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Page 14

by Toni Goode

  “Well I hadn’t exactly thought that far.” Aidan said quickly.

  “I say go for it. Hell, you have nothing to lose.” Lana said quickly.

  “Well nothing but your life but hey if that is the way you want to go out then I won’t stop you.” Sam said bitterly.

  “God you are so dramatic Sam. “ Lana said sarcastically.

  “I’m going to leave you two to figure out your crazy scheme. I want no part of it.” Sam began to walk out of the room and Lana huffed as she went after him. “I don’t even know why I went through the trouble to bring you back here.” He said angrily.

  “Oh, come on Sam. Don’t do this.” She grabbed his arm and he spun around as he yanked his arm back. “Hey, listen you’re the one that left only a note to say you were going away. I thought that fifty years must have changed you, right? I mean it’s fifty years and your still up to your same bullshit.” Sam shook his head as he quickly left, and she stood there and sigh.

  “Looks like you bit off more than you can chew with him.” Aidan said as she spun and looked at him.

  “Listen he wanted to settle down. Who does that? Were fucking vampires and were going to live forever and I choose to enjoy this life. He just wanted to sit in some cabin and live a life of solitude.” She huffed.

  “Yeah well apparently when you left that changed.” Aidan said honestly.

  “You should go after the girl Aidan, who even cares if it is not her. You like her right?” Lana asked.

  “Well I don’t know her to be honest.” He began, and she rolled her eyes.

  “Well obviously you want to get to know her so do it. Don’t sit around and waste eternity punishing yourself. You deserve to be happy.” She said honestly.

  “You know you could take your own advice.” Aidan raised an eyebrow.

  “Yeah, maybe. One day.” She rolled her eyes. “You wanna grab a bite to eat like old times?” She smirked.

  “You got something better than bottled blood?” He asked seriously.

  “Why don’t you come and find out. You know the world isn’t all that it seems. There is more out there than anyone knows.” She smirked.

  “Alright, lets do this.” Aidan said quickly. He really could use some fresh food at the moment. They both took off quickly.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Emma stared at the books until her eyes got tired and she rubbed them. The sound of the bell above the door going off made her look up as Tami and Clare walked in.

  “Grab your things girl, were going out.” Clare smiled big, but it was one of those smiles that said it may be dangerous. It was a bit exciting, but she knew her dad wouldn’t allow it not when she was supposed to be working tonight.

  “I gotta work tonight, I wish I could go.” Emma said as she sighed.

  “Go where?” Her father said as he walked into the front room of the store. “Hello girls, staying out of trouble I hope.” He smiled at them.

  “Always are Mr. Reynolds.” Clare said with a smile. “But we were really hoping that Emma could come out with us tonight.” She said with a pout.

  “Oh really? And what are you ladies up to?” He raised an eyebrow as Emma looked away. She knew this wouldn’t work.

  “A few of us were going to a study group. There is a big final coming up soon.” Tami interjected.

  “Emma you didn’t tell me that you had a big exam coming up?” Her father said quickly.

  “She didn’t want to worry you. She knows you need her to run the shop and all.” Clare sighed.

  “That may be true, but I don’t want your studies being affected. You know that Emma.” He said with worry in his voice.

  “I know dad, it’s just.” Emma began, and he cut her off.

  “I will cover the store tonight. You need to study. It’s very important.” He said seriously.

  “Oh, Mr. Reynolds thank you so much!” Clare ran up to him and hugged him quick.

  Tami grabbed Emma’s arm and dragged her up from the chair as Clare stepped back from Emma’s father who was blushing now.

  “We won’t have her home very late.” Clare said as they all left the store and began to laugh.

  “Oh my god Clare, you are so bad!” Emma shook her head.

  “You know your dad is pretty hot.” Clare smirked.

  “Eww, seriously that is gross” Both Tami and Emma said quickly.

  “Whatever I like older men.” Clare laughed as they walked over to her car.

  “So gross Clare, I am going to pretend you did not say that.” Emma shook her head. “Where are we going by the way?”

