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BARR: a bay falls high novel

Page 17

by Kidman, Jaxson

  Mel looked at Carl again.

  The hurt and anger on her face made me want to go take him off the barstool…

  “I’m not going to sit here alone, Barr,” Mel said. She looked at me. She blinked fast to fight the tears away. “I want to watch the Rulz do what they have to do…”

  Chapter 19

  It wasn’t a lifetime ago even though it felt like it.

  When I stood in the garden outside of BFH and put my fist out for Pres and Kip to hit. The same garden where we all cornered Tinsley and made the pact to figure out just who she really was.

  But that moment when I put my fist out the agreement was simple.

  We were the Rulz. We controlled BFH. It would help to keep the East vs West bullshit to stay calm. But more so, we’d have each other’s backs. No matter what.

  The black SUV pulled down the alley and came to a stop.

  I pushed from the brick wall and flicked my cigarette across the alley, letting it smash against another brick wall, scattering ashes and embers through the air.

  Pres and Kip got out of the SUV and hurried toward me.

  Through the windshield I saw the faces of Tinsley and Ruby as they watched, waiting for Mel to join them.

  I looked back at Mel and nodded.

  She walked by me, grabbing my hand for a second, and walked to the passenger door of the SUV.

  She got into Kip’s seat and waited.

  Kip cracked his knuckles and put his fist out.

  Pres put his fist out.

  I hit both their fists and started to walk.

  “He’s going to be around that corner,” I said. “Carl. Piece of shit. Rich guy that picked up Mel’s mother at her work. Mel’s mother lives in Nevada now. This guy was supposed to be helping Mel out. Instead, he got drunk, mouthy, and smacked her.”

  “So the night we got her…,” Kip said.

  “Yeah,” I said. “That’s why she was bleeding.”

  “Who’s he here with?” Pres asked.

  “Some other woman,” I said. “We’re in the clear.”

  “Barr,” Pres said. “This is your place?”

  “Don’t worry about what this place is. We can talk about that some other time. This is for Mel. Understand? This is for Mel. So if you’re here, then be here.”

  Kip cracked his knuckles again. “Oh, I’m here, Barr. I’m fucking here.”

  Pres nodded. “Let’s do it. You just make the call on when to start and stop.”

  I started to walk and turned the corner.

  There was a back door to get out of the underground club. Behind the small kitchen and the big office. I only knew about it because Alex snuck me out of there after I started a big bar fight one night.

  The door opened and out walked Carl.

  He had a grin on his face that just told me everything I needed to know about him.

  He looked right at me and nodded.

  The Rulz walked toward him and he had no idea what was about to happen.

  In his mind he was already picturing Alex on her knees in front of him.

  What a piece of shit.

  I put my arms out and stopped Pres and Kip.

  I kept walking.

  Carl nodded at me again. “Hey. You going inside? I think this is the back door or something.”

  I stopped walking. “Shit. Wrong door, huh?”

  Carl grabbed the metal handle and pulled.

  The door was locked.

  That’s when his face dropped.

  “It’s locked,” I said. “Tough break.”

  I swung with a punch that was meant to kill.

  I wasn’t in the mood to fight.

  I was in the mood to attack.

  My fist cleared across Carl’s jaw and sent him into the metal door with a thud.

  I threw myself toward him and made him hit the door again.

  When I backed up, he stumbled back and turned, trying to throw a fist but he had no vision or balance.

  I hit him again and he went down on one knee.

  He put his hands up. “You win. Fuck, man. You win. Stop. Here…”

  He reached into his pocket and took out his cellphone, keys, and a thick wad of cash.

  I laughed.

  He looked up at me. “No good? Fine. Take the credit cards too. I won’t report them missing until morning. Okay?”

  Carl tossed his credit cards next to the cash.

  I stared down at him. “That’s it? You get on your knees that fast?”

  “I know a setup when I see it,” Carl said. “No need to get too crazy here.”

  I waved for Pres and Kip to join me. “So you think we’re just three guys walking the alley, waiting to jump someone, huh?”

  “What else is it then?” Carl asked.

  I curled my lip. “Payback.”

  I stepped back and Pres and Kip did their part for Mel.

  They pummeled Carl to the ground and Pres had to stop Kip, which was expected.

  He pulled Kip away and to his feet as I lit a cigarette.

  I stepped forward again. “I need you to stand up, Carl. We need to talk.”

  “How do you know my name?” Carl asked.

  His face looked as I hoped it would.

  His pretty polo shirt was stretched and stained with his own blood.

  “If you don’t stand up, I’m going to have my friends do it for you.”

