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Page 15

by Toni Goode

  Chapter Sixteen

  Lana walked Emma around the large house as Aidan followed. He was having trouble concentrating because Emma’s legs were amazing and that short skirt she wore left little to the imagination. He wasn’t the only one noticing though because each room they moved into men and women alike were watching her. Aidan had to keep his shit together as men eyeballed her.

  The girls walked up to a make shift bar. There was a very buff looking man standing there with long black hair that was pin straight. “Can you get my friend Emma here a soda?” Lana asked the bartender as she winked at him seductively.

  “Absolutely Pinky, by the way AC/DC, great group. They were legends.” He grinned at her.

  “Well great minds think alike then, huh.” She smiled as she leaned over the bar and whispered something in his ear as he groaned.

  “You know there are other places to get soda at.” Aidan said dryly as he walked next to Emma and she glanced at him.

  “You know you never did tell me why you were in the ground.” Emma raised an eyebrow at him.

  “I was tired, and I took a nap for about fifty years.” He said sarcastically.

  “Fifty Years. That’s a long time to sleep.” She smirked at him.

  “Tell me about that bracelet.” Aidan asked, and she fidgeted with it.

  “Why? Are you going to steal it like you stole my dagger.” She rolled her eyes at him.

  “First off that dagger wasn’t yours to begin with and secondly.” He began but she cut him off.

  “Who’s was it? Who is NM?” She said quickly.

  “You ask a lot of questions.” He shook his head.

  “And you don’t answer any of them.” She said sarcastically.

  “Ok, fair enough. Ask me something.” He finally said as he rolled his eyes playfully at her.

  “Do you like being a vampire?” She asked.

  Aidan looked at her a bit surprised. He was expecting a different question. “Um, I suppose so. I mean I have been this way for a very long time. I wouldn’t know what it’s like to be something else.” He said honestly.

  “My turn. Why were you at that abandoned town and why did you go back the next day?” He asked.

  “I was bored, and well I was bored.” She laughed some as the makeshift bartender guy placed a soda in front of her. She thanked him and took a sip.

  “That’s not even a decent answer. You were bored?” He said with a shake of his head.

  “So, I like history and that town has a lot of it. Why did you bury yourself in the ground?” She asked.

  “It was something to make the time go by faster.” He said honestly.

  “You have eternity and you want to sleep most of it away?” She said with a shake of her head.

  “Not entirely but I have been around for a very long time.” He said again.

  “Ok, so how old are you?” She asked. “I’m over 1500 years old, give or take a few hundred. You lose track over time.” He shrugged his shoulders.

  “1500 years old? That’s insane. Are you the oldest living vampire?” She said with shock. She wasn’t expecting that answer.

  “No, not even close.” He said honestly.

  “Wow, so here’s another hard one. What generation did you like the best?” She smirked, and he couldn’t help but smirk too. It had been a long time since he had some good playful banter.

  “Wow that is a hard one.” He shook his head. “The 50’s and 60’s wasn’t bad, but they have nothing on the 80’s.” He grinned.

  “The 80’s. I heard about that time. The fashion back then was odd, did you have a mullet or big hair?” She smirked.

  “Possibly.” He shook his head. “What are you really doing at a place like this?” He finally asked.

  “It’s nice to have excitement.” She said honestly.

  “There’s a big difference between excitement and being reckless.” He said seriously.

  “So, then what are you doing here?” She asked quickly.

  “Maybe I wanted a midnight snack.” He said sarcastically.

  Emma swallowed hard. “So, you bit someone?”

  “That’s sort of how it works. Why are you giving me an invitation?” He smirked, and her eyes got wide. “I’m kidding. I’m not going to bite you.” He moved away from her as he looked over at Lana who was flirting away with the bartender. He looked back at Emma. She looked worried and her heart was racing but more than that she was turned on. He could smell her excitement and it pulled at him in such a way that he could barely contain himself. He had to keep reminding himself that she wasn’t Natalie.