  “It’s a surprise.” Tami smirked.

  “I’m not one for surprises.” Emma said quickly.

  “It’s the only way to get you out of the house.” Clare smirked as they all piled into the car. “But we need to change first. Soo here put this on.” She began to pass off clothes to Emma and Tami.

  Tami held up a tiny skirt.” What is this?” She said with wide eyes.

  “Um, Clare? This is totally not my style.” Emma held up a ripped tank top and a tiny skirt like Tami had in her hand.

  “Can you bitches stop complaining and get dressed!” Clare said as she proceeded in changing as she drove down the street. Tami and Emma looked at each other and then quickly began to get changed. Emma still had no idea where they were going but she would be lying if she said she wasn’t just a little bit intrigued and excited. She never did get out much. They drove outside of town and Emma finally spoke.

  “So? Where exactly are we going?” Emma asked.

  “Ok so have you heard of those rave parties that show up in different places?” Clare said with a grin.

  “The ones that keep on getting shut down?” Emma raised an eyebrow.

  “Of course, you would find the one negative thing about them!” Clare rolled her eyes as she fixed her hair into two pony tails. “Take the wheel Tami.” She said as Tami jumped and grabbed the wheel.

  “I cant go to a rave Clare, you said this was just a party. My parents would kill me.” Tami said quickly as Clare continued to fix her hair.

  “Listen these raves are crazy. It’s very dangerous.” Emma said seriously.

  “And that is why were all wearing this.” Clare said as she handed them both a bracelet and they looked at it confused. “It’s made with a protection spell. No one can touch us with those on.” She said as she began to put hers on.

  “I don’t think this is a good idea.” Tami said quickly.

  “I agree, I mean a party would be cool but having to wear a protection spell just to go is a bit overwhelming Clare.” Emma said quickly.

  “Listen we don’t have to wear them, its just a precaution. Were going ladies. I got us all a private invite.” Clare grinned.

  “How the hell did you manage that?” Tami asked in shock.

  “I have my ways.” Clare smirked as she took the wheel back. “Just relax, were all adults and this will be fun but just a warning that there is going to be a bunch of different kinds of people there.”

  “Different kinds? Such as?” Tami asked in shock.

  “Listen there may be a wolf or two.” Clare said nonchalantly.

  “I’m going to be sick.” Tami said with a shake of her head.

  “Wolves? And what else, vampires?” Emma said sarcastically as Clare grinned. “Ok um, this is a dumb idea ok.”

  “You two are going to have so much fun that you will be begging me to take you back there.” Clare grinned.

  “I cant smell like a wolf when I go home. Like my dad will lock me away.” Tami said with concern. Emma on the other hand began to wonder if she would see that mysterious vampire guy and then she wanted to laugh. Like seriously what would the chances be? He wouldn’t be there, no way!

  Meanwhile Aidan wiped the blood from his mouth as the young blonde-haired human got up off his lap and smiled as she walked off. He couldn’t believe there were humans around and apparently a lot of them. Though they were still a bit more advanced then what he r
emembered. They were definitely human and part of some gipsy lifestyle. They followed a group of wolves, vampires and witches around. It was a new revolution in the making. One where they all lived in peace but for now until a change could happen they moved from town to town spreading their word of unity.

  Lana walked over to him and grinned. “So? Impressed?” She sat on the edge of the couch that was set up in an abandoned three-story house that the rave was currently taking place in.

  “Uh, Yeah. How did you even know about all of this?” He asked as she shrugged her shoulders and smirked.

  “I get around.” She finally laughed.

  “Yeah obviously. I did get an awesome fresh meal. So, I guess Sam doesn’t know about this?” He asked.

  “Oh, I am sure he does but he wants to live that other life style where we live in segregation but it’s 2068, it’s about time we all just do this right!” She beamed and then she jumped up as music began to play again. It was like a club in there. She flashed him the peace sign before she ran off and began to dance.

  Aidan stayed on the couch as another human girl walked over to him. “Hungry?” The pretty brunette smiled at him as she exposed her neck.

