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Page 16

by Jan Irving

  breathed. “Shit, do you know what made Mark like that?” Kain lifted a shoulder. “No.” Then he cleared his throat, feeling Nicks tension translated by his tense muscles.“I know he was your friend. Sorry.”

  Nick looked over his shoulder, sad smile on his face. “Thanks.” “For what?”

  “For thinking of my feelings.”

  “Im not very… accustomed to doing that.”

  Nick closed his eyes, seemingly serene. “Youre missing the point.”

  “Which is?” Nick distracting him, as usual. Capturing his interest. Pushing away nightmare.

  “The point is youre trying.”

  Kain grunted.

  KAINS eyes snapped open, jerking away from Nick and unbearable


  “What is it?” Nick grumbled sleepily. “You were sleeping.” Kain sat up, back to Nick.

  Nick also sat up, wrapping his arms around him from behind. “Im not afraid of you,” he reminded Kain.

  “I almost drained you dry. And the night you came looking for me, your first time, I was out of control.” Kains head bowed.

  “Youre a new, uh, warrior fey, right? So I figure you are on a learning curve.” “ More like Ive driven off a cliff,” Kain said wryly.

  Nick ignored Kains pessimism, chewing his lip.

  Always wanting to help him, Kain thought with a rush of something alien. Tenderness? Hed never felt it for all the tricks hed known as both human and fey.

  “You need blood, right? If you hurt anyone, you wouldnt need that.” Kain shook his head, wishing it was that simple. “I dont need that much, except that I have a special craving for yours. I wish I could remember, Nick.”

  “Okay, start with what you do remember.” “ Pain. Flashes. I saw… someone young, screaming.” Kain swallowed thickly. “And then he was dead. I saw Mark dead. And you, I saw you and I wanted to drag you away from him and put you in chains so youd never—”

  Nick lifted his wrists. “Hmmmm, I seem to be chain free.” “Very funny.”

  “Just because you think something, that doesnt mean you act on it,” Nick said quietly.

  “I made you run.”

  Nick shrugged, uncomfortable. “Its… a lot to take in. I just needed some space. It was more like regrouping than running.”

  “I should go.”

  “No.” Nick kissed Kains cheek and then his lips. “I belong to you. Dont I?”

  Kains hands combed through Nicks hair. “I want to please you, make you beg, make you come.”

  “Well, that sounds horrible!” Nick said dryly. “How will I ever endure it?” “ Brat.” Kains lips quirked in a reluctant smile.

  ARMAND stood under Rosss window, looking up at the light still burning. He knew Ross was home, and wondered what he was doing. Reading specs for new bicycle designs?

  He wanted to knock on the door, enjoy Rosss innocence and his fear. Knowing he was the source of that fear just made it more delicious. But he decided he d had a busy enough evening. Mark had proved to be a disappointment. He should have easily captured Nick, but hed gorged himself on a student before Nick had even shown, dulling his senses.

  Kain had snapped Mark s neck when hed finally managed to corner Nick but wanting to clean up the mess once and for all, Armand had cut the head off the revenant so it could not rise again.

  Mark had served his purpose.

  Armand would just have to make another revenant. KAIN fastened Nicks hands to the bed rails of his headboard. He paused to kiss the back of his neck and Nick shivered. He was on his knees, facing away from Kain. He hadnt even blinked when Kain had torn up and used Nicks old painting T-shirt to tie around his wrists.

  He was breathless, flushed, anticipating.

  So trusting.

  “Do you remember one of our early conversations, about rimming?” Kain asked. Nick stifled a soft sound, biting his lip. “Yes, I told you Id never tried it.”

  Moonbeam: I’m not sure how comfortable I am telling a stranger my sexual fantasies. I only just met you!

  Obsidian: Tell me, Moonbeam. Moonbeam: Well, there is one. I’m...I’m tied to my headboard and a man, a stranger I can’t see comes into the room and—

  Obsidian: Yes?

  Moonbeam: This is embarrassing.

  Obsidian: Share. You know you want to tell me.

  Moonbeam: He puts his tongue inside me, licking me, invading me. Not asking me for permission, just— Obsidian: You want a man to do that to you?

  Moonbeam: :blushing: Oh, shit, Miguel’s home! I— Never mind! He’s my boyfriend and—

  Obsidian: Moonbeam, I’d love to eat your ass.

