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Everlonging Desires

Page 4

by Daniel Elijah Sanderfer

  Tricia was humming a country song as she wiped the counter and tidied up his kitchen. Dustin emerged wearing a pair of Levi’s with a white t-shirt that was practically see through from being well worn. Skyler could not resist pinching his little butt as he walked by, causing him to jump and turn around.

  Skyler was staring at his fingernails as if nothing had happened. His eyes caught Dustin’s and he winked at the boy before continuing to pick his cuticles. Tricia caught the commotion from the corner of her eye in the kitchen. It made her smile to herself, “Your father used to be frisky like that when we were younger.”

  Skyler flashed the woman a sly grin, “Huh, I have no idea what you mean.” Dustin shot him a sarcastic look as if to say really?

  Tricia giggled, “You really do need boots to deal with this one.”

  Skyler was amused with himself. It was nice to be playful and have the company of a pretty young guy again even though he was still nervous as to what Dustin’s answer would be about moving in with him. He knew it was fast, but now that he had made the leap of faith to be Dustin’s man, he wanted to spend as much time with him as possible. He was sick of being alone and from the looks of Dustin’s trailer, it would be a much better life for Dustin as well.


  After Dustin had changed clothes and his mother was satisfied that he was safe with Skyler, he locked up the trailer, and Skyler made his way back to the pickup. Dustin stood for a few moments and spoke to his mother.

  Skyler furrowed his brow as the conversation became very heated. He noticed Tricia throw her hands up and hug him. Dustin got in and sunk down in the seat as he said “Let’s get out of here!”

  Skyler put the truck in gear and exited the park, “You want to talk about it kiddo?”

  Dustin looked his way with tears in his eyes. Skyler put his hand on the boy’s leg and pulled over, “Baby, my heart can’t take seeing you in pain, what’s wrong?”

  Dustin took a deep breath. “I told Mama that I am going to move to the cabin with you!”

  He turned away to look out the window. Skyler could not control the happiness he was feeling. He pulled Dustin over close to him and grabbed the sides of his face. Dustin could barely catch his breath before Skyler planted a kiss so hard on his lips, it left them feeling numb. “That’s fantastic baby!”

  Dustin looked down and laid his forehead against Skyler’s, “Mama will miss me.”

  Skyler spoke softly; trying to give Dustin some comfort and reassurance, “You can see her anytime you want to, I will even take you if you need a ride.”

  Dustin smiled, “But, why would you do all of that for me when we are just getting to know each other?”

  Skyler lifted his head from Dustin’s and ran his fingers down his face. He whispered trying to keep his emotions in check, “Because I love you. I have since the first day we met at the bar.”

  Dustin closed his eyes and basked in the man’s touch, “I love you too Sky.”

  Skyler mumbled with a smile, “We better get back home; I’m not sure how long I can wait before I tear your clothes off and make you mine officially.”

  Dustin turned away with a coy grin; slightly embarrassed and turned on, he mumbled, “Oh, I’m sorry.”

  Skyler grabbed his hand and placed it on the front of his jeans and arched his brow at him, “Nothing to be sorry about.”

  Dustin bit down on his bottom lip. They were not even close to the cabin but the romance of the moment was making it hard for them to focus on making it back. So, Skyler pulled over into a big meadow that seemed to stretch on for miles; he hopped out of the truck and Dustin followed.

  He leaned against the pickup tucking his thumbs into the pockets of his jeans, thinking Dustin would join him in a hug. Instead, Dustin ran past him into the tall grass. Skyler took off running after him. Both of them laughing like teenagers as Skyler shortened the distance between the two of them. Dustin shouted and giggled, “Oh no,” when he realized Skyler could run so fast and was now only inches away from catching him.

  Grabbing Dustin’s shoulders, Skyler pushed him down. Dustin closed his eyes and laughed as the tall wheatgrass enveloped them like a luxurious duvet. Skyler dove on top of him like a hawk on a titmouse. With his hard body pressed tightly to Dustin’s they stared deep into each other’s eyes. The sun danced across their bodies and all was silent but the sound of their breathing.

  Dustin slowly lifted his hands and placed them behind Skyler’s neck. Lost in a state of bliss, their lips met. Dustin slid his slender tongue into Skyler’s mouth and he sucked on it like a piece of hard candy, unabashedly savoring the taste of the boy’s lips on his. No one had ever made him feel this way. He was drunk in love, and he never wanted to be sober again.

  A late afternoon storm was brewing in the distance but the two of them were too lost in their own little paradise to even notice the light rain that had started to fall. Skyler raised up and looked up at the clouds covering the meadow.

  Dustin covered his face as the raindrops began to fall. Skyler jumped up pulling Dustin off the ground and they laughed as they sprinted back to the truck. By the time they got inside, their clothes were soaked and clinging to their bodies; showing off every detail of their physique and leaving nothing to the imagination.

  Skyler turned to Dustin his breathing labored, and gazed at Dustin with want in his eyes ; seeing the boy's hair dripping wet from the rain and the way his sheer white undershirt highlighted his tiny frame. Dustin smiled back at him, “What?”

