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Page 16

by Toni Goode

  “Get out of my way.” He snapped as he kept walking.

  Emma on the other hand got to her car and she immediately wanted to try something out and so she drove out of town. She couldn’t stop wondering how Aidan know she was in trouble. Did he really have spectacular hearing or was it something more. She would bet money it was something more. A connection they shared. She pulled into the parking lot of an empty store. She was nearly two towns away now as she got out of her car and looked around. No one was there. She let out a blood curdling scream and then fell to the ground.

  Aidan heard something in his head. But it was more like a feeling, a bad feeling. He tried to ignore it, but it was constant and then he thought of her. Of Emma. He took off towards the sound.

  Emma let out another scream as she laid on the ground and within seconds Aidan was in front of her as he knelt down towards her. “Emma, what the hell? Are you ok? What happened?” He said as he reached down for her. She was on the ground and no one was around her. She looked up at him now and he immediately saw she wasn’t in danger at all. “What the?” He said as anger began to build in him.

  “So I’m not crazy. You felt that too.” She got up as he looked at her.

  “No, I think you are certifiably crazy! What the hell Emma! You did this to get my attention?!” He was beyond pissed, mainly because he had been so worried for her.

  “I just wanted to see if you would come.” She began quietly.

  “This isn’t a game ok. You cant just scream and expect me to come running! Damn it Emma what is wrong with you!” He yelled.

  “I wasn’t trying to piss you off. I just.” She was surprised at how angry he was.

  “I don’t care. Don’t ever do that again because next time I might not come.” He said seriously, and she swallowed hard.

  “I’m sorry I wasn’t trying to get you mad. I just wanted to see if you felt it too.” She said softly now.

  “Feel what? There is nothing between us ok. Nothing. You need to leave.” He said angrily.

  “But, we kissed.” She said quietly as she looked at him.

  “Yeah and that was mistake. Being around you is a mistake. You need to go.” He said with a shake of his head.

  “A mistake? It didn’t feel like a mistake.” She said feeling a bit crushed.

  “Look at me Emma and listen to the words coming out of my mouth. There is nothing going on between us, not now, not ever ok!” He snapped at her and all she wanted to do was kiss him and so she went for it, even in the middle of him yelling at her. The kiss caught him off guard but then her hands were in his hair and deepening the already passionate kiss. He couldn’t help but kiss her back with the same urgency. He spun them around and her back hit into the car as he pressed his body up against hers hard.

  Meanwhile across the parking lot Alex sat in his car watching Emma. His blood was boiling. She was with a god damn vampire. He felt sick as he watched them kiss. He quickly took off.

  After a few moments of heavy kissing, Emma’s hand moved down his body and it grazed his erection as he pulled back now and literally jumped like two feet away from her as she stood there panting.

  “We cant do this.” He said seriously as she looked at him with wide confused eyes.

  “What? Why?” She went to step closer to him and he backed up more.

  “Because I don’t do this ok. I don’t do relationships and definitely not with some witch!” He snapped.

  Emma was shocked with his tone and words. “But.” She began.

  He cut her off. “But nothing. I cant do this with you.” He turned from her.

  “Your scared. You have been hurt before.” She said softly as he spun and looked at her.

  “Oh, don’t you dare try and analyze me ok. You know nothing about me Emma. I could kill you right now and you would be powerless to stop me.” He said as he got in front of her and barred his fangs at her.

  “That doesn’t scare me. I know you feel the connection. I feel it too.” She said as she touched his chest and he quickly grabbed her wrist.

  “Do you want to know what is inside of this. Nothing. My heart doesn’t beat like yours. I am incapable of feeling. There is no connection. The only thing I feel is wanting to drain you of all your blood!” He snapped at her as she gasped some. “So, go away and don’t call for me again. It’s what is best for both of us.” He let go of her hand and spun from her.

