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Zelspar and the Magicians

Page 21

by Cheryl Rush Cowperthwait

  “We will not be gone longer than a week. Caye has only that much time to be away. We will return and review all of our findings with you. I hope we shall at least find a clue to the map, but I’d rather find the map Forrest feels exists. With that information, well -- we may find the answers we have been searching for.”

  “A week is a long time for a Dragon.” Yuri turned again and looked out the window. “I will spend much of that time, right where I am, watching for your return through my window to the outside.”

  Naomi took her place in a rocker positioned next to the window and sat with Yuri until the stars started popping up in the fading light of day. It was at this time when they both started getting the urge. The room could feel the change of atmosphere take place as joy took over the space of solemnness. As Naomi shifted in the rocker, Yuri had already bolted to the hidden doorway, pushed on the wallboard, and barreled through the tapestry long before Naomi could get clear of the rocking chair. Laugher again ricocheted through the walls and halls. The race was on to the balcony. To throw the french doors wide and breathe in freedom. That was always their special moment right before taking flight into the night air.

  Chapter 26

  “Where are we?” Kiel asked. He looked around in wonder.

  “I would say we are precisely where we are supposed to be, otherwise we wouldn’t be here.” Zelspar answered with a chuckle.

  “It may be fine for you hopping about like a frog bitten by a snake, but I do not enjoy these sudden departures into unknown lands. Hmpfft!” Perthorn was none too happy with the latest turn of events.

  “Cheer up, we did not have to fly all the way here. It is starting to look familiar,” Zelspar added as his keen eyes took in the countryside.

  Kiel added, “Yes, I think I know what you mean, it is like I have dreamed of this place.”

  “I think you are correct, my young friend. I think it came in a dream, this place.”

  Kiel’s fists balled up. “Young? I’ll have you know --”

  “Pardon me. I meant you old and decrepit creature.” And then Zelspar let loose one of his deepest belly laughs, complete with flames from his belly- fires.

  Kiel instantly was at ease and joined in with the laugh. Perthorn, on the other hand, simply stood and surveyed the scene as if the two of them had lost whatever mind they had previously held before the sudden change of location.

  After a moment, Zelspar stilled. His face fell slack as he slowly turned his neck to take in the sight. He shouted, “Quickly, climb up. We have to get in the air. Now!”

  With no hesitation the two flung themselves up on Zelspar’s back and clung onto the strappings tight. Zelspar was already climbing into the air.

  Perthorn leaned over to shout into his ear, “What is it? Is something coming for us? I didn’t see anything.”

  Zelspar did not answer but pulled his wings close and dove through the sky. He circled and circled the land until he felt Kiel jerk upon his back, then he landed.

  Perthorn slid off his back and darted his eyes all around, expecting to see something hideous chasing towards them. “Is it safe now? What was it?” he asked. He never stopped looking in every direction.

  Kiel told Zelspar, “Something isn’t right. The land is all wrong. Where are the towering buildings, the massive towers and all the people.”

  Zelspar lightly squeezed his shoulder. “You are absolutely correct my young -- I mean, Kiel. This is different than what we’ve seen. We saw the version in the Future. Not the current version.”

  “How can this be?” Kiel wondered.

  “Kiel, it is no different than all the other times Zelspar drug us through these strange openings to other places.”

  “If you had kept your eyes open while we were flying you would have noticed what Kiel has. Yes, we seem to be on an island of some sort, but a land in which both Kiel and I have seen in the Future. A mighty Kingdom is here. But where is here is the current question?”

  “Thunder and Lightning, Zelspar! Will you speak plainly?” Perthorn spat out.

  “We are on an island. Now, that in itself is not the quandary. I have been to many worlds and many places and this is the first time I have seen such an island. The island, you see my dear Perthorn, is not connected to any other land mass. It is surrounded by --”

  “Don’t be so dramatic. I have seen islands. Yes, they are separated from other land and surrounded by the vast waters.”

  “Precisely. Whereas we are on an island surrounded by sky.”

  “What are you talking about?” Perthorn questioned, his eyes becoming narrow slits.

  “Climb up again. I want to look around. You too, Kiel. Maybe we can make some sense of it all,” Zelspar said, his brows furrowed in deep thought.

  Nervously, Perthorn climbed up again, lending Kiel his arm to help him get seated. They took to the air and flew out towards the edge of the island. All around them they were surrounded in a beautiful blue sky, void of cloud or star or even the glare of a sun directly overhead. Animals in large numbers fed off the land rich in plants. Several varieties of trees shot up to sway in the sky. The shadows they left in flight were directly under them, showing the sun should be straight overhead. Still, their eyes could not detect it.

  They circled lower. The island tapered as it stretched downward, roots of the trees burst through the sides where even the streams flowed down to cascade into the sky. Zelspar flew first in one direction and then the other but found no other land masses. They returned to the floating island, with no answers, no clues to their whereabouts.