  Skyler swallowed hard and mumbled, “I want you so much right now.”

  Dustin took Skyler’s hand; weaving his fingers with his and whispered, “I want you too.”

  Skyler started the truck quickly shifted it into gear and sped up the mountainside to the cabin. When they arrived, he jumped out the driver’s seat and ran around to Dustin. He leaned in; picking Dustin up and carrying him to the front porch while playfully stealing kisses. Once they were inside he laid the boy down on the sofa. Dustin raised momentarily pulling his wet t-shirt off and throwing it to the corner of the room. Skyler rushed to unbutton his, tossing it the same direction as Dustin’s.

  Their bodies were still wet from the rain making their skin slide against one another’s like a match striking a pad, igniting their now insatiable lust. Skyler kissed and munched on the boy’s neck making Dustin’s face twitch and his body writhe in ecstasy. The beginning sparks of an inferno that had been burning inside them now for two years, finally erupting into an explosion of passion and gratification unparalleled to what either of them had ever felt before.

  As the sun set, they laid in a sweet embrace. Skyler reached to light the fireplace nearby and the warmth enveloped their bodies like a warm blanket. Dustin whispered, “You are amazing.”

  Skyler rested his head on the boy’s shoulder and mumbled, “I ain’t nothing special.”

  Dustin played with his hands, “Yes you are. You’re my boyfriend, that makes you special to me.”

  Skyler nuzzled his nose to Dustin’s, “I haven’t felt this way about anyone in years. You make me happy to be alive. I was dead inside, and you brought me back to life again.”

  Dustin closed his eyes and listened to the sweet nothings the man whispered in his ear. They were like poetry, almost like a song. Before long he was dozing peacefully in Skyler’s arms. He could feel the vibrations of Skyler humming a sweet tune with his eyes closed. Suddenly he began to sing softly in his ear.

  “You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray.”

  His voice fell to a whisper, “You’ll never know, how much I love you. Please don’t take my sunshine away.”

  Dustin was trying not to move. Skyler’s voice was so beautiful and soothing that he didn’t want to interrupt the man.

  Once Skyler stopped, Dustin whispered, “I didn’t know you could sing.”

  Skyler was embarrassed, “I can’t, well; not anymore.”

  Dustin protested. “Yes, y
ou can. I just heard you!”

  Skyler took a deep breath. “I haven’t sung since Jimmy was alive. I used to sing for him and down at the bar before you ever worked there.”

  Dustin sat up and turned to face him, “Why did you stop?”

  Skyler sniffled, “When I lost Jimmy I stopped. I couldn’t bear to do it anymore without him there to support me.”

  Dustin smiled, “I’m here now. Maybe I can help you practice?”

  Skyler looked at him skeptically, “Do you really think I can sing?”

  Dustin took his hand. “I think you are amazing.”

  Skyler smiled, “Aw shucks kid, I wouldn’t even know where to start.”

  Dustin laid his head down on the man’s chest and said “I can help you.”

  Skyler gazed at the fireplace and kissed his head. “We’ll see.”

  He reflected on the past couple of days they had spent together. He could not remember a time when he felt so happy.

  The weekend was going to be a busy one, Skyler had to drive Dustin to the trailer to move what few things he had to the cabin. Earlier that evening Dustin had told his mom, Tricia to let Aunt Gretchen know he would not be returning to the bar.

  He just couldn't take another night of abuse from the drunk, unruly patrons of Lusty’s, and since he was with Skyler now; he felt there was no need to go back.

  Skyler had told him that it wasn’t necessary for him to work now that they were in a committed relationship. He would take care of anything he needed. He even assured Dustin’s mother that Dustin would be well taken care of. She had responded with her classic humor, “Take me too!”

  Dustin’s mother amused Skyler; she was a sweet old southern woman who reminded him of his own mother. His thoughts trailed off as he succumbed to the comfort of the warm fire and Dustin’s body in his lap.


  During the night Skyler had to go the bathroom so he picked Dustin up and carried the boy to his bed. He had not shared his bed with anyone but Jimmy. He tucked Dustin in and wandered through the cabin dreaming of their life together. He wanted time alone before the move anyway to say his final goodbyes to Jimmy and clean out his old room.

  He finally opened the door that had been sealed for nearly a decade; the one to Jimmy’s old room. The dust danced in the soft light as he walked slowly over to the closet holding Jimmy’s things.

  He thumbed through the shirts and things that his precious Jimmy had loved so much. He grabbed a shirt he recognized from the last time he saw Jimmy. It was one of his favorites that he used to wear all the time.

  Skyler gritted his teeth and began to cry. He could no longer suppress the wave of emotions that were hitting him. He remembered every moment they had together. As he packed away the things that belonged to Jimmy, and he spoke to him one last time. “Hey Jimbo, I know you aren’t here, but I need to talk to you.”

  He bit down on his lip to keep his voice from cracking. “I never expected to have to go through life without you and these years since you have been gone seemed like a lifetime alone. But I met someone two years ago and recently our relationship has grown serious..”

