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Zelspar and the Magicians

Page 22

by Cheryl Rush Cowperthwait

  Chapter 28

  “Ms. Lenonne, I’m ready,” said Forrest rushed through the front door, throwing his bags on the floor.

  Naomi made her way down the stairway, hearing Forrest’s arrival. “I can see that you are. It is awfully early yet, Forrest. I still have some last-minute things in which to attend. While I’m finishing my notes, go into the kitchen and introduce yourself to Caye. She has made a batch of lovely scones for us to enjoy before our travels.”

  “Great idea as I hurried off without eating. You know how parents are, asking what I packed and if I had enough warm clothes. Geez! I needed to get away or I would still be answering a ton of questions.”

  “Forrest, your parents only want the best for you, always. It may seem like they nag on you, but it is only another form of love they show you. You must remember, you are leaving the place they raised you. To them, it most likely feels as if you are leaving them. Love aches in the leaving and takes time to understand that the love shared, does not decrease or dilute. It simply evolves.”

  “Oh, all right. But can we hurry up and start out trip?”

  A chuckle rippled in the air, and for an instant Magic flickered in the room.

  “Of course, I shall hurry. Now you hurry yourself along and do as I asked. I have to tend to my notes and my room. Give Caye the delight of your company and I’ll join you when I’ve finished. Deal?”

  “Deal!” he said as he dashed off to the kitchen where the delightful aroma of fresh baking came drifting through.

  Naomi finished writing out her extensive notes for Caye and left them for her on the writing desk. She took the stairs, occasionally two at a time, and returned to her room.

  She opened her wardrobe and pushed the clothes aside. Stepping into the wardrobe, she pulled down on the coat hook and released the secret door to the stairs leading down to Yuri’s floor.

  “I had hoped you would come,” Yuri said. He turned from the window to look at Naomi.

  “Of course, I would come my dear friend. I can’t take this journey without carrying a bit of your Magic with me, now can I?” She beamed a bright smile, hopeful he would cheer up. When he didn’t, she said, “Yuri, it will only be a week excursion. It is of vital importance that we go to see if we can track down what Zelspar left to be found.”

  “I know of its importance. That is why I feel upset. It isn’t only not having your companionship, although it will be greatly missed, I am a descendant of Zelspar’s line. I should be tearing through the skies on an exploration to find what my own relative left for the Dragons. Me! Do you understand how inadequate I feel right now? It makes me angry and it is all I can do to control by belly-fires or everything you see would be in blazes.” His roar threatened to shake at the foundation.

  Naomi’s head dropped. She had not considered his feelings and she was ashamed. She had only thought he would be lonely for her company. She bit her lip hard, coming to the realization: she had treated him more like a ‘pet’ than an individual with his own needs and desires. She was as much to blame as the rest of the world for holding him captive here, in this place, even if it was for his own safety.

  She made a monumental decision. She approached Yuri and held onto his arm. “You are right, Yuri. My heart weeps that I have been so blind to your needs, and this -- this journey should be yours to take.”

  Yuri’s head snapped away from the window and now stared at Naomi, disbelieving his own ears. “What do you mean?” he managed to say.

  “What I mean, my dear friend, is this: if you would have us, we would like to travel with you to find out what we may in regards to Zelspar’s map and information.”

  “But what of the people? The places to hide? I know I would cause a problem and it could raise havoc for all the other Dragons, if I am seen. I cannot be responsible for endangering the others. Not for the sole sake of trying to find the answers myself, that Zelspar left behind.”

  “Nor, my dear Yuri, is it right that all the Dragons must hide away, or must give up their freedom of flight because the people no longer believe in Dragons? I do not want danger to touch any of you or the Tellers of the Tales. I had hoped we would find a solution by now where all could live together again, as it was meant to be.”

  “Yes, my dear lady. We have had many discussions on what the probability would be if the general populace found a Dragon. Either death or containment and experimentation on the Dragon. Of course, they would have to have powerful Magic to contain one of us where we wouldn’t simply char their flesh to crispy morsels, but who’s to know what Magic has been found, what books have been read to guide them to such means.”

  Naomi softly stroked Yuri’s arm and said, “Then, we must use the utmost caution. We will delay our leaving until the night. It is a new moon and the darkness will help in concealing our flight and movements. To be sure, we must seek out a place of hiding once we reach Somerset.”

  Yuri’s scales took on a radiant glow, as energy long forgotten returned. “There are plenty of places yet for a Dragon to hide. I know for myself there are vast caves all under foot. In the days of my youth I traveled many of them. As soon as it is dark, we shall all leave. It will be a much shorter journey on the back of a Dragon. We will get there in quick time and, perhaps, might even explore before the light of day gets in the way.”

  With the news of being able to hunt for Zelspar’s map, Yuri had once again found a reason for living. Fully living and not simply breathing in and out each day. He would fly. He would explore. He would be a Dragon again.

  Naomi gained a new perspective of her friend. She looked over his scales which she had always thought them to be dazzling. But in truth, she saw them clearer. It was if his Soul brushed the tarnish from his scales and his heart pumped new blood through his arteries, adding to the glistening she saw flash in the light. She must prepare Forrest for the change of plans. And Caye, too.