  “No thanks darling. I’m good right now.” Aidan said as she walked off and he stood up now. This was definitely a revolution he could get behind. He decided to take the opportunity to looked around the large house and see exactly what kind of species were there.

  Emma, Clare and Tami could hear the music pumping as they got out of the car. The whole front of the three-story house was full of cars and motorcycles not to mention there were groups of people hanging around outside. Emma could immediately see wolves interacting with vampires and witches standing around both species. It was shocking to say the least and also exciting to see everyone mingling together.

  “I told you this is going to be awesome.” Clare grinned as they all began walking up to the house.

  Emma kept trying to pull her tiny skirt down more and her tank top as well. She wasn’t used to dressing so provocatively but it was pretty empowering.

  “Don’t leave me alone, ok?” Tami said nervously as she fidgeted in her way too small clothes.

  Clare on the other hand was just doing her thing as she shook her hips and walked. She exhumed confidence and Emma was quite jealous of that aspect of Clare.

  They made their way inside and the house was enormous and packed. Music blasted loud and they were immediately greeted by a guy with an oversized cowboy hat on. He handed them all a drink.

  “What’s in it?” Emma asked him and he just grinned big at her.

  “Oh, don’t be such a baby Emma, drink it.” Clare downed hers. “Woo!” She said as she put her cup down.

  “Yeah we seriously shouldn’t be drinking stuff that could be laced or something.” Tami said quickly.

  “It’s alcohol you two, vodka. Drink it.” Clare said sarcastically as she rolled her eyes.

  Tami looked at Emma. “Bottoms up.” She said and then both girls downed the drink. It definitely was vodka and it burnt all the way down. Tami began to cough immediately. “That’s disgusting!” She shook her head.

  “We should keep the drinking to a minimum” Emma began as Clare looked at her and rolled her eyes.

  “Let’s meet back up in an hour.” Clare said as she began to walk off.

  “We shouldn’t separate!” Emma said quickly.

  “I’m gonna be sick, I’m going back to the car.” Tami said but she didn’t wait for Emma to answer.

  “I’m going to get Clare.” Emma called out but by the time she looked back around Clare was gone , lost among the crowd of people. Emma huffed as she quickly pushed past people and tried to find Clare. This particular room was really smoky, and Emma tried not to inhale the smoke but it was hard not to. A tall skinny guy with red short hair bumped into her as she stood there looking around.

  “Hey sexy!” The guy beamed at her.

  “Hey, sorry I’m just looking for my friend.” Emma went to move past him, but he moved with her.

  “I can be your friend, hunny.” He grinned as he flashed big fangs at her.

  “No thanks.” She turned from him, but another guy was standing there. Another vampire but this one had short dark hair.

  “Hey sweetheart, is he giving you a hard time. Come with me. I can help you.” The guy grabbed her arm and she yanked it back.

  “No thanks, I’m fine.” She tried to move but she was boxed in with these two guys. She tried not to panic as they began to push against her.

  “You smell delicious.” The red headed vampire said as he touched her hair and she spun around.

  “Don’t touch me.” She said to him as the other guy grabbed her hips from behind her. “Stop. I said don’t touch me.” She snapped as both guys began to tug on her. “I said stop!” She yelled as she kneed the red head in the groin and pushed him off to the side as she went to run but she promptly ran into someone else and nearly fell onto the floor if it wasn’t for two strong hands on her upper arms, holding her. “Sorry. I um.” She began to say as she looked up and saw those familiar blue eyes staring down at her in shock.

  “Emma?” Aidan said in shock as she blinked in surprise. “What the?” He began to say as the other two vampires came over.

  “Hey, she is with us!” The red head snapped angrily at Aidan as he went to grab Emma, but Aidan got in front of her and blocked them.

  “I seriously doubt that guys. You should probably turn around and find someone else, ok.” Aidan said quickly.

  “Maybe you didn’t hear me man, she is with us!” The red head said again.