  “Please. Aidan.” She said as she got choked up with tears. He knew he couldn’t face her now. He had to go very far away from her. She was way too dangerous for him and the feelings she made him feel were way too intense. He couldn’t risk falling for her because everyone he fell for ended up dead. He quickly took off with a gust of wind as Emma stood there with tears streaming down her face. It was times like these that she hated how empathic she was. She felt too much and for too long. She quickly got in her car and wiped her face, but she felt so god damn sad. She felt like she was losing him, but she never had him to begin with. It was an odd feeling. She quickly took off.

  Chapter Seveneen

  Aidan made his way to Sam’s strip club. He was on a mission and one he had to take care of now so that he could get Emma out of his head. He walked into the club and looked around for the dark-haired stripper. He saw her on the stage dancing for a group of men. He walked straight for her and she looked at him as he got to the edge of the stage. It blocked the view of some of the guys who protested in anger towards him, but he didn’t care.

  He got up on the stage as they yelled at him. He grabbed her hand and lead her off the stage in a hurry. As they got behind the curtain she spoke.

  “You know I was sort of dancing there.” She began as he spun her around and his mouth collided with hers in a bruising kiss that had her moaning into his mouth.

  There was nothing gentle about the way he touched her. He had one sole purpose for her and that was to fuck. Nothing more.

  Emma got to the store in record time. She was still upset but she knew she couldn’t let her father see her this way otherwise he would question her over and over again.

  She got out of her car and she saw Alex walking out of the store as he glanced at her but kept walking which was odd because he would use any opportunity to talk to her.

  She made her way inside and she was immediately greeted by her father who looked pissed. It took her off guard.

  “Where were you?” Her father said before she could say anything.

  “At school.” She said quickly.

  “LIES!” He yelled at her and she jumped at his tone. He came up to her quick and she went to step back, but he grabbed her arm. She had not seen him angry like this since right after her mother passed. He leaned in and inhaled deep. His eyes got wide as he dropped her arm. “A vampire! You were with a vampire!” He yelled and before she could answer he slapped her in the face hard. She stumbled back in shock as she touched her face. “I will not allow this behavior. You will not disgrace this family! Have you no shame!”

  Emma stood there shocked as her father yelled. “ I don’t understand.” She began to say. She had no idea how he knew about her encounter with Aidan but then she remembered seeing Alex leave. Had he somehow found out and went to her father with the news? How would he have known though?

  “Have I not explained the dangers of those blood sucking beasts to you. Have you forgotten what they did to my sister!” He yelled at her.

  “It wasn’t. I wasn’t.” She began to say as he shook his head.

  “I don’t care Emma! I don’t want to hear it! From now on you will not be leaving this town!” He snapped at her.

  “I’m an adult, father.” She snapped back at him.

  “Well obviously you still think as a child!” He yelled. “I will not have you making a mockery of this family!” He yelled, and she spun from him as she headed for the door, but it locked and then blinds shut as she got over to it. “Don’t you dare walk away from me!”

  “You cant keep me locked up in here. I wont le
t you!’ She yelled angrily.

  “You have no choice but to listen to me. Now get to your room or I will bind you to it!” He yelled and then he pulled out his wand.

  “Ok ok.!” She yelled as she quickly ran up the stairs and towards her bedroom. She slammed the door shut and immediately she hit things off of her dresser. Her mothers picture fell to the ground and the frame broke as it skidded under the bed. “Oh no!” She said as she grabbed under her bed and reached for the frame, but she grabbed the crystal ball instead. She pulled it out from under her bed and she went to throw it across the room, but she thought twice as she placed it down and then she grabbed her mother’s picture. The second she looked at it she began to cry. The picture had torn some and she wiped the broken glass off of it as she cried.

  Aidan stared at the ceiling of the bedroom that was in Sam’s penthouse. He hated that no matter how much sex he had with the dark-haired chick that he still couldn’t stop thinking about Emma.

  The feeling of a hand touching his bare chest made him look over to where the vampire laid. “So, ready for another round?” She asked as she licked her lips and her hand began to move down his naked torso. The sound of something crashing in the room made them both jump up and then a bright light came out of no where as something or better, yet someone crashed to the ground with a thud.