  “We will crisscross the island and look for anything to tell us where we are and how to leave,” Zelspar shouted over his shoulder.

  Soon they passed over a forest of trees where in the center of the trees, a shimmering crystal slab stood. All the vegetation stopped at least three Dragon lengths away from it in all directions, leaving a cleared circle around the erect slab. Zelspar noted that it looked to stand as high as two Dragons, one perched on top of the other’s shoulders. The platform holding the crystal monolith was a gleaming smooth golden circle. They landed nearby.

  The first thing they noticed was a very low-pitched hum. Zelspar cautioned his riders to stay where they were seated, in case they needed to make a quick escape. Upon closer inspection, they could see the perimeter of the golden disc shaped platform was decorated in odd symbols.

  “By all that is Dragon --” Zelspar yelled as he pointed to the symbols.

  “What is it?” Perthorn asked excitedly.

  Zelspar did not immediately answer until he completely circled the platform. “Get down!”

  With trepidation, Perthorn cautiously slid down Zelspar’s back but stayed close, as did Kiel. The White Dragon walked slowly around the disc, taking time on occasion, to trace the symbols with a talon, shaking his head in disbelief. After they had circled the platform, Zelspar finally spoke.

  “I recognize these symbols. Moreover, it looks as if I inscribed them here.” His words came out in the hushed tones of disbelief and awe.

  Perthorn stood close and ventured a finger to touch a symbol. “How did you, when did you?” His words could find no footing.

  Zelspar slowly shook his head. “It says I came across this island as a man. I have found the way to the safe haven. This island exists in many dimensions, but the inhabitants will only see those in their period of time until the Time of Awakening. I have left instructions to the portal here and elsewhere, as well as a caution. The portal on this island may only be used one time to leave. It will not bring us to where the entrance portal is located. That must be found again. Fortunately, when I came here during some time period, I wrote the location of the entrance portal.”

  Zelspar continued as he reviewed the information. “The symbols I used are a private language used only between the family of the select in the Qydrom Hail. At the time I came here, I was very certain this place would become important. It is important to Magic, to Dragons and to Legends.”

  Kiel whispered, “What is this place called?”

  A chill in the wind came up from behind them and swirled around the portal. The low hum which had been forgotten upon the recent discovery grew louder.

  The answer came. I am Avalon.

  They could not tell where the voice came, or even if there had been a voice.

  Nodding in agreement, Zelspar traced the name in the symbols he had written in a future form. “I wrote such symbols on a letter I left for Starleira. I gave her a name and a place to find a map. The map will guide any who are needing shelter to this place. When I wrote her the letter, I only wrote what I saw in my Vision, not in my memory, for I do not remember being here, as I had not yet been.”

  Perthorn, only confused for a moment, began to understand. “This then, is where to come when the Urthe is in chaos or in such changes as is intolerable to our souls.”

  Zelspar tried to recall his Vision and his reason from his letter to Starleira.

  “I saw this place, but not as we see it now. In the Vision, I conceived a notion a new land needed a King, so I made a child be conceived. The boy would become the fabled King to a Kingdom which very few will ever be able to find again. With the world going through so many changes, such Kingdoms drift farther and farther away, in distance and in memory. I needed to let her know, it can still be found. She needs above all else, to believe this one thing. It is where I will be found. If she would know this, she might also know peace and comfort as the Urthe will be tested and so too, the changes she instituted when she came here with our Hails.”

  Kiel and Perthorn listened intently, for they would play an important part in the Future. They held onto each word Zelspar spoke.

  “Kaida brought about the answers we needed to forge communication and understanding between the differences in lifeforms. That will last for a long while, but Dragons live throughout the Universe, and not all Dragons seek peace. Our ways will be challenged, in time. We must have a place of peace, of rest. After such a time, there will be a new time. This is called the Time of Awakening. This is our charge. To prepare for that time in all actions we do now and in the Future. This is our Calling.”

  Perthorn and Kiel stood more erect, confident in their journey, and in their place of History to be found in the Future shared through Visions and words. A Future they would ensure.

  Chapter 27

  Starleira and Rynik had made their lair a gathering place. Although it occasionally became crowded, it was also private. The room held the invited guests of Kaida, Zlemtec, and Galdean, as well as Maj’es and Cybek. They were working to decipher the code Zelspar had written on the letter.

  Starleira asked, “Do you know why Zelspar would write in this manner? I have never seen him do so before.”

  First, Maj’es replied, “As hatchlings, those of us from Zelspar’s line had used the symbols for secret messages. Most of those in the Qydrom Hail, and most certainly not any other hatchlings from other Hails, would be able to read our code.” He wore a twinkle in his eyes at the early memories.