  “You like to intimidate people.” She said seriously.

  “Do I intimidate you?” He raised an eyebrow.

  “More like you peak my interest.” She said with a nervous smile.

  “Hmm, Interesting. So, what exactly peaks your interest Emma?” He asked as she slowly sipped her soda.

  “Just being what you are, a vampire. I’ve never really been this close to one.” She said seriously. She barely left the safety of her town. “But I’m not scared of you.” She added.

  “Your heart racing would say different.” He smirked.

  “A racing heart doesn’t always mean that someone is scared. Maybe I’m excited.” She smiled at him. He was so close and a huge part of her wanted to kiss him. The one and only guy she ever kissed was nearly two years ago when she graduated high school. His name was Bobby. He had supposedly had a crush on her for years and then he kissed her. It had taken her off guard and it was somewhat of a fail but that was all she had to compare anything to. She stood up now and got in front of him. “What’s my heart beat sound like now?” She looked up at him. Damn he was tall and built.

  “It sounds. It sounds like you need to go home.” He finally said as he stepped back from her and she look at him confused. She seriously thought he was going to kiss her, she was anticipating it but then nothing.

  “I’m sorry, what?” She shook her head as Clare came rushing over.

  “Jesus Emma, I have been looking everywhere for you.” Clare began as her eyes drifted to Aidan who was standing in front of Emma. “We need to go.” She pulled on Emma’s arm and then they finally walked out of the room as Emma kept looking at Aidan until he was out of sight. “Who the hell was that?” Clare said as they got outside.

  “Just some guy, I don’t know.” Emma lied. She didn’t want to get into a conversation about Aidan with Clare.

  “He looked super intense, were you talking to him?” Clare asked as they got to the car.

  “Not really.” She lied again and then they got inside the car. Tami was laying in the back sleeping. They both looked at her before Clare started the car and took off.

  Lana looked at Aidan. “So, you scared her off, didn’t you?” She said sarcastically.

  “Not entirely. She’s a witch. Being around her is not a good idea.” He said seriously as he turned from Lana.

  “Why? Who cares if she is a witch?” Lana said seriously.

  “I care.” Aidan said as he continued to walk, and she came up next to him.

  “You like her, I can see it. She may not be Natalie, but you like her.” Lana smiled.

  “Thanks for your observation but I would much rather stay alone. Too many complications any other way.” He said seriously.

  “Really? So, your telling me that you wake up from a fifty-year nap and your going to be celibate!” Lana said sarcastically.

  ”Sex isn’t everything.” He said quickly and now she laughed.

  “Oh my god, you got it bad don’t you. That’s what this is all about. Your head over heels for this chick!” She laughed.

  “What? Do you even hear yourself Lana. Maybe you drank too much tonight. I said it would be too complicated and not worth my time.” He said quickly.

  “Bullshit but if it helps you get through the night than whatever.” She smirked.

  “You overthink things.” Aidan shook his head.

  “Uh huh, sure.” Sh
e rolled her eyes at him.

  “I’m not going to get involved with the witch girl.” Aidan said as he continued walking and then he took off fast as he headed back to Sam’s place.

  Emma laid in her bed staring up at the ceiling. Images of Aidan in her head. She couldn’t help but smile. How could she see him again? She didn’t even know any way to contact him but then she remembered that she was a witch and she sat up in her bed and quickly got out of it. She went to her closet and she pulled out a book she had in there that had different summons and incantations to contact people. Why would it be any different than contacting any one? She flipped through the book and she found one spell to bring her to wherever someone was but that could be dangerous considering she didn’t know where he would be and if anyone saw her just appearing it could startle them. She decided to go with a less complicated spell, maybe one where she could just see him.

