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Snow Regrets

Page 19

by M. A. Innes


  “Yes, I’d have to say that describes Dr. Carson very well.” I shrugged as Dr. Jones nodded conspiratorially. “My partner, Joseph, is his son. We’ll just say things didn’t go smoothly in the past. They don’t speak and I don’t see that improving anytime soon.”

  “Ah.” His face tightened for a moment and I could see a sad knowing look flash over his face. “At one point, I’m sorry to say that might’ve been me. But thankfully, that is not the case now.”

  Whatever had happened, he clearly regretted the past, and it looked like he was doing his best to make up for it. If his daughter-in-law-to-be could work for the man, I didn’t think I’d run into any issues. “I hope one day they can say the same thing.”

  Nodding, Dr. Jones held out his hand again. “It was very nice meeting you, Dr. Patterson.” Then he flashed me another smile as we shook. “Don’t forget what I said.”

  “Absolutely. And again, thank you for seeing me.” We finished up our polite goodbyes and I headed out of the hospital toward the car.

  I didn’t even make it all the way to Target to search for more pajamas for Joey when the phone rang. Pulling over into a gas station parking lot, I answered, anticipation building as an unfamiliar number flashed across the screen. “Dr. Patterson.”

  “Dr. Patterson, this is Dr. Jones—please call me Gerald.”



  The most logical thing would have been to go home and make a celebratory dinner for us or maybe even make reservations at a fancy restaurant.

  But logic was sometimes…difficult.

  Ringing the doorbell of the overly fussy house, I waited, doing my best to look patient and calm. When the door opened, Deborah Carson stepped out into the brisk air, beaming. “Forest, it’s so good to see you. I’d hoped you’d stop in after you settled down. Webber said it might be a while before you came over, though.”

  Because Webber knew he’d been an asshole.

  But it seemed like Deborah was not aware of that.

  “I’ve just been getting things organized since I got back from the cabin. Is Webber here by chance? I called the hospital, but they said it was his day off, so I thought I’d stop in and surprise him.” Knowing him, I hadn’t wanted to give him a chance to squirm away.

  “The cabin? Our cabin? I thought that was winterized…” Something flashed in her eyes but she was too well-bred to let it show, forcing a smile to push away any questions. “But well, yes, he was just getting ready to hit the golf course. Come in.”

  She stepped back, ushering me in and calling out to Webber with the smile still plastered on her face masking the confusion I thought was just under the surface. “Just a moment and I’ll go find him. Make yourself at home.”

  I knew she meant to head into the living room, but the house was too tainted to make that appealing, and I wasn’t going to be there for long. As footsteps grew closer, I looked around the house and was surprised to see all the family photos that used to hang on the walls were gone. In their place were very lovely prints and paintings, but it just showed how much had changed.

  As Webber came around the corner, I could see he was bolstering his courage for a confrontation. I got a bright fake smile from him, but I knew him well enough to see the stress. “Have you decided to go see the world again? I thought for sure when we didn’t get an invite to a housewarming party you’d been making plans to head out.”

  Of course he had.

  That was probably the line he’d given Deborah, but it seemed like he’d given her more than a few lines of bullshit lately.

  “No, I’ve decided to stick around.” I leaned against the door and smiled. He stepped back before catching himself and forcing his feet to move closer again. “I just wanted to thank you for letting me use the cabin. There must have been a bit of a mix-up with the schedule because it turned out it was Joseph’s time to use the cabin, but he was very gracious and let me stay.”

  I could see Webber swallow, which only made my smile wider. “He’s grown into quite a man. I’d say you must be proud, but I heard you had a bit of a…falling out.”

  “Now see here—”

  If he thought that was the call to get his high horse out, he was crazy.

  “No.” I jumped in, not willing to listen to a moment of his bullshit. “I don’t need to hear your lies or excuses. No, I just stopped by to say thank you.”

  His eyebrows went up and I could see the wheels turning in his head. “What—”

  I ignored his attempt at a question. “I had two very wonderful weeks discovering a smart, insightful, and very confident man. I haven’t met anyone like him in a very long time and I just wanted to thank you for the chance to…get to know him.”

  I let the words hang between us for a long moment before I continued. “I’d tell you that I’d invite you to the wedding in a few months, but we both know you’re not invited, and well, I haven’t popped the question just yet.”

  But soon.

  I had a ring and a collar burning a hole in the glove compartment of the car and my patience only extended so far. I figured three months had to be plenty of time to live together before I asked him to marry me.

  “I’d tell you not to spoil the surprise, but again, you’re the asshole who kicked out your son, so I’m pretty sure that won’t be an issue.” Straightening, I smiled at his shocked face and reached for the door. “Oh, and I wouldn’t count on that job over at Monument either. It seems like they were looking for someone a bit more open-minded.”

  The last part might have been petty, but it was fun.

  He was still standing there stunned as I waved and headed out the door. Behind me, I could hear Deborah’s voice start to rise. “What did he mean, Webber Carson? Don’t you lie to me! What did he mean? You kicked out Joseph?”

