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Everlonging Desires

Page 5

by Daniel Elijah Sanderfer

  “Yeah,” Dustin moaned.

  Skyler spun around in the shower to face him. He locked onto the boy’s lips and pushed his beautiful naked body against Dustin’s. As the water ran down their bodies, Skyler’s hard cock rubbed against the boy’s smooth body. Their tongues danced around one another’s. Skyler was making up for lost time; he didn’t want to go on another day without enjoying the benefits of a lover.

  After their shower, which took slightly longer than the both of them expected, they made their way to the kitchen. They had settled into a routine without knowing it starting off the day by having breakfast together. Dustin chatting with Skyler as he cooked.

  Skyler was an excellent cook. All the years by himself, he found comfort in food. So that was one thing he knew how to do well. Skyler liked sharing a meal with him. The conversation was a much-welcomed gift after years of silence. He would often just sing to himself, so the silence would not drive him insane.

  The boys finished breakfast and got ready to drive to Dustin’s. He was feeling bittersweet, he had found Skyler, but he felt guilty for leaving his mom and dad in that horrible little trailer park. He noticed that without even thinking they were holding each other’s hands. Dustin looked at their hands and then at Skyler, who was just driving down the road paying no attention to him stealing glances. Dustin felt so protected and safe under his care.

  They had managed to pull his little car out of the road finally and parked it in the garage behind the cabin. Skyler was going to try and fix it if he could.

  They pulled up to the sad little camper trailer Dustin used to call home. His mother Tricia was already there looking sentimental as they pulled into the driveway. They hopped out of the pickup, and she wrapped her arms around him.

  She glanced over Dustin’s shoulder at Skyler. “You're taking my baby away from me.”

  Dustin expression turned sad for a moment as they separated, and he spoke to his mother, “I will be by to visit.”

  Skyler added, “Anytime you need anything you can just call us.”

  Tricia sighed. “We best get started.”

  Dustin unlocked the trailer door, and they all stepped inside. Tricia asked him, “What’s yours?”

  “Not a lot,” Dustin mumbled, “All of the furniture belongs to the park owners.”

  He went to the bedroom, and Tricia followed with a box. Skyler looked around at the ramshackle little trailer. He could hardly believe anyone lived there. Dustin yelled from the back bedroom.“Sky?”

  He replied, “Yeah, buddy?”

  “Can you come to get this box?” Dustin whined.

  Skyler met them in the back room and lifted the large box, “Ugh, What’s in here kid?”

  “Clothes.” Dustin smiled.

  Tricia added. “We southern belles have to stay pretty.”

  Dustin rolled his eyes, and quipped, “Mother!”

  “Well, one does have to keep themselves up” She fluffed her bangs in the dresser mirror.

  She continued, “Maybe we can move your sister in here?”

  Dustin didn’t hear her question. He was busy checking drawers and making sure he had packed everything. Skyler carried the box out to the truck and slid it into the back. He looked around and reflected on how blessed he was to have all the nice things he did. It was amazing such a sweet person could exist in such a desolate wasteland.

  Dustin emerged on the back porch with a backpack, and his mother followed with a small box of knick-knacks. He was looking kind of sad as he glanced back toward the old trailer he called home for the past two years. His mother was locking the door and making sure the unit was secure. Skyler walked up to him and took the backpack. He wrapped an arm around him, “You okay kiddo?”

  Dustin sighed, “Yeah, it just feels odd to be moving.”

  Dustin looked up into Skyler’s big sad eyes, “But, moving in with you will be amazing.”

  He nuzzled Skyler’s chest.

  Tricia was watching from the front porch. She placed her hand over her chest and smiled at their tender moment. She was happy Dustin had found someone to give him all the things she couldn’t. He turned his head to see her face, and a lone tear slid down her cheek as she croaked, “I’m going to miss you, baby.”

  Dustin glanced at Skyler with tears welling up in his eyes, and Skyler mumbled, “You’re fine babe, go to your mama.”

  Dustin turned and ran to meet his mother's open arms; burying himself in her embrace. She whispered as she stroked his hair, “Don’t be a stranger, maybe I can come by and see the cabin sometime?”

  She glanced at Skyler. He grinned at her, “Yes, mama, anytime you want.”

  She and Dustin separated, and she walked up to Skyler, giving him a big hug, “You take care of my boy, you hear?”

  Skyler nodded. “He will never want for anything.”

  Dustin smiled at the exchange between his mother and his boyfriend. He was amazed that she actually liked him. Being the youngest in the family, he figured the guy he settled down with would have to have a full background scan and interview.

  After their hug, Skyler closed the tailgate on the back of the pickup, “You ready to go?”

  Tricia interrupted, “Let me get my purse.” She giggled, “Oh, you mean him!” pointing at Dustin.

  The woman cackled with delight at her joke. Dustin gave his mother one last hug before jumping up into Skyler’s pickup. Skyler closed the door and made his way around to the driver’s side.

