Book Read Free


Page 29

by Uc Amalu, Jr


  Ben opened his eyes. He was greeted with a middle-aged

  nurse smiling kindly down at him. Her deep blue eyes

  were kind and her full, red lips looked so soft and

  sensual. He smiled at the thought of kissing them.

  “Well, hello there,” she said in a hushed voice. “Good to

  see you’re awake.”

  “What happened?” he asked, using his arms to push

  himself up into a sitting position.

  “You have seven neat stitches in your temple and a nasty

  little concussion to boot. That’s what happened.” she

  helped him sit up properly then handed him some water.

  Ben took it from her and raised it to his lips. “Oh God,

  Anna!” The memory of the afternoon’s events came

  rushing back to him in one gigantic wave.

  “It’s ok,” the nurse hushed him. “You got the bad guy and

  everyone is safe. Your partner Detective Marnotti came in with

  you and then left again. He said he’d be back a little later.”


  “Yes, that’s right.” She patted his face down with a cool


  “Did someone mention my name?” A familiar voice filled

  the room.

  Ben looked over to the door and saw Jay standing there

  holding a can of coke in one hand and a manila folder in

  the other.

  “Hey, Jayy, great to see you.”

  “It’s great to see you! I was worried there for a while.” He

  pulled up a chair next to the bed.

  The attractive nurse put down the washer and excused

  herself before leaving the room. Ben smiled at her as she

  left. He turned back to Jay who was grinning broadly at



  “You like her!” his smile grew wider. “Don’t you? Go on,

  admit it.”

  Ben smirked like a schoolboy and then changed the

  subject. “How is Anna?”

  “She’s fine. A little shaken by the ordeal, but otherwise

  she’s ok.” he stopped cold.

  “What is it, Jay?”

  “She’s been charged in relation to Tessa’s death, Ben. I’m


  “Did she…”

  “No she didn’t kill her, but she was pre-sent when she

  died and then helped cover it up by keeping her mouth


  “So who did?” Ben’s curiosity rose. “My memory, it’s a bit


  “A blow to the head will do that to ya, Benny boy.” Jay

  joked. “You were on the money all along. The Wellness


  “What about it?”

  “It seems the good doctor performed some after hours

  terminations and Tessa’s happened to go wrong. Anna

  knew about it and said nothing.”

  “Jesus,” he whispered, rubbing his forehead. “So what

  about Rose?”

  “She’s admitted to the killing and gave a statement. I

  wouldn’t be surprised if she gets off on insanity though.

  She’s one fruity loop that one.”

  “So why the mutilation? It doesn’t make sense.”

  “She thought that if she cut her up and made it look like

  some sicko on the loose that it would throw police off the


  “Well, she was right there.”

  “I spoke to Anna. Her story was pretty consistent with

  what I got from Rose.”

  “So why didn’t she just tell us? It doesn’t make sense,

  Jayy.” he sighed.

  “She was so afraid of people finding out that Tessa was

  her daughter. She just wanted to leave her past in the

  past and when Tessa came back looking for her…”

  “So she had met with Tessa long before now, then?”

  “Apparently so, about a year or so ago she showed up on

  her doorstep. Anna told her she wanted nothing to do

  with her and the life she reminded her of. For a long time

  she never came back.”

  “Until Tessa found out she was pregnant?”

  “Yeah. She called on Anna for help and she put her onto

  Rose and told her that she would take care of it if she

  promised to leave her alone after that. Tessa agreed and

  that’s when they went to see Rose.”

  Ben sat with his hands in his lap, lost in thought.


  “Yeah, I’m ok. Did you manage to dig up anything on


  “I sure did. Tessa’s father was a guard at the girls home

  back in 1977.”

  “When Anna was there?” Ben interrupted.

  “Seems so. His name was Bernard Houseman. It appears

  that when the home became aware of his activities with

  Anna, he was to be hauled in front of the disciplinary

  commission. He chose another course of action though.”

  Ben looked at him expectantly.

  “He decided to string himself up from a tree in his back

  yard. He had a wife and three kids. I guess he didn’t want

  to have to face them, over the incident.”

  “Gees, Jayy, this saga just keeps getting more and more


  “Sure does.”

  “So what happened with Anna?”

  “The girls home took the baby from her immediately after

  birth and adopted it out. It was a sealed adoption. My

  source did well to uncover the birth certificate when they

  ran Anna’s background check.”

  “Damn,” Ben cursed. “If only I had tried harder to find a

  next of kin when we found Tessa’s body. Instead of just

  accepting that her parents were dead and there was no-

  one else to notify.”

  “Don’t be so hard on yourself. You did what you could,


  “If I had have dug a little deeper, I may have uncovered

  this weeks ago and maybe.”

  “Look, it’s over. There’s no use agonising over what could

  or should have happened.”

  “Maybe,” Ben agreed.

  “We still got bigger problems than that, Benny, my boy.”

  “How so?”

  “We still have a psycho-sicko unit out there, running

  around performing copy cat killings of Tessa’s murder on

  other pregnant women. We gotta catch the animal.”

  “Oh hell,” sighed Ben. “Who would know all those details,

  Jayy? The foetus snatching detail was never released to

  the public.”

  “I dunno, but as soon as you get outta here, we’re gonna

  find out.” He slapped his hand on Ben’s shoulder. “In the

  meantime buddy, you and I have to celebrate the one

  small victory we have achieved. Rose’s arrest and solving

  Tessa’s murder.”

  “Sure,” said Ben, his enthusiasm not quite that of Jay’s.

  “Bluey’s, tomorrow night, nine o’clock.”

  “I’ll be there!”

  “Well you’d best get some rest if you want to be out of

  here by morning.” The cute nurse was standing in the

  doorway holding a fresh washer and a bowl of soapy


  Ben’s eyes lit up.

  “My buddy and I were just planning a celebration

  tomorrow night.” He looked back at Ben and grinned. “I

  don’t suppose you’d care to join us?”

  Ben’s eyes widened. He glared wildly at Jay for
being so


  Her lips parted and a smile spread across her pretty face.

  She looked at Ben and replied, “I’d love to… Unfortunately

  I have to work tomorrow night, but I’m free Friday night if

  that’s any good?”

  Jay looked at the two of them and pushing his chair

  back he said, “Well I’ll leave you two to fine tune the

  details. I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said, smiling at Ben. He

  then turned to the nurse and said, “I hope to see you

  again soon, too, eerrr?”

  “Carolyn,” she answered, taking his bait for details.

  With that Jay left them to each other’s company.



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