  Oh, that was interesting.

  Before I got to the car, I heard the clip of high heels behind me. “Forest, wait. Please.”

  I thought I was prepared for anything but not the look of hope on her face. “Please. You have to tell me the truth. What happened with Joseph? I came back from a trip to plan his graduation party and Joseph was gone. Webber said that Joseph walked out because we’d never appreciated him or gave him enough, but…”

  She looked back at the house then toward me again. “I didn’t think…he never called…”

  Deborah took a long breath and seemed to stand taller. “I think there are some holes in the story I was given.”

  I’d say that.

  I pulled out my wallet and handed her a business card. It wasn’t completely up to date, but it would work. “My cell is correct on this. Talk to Webber and then if you want the truth, or at least the rest of the story, call me. I won’t put Joseph on until I’m sure where you stand, so don’t even ask. He’s my priority now.”

  She swallowed down the sorrow that flashed over her face, then nodded. “Of course. I heard congratulations will be in order soon.”

  I finally gave her a genuine smile. “I haven’t asked him yet, but it won’t be long.”

  “And you’re sure he’ll say yes?” I couldn’t tell if it was her socialite side coming out or if she was actually curious about Joseph, but that might have just been cynicism clouding my judgment.

  “Yes.” He was going to hem and haw for a few minutes, but then he was going to tell me I was insane as he threw himself at me.

  “Is he happy?” To me, she hadn’t earned the hopeful sound in her voice.

  “Now he is.” She started to ask another question, but I shook my head. “Talk to Webber and then if you really want the truth, call me. But be prepared, I won’t hold back and Joseph is the only one I’m worried about protecting in this situation.”

  She took in a slow, unsteady breath and nodded. “I’m glad he has someone like you in his corner.”

  I’d have liked her better if she’d ranted and raved like my mother would’ve if the situation had been reversed, but again, maybe my perception wasn’t
completely clear. My entire focus was on my sweet boy and nothing else mattered.

  Including her.

  “Thank you.” But then I gave her honesty she might not have been ready to hear. “But if you really meant that, you’d have done more to find him and to figure out what the hell went so wrong. So before you try to step back into his life, you need to take a long look at that as well.”

  She winced but gave me one of her regal beauty queen nods.

  Yeah, we had a long way to go before I would let them anywhere near my boy.

  Without another word, I got into the car and drove away.

  There was nothing there for me and probably nothing for Joseph as well, but we’d see what he wanted to do. As much as I wanted to protect him from the world and bundle him up tight, that just wasn’t practical.

  His boyfriend and lover might have to let the world in, but as his Daddy and Master, I was going to wrap him up in my arms as we walked through the trials together. He would never be alone again and I was going to spend the rest of my life making sure he knew that I would be there every step of the way.

  I was his Daddy.

  I was his love.

  And one day, I would be his husband.



  If you haven’t read my books before, this is my moment to confess I have a terrible time letting go of characters. To keep from having to say goodbye, I bring them back in unexpected places. If you’re curious, here’s some information about side characters from this book that have their own stories. Have fun with my guys, and visit my website or stalk me on Facebook if you have any questions.

  In this book

  The online friend that Joseph mentions is Cody from my college world. Embracing Faith is the first book for Cody, Ford, and Jameson. They have a duet that shows how the three men came to be together. Cody keeps everyone on their toes. They’re each very different with Jameson being new to BDSM and Ford being an asexual Daddy Dom, but they fit together perfectly.

  I can easily see Joseph working up the courage to meet Cody and the rest of his friends in person. Joseph could use a few accepting friends like Cody and the gang. Let me know what you think of Joseph making a few cameos with the guys.

  Read The Whole Series!

  If you loved this book, make sure to read all of the Snowed In - Valentine’s Inc. series for hours of MM romance reading pleasure. All books can be read as standalones and are connected only through a shared premise.

  Book 1 - Make Snow Mistake by Michelle Frost (January 14)

  Book 2 - Paper Snowflakes by Sammi Cee (January 16)

  Book 3 - Snow Regrets by M.A. Innes (January 21)

  Book 4 - Snow Daze by Pandora Pine (January 23)

  Book 5 - Snow Job by Beth Bolden (January 28)

  Book 6 - Snowflake Kisses by Jacki James (January 30)

  Book 7 - Snow Way Out by Nora Phoenix (February 4)

  Book 8 - Ain’t Snow Mountain High Enough by Brittany Cournoyer (February 6)

  Book 9 - Snow One Like You by Ashe Winters (February 11)

  Book 10 - Snow Way In Hell by Abigail Kade (February 13)

  M.A. Innes and Shaw Montgomery are two sides to the same squirrely brain. M.A Innes is the part of my imagination that leads to kinky and curious things like age play and puppy play. Shaw is the aspect that likes sweet BDSM but isn’t taboo in nature.

  I love hearing from readers, but if you liked my book, the best thing you can do is to leave a review. Books that are a little different or seem unique need reviews to help push other readers to dip their toes in the water.