  She grabbed her dusty crystal ball out of the closet and she put it on the floor and she sat next to it and she began chanting. This brought stalking to a whole other level and she almost wanted to laugh at how silly she was being. The crystal ball began to get cloudy as she spoke and then it began to clear up as the sight of a room came into play. It was a bedroom and it had a large window in it. She could see Aidan standing at the window and looking out. He was so beautiful. She watched as he removed his shirt and she couldn’t take her eyes away as she watched him.

  His body was muscular and covered in tattoos. He moved from the window and unbuttoned his jeans as he began to walk over to the bathroom. The second he dropped his jeans to the floor she gasped at his purely naked form. She swallowed hard but then a sound was heard outside her door and she kicked the crystal ball under her bed as she quickly got into her bed and pretended to be sleeping. Her mind on Aidan’s naked form. She had never seen a man naked before and she felt sort of guilty for watching him in his private moments. She could hear her father talking to someone in the hallway. It sounded like he was on the phone and he sounded annoyed. She closed her eyes tighter and sleep finally found her.

  Meanwhile Aidan got into the shower and he let the water run down his aroused body. His mind was on her. On Emma and how much he had wanted to taste her and bury himself inside of her. Her innocence was definitely something he wasn’t use to being around but he had to remind himself that there was nothing innocent about her. She was a witch and witches had killed Natalie. He still couldn’t stop thinking about her though. The way she looked at him and smiled. Her lips begging to be kissed but he held himself back.

  He moved his hand around his straining erection as he sought release by his own hands. This had to be by far the longest he had ever gone without the touch of another. He continued to think of Emma as he pleasured himself.

  Emma left the house earlier than needed as she decided to go back and visit that abandoned town in hopes that Aidan would be there though she knew the chances were slim to none. She had class that morning too, but she just wanted to see him. She got to the area where she had first met him, and she walked around looking for more relics.

  She found a dented spoon and a broken plate as she put them into her bag. It didn’t seem like much, but it was part of history. The sound of someone walking made her back stiffen and when she turned she expected to see Aidan but instead she saw a tall hairy man standing there. He was missing an arm and when he smiled at her she saw rows of razor sharp teeth. Clare’s words came into her head from the first time they had gone out there. “Maybe we will see one of those mutated freaks that live there.” Emma backed up some and tried to not act scared. “Um, Hello.” She said as the man let out a growl and then two more men that looked like him came walking out of the shadows. “Shit.” She said under her breath. “I was just leaving. I don’t want any problems.” She said as she continued to back up but then she tripped as she walked backwards, and she fell onto her ass as the men ran at her and she screamed as she tried to get her wand out but it was too late as one of the men jumped onto her and began grabbing at her clothes as she kicked and hit him, but it was futile. This guy was really strong.

  She screamed and tried to hit back but the mutated creature held her arms down as his weight pressed into her and then his mouth moved closer to her face. His long tongue came out and licked the side of her face as she used her knee to hit him in the groin, but it didn’t seem to have an affect as the creature smiled at her and opened its mouth wider. She braced herself for death as she squeezed her eyes shut but then the weight of the man was off of her and a large gust of wind was whipping around. It moved so fast that she could only see a blur as each of the creatures necks were broke one by one as they fell onto the ground lifelessly.

  Seconds later Aidan was standing over her as he knelt down. ”Are you ok? Are you hurt?” He said with concern as she looked up at him. She was absolutely shocked to see him kneeling over her. She almost felt like she was dreaming as she reached out to touch his face. He felt real. She sat up more as he stared down at her. He helped her up as she just stared at him.

  “You’re here?” She said as she looked at him. She stepped on her tip toes as she pulled his mouth to her as she kept her hands around his neck. Their lips touched softly at first and then she kissing him more urgently as their tongues danced against each other.

  For a moment Aidan got stuck in that kiss. Her soft inviting lips on his. The way soft moans left her mouth. The urgency in her movements. He was lost for a moment and then he pulled back. He should not be doing that with her. He knew that. “What are you doing here? It’s dangerous.” He said as she was still lost in the moment. “Emma, you cant just keep doing reckless things. What if I wasn’t here? Those things would have teared you apart.” He said angrily.