  He paused for a moment to wipe the tears from his eyes. Dustin could hear Skyler crying from the bedroom and walked over to the doorway to see what was upsetting him. He realized what was happening and remained a safe distance away.

  Skyler continued, “He’s a good boy like you. You don’t have to worry anymore my sweet angel. He’s going to take good care of me.”

  He collapsed on the bed trying to breathe in the boy’s essence, but it was no longer there, just like the boy who once wore the precious garment.

  He yelled, “Why did you leave me?” he exhaled, and pounded the pillow with his fists, “Why did you have to go?”

  Dustin was holding back his own tears. He wanted to run in the room and rescue his Skyler. But he knew the man needed this for closure. He crept back to the bed and covered himself up just as Skyler had; hoping Skyler would join him after he had finished grieving.

  In Jimmy’s room Skyler got up from the bed and walked over to the box of belongings and closed the lid, “I will never forgive you for leaving me, but I will always remember you.” He whispered, “I have to let you go now.”

  Skyler then walked to the coat rack in the living room bearing the sweater Jimmy had loved so much and placed it neatly on the top of the box before sliding it to the back of the closet.

  He was feeling emotionally and physically drained after the ordeal. He walked to the entrance of Jimmy’s room and glanced around one last time. He couldn’t feel anything anymore. The room had been erased and, his mind had been set free.

  He turned out the lights and stripped off his clothes; climbing into bed next to Dustin and wrapping his whole body around the boy. Dustin hummed with delight at the man’s warmth, and Skyler exhaled, “Hello, my sweet Dustin,” and Dustin smiled.

  The next morning, he awoke to the sound of the birds singing their merry song. Faint memories lingering of the traumatic goodbye he experienced last night while Dustin was sleeping. He could feel Dustin’s warm body curled up to his. It wasn’t all a dream. He could not help feeling so happy to be sharing his bed with Dustin and soon his life.

  Dustin yawned and mumbled, “Good morning my cowboy king.”

  Skyler chuckled; sleep in his voice as he replied, “Cowboy king? I haven’t been called that before.”

  Dustin giggled, “I’ll try harder after breakfast.”

  Skyler squeezed his little body,

  “I love you, my little cowpoke.”

  Skyler rolled out of bed and tapped his feet on the cold hardwood floor. He stretched and yawned, “It’s the big day kiddo!”

  It was hard to tell who was more excited. Dustin rolled off the side of the bed. Skyler tossed him a pair of pajama pants, “Here let’s get a shower and get dressed.”

  Skyler walked down the hallway in his boxers and Dustin followed dragging his feet. Dustin wasn’t a morning person at all. His hair was sticking up in a cute mess. He wasn’t even thinking about being naked when he slid his pj’s down.

  Skyler watched him with a mischievous smirk, “Mmm, Biscuits are ready.”

  Dustin blushed and held the pajama pants in front of him. Skyler walked over to him, “I already saw them; there’s nothing you can do now.”

  Dustin giggled, “I’m sorry I’m still just kind of shy being naked around someone.”

  Skyler wasn’t; he slid his boxers down and observed the boxers on the back of the bathroom door from the other day.

  He turned to Dustin with a shocked expression “Hey, these are kind of stiff, Did you mess with my underwear?” His tone came across more serious than he had intended.

  Dustin apologized, “I’m sorry the morning after I spent the night. I couldn’t help myself.”

  Skyler crossed his arms, surprised at the boy’s willingness to admit he was huffing his boxers. “You, kinky little shit!”

  Dustin blushed, “I know I’m sick.”

  Skyler reached his arms out to hug the boy. He didn’t mean to embarrass him. “Look you’re my boy now, if you want to play with my dirty boxers, you can if you want. Just take caution on the days where I have been at the factory.”

  Dustin imagined for a minute how erotically ripe they would be, and Skyler saw the look on his face and knowing exactly what the boy was thinking. He chuckled, “I’m just saying, you’ve been warned.”

  Dustin replied as he walked slowly up to him. “Duly noted,” and then kissed him.

  Skyler turned on the water to the shower and held the door open, “After you?”

  “Together?” Dustin pointed.

  “Yeah!” Skyler replied with an amused grin.

  Dustin shrugged and Skyler smacked his butt as they stepped inside the beautiful stone shower. It must have been ten feet tall and had streams coming from every direction. Skyler began soaping up the boys back; Dustin moaning with delight as the jets massaged his muscles and Sk
yler’s hands massaged him.

  His cute moans were making Skyler horny, and after a moment Dustin could feel the man’s dick pushed up against his butt. Skyler looked down and laughed, “Uh oh.”

  “What?” Dustin quipped.

  Skyler sighed, “I done gone and got myself horned up!”

  They both laughed. “Here, just take this,” Skyler turned around, and Dustin began soaping up his back and shoulders. Dustin could not get over how nice the man’s muscles felt. Everything from his biceps to his round muscular butt. It had the same effect on him that his body had on Skyler.

  Suddenly Skyler reached around and gripped the boy's dick in his hand, which was nice and soapy from soaping up Dustin. Dustin leaned up against him and panted heavy in his ear. “You like that do you?” Skyler hissed.


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