  “Yes, but it was more than a silly code of hatchlings. It is the Royal Code, from the Qydrom Hail. It has always been this way. Symbols were used in times of great importance, so others couldn’t read the messages carried from one to another. As times changed, new symbols were added and taught to those of us in the Royal line.” Cybek turned the letter around in her hands, quick to pick up certain characters.

  “Cybek, do you think Zelspar wrote a hidden message in the letter to Starleira?” Kaida said. She stood only a thin hair away from Cybek as she studied the letter.

  “Of that, there is no doubt. He would have written plainly otherwise. It must come from his Visions of the Future. Even with this letter he must have thought could fall into the wrong hands,” she replied.

  Maj’es peered over Cybek’s shoulder and pointed to the symbols. “Look how he did this, some of the symbols stand for phrases and yet in some places he uses individual letters.”

  “Maj’es, I think I understand why. He wrote of things he could not understand yet, since they are in the Future. We would have no symbols for them yet.”

  “Yes, I can understand that,” he said, stepping back to let the Queen of Mursei in closer.

  “Please, if you would, Cybek, tell us what you have unraveled from his writing,” said the anxious Queen.

  “Yes, I will tell you. Perhaps, you would prefer me to discuss this when we are alone?” Cybek asked.

  “That will not be necessary. Zelspar would not hide anything from those in my lair. We have been on monumental journeys together, all those who stand before you now. Please, share what you have learned.”

  “Very well, I will read it and then show you what the symbols look like so you will recognize them in the future. He directs this to you, Starleira. He says there is a place which will be a refuge in times of trouble. It can be found by following a map which will lead through a series of portals. This place is unlike any other place known to him and exists in different dimensions, all according to that time period it is entered.”

  “He gives this place a name, here --” She pointed to a line of symbols. “It says Avalon. This has no meaning to me, but he says it is a place of a grand Kingdom of the peoples in the Future and becomes a land later for refuge against the changes in Urthe. He says, he can be found there, in a new form. He gives you hope that no matter what happens, what changes occur during our lifetimes, there is a place of peace to go to until what he says is a new time. He calls it the Time of Awakening.”

  The room grew quiet as all absorbed the words Cybek had told them. It did not bring the hope Zelspar had intended. Instead, their minds whirled trying to guess what would happen to chase them away from this land they had worked so hard to create.

  Kaida sighed deeply and held onto Starleira, the only mother she had ever known. “I am so sorry. I am doing all that I know how in order to bring the long-standing peace and the working together between all peoples and Dragons.”

  “My dear, it is not a failing on your part. It is the Future that ripples differently than the Future we work now to make. Life has so many variables. We know the true path. Many others do not. All we can do is continue to guide and teach. When that is no longer enough, Zelspar has made a way for us. Although it is true, we have been given the promise to always exist. We have not been promised to always live in peace. That is the part Zelspar wants us to know. There will be a place of peace, for all Time.”

  “Should we find this place now?” Kaida asked Starleira. She also looked at each Dragon there.

  “Can we find this place now, Cybek?” Starleira asked.

  “Yes, I am sure you could. Here he has shown where the portals are placed. It will take some searching since this is not a map, but it show here in the placements of these dots. See how he cuts a line from one to the next? It shows which to take first and then the next one, until you reach the final one. It is my way of understanding that you could not simply take the last portal to get to the same place. It has been created in such a way that one would not unknowingly stumble upon it.”

  “That makes good sense to me,” Rynik said to his Bonded, Starleira.

  “He has mentioned in here he has left a map to the portals. I am sure it must be more elaborate than what I can decipher from looking at the chain of dots he has on the letter,” Cybek stated.

  “Where do we find this map?” Rynik inquired.

  “It does not say exactly in what I can understand. It is like the way he drew the portals, there is a tall lone mountain, surrounded by hills and valleys. It shows this place is past a place of vast waters, towards where the sun rises,” answered Cybek.

  Galdean gave his thoughts. “It most likely isn’t something we need to search for at this time. It is an escape route, should we ever need one. We will have plenty of opportunities to keep watchful eyes as we expand our search of our new home. We have not traveled far from our caves, except to find Kaida and return from Inner Urthe.
There is still much to learn of this place, just as we learned when we lived on Verlaunde.”

  “And we, Kaida and I, will be traveling a great deal. We have to speak to and teach the peoples how to live with Dragons in a peaceful co-existence. We will also keep watch,” Zlemtec assured the others.

  Starleira sat down on the stone bench and held close the letter to her chest. A tear rolled gently down her face. “I feel like I have already lost my longest and dearest friend. It feels he is lost to me in Time.”

  The others knew those thoughts. It was not a new thought but only one made clearer by the symbols on the letter. The sound of belly-fires rumbled in the otherwise quite lair. It had become clear, Zelspar was further away from them then they had realized and how difficult a task it would be to find him again. The one hope they held onto was that, perhaps, in time, they would find him.


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