  “Yuri, I know the look of excitement when I see it, but you really should get some rest before our journey. I’ll let Forrest and Caye know of our change of plans. We will come to you before nightfall so we can strap our belongings onto you.”

  “Rest? Dear lady, that is all I have done for centuries! You have awoken the Dragon heart. My blood is pounding through every tiny atom in my body. I cannot rest. I shall daydream, refollow my flights and courses through the sky. I shall travel back to my youth and the caverns and caves I once explored. For the first time in longer than memory, I may ask for guidance from my ancestors, to find what we seek -- to find Zelspar’s map.”

  Naomi could not help herself. She reached over and gave Yuri an enormous hug and they both chuckled in delight. The feeling in the room was tenfold the happiness they found on their nightly flights. This time, Yuri was not merely flexing his wings, he was on a hunt, one of the favorite adventure of Dragons.

  “I’ll return soon, Yuri,” Naomi said before departing. She climb the steps to her passageway through her wardrobe and turned to look at Yuri once more. The sun glinted through his window, illuminating him like a huge pearl. His scales shimmered, which made his reflection dance across the walls. It made her catch her breath.

  As she looked at him, she thought, come what may, Yuri, I will never regret this decision. May Zelspar’s spirit look over and protect us all. We must find his map, his answers to this plight, for I can never ever look at you the same again. You need to be free to be able to be a complete Dragon and not simply a captive Dragon.

  She climbed back through the wardrobe and righted her clothes before racing down the stairway with a new spring in her step to meet Forrest and Caye in the kitchen.

  Forrest was shoveling the rest of a scone down this throat when she entered. Caye gave a crooked half-smile and said, “We haven’t had much time to get acquainted. It seems his stomach may never fill.”

  Forrest grinned and let out a laugh, spraying the countertop with a flurry of crumbs. He gulped down a swig of tea as he forced the last bite down. “That isn’t my fault she bakes too

  “Come into the living room. You too, Caye. I have had a change of plans,” Naomi said.

  “No. Oh please don’t say the trip is cancelled,” Forrest moaned as he lumbered into the living room.

  Caye was as surprised but only lifted her brow.

  “After talking with Yuri, I’ve had a change of heart. Now before you crawl any deeper into that couch, Forrest, listen up. I had missed some things that make my heart hurt, missed seeing some things through Yuri’s eyes that I only saw clearly today. Yuri is a descendant of Zelspar’s. He should be with us and certainly, he should be the one to guide us to find the answers we need. To the map, to the Future his own bloodline has promised the Dragons. So, with that in mind Forrest, Yuri will lead us to Somerset tonight. We shall be his Dragon riders.”

  Forrest jumped up from the couch, his eyes wild. “Seriously? I get to ride a Dragon? I can’t believe this is happening!”

  Caye’s jaw dropped.

  “Yes, Caye, before you warn me of the consequences, I have thought of them. I know it is dangerous, that is why we leave tonight during the new moon. Yuri knows the dangers also but he also can no longer live in the manner we keep the Dragons.”

  She saw the incredulous look Caye showed but continued, “I know we have been trained all this time to protect the Dragons until the time came where they could take to the skies again. It has been thousands of years with Dragons cooped up only to survive. The time has come to find the answers and not only wait for the answers to find us. Caye, I need you to contact all the Teller of the Tales. Warn them of what we are doing. If it turns bad, they may need to find new safe houses. But the real reason is to prepare them and their Dragons to be ready to leave at a moment’s notice.”

  Caye slowly sank into the couch, trying to digest all the sudden information. She ran a hand down her face as the thoughts flew through her mind.

  Ms. Lenonne said, “We will go to find the map Zelspar left. He will have found the answers we seek. When we find the answer, we will let you know. You then, must inform the rest. If we can follow the map, we will go to where it leads us. I am in the dark right now as to what to expect. If you do not hear back from me in a week’s time, you must be prepared to think something terrible has happened and flee from here to warn the others. I do not think that will be the outcome, but always be prepared for the unexpected. Forrest, as for you, I must caution you. This trip is highly dangerous. There is no telling what may happen. Yes, Yuri knows places to hide and can always use his Invisibility Magic in times of danger but…”

  “Don’t worry, Ms. L. I’m good with it. It would be torture not to go and see what is happening. I’m not daft in the head, if you take my meaning. Sure, I know bad stuff could happen and it’s not that I’m feeling brave or anything. I just don’t think it will. I think Zelspar, somehow, in some way, will protect us.”

  “Oh, that reminds me. Remember when I read to you about those Dragon Tears, he cleansed? I almost forgot to give you yours. It is infused with his protection from the ceremony. I wear mine always and you will from now on. I’ll have to get one from the vault.”

  “You mean, they do exist?”

  She cracked a smile, “Indeed, they do. Stay here, I’ll be back directly.”

  It took several minutes for her return. She held out a silver chain with a dazzling stone dangling down its center.

  Forrest gasped. “This is so cool!” Ms. Lenonne slipped it over his head as Forrest lifted the stone to look at it closely. “Wow, it looks like Dragon scales are in it.”