  Moonbeam: Moonbeam has left the room.

  KAIN spread Nicks ass cheeks open and licked a line down his body, pausing to suckle his hanging balls. Nick gasped, arching his back. The fact that his hands were tied made him even hotter. He tugged at his bonds, moaning as Kains tongue found him, pressed inside him. “Kain!”

  “I want to do this to you back at the mansion. I have a spreader bar I d fit you into so you couldnt close your legs, leaving you totally open, slutty…. Would you like that?” Two of Kains fingers gently penetrated him. Kain seemed totally focused on pleasuring Nick, stimulating him.

  “ Yes!” Nick bit his lip hard to stop himself from begging. He loved it when Kain treated him like one of his hustlers. Hed fantasized about it for weeks, even knowing he shouldnt think about such things.

  “I want my tongue in you, marking you.”

  Nick whimpered, as Kains fingers toyed with him, sending sparks to his nipples, his balls, his needy prick.

  “Does my whore want that?” Kains voice was rough. Panting, Nick felt a thrill that zapped him at Kains language. “Yes,” he whispered.

  “Say it, Nick.” Kain licked under his opening, making Nick cry out as he toyed with his trembling body. So close!

  “Your… your whore wants you inside. Your tongue, Kain, please!” Fingers spreading him and then Kain. Deep, making a husky sound of approval at Nicks taste, Nicks willingness as he pushed his ass back, inviting Kain to have him, take all of him.

  Possessed, Nicks body arched as Kains hand found him, gave him a cursory stroke, almost insultingly easy….

  And then Kains tongue was gone and he felt the scrape of teeth on one ass cheek. He shuddered, heart galloping. “Yes,” he acquiesced. Kain bit his hip, teeth sinking into flesh and Nick—

  “Fuck, yes! Your whore. Yours, Kain!” He shot, his cock gripped in Kains hand, his climax under Kains control… just how he wanted it.

  “SO FINALLY you come to me for advice?” Siren toyed with his long

  hair, coiled in a ponytail, and leaned back in his chair, considering Kain. “After treating me without respect for how long?” Nick held tight to Kain s tense arm, watching his impassive face. He ached to push, but he knew Kain needed to do this himself. Knew Kain had only asked for help because of Nicks prodding.

  “ You made me.”

  “And you were delicious.”

  Kain made a growling sound.

  “However much you want to deny it, I gave you pleasure and protected you from the others.” Nick could see how well that went down. He cleared his throat. “Kain, uh, I mean, I need your help, Siren. He needs to know more about his own nature and how to… keep me safe.”

  Siren inclined his head.“That is wise and important. A strong human submissive should be valued. Be seated, kitten.”

  Kain pulled out a chair for Nick.“Im not sure I like you calling him that,” he remarked, raising an eyebrow at Nick. Nick suppressed the need to roll his eyes. He didn t mind Siren finding him hot. Kain reached out with a casual brand of possessiveness, caressing the back of his neck.

  If it acts like a boyfriend….

  He took heart that maybe this second visit to Manticore would be easier with Kains support.

  “I regret you will probably never allow me the pleasure of experiencing Nick.” Kain folded his arms.

  “Hello!” Nick huffed.
“Can talk for myself and everything!”

  Neither Kain nor Siren looked away from their macho eye lock so Nick decided to break it up. He pushed up his sleeve and rested his arm on the table, clearly displaying dark bruising on his inner wrist.

  Kain frowned. “Why didnt you show me that?” “ We, uh….” Nick flushed, remembering being tied to his bed at Marilyns, Kains tongue in his ass and then his teeth…. His hand found the fresh bite on his hip and rubbed against it through his clothing, savoring the secret erotic memory. “We were a little busy.”

  Kain ran a thumb over Nicks purpled flesh. “I didnt do this?” “ No, it was Mark,” Nick reassured his lover and then looked at Siren. “My friend Mark. He was a sweet person, very talented.” Nick took a deep breath. “He was dead… and then he wasnt.”

  “ One of us?” Siren raised a brow at Kain.

  Kain shook his head, grimacing. “His face…. Rotted flesh.” Sirens eyes narrowed. “Who would dare?”