  “Oww.” Emma said as she touched her head as she looked up. Not only was there a very naked Aidan standing in front of her but also a naked chick.

  The naked chick hissed at her and barred her fangs as she yelled out. “Witch!” She went to grab Emma who shunned her face as Aidan pushed the vampire chick back.

  “Emma, what the hell?” Aidan said in shock as the vampire chick looked at him.

  “You know her?” She said in shock. “I’m outta here!” The vampire chick said with anger and then she was out of the room with a gust of wind as Aidan looked down at Emma.

  “How the hell did you get in here?” He said in shock as Emma opened her eyes some and then quickly closed them when she saw he was still naked.

  “Maybe um, put some clothes on first.” Emma said as he huffed and walked across the room.

  “This is not cool Emma. Not cool at all.” He said as he grabbed his jeans off the ground as Emma sat up now and rubbed her head. She hadn’t been expecting such a big drop but then again, she had never used that spell to transport herself either.

  “Where am I? What is this place?” She said as she stood up and quickly realized that she was in a bedroom, she thought of the naked girl. It all made sense. She flushed. He had been having sex with that vampire chick. Emma wanted to die of embarrassment.

  “You know I don’t know how you did it, but I swear to god you are trying to get yourself killed. I’m convinced of it.” He snapped as he walked back around the bed. He only had a pair of jeans on and no shirt.

  “I had to get out of there. My father. He is just unbearable at times and Alex. God, I can’t stand him.” Emma said with a shake of her head.

  “What? You know what, don’t answer that. Why are you here?” He was angry as he stood there, and she fidgeted with her hands some.

  “This is your bedroom and you and her were…” She shook her head as she stood there.

  “What the hell was that crash!” Sam said as he rushed into the room and then he stopped as he looked at Emma. “Natalie?” He said in shock.

  “It’s not Natalie. Ok. This is Emma.” Aidan said quickly but he had a small feeling of satisfaction because Emma really did look like Natalie and at least he knew he wasn’t crazy.

  “Natalie?” Emma said with confusion as she looked at the guy at the door.

  “Jesus, you were right then. The similarity is insane.” Sam said in shock as he stepped in the room more.

  “Who’s Natalie?” Emma said as she looked at the two of them.

  “Listen you don’t need to worry about that, how the hell did you manage to get in here?” Aidan raised his voice now.

  “Oh, she is most definitely a witch. Holy shit. I mean if I didn’t see her with my own two eyes.” Sam continued in shock.

  “It was a crazy little spell I used. I didn’t even think it would work.” She said honestly.

  “That’s great so you’re just doing random spells and transporting yourself with out any way of knowing what your doing!” Aidan said sarcastically.

  “I’m not an idiot you know!” She snapped at him.

  “Do you have like a broom and everything?” Sam couldn’t help but ask.

  “A what?” Emma said with a shake of her head.

  “Yeah well just transporting yourself to random places isn’t the smartest way to travel. I’m actually quite sure that it’s a good way to die.” Aidan couldn’t believe she was there.

  “A black cat then?” Sam asked as she looked at him and then back at Aidan.

  “I had no where else to go ok.” She finally said quickly.

  “Why not anywhere but here for starters.” He ran a hand through his hair.

  “A crystal ball?” Sam asked.

  “Yes ok.” Emma huffed.

  “Cool.” Sam grinned.

  “I panicked ok. My father was freaking out. I couldn’t stay there any longer.” Emma looked at Aidan.

  “Do you have a wand?” Sam asked.

  “Can you give us just a few minutes, for real.” Aidan said to Sam who shook his head.

  “Yeah sure. I will be right out here. “ Sam walked to the door. “About the wand?”

  “Yes, I have a wand.” Emma said quickly as Aidan shot him a look.

  “Ok ok I’m going, geez. “ Sam said as he left the room and Aidan looked back at her.