  I have all kinds of books from sweet guys in lingerie to cute boys in search of a Daddy. The best place to find all my books and to explore what I write is on my website. You can also get the occasional freebies and early peeks at the first chapters of new releases so make sure to keep checking back.

  The best place to get teasers and notifications about new releases is by joining my newsletter.

  If you enjoyed Snow Regrets then another age play book you’ll enjoy is Silent Strength. Eric is a sweet submissive who’s just about given up on finding a Daddy…until he meets Marcus.

  Check out the first chapter

  Chapter 1


  “Are you on duty or just stalking someone over here?”

  I was too well-trained to jump, but hearing Ben’s voice come from behind me might have made my heart rate elevate slightly. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “You’re a better liar than that. Want to try again? And maybe this time try saying it when you’re not still staring at him.” The tone was teasing and light, but I could hear the curiosity in his voice—and possibly a little concern. “Not that he isn’t cute, but still.”

  The boy was more than cute. With longer dark hair that gave him a slightly disheveled look, he seemed younger than he probably was. His lean build kept him from looking like jailbait, his body hinting at muscles as he moved around the room. He’d never be a body builder, but I had a feeling he’d be sculpted and would look incredible spread out and naked.

  “I’m not going to do anything stupid. I realize he’s here with someone else.”

  Ben snorted, coming around the side of the couch to sit down. “That’s not something I’m worried about. But you’ve been watching him since he came in. Weren’t you here to play?”

  That’s what I’d thought the plan was.

  The goal for the evening had been to find someone to get to know, then possibly have a scene with. There were the same core members as usual, but lately, there’d been a steady stream of new ones too. I thought it was time I met some of them. Work had taken up too much of my time recently, and even I’d realized I needed a break.

  “That was the idea.”

  In my peripheral vision, I could see Ben shaking his head, but my focus was elsewhere. There was something about the new boy that wouldn’t leave me alone. To begin with, he’d been so unsure of himself I’d been worried. New subs, especially unaccompanied ones, radiated at least a mild level of fear when they started exploring the club for the first time.

  This was different.

  He set off the dominant part of me that wanted to take a sub in hand, but he also hit the button for someone in distress. It wasn’t just nerves. He was afraid. He wasn’t mine, and I didn’t even know his name—but I wasn’t going to leave him alone.

  “There’s something off.”

  That got Ben’s attention and the teasing fell away. “What do you mean?”

  “It’s not just first-time jitters.”

  “I won’t ask how you know that.” Ben shook his head and turned his focus to the boy. “Tony said he was on the member’s guest list and everything had checked out.”

  There was a strict background check for members. However, only a basic one was required for first-time guests. The club had an incredible reputation for protecting privacy. Newcomers were only allowed in the public areas on the first floor and were watched closely. If they wanted to come back a second time, then they had to fill out a much more detailed application.

  It didn’t surprise me to hear that Ben had already checked up on the new submissive. He took the responsibility of running the club seriously. Too seriously. He was working every time I’d come in recently. Which wasn’t that often, but it was something to ask him about. When I wasn’t otherwise occupied with an anxious sub.

  The boy hadn’t seemed like trouble. As a nearly twenty-five-year veteran of the police force, I had a pretty good radar for that, but it was clear he had no idea what he was doing. “I don’t doubt that—but he’s frightened. His whole body language is off. I thought it would get better when the Dom he was waiting for finally showed up, but it’s getting worse.”

  When he’d walked into the lounge, the bands on his arms had told one story, but the look in his eyes told another. The dichotomy was wh
at kept my attention, even though he was off limits. He was wearing two bands, a white one signaling he was a submissive and a red one meaning he didn’t want to be approached for a scene. It was usually a combination that indicated he was there to meet someone specific.

  The level of stress coming from him had me concerned. This wasn’t a submissive who was simply new to the club. He was new to everything. I was shocked that he was by himself. I’d never brought a new submissive there, but if I had, I would have never let them arrive alone. It wasn’t how you took care of someone who was obviously inexperienced.

  He’d wandered around the room, hands in the pockets of his tight jeans, trying to look calm. But it was a thin façade because his fists looked like only his death grip on the lining was keeping them in there. He was trying. I had to give him that. He’d even worked up the nerve to walk through the more interesting side of the first floor before coming back to settle down at a corner table with a drink.

  Very casual.

  Very confident.

  Very much a lie.

  By that point, I was hooked and not going anywhere. So I’d settled in to watch and make sure he would be all right. Maybe it was the Dom in me, or maybe it was the cop in me, but I had to know he’d be taken care of. He’d waited about ten minutes, swirling the ice in his glass and sweeping imaginary crumbs off the table, before the man he was waiting for walked in. I recognized him right away. Tall and lanky, he always introduced himself as Master Samuel.

  The guy was a dick.

  He hadn’t done anything to get his membership revoked, but he seemed to prey on new subs. The cop in me knew he was trouble. He might not have done something wrong yet, but it was only a matter of time. He was that guy you knew would cross the line one day, but there was never anything you could do about it beforehand.


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