  Carl rolled away like he was doing that stop, drop, roll bullshit they taught everyone in school when they were kids.

  He grabbed for the door handle and pulled himself up.

  “I know who you are,” I said. “I know what you do. What you’ve done. And I’m not sure if we’re done tonight or not.”

  “For what?” Carl asked.

  I stepped on the wad of cash on the ground on purpose. To prove a point.

  I didn’t need Carl’s fucking money. This wasn’t about money obviously.

  “Carl, Carl, Carl,” I said.

  “Who are you?”

  “I think I missed a spot on his face,” Kip said. “You know how anal I can get with that.” Kip then laughed. “Anal…”

  Pres put his arm out to keep Kip back.

  I took a deep drag off my cigarette and shook my head. “I can let you walk away right now. Message fully sent. You’ll always remember us. But I don’t know if that’s good enough.”

  “What the fuck do you really want here?” Carl asked.

  He wiped his mouth.

  I stepped toward him and swung again.

  I hit him in the face. Then in the gut.

  He tried to reach for my shoulder and I nailed him with an uppercut that had him down on his knees again.

  Truthfully, it wasn’t working.

  I wasn’t feeling any better.

  And why would I feel better?

  There was no taking back what he did.

  I bought my fist back one more time.

  “Barr, stop.”

  I turned my head and saw Mel.

  “Melody?” Carl asked.

  “Don’t ever say her name again,” I said.

  Carl laughed. “You did this? You set this up? Who are these guys?”

  “Walk away, love,” I said to Mel. “I’m almost done.”

  “No,” Mel said. She made a fist with her hand and walked toward Carl. “It’s my turn now.”

  * * *

  Mel stood over Carl.

  He was still on his knees.

  “Melody, please,” Carl said. “Listen to me. I know what this looks like right now. And you’re right. I’m with someone else right now. I’m not going to lie to you either. I’m not going to make something up. I like that woman in there. Your mother and I aren’t together anymore. We haven’t been for a long time. I did want to help you though. It was good to see her leave. Honestly. You know that. Tell me you know that.”

  Mel just stared.

  I smoked my cigarette and waited patiently.

  “Say something, Melody,” Carl said. “I don’t
know who these guys are. Or what you’re doing with them. If you’re safe or not. I’m sorry for what happened. If you want to know… no… you deserve to know this… that night was the night I realized your mother and I were through. She’s closer than you think, Melody. And she’s just…”

  “Stop. Talking.”

  Carl shut his mouth and nodded. He showed his hands.

  “What do you want to do here, girl?” Kip called out. “I’ve still plenty of gas in the tank. We can make it so he can’t see for a few days.”

  “Or worse,” Pres said.

  “Jesus Christ, please,” Carl said. “Melody, you have to stop this. This is assault. Worse than assault. I’ll have to say something and then… I don’t know what. Do you want to get arrested?”

  Carl slowly started to move to his feet.

  He inched up, little by little.

  I tossed my cigarette to the ground and stepped forward.

  “Barr, stop,” Mel said without looking back.

  “That’s right,” Carl said. “You got them to hit me back. Fine. I lost my cool at the worst possible time. And what I offered you with my company… it’s still there. You can save yourself, Melody. You don’t need to live like your mother.”

  Mel swung her fist.

  Her right hand connected with Carl’s face with a thud that made it sound like she was punching steel.

  She let out a scream that echoed down the alley.

  She turned and fell forward and I was there to catch her.

  Carl fell back into the metal door and was down on the ground again.

  Mel started to cry as I held her.

  “I’ve got you, love,” I said. “It’s over now. It’s all over. You’re mine. I’ll always keep you safe.”

  I looked to Pres and nodded.

  He gently punched Kip’s shoulder and said, “Let’s go.”

  Pres and Kip went to the SUV.

  Mel stopped me from walking and looked at me.

  “It hurts,” she whispered.

  “Your heart?”

  “No. My fucking hand, Barr.”

  I put my hand gently under her hand and her knuckles were already swelling up.

  “Shit,” I said. “Let’s get out of here. I’m sorry the night turned out like this. We’ll go back to the clubhouse and try to salvage the night.”

  “No,” Mel said. “Take me to your place. Alone.”

  I looked to Pres and waved. I pointed to Mel and then me.

  Pres gave me a thumbs up.

  He knew what I was trying to say.

  I walked Mel to my car and got her inside.

  She cradled her hand to her chest and turned to face the window.

  I peeled down the alleyway, my tires screaming and echoing against the bricks of the buildings.

  I was fucking angry still.

  And the anger wasn’t going to go anywhere either.