  “But you were here. Why were you here?” She asked as she went to touch his face and he backed up now so that she didn’t touch him. He couldn’t think straight when she touched him. He had gone there because he had felt something in his gut. Something calling out to him and when he had finally gotten to that town he knew why right away. Those things would have torn her apart. The thought made him sick.

  “It was really stupid of you to come here!” He snapped angrily now as he thought of all the things that could have happened.

  “Why are you yelling at me?” She said with a shake of her head.

  “Because you don’t think. It’s like your just trying to get yourself killed or something!” He snapped.

  “I wasn’t trying to.” She said quickly as he shook his head and began to pace.

  “Aren’t you supposed to be somewhere? Why are you here?” He snapped at her.

  “I just wanted to. I thought maybe. I mean I wanted to see you.” She rambled and then finally spit the words out as he turned and looked at her.

  “You what? Looking for me? You definitely have a death wish girl.” He said with a sarcastic laugh as he shook his head.

  “I wanted to see you.” She said again as he shook his head some more.

  “You need to go home.” He said quickly.

  “But. I . Yesterday when we. “ She began as she walked over to him.

  “Listen you just need to go home Emma. You don’t need to be around me ok. You need to leave.” He said seriously.

  She reached up to touch his face again and he grabbed her wrist. “Don’t, ok. Just don’t.” He said seriously.

  “Ok. I won’t.” She swallowed hard as she stared up at him.

  “Please don’t look at me like that. You need to just go.” He said quickly as he turned from her.

  “Ok fine I will go.” She huffed as she stood there for a moment and then began to walk. He didn’t turn around. She stopped a few feet away from him. “How did you know I was here?” She couldn’t help but ask as he turned and faced her now even though they were a few feet away.

  “It doesn’t matter. You just need to go.” He said quickly.

  “Of course, it matters. Can you hear from far away?” She asked, and he refused to look at her. “Did
you know I was in trouble?”

  He looked at her now. “Can you just go. Your lucky I just happen to be coming over here.” He lied.

  “But why were you coming over here?” She asked, and he sighed.

  “You need to just go. I have things to do.” He said quickly.

  “Like what kind of things?” She asked.

  “Goodbye Emma.” He turned from her now and she sighed.

  “Ok fine. Goodbye Aidan.” She said as she began to walk over to where her car was. When she turned back around to look at him he was gone. She huffed as she got to her car and headed back to town. She only had a few minutes to get to her sociology class.

  Aidan watched as she drove off with her car. Part of him wondered if he should just leave town altogether and start over somewhere far away from here but he couldn’t help but want to stay close to her. He could still feel her lips on his and it did crazy things to him. Maybe Sam was right, maybe he just needed to get laid!

  Emma sat in class as her professor went on with his boring lecture about human behavior and how it could have prevented the way the world turned out to be. She couldn’t concentrate because her mind was on Aidan and the way his tongue moved in her mouth. It made her body react in ways she wasn’t expecting. She wanted to see him again, but he seemed hell bent on wanting to stay away from her. Why? Had he not felt the same connection that she did? Her mind was filled with so many images as she walked down the long corridor after class. She nearly banged into Alex as she walked, and he stopped in front of her.

  “Hey Emma.” He smiled.

  “Hi Alex, sorry but I am in a hurry.” She said quickly as she went to walk past him, but he moved in front of her.

  “Wait, before you go I was hoping that maybe you could help me with my sociology paper. I know you had written one already and.” He began, and she shook her head.

  “I’m sorry. I cant. I am overloaded with work as it is. Ask Caroline, she should be able to help.” She said as she walked past him, and he stood there with anger building up in him. He couldn’t even get her to pay attention to him for a moment. He would make sure that changed. He stormed off and banged into one of the other students.


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