon. What the hell was the angel thinking? Fourteenthcentury knights couldn’t drive cars.

  “Wyn…you have dual citizenship and you’re nobility, Lord Alwyn Farnsworth. Geez, and your family is wealthy. Look at you. What are you doing with me?”

  Wyn chuckled, none of it seeming to affect him. “You know why I’m with you.”

  “This is crazy. Your father’s—your real father’s—castle is yours now. I was sure it hadn’t existed anymore. I know the town was gone.” He sighed. “Weird. I guess the castle could be off by itself with no town nearby. I bet more info about it is in this stack.”

  “I thought I was reading wrong.”

  Toby stared at him. “You can read English?”


  “I don’t understand any of this.”

  “There is nothing to understand, except…we’re together.” He kissed Toby. “I want you.”

  “Yes.” Toby looked around. “She’s gone?”

  “I doubt she is ever really gone. But I do not think she is watching us. Not right now.”

  “Good. I have wicked things in mind for you.”

  “Again?” Wyn laughed. “You wore me out last night, squire.”

  “Oh I doubt that.” Toby slipped from his arms and headed for the bedroom. “You seem to have an unlimited stamina, my knight.” He turned. “I need you to tie me down and have your way. Take everything out of my hands so I can stop worrying for a while.”

  “You are not afraid of being tied? After what you went through, what you told me of your vision—”

  “I’m not scared with you. I trust you. I know you can make my worry go away for a while. I have these satin love rope thingies.” He shrugged. “I got them for some reason, but they’ve never been used. I never had anyone I wanted to use them on and I definitely didn’t trust someone to tie me.”

  “I do not want to hear about your other men.”

  “What other men?”

  “Exactly.” Wyn crossed his arms over his chest. “Go to the bedroom, squire, and get ready. I want you naked and loose for me. Go now, or you’ll get a whipping to go with the tying.”

  Heat flared through Toby at the thought, but he rushed to do as Wyn bade anyway. Quickly he laid out the lube and a condom then pulled the ropes from their hiding place in his closet. He ripped them from their packaging, tossing the wrapper on his dresser, and brought them to the bed. His clothes were off in a flash. He got onto the bed then reached for the lube. Getting himself ready for Wyn seemed almost as intimate and sensual as Wyn fucking him, even without Wyn in the room, because he knew who this was for. He parted his legs and slid his slick fingers over his anus. They felt good against his heated flesh. Instinctively he raised his hips and pressed, pushing one digit inside to the third knuckle. So good…

  He worked in and out for a few moments then added the next finger. He jerked against his hand, fucking himself and pressing his lips together to keep his moans silent.

  “Yes, squire, like that. Add another finger. Open your lips so I can hear you.”

  Toby’s focus shifted and he found Wyn standing at the foot of the bed. His arms were still over his chest and he looked like a satisfied slave owner as he surveyed his slave to love in action. Toby stared into his eyes as he followed Wyn’s order, adding another finger and letting his moans color the air. His eyes followed Wyn as he circled the bed and picked up the “love ropes” then tested their strength with a few sharp tugs. A shiver of sweet anticipation raked over Toby.

  “You can stop,” Wyn told him. He sat beside Toby, running a hand over Toby’s torso. His dominant mask cracked and gave way to something akin to tenderness. Compassion? Understanding? “I am
going to tie you. If a vision starts to overtake you, if you feel the terror or panic of that night, you must tell me. Understand?”


  Wyn nodded. “Roll over and give me your back.”

  He turned and Wyn slipped two pillows beneath his hips. He yanked Toby’s hands up together over his head, giving Toby the roughness he desired, then lashed the silken rope around Toby’s wrists. He laced the other end through the headboard, leaving a short, taut length between hands and the iron. Moving to the foot of the bed, he bound each foot then attached each rope to the end of the footboard, far enough apart to leave Toby spread and vulnerable.

  Toby pressed his forehead into the mattress as the first dregs of fear hit him. He didn’t want to tell Wyn. He tried to breathe through it as his panic shook his body.

  Wyn smoothed a hand over Toby’s back, and Toby realized his agitation had caused him to sweat.

  “Hush,” Wyn said quietly, sounding very much as though he’d expected this reaction. “You are safe. Your knight will not let anyone harm you. Never again.” His hand continued up and down Toby’s back. “Relax,” he said sternly. “I will only bring you pleasure this morn.”

  At Wyn’s instruction, the tension drained from Toby. “Yes, my knight.”

  “Did I tell you to tell me if you experienced fear?”

  Toby swallowed. Uh-oh. “You did.”

  “For disobeying and not trusting me to help you, you will be punished.”

  “I trust you.”

  “Do you?” Wyn countered.


  “Can you move?”

  Toby tried to shift. Wyn had him trussed perfectly. Wyn had angled him just right for his own pleasure. All Toby could do was rock his hips.

  “Not really,” Toby replied.

  “As your punishment, you may not come until I tell you—if I tell you.” “No, oh please not that.”

  “You do not get to choose. Do not come or I will redden your ass. Afternoon approaches and I can administer your punishment without breaking my oath.”


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