  “Oh, so you want the hard way huh?” Aidan said as the dark-haired guy looked at him puzzled.

  “Maybe you have a hearing problem.” The dark-haired vampire said as Aidan grabbed him hard by the neck and then he grabbed the red headed one as well. He had both vampires by the neck as he looked at their shocked faces.

  “Now I am going too say this one more time. Get the hell out of here or I will personally remove both of your fangs!” He snapped at them.

  “Ok ok. Just let me down.” The red headed guy said, and he tossed them both on the ground as they took off. A crowd of people began to look at him and Emma.

  “You ok?” Aidan ignored the crowd and looked at Emma.

  “Yeah. Thanks. Um, what are you doing here.” She said quickly as she looked at him. He looked even better then she remembered.

  “I should ask you the same thing. You do know how dangerous places like this are, don’t you?” He asked her as she smiled nervously. “Seriously?” He took her by the arm and lead her into another room that was quieter.

  “You know I am an adult.” She said with annoyance as she pulled her arm back from him.

  “Yeah well obviously you either care very little about your life or you are completely naïve.’ He said seriously.

  “Or maybe I am just out having fun. Isn’t that what you are doing?” She said sarcastically.

  “Oh, that was fun back there with those rapist?” He said angrily. Emma huffed and rolled her eyes at him. She knew he was right, but she wasn’t about to let him know that. He was really arrogant but hot. He was still very hot but dangerous.

  “For your information I have a protection spell working so they wouldn’t have been able to do anything.” She said with a roll of her eyes and within seconds Aidan closed the distance between them as her back hit into the wall and he leaned into her neck as she gasped.

  “Protection spell, huh? Would it protect you from this?” His fangs descended as he spoke into her ear. His body was pressed up to her and it was making her stomach feel like butterflies were in it.

  “I’m not scared of you.” She finally said just above a whisper.

  “You should be Emma.” He pulled his mouth from next to her ear and he looked at her.

  She had never seen fangs up close before. They looked sharp and she reached for one with her hand, but he caught her hand in mid-air. “D
o they hurt when they come down?” She asked as he blinked a bit in shock at her as his fangs retracted and he let go of her hand. Her innocence was a huge turn on for him and if he didn’t act carefully he would easily pounce on her.

  “You shouldn’t be here.” He shook his head at her as he looked around. Lana waved over at him from across the room and then she came running over. He sighed heavily. He really wasn’t in the mood for Lana.

  “What are you doing over here?” Lana began and then she looked at Emma. “Oh wow, she does look similar. That’s crazy!” Lana said with wide eyes as Emma looked at her confused.

  “Don’t freak her out Lana. Her name is Emma and she was just leaving.” Aidan said quickly.

  “Who do I look like and who are you?” Emma asked as she looked at the petite pink haired vampire girl that was dressed in ripped skinny jeans and an old concert t-shirt that read “AC/DC”.

  “Oh, sorry I’m Lana and you look like.” She began to say as Aidan stepped in front of her. “Like. No one.” Lana smirked some. “You gonna hang out with me and Aidan.” She continued.

  “Aidan? That’s what your name is?” Emma said out loud though she didn’t really mean to.

  “Actually, Emma was just leaving Lana. “ Aidan said quickly.

  “No, I wasn’t. Is he always this grumpy?” Emma walked over to Lana as Aidan sighed. She liked this girl a lot, she didn’t know why.

  “You have no idea.” Lana laughed.

  “Very funny but seriously she is leaving.” Aidan said quickly, and Emma rolled her eyes.

  “Is there anything to drink around here that isn’t alcohol or blood?” Emma asked.

  “I’m sure we could find something.” Lana grinned.

  “Emma.” Aidan began as she turned and looked at him.

  “I’m not leaving Aidan, so I guess you can either come or not.” Emma smirked as she looked back at Lana.

  “I like you!” Lana laughed as she looked at Emma and then she put her arm over her shoulder as they began to walk.

  Aidan ran a hand through his hair as he stood there. He hated to admit that Emma looked as delicious as she smelt.


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