  “What was Mark?” Nick leaned forward. “What happened to make him like that?” Siren s eyes were stormy Mediterranean.“A revenant, created by a fey to serve him or her.” Again he looked to Kain. “Did you cut off its head?”

  Tightly, Kain answered, “I broke its neck in the woods near Nicks university.”

  “Then it might still walk. Samuel,” Siren signaled a boy with pale skin, spaniel-brown eyes, and shaggy blond hair. “ Siren?” There was a thread of insolence in the voice, which surprised Nick. From what hed seen, most of the clients at Manticore fawned over Siren.

  “ Thats „Master Siren to you, bratling. Take a team and explore the woods near the downtown university campus grounds. You are looking for,” Sirens lips tightened,“a revenant, made by one of us, so be cautious.”

  The boys eyes widened.

  “If you find it, do not approach it unless it tries to feed on someone. I want to know whom it belongs to.”

  Samuel swallowed, but nodded obediently.

  Siren reached out and snatched his wrist before he could leave. “Take at least five of the bouncers with you,and… be careful.” A mixture of emotion moved over Samuels face: surprise, irritation, the crackle of furtive and reluctant attraction. He yanked his wrist free and stalked away.

  Nick raised his brows at Samuel s singular behavior.

  “He works for me here at the bar,” Siren said. “Doing odd jobs.” “Did you make him?”

  “ Id like to.” Siren smiled but his eyes were serious. “No, someone not as nice as I am made him, kept him, until I helped liberate him. Im afraid the lad is most ungrateful, but I have hopes one day….”

  Sensing Siren didnt want to discuss Samuel further, Nick asked, “What will happen to Mark if they find him?” “ He is not Mark.” Siren shook his head.“Dont make that mistake, Nick. A revenant has another name in the language of the dark fey: g’lethe marbara. It means, the „finger of evil. He is better put down, believe me.”

  “ So I could have made Mark?” Kain interrupted, brows lowered. “No!” Nick glared at Kain.

  “ Yes,” Siren said, very calmly. “A revenant is made when one of us takes too much blood by accident or design and does not give back our own. Its… an abomination, a thing that is dead and sustained only by fae magics.”

  “But Kain took a lot of blood from me,” Nick prodded. “And I didnt—” “ He didnt take enough to kill you, and besides, youre a bonded pair, so it doesnt work that way.” Seeing Nicks eyes widen, Siren nodded. “Oh, yes. I was at the hospital, monitoring you during your stay. Kain asked it of me.”

  Nick looked at Kain. He replied in a hushed voice, “Oh.” Kains gaze dropped. “So Im still not in the clear.”

  Siren shook his head. “No, youre not.”

  DETECTIVE MANNERS strode into Manticore, flashing her badge at one of Sirens bouncers. Her gaze roamed the Mediterranean decor until it homed in on Kain.

  Nick tensed, putting a protective hand over Kains wrist. “Itll be all right,” Kain said, seeming to immediately pick up on Nicks concern.

  “But she thinks youre a killer!” Kain s face was closed off as he climbed to his feet. “Remember how you found me, roaming the woods, completely out of it? She may be right, Nick.”

  “HE SUFFERS from blackouts?” Siren probed as he and Nick watched

  Kain talking to Manners at the bar.

  Nick nodded, biting his lip. “Is that common for the dark fey?”

  “ No,” Siren said, shaking his head. “We have exceptional memories. And now that Kains mated himself to you, it should be steadying him, helping him find balance. I dont understand why hes experiencing them.”

  “I dont believe he hurt anyone.” “ Nick.” Siren sighed. “He is capable of it. It is what we are: hunters, predators. The Fey of Light created us to hunt down dark creatures, after all, to be their muscle in the supernatural world.”

  “ He has never hurt me. I mean, not really,” Nick qualified. He flushed under Sirens interested gaze. He leaned forward and whispered, “Something is… happening between us.”

  “You are a bonded pair, a fey warrior and his submissive.” Siren nodded.

  “Hes afraid with me, of going too far.”

  “And yet he seems to have pleased you; you are touching the mark he left on your skin.”

  Nicks eyes widened. He had been rubbing it again, his fingers seemingly unable to stay away. “ You feel a burning; it stimulates you.”

  “Uh.” Nick shrugged it off, embarrassed.