  “Yes, Forrest. Each stone is different, just as each tear or each snowflake is unique. This stone was once held by Zelspar. Think of that! Thousands of years ago, what you are wearing was in the hands of the Legendary Dragon known as Zelspar.”

  “Whoa…” is all he managed to whisper.

  “So, since we will fly during the night and possibly explore, you may want to sleep awhile before we go.”

  “Sleep? You’ve got to be kidding me, the greatest trip of my lifetime is about to start! How can I sleep? No, I think I’ll go over all the symbols again and look at the pictures the archaeologist has in the magazine and get a better understanding of everything I can. If I get tired, I’ll sleep on this couch, okay?”

  Ms. Lenonne could not argue as she felt more energized than she had in a very long time. Except during those wonderful late night flights, she and Yuri made. No, she would not sleep, at least not for a while. Her mind was a-buzz in activity. A great adventure was surely only hours away.

  Spilled over in piles in front of the couch were maps, magazine articles, photos and Forrest’s notebook with all the symbols he had copied down from the letter to Starleira.

  The pages began to move under his gaze. “What the...”

  A moment later, Yuri became visible.

  “Yuri! How did you?”

  “Get here? Materialize?” His deep laugh made Caye split a grin. “We Dragons can be quite sneaky between our hidden passageways and Magic. But then, we have to be, otherwise, there might not be any Dragons left. I wanted to see what you have been deciphering. It may trigger a memory or some clue to help us on our journey.”

  “That a great idea. See these maps? I have one of the land in and around Somerset both currently and in ancient times.” His head bobbed up with a sheepish grin. “Sorry about that, Yuri. I didn’t mean to say you are old.”

  With a grin, Yuri looked at Forrest. “No apology needed at all as I am in my prime. I won’t be considered ‘old’ for hundreds of years yet. Now, let me see those maps.” He took the map of what Somerset and the area should have looked like long ago. He compared it to the new map.

  “Ah yes, they put together a decent facsimile to what it looked like, but it is hardly accurate. Of course, they didn’t show the underground caves and tunnels. But I do see the current map has charted some of them. They may have sealed off many of the tunnels, for safety reasons, or they may have not discovered all of them yet.”

  Ms. Lenonne heard the discussion and came in to join everyone gathered around the couch. “I see, there is no rest to be had in this house with the excitement of our excursion.” She glanced at Yuri and then Forrest.

  “I think I’ll get a platter of food to keep your energy up while you review your maps and such,” Caye said as she disappeared into the kitchen.

  “Thank you, Caye,” Naomi said, before Caye made it to the kitchen.

  “We were going over the maps, dear lady. I was telling Forrest how the ancient map was close but missed some elements. You see in the new map, this place of Glastonbury? They have marked a place as Glastonbury Tor. It was once an island that through the mists, seemed to be floating. I remember hearing a rumor long ago that the island of Glastonbury Tor had floated away. I had wondered about that but, here it is. Anyway, there are, or were at least, many Dragon tunnels underneath. It has long been a place of Magic. Tonight, I would like us to stop there first.”

  “Very well, Yuri. At least we can see if there is a place of hiding for you,” Ms. Lenonne said in agreement.

  “Hiding there is not advisable, as now it is a place that brings many people to visit the ruins. No, I am more interested in seeing if the tunnels of long ago may be visited. I believe if the tunnels are still there, Zelspar would have been drawn to them. Dragons feel the Magic of all things, even in Nature. If he was close, he would not have flown by without going through the tunnels.”

  “Yuri, that’s fantastic insight!” Ms. Lenonne clapped her hands together in excitement.

  With a bellow of laughter, Yuri responded, “To find the way of a Dragon, one must think like a Dragon.” He was delighted in himself and brandished a full smile, his sharp daggers of teeth glinting in the light.

  “Fortunately, we have you Yuri.” Forrest grinned as he gave Yuri a quick elbow jab to his side.

  Ms. Lenonne grew wistful and spoke softly, “I do wonder, if we find the map, what you will do Yuri. Would you wish to leave here for t
he place Zelspar said exists?”

  A quick cough expelled a cloud of smoke before he answered. “I would need to see this place, to experience what such a place offers. It has been so long since I have tasted freedom, I do not know what a place would be like anymore.”

  Forrest’s mouth hung open. “But if you leave, I will not have a Dragon to tend to. How can I be a proper Teller of the Tales without a Dragon?”

  “I think we are all getting ahead of the flame, so to speak. Do you know what that means?” His brows wiggled before he continued. “It means we could get our hind quarters scorched!” Yuri’s good-natured chuckle caused both Forrest and Naomi to join in.

  “Ha-ha-ha! No, I wouldn’t want to get ahead of the flame, especially yours, Yuri. Your point is well taken. I will take it moment by moment, to see how things present themselves.” Forrest made his words a bond.

  Darkness gathered in the distance as, one by one, the houses and trees blinked out. Anticipation grew thick in the house. Yuri had already been fitted with strappings and his riders’ necessities. Now they only waited for the darkness to swallow up the town.


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