  As they drove away, the woman lit a cigarette and waved at them. One thing both Dustin and Skyler had learned over the past couple of days, sometimes to begin again you have to erase everything that had been.


  A month had passed since Dustin moved in with Skyler. They had been getting along well, even though Dustin missed him during the day while he was at work. He was always waiting at the kitchen island when his man got home.

  He was always dressed in a cute outfit like short blue jean shorts and a tank top — a shot glass of whiskey on the island for him. The first time it happened Skyler had been taken back with the boy’s gesture. They even had a minor argument, Skyler just wasn’t used to that kind of attention after working all day.

  Once he loosened up, he basked in the attention of his cute young lover. He was spoiled now and almost expected it. He would open the door and bask in the scent of the warm fireplace and nice clean house. It was a stark difference from the dirty work socks and stale coffee that lingered before. He called from the doorway as he kicked off his boots.

  “Hey, cowpoke! I’m home!”

  He would turn the corner to see Dustin in the kitchen tending to dinner. A shot glass and bottle of whiskey on the bar. Skyler smiled to himself as he leaned over the counter to greet his boy, “Mm, what smells so good baby?”

  Dustin blew his bangs from his eyes and turned from the oven with a coy smile.

  “Your Favorite, Meatloaf!”

  Skyler patted his belly, “Baby you spoil me.”

  Dustin turned off the oven and ran over to Skyler who picked him up off the floor. Hugged him tight and kissed him. Their love was growing stronger every day, and except a few minor arguments; their relationship was proving it could stand the test of time. They had waited a long two years to be with one another.

  Dustin always told himself, “I fought my whole life to have a man and life like this, and I’ll be damned if anything stupid is going to take it away from me.”

  But, Skyler was a stubborn guy once you got to know him. Dustin had learned that if there was something Skyler had decided to do there was no changing his mind, and Skyler had learned that Dustin was very emotional; a lot of times he needed a moment to cool off before having a conversation.

  Dustin would always say something he regretted in moments of anger. He was just like his mama in that way. She never could hold her tongue to save herself. But as Skyler stood holding his boy, he knew there would never be anyone ever again but Dustin.

  He h
ad tucked his memories of Jimmy in the back of his mind, where they could not hurt him anymore. Because every day he was making new memories with Dustin whether it was watching the sunset across the ridge from the front porch; to watching reruns of old tv shows he cherished every moment.

  He would often find himself just staring at the boy for no reason at all; as if he was trying to capture his expressions in his mind. Dustin was full of wonder and made everything so damn special. His laugh was infectious, loud and animated and It always made Skyler laugh too. His body slender and beautiful, as pale as a new moon. His kiss still sent him into fits of ecstasy. For all the love Dustin gave him and the memories they made together; he had no room left in his mind for the past.

  The first weekend of summer was coming soon and Skyler had something on his mind. Dustin wasn’t sure why he had been so quiet, but their silence during dinner had Dustin worried that something was wrong.

  Finally, Skyler spoke, after he washed his hands and Dustin was finishing up with washing the dishes. “Dinner was awesome baby, what do you say we go on a walk?”

  Dustin’s stomach sank. He thought, “Oh shit, what could be wrong?”

  He cleared his throat and tried to look as if nothing were wrong, “Okay love if that’s what you want.”

  He watched Skyler nervously pace around looking for something. Then he grabbed Hilda’s saddle from the mudroom and walked out the back door to get her ready. He shouted, “Meet me around front in five minutes.”

  “Can do,” Dustin yelled from the kitchen.

  He was trying to hold himself together as he washed his hands and put the dishes in the drainer. He checked himself in the mirror above the entryway table and sighed as he gripped the doorknob and stepped out to the front porch.

  Skyler was standing by Hilda and smiled at him. He reached out his hand and guided him over to the horse, “Are we both going to ride Hilda?”

  Skyler chuckled, “She doesn’t mind; you’re like a hat to her.”

  Dustin squinted at her, and she curled her lips in glee to see the boy. Dustin pointed at her, “Don’t start with me horse!”

  Skyler chuckled at their exchange. He knew Dustin was still skittish around her. Dustin looked to Skyler who helped Dustin lift his leg to climb up on the saddle. Skyler couldn’t resist and put his hand on the boy’s little butt to push him up.

  “Hey,” Dustin quipped.

  “What,” Skyler shrugged with a playful grin.

  He hopped up behind him. His legs wrapped around the boy. Dustin loved when they rode like that. His little body fit so perfectly in between Skyler's legs. He put his hand in Dustin’s lap and grabbed the reigns. Hilda happily clip-clopped up the road to the top of the ridge.

  Skyler directed her off a little path that he had never shown Dustin before, and Dustin turned to him with a curious expression, “You’ve never shown me this path before.”

  “It’s very special,” Skyler replied somberly.

  As Hilda pressed onward through the ancient pine trees, the sun had begun to set. Dustin’s ears were in tune with the sound of water flowing rapidly. His face washed with amazement as they approached a giant canyon. Skyler could feel the boy’s body tense in anticipation. He already knew what was at the end of the trail and as they surfaced to the top, the evening sky was painted with purple and oranges as the sun slowly drifted out of sight.