  Siren leaned forward and offered with more earnestness than he d thus far shown, “Nick, you need to let him bite you often. He is a member of my line of the blood so he will eventually be very powerful when he centers himself. You need to help calm him, and the dividends of that will pleasure you both.”

  “Is that what you want with Samuel?” Nick pushed back, needing time to process Sirens suggestion.

  Sirens face hardened. “Samuel is a fey of light. His kind doesnt dirty themselves with common warriors. Were dogs to them.” Kain returned, immediately putting a hand on Nicks shoulder as if needing contact.

  Nick reached up and covered his hand automatically.

  Siren smiled, quirking a brow. “Shall we try a little experiment as your first lesson in bonding, gentlemen?”

  Obsidian: This is stupid. Moonbeam: Come on. Siren pointed out this place is wired for cyber, uh, conversation and now it’s locked up for the night and we’re totally alone. Didn’t you tell me once that we were engaged in an online flirtation?

  Obsidian: You were safer then. I just couldn’t stay away. Moonbeam: I don’t Sleeping Beauty is experience the world. In fact, he’ll get pissy if you keep trying to push him away... Please, let’s try this? I don’t begin to understand this fey-human thing between us, but I can feel how powerful it is.

  Obsidian: It’s growing stronger.

  Moonbeam: I need you inside me. I want you to bite me. Obsidian: Christ, Nick! Don’t tell me that!

  want to be safe, not anymore. awake now and he wants to Doing what Siren had recommended, Nick closed his eyes and let his feelings guide him. His inner compass spun, his rational mind, his shyness… his desire.

  He pushed off his jacket and before he could think about it, also tugged off the T-shirt underneath. From across the room where Kain was using another laptop for their experiment, he heard a soft growling sound. It made him smile.

  Kain reacting. So predictable. He ran a hand over his own chest, trying to experience his skin, his body, the way Kain might, the silky feel, the pebble of one of his nipples. He pinched it.

  Obsidian: I can’t be responsible if you keep provoking me.

  Moonbeam: I only took my T-shirt off. Obsidian: You’re licking your lips and touching yourself. Performing for me. I am not made of iron. Don’t tease me!

  Moonbeam: You once told me to let go. To let myself accept that I like being under you.

  Obsidian: I created a monster. Moonbeam: I keep touching the bite mark on my hip. The first time you bit me
, it didn’t feel as sensitive, but now I want to touch it and remember how you made me come, how you controlled me.

  Obsidian: Show it to me. Nick stood, staring at Kain across the room as he removed his jeans and let them fall, then tugged at the waistband of his boxers, displaying the pinkened mark on the blade of his hip.

  “Come here,” Kain ordered softly. “Come closer so I can touch it.” Heart thumping, cock hard, Nick went to Kain. He stood looking down into green eyes, bright with hunger for him, aware as always of the differences between him and Kain and how they turned him on.

  “Siren said we should go with our feelings,” Nick suggested. “Then take off the boxers and… I think I want you on your knees,” Kain purred, finally getting into their play.

  Color flushed Nicks chest, his nipples tightening so that when Kain brushed one with a callused fingertip, he moaned.

  His penis, the mark on his hip, throbbing in tandem like a primitive drumbeat. He shrugged off the boxers and knelt, putting his cheek against Kains knee, holding on to it, feeling need pulse between them, like an unanswered question.

  “ I want…. Nick, suck me. I want my perfect little cocksucker—” Kain broke off when Nick undid his belt and hurriedly pulled him free, his own penis distended from his body, flexing, as he opened his mouth and took Kain, running one hand in approval up the shaft, exploring the length, the texture.

  I want to suck you. I am your perfect little cocksucker. His feeling translated into the way he touched Kain, the way he squirmed, burning, empty, unfulfilled.

  Kains hands tangled in his hair, holding him there, making him take it all as he thrust up, fucking Nicks eager, innocent mouth. “Sit.” The order, not unlike what youd tell a dog, only made Nick hotter. Freed by Kains hands, he sat back on his heels.

  Hot semen spurted over his chest as he stared into Kains eyes, panting. Kain holding his penis, thighs bracketing Nick.

  Still holding Kains gaze, Nick reached down, touched Kains spill, brought it to his own lips to lick the taste of Kain off his own body. Silkily, Kain asked,“Want to get off?”


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