  “You shouldn’t be here. You have to go.” He said seriously.

  “Please don’t make me go back there. I just cant. He treats me like I am still a child.” Emma began to say.

  “Probably cause you are.” Aidan said dryly.

  “I am not. I’m twenty. I’m an adult!” She snapped, and he rolled his eyes. “Listen I had no where else to go.” She said quickly.

  “Well you can’t stay here, I’m sorry. You just cant.” Aidan turned from her and he heard her start to cry as he stopped by the door. He inhaled deep. “You don’t need to cry ok.” He began as she covered her face.

  “No, I get it ok. I don’t belong there or here. I don’t belong anywhere. I hate my life!” She cried into her hands.

  “Listen its not so bad ok. Your father obviously cares about you.” Aidan began.

  Emma cut him off. “No, he doesn’t. He is just worried I may get the blood lines dirty. That’s all he cares about you know. He just wants to make sure that I keep the family name going.” She turned from him. “But don’t worry I will get out of your hair.” She said quickly.

  Aidan ran a hand through his hair as he sighed. “Listen this isn’t even my place.” He began as she looked at him.

  “Thanks anyway.” She went to walk past him, and he sighed even louder.

  “Ok. Listen I don’t think it is a good idea that you stay here but I mean until you can figure out what your going to do.” He began, and she ran over and hugged him. It took him off guard and she pulled back as her face turned red.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to.” She swallowed hard.

  “Listen this is Sam’s place and I have to make sure its ok with him. I don’t even know if he has an extra bedroom.” Aidan began as the bedroom door opened quick.

  “Actually, I do. I can show you to it.” Sam grinned big as he stood there. “Sorry, I have good hearing.” He said towards Aidan and then he looked at Emma. “Of course, you can stay as long as you need. Follow me.” He grinned.

  “Thank you, that’s so nice of you.” Emma said honestly as she followed him out of the room and Aidan sighed heavily. He could tell he was going to have his hands full with her.

  Sam showed her around his pent house apartment. He was really nice but he kept looking at her strange. He showed her to an guest bedroom and she walked in.
“Thanks again. I really appreciate it, Sam right?” She said and he smiled.

  “Yeah, Sam. If you need anything let me know ok. “He said as he walked to the door and then stopped. “You know he isn’t such a bad guy once you get to know him.”

  “How do you know him?” She asked as he turned and faced her.

  “He made me.” He said with a smile and then left as she stood there surprised at his words.

  Aidan paced his room as Sam walked in. Aidan turned and looked at him, “Don’t even say it, I know ok.”

  “Holy shit man, she looks just like Natalie. I mean it could be her.” Sam said quickly.

  “It’s not her.” Aidan said dryly.

  “How do you know for sure? I mean it could be.” Sam said quickly. “Have you tried asking her any questions but then again If she was reborn she probably wouldn’t know or maybe she would. Maybe something would seem familiar.” Sam began to ramble.

  “Damn it Sam, it’s not her ok.” Aidan snapped angrily.

  “Ok, geez man. I can see your grumpy.” Sam backed up and went to the door and then left.

  Emma walked over to the window and looked outside. It was still dark out and she wondered what her father would do in the morning when he realized she was gone. She tried not to think of it. She couldn’t live under his roof anymore and she couldn’t live with his crazy rules. She was an adult and she wanted to have her own life.

  Aidan looked out the window as images filled his head, but it wasn’t Natalie he saw this time. It was Emma and that surprised him.

  Part of him was happy that she was there because then he knew she was safe but the other part of him felt uncontrollable around her and that scared him. He was always in control but when she was there he felt different. It freaked him out how much he wanted her, but she was human and a witch at that.

  Emma walked out of the bedroom and headed down the hallway. Aidan came out of his room and stopped as he saw her walking. She stopped too.

  “I hope you’re not still mad at me.” She said quietly as he shook his head.

  “I wasn’t completely mad just, well. It’s just a bad idea for you to be here. You’re a witch, and…” his words trailed.


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