  Dustin gasped as he saw the reveal of a giant waterfall streaming down the mountainside. Skyler released Hilda’s reigns, and they basked in the beauty and glory of it all. Dustin whispered. “This is amazing!”

  Skyler smiled and wrapped his arms tightly around the boy. After a few moments, he jumped off and raised his arms for Dustin to come down to where he was standing. Once Dustin’s feet were securely on the ground he ran to the edge and shouted. “Hello,” and it echoed across the open ridge like a bird in flight.

  Skyler tied Hilda to a nearby tree and went to join Dustin at the edge. Dustin turned to him and placed his hands on his chest. “This is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.”

  Skyler’s eyes were misty and filled with the love he felt for Dustin; he cleared his throat and looked deep into Dustin’s eyes as he whispered, “Even this pales in comparison to you.”

  He placed his hands on the sides of Dustin’s face. “I cannot see my life without you. When we met, I was dead inside, and I never thought I would meet someone like you. You make me happy to be alive, and you satisfy my deepest desires.”

  As tears began to fall down Dustin’s face, Skyler pulled a tiny box from his Blue Jeans and descended to one knee. “Dustin Adam, will you be my boy forever?”

  Dustin covered his mouth with his hands; his body quaking from the force of tears coming from deep inside of him. Skyler stared at him with misty eyes. Dustin slowly extended his tiny hand and Skyler pulled the little gold ring from the box, sliding it onto the boy’s finger. He exhaled and fell into Skyler wrapping his body around his in an embrace, “Yes, yes my Sky, of course, I will.”

  They both scrambled to find each other’s lips, and Skyler fell backward into the tall cool grass with Dustin on top of him. The early summer breeze whistled through the pine trees. The soft moonbeams cast shadows across their faces. Dustin separated from him momentarily and whispered, “Tell me we can live forever in this moment.”

  Skyler smiled and pressed his forehead to his, “My love for you is everlonging just like time, and you never have to worry about being alone again because I will forever be yours and you will forever be mine.”


  (A few months later)


  The phone rang from down the hall, Dustin was in the kitchen making dinner, and Skyler was sitting at the island drinking his whiskey while reading the paper. He had just got home from work not long ago. The phone rang from across the room. He jumped up from his barstool and crossed the room to answer it. A friendly voice came from the other end, “Hey cuz! It’s Travis, How the heck have you been?”

  Skyler grinned, “Hey partner, how have you been? I heard you and Levi tied the knot last year.”

  Dustin craned his head to hear the conversation. The voice from the other end replied with joy, “We sure did!”

  Skyler smiled and sat down on the couch, “Well that is just great! How is that little shithead doing?”

  Levi interrupted, “I’m fine cousin Sky, Why don’t you come down here and say that to my face?”

  Travis yelled, “Go sit your ass down somewhere!”

  Levi replied by sticking his tongue out to him, and Travis promptly gave him the middle finger.

  He turned his attention back to the phone, “Anyways I was just returning your call, What can we do for you?”

  Skyler laughed, “I see you have your hands full over there.”

  Travis mumbled, “Tell me about it,” and laughed with amusement.

  Anyone who knew Travis and Levi knew they were the model couple. They had banter and more fun than a couple who had been together for decades.

  Skyler moved out to the porch leaving Dustin distracted from his cooking trying to see what Sky had to ask Travis that the man didn’t want him to hear.

  Skyler mumbled, “Well I was wanting to take Dusty away for the weekend so that we can get some romance in, We stay so busy with the cabin and the farm. We don’t seem to have a lot of time for each other.”

  Travis smiled, “Don’t think nothing of it, you guys come on down to Magnolia anytime you are ready. I will have Levi make up a room. We have been super excited for you guys since we heard you proposed to Dustin.”

  Skyler smiled just thinking about his cute little cowboy; his heart was alive again with love for him, “I knew if there were anyplace to relax and spend time, it would be there at Magnolia Ridge.”

  Travis laughed, “You have got that right, it seems like this is the place to come if you want to connect or reconnect with somebody.”

  Skyler grinned, “Exactly! So we will leave here F
riday night when I get off work, and we will see you soon.”

  “Sounds wonderful,” Travis replied.

  “Thanks so much, man, I owe you one!” Skyler turned to see where Dustin was. He wanted this to be a surprise. They had yet to travel together, and he had high hopes this trip would be the one for them to relax and set a date for the wedding.

  “Think nothing of it, see you Friday!” Travis hung up the phone and turned to Levi, who was propped up on the sofa looking comfy and relaxed.

  He hung his head upside down over the side of the sofa, and greeted Travis, “Is your cousin Skyler coming to visit?”

  Travis sat down beside him and shot him a glance of mischief, “He sure is, and he’s bringing the mysterious Dustin with him.”

  Levi grinned, “This will be so awesome hasn’t he been really secretive about this Dustin?”


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