  I looked at Mel and she slowly looked at me.

  She nodded.

  I offered her my right hand and she put her left hand down.

  I squeezed her hand tight and kept driving.

  When we got back to my place, I took her to my room and went right to the fridge. I opened the freezer part and scooped some ice into a baggie and rolled it up.

  Mel had been standing at the large window that looked out to the ocean. She wasn’t there anymore. I looked around. Then I looked up.

  She was up in the loft area.

  I walked up the steps slowly and stepped up behind her.

  Mel turned and I grabbed her right hand - gently - and I put the ice on it.

  She sucked in a breath and looked down at her hand and then to me.

  “Worth it?” I asked.

  “Of course,” she said. “I’m not my mother, Barr. I’ll never be her.”

  “I know that,” I said. “I never met her and I know that.”

  “Just hearing that… and everything that’s been going on… I feel like I have nowhere to be.”

  “You’re right where you need to be, love,” I said. “With me. Here. I’ve been standing still since I left BC. Just stuck. Yeah, I have the Rulz. Yeah, I have Tinsley and Ruby now too. But everything revolves around you. And you’re here now. So it feels complete again, Mel.”

  Mel jumped up to her toes and kissed me.

  I grabbed her hips and kept her there so I could kiss her back.

  Those two soft kisses turned into something else.

  We took deep breaths in between deep kisses.

  She tasted like sweet desire and my mind replayed what happened in the shower. The feel of her body against mine. My fingers touching…

  I growled under my breath and broke the kiss.

  Mel lowered her right hand down and the bag of ice hit the floor.

  She reached for my face with both hands.

  We kissed again and my hands wasted no time in cutting under her shirt. My fingertips traced lines along her smooth skin, not stopping until her shirt was off.

  After it hit the floor, I gave her a second or two to make a decision.

  It was her night.

  It was her life.

  It was her everything.

  And me…

  I was always hers.

  * * *

  Our clothes were left scattered on the floor and the covers on my bed were all we had on us. We faced each other, kissing, our legs entangled like we were going to fall off a cliff and needed to save one another.

  My left hand cradled the side of her head, my thumb stroking her hair.

  My right hand had a much more fun job.

  From her shoulder down toward her chest, I paused, cupping her, feeling her exhale a breath into my mouth. I kissed her harder, faster, my fingertips inching down from my chest to between our bodies. I had to feel her again. My desire to touch her taking control.

  When I touched her again, she broke the kiss and put her head back against my pillow. I eased my lips against the exposed skin of her neck and gently kissed. I kissed with the same motion as my fingers did touching her. Drawing letters and numbers… with my tongue and fingers…

  My body touching hers, reminding her what she did to me.

  She put her hand to my stomach, palm flat, nails slightly curled.

  I lifted my head and looked down at us.

  Seeing the way my right hand moved against her.

  And the way her left hand moved down until she was able to touch me.

  I let out an ah sound as she gripped me and pulled.

  I gritted my teeth and watched but for only a few seconds.

  I couldn’t take much more.

  I needed her.

  All of her.

  I pulled myself away from her touch and took my hand away from her body.

  She let out a groan that made me smile.

  Mel looked at me and her face was a little red.

  “Just need to get something, love,” I said as I reached for my nightstand drawer.

  “Oh,” Mel said. “Right. Duh.”

  I dug around in my nightstand, secretly with my fingers crossed that I had protection. My room was not a place for me to be with other people. Just like the underground club. I finally found one, just as Mel turned toward me some more and kissed my shoulder. It sent shivers through my body in a way I never felt before. It made me pause and I turned my head to look at her.

  Mel was beautiful. More beautiful than I had ever seen her before.

  I couldn’t figure out why.

  Seeing her like that took me back to the nights we spent in my secret room at Brooks Crest. While Mac was waging war after war behind my back I was face to face with Mel, falling in love with her.

  I scooted my way closer to her and kissed the tip of her nose.

  “Make your move, Barr,” she whispered. “I don’t have all night to wait.”

  I laughed.

  I put my lips to hers and we picked up where we had left off.

  Each kiss slower and deeper than the previous one.
/>   Moving inch by inch, closer to her and then slowly on top of her.

  I casually slipped the protection over myself and then put my hands flat to the bed. I curled my fingers around the sheets. Mel was the only one who ever did that to me. She flipped everything on its side, then upside down, and then over again.

  In a way I could never catch up with her.

  She didn’t openly say I love you.

  Everything about her you had to chase.

  But when you got it…

  Her hands touched my back and she pulled at me.

  She broke the kiss to nod one more time, making sure the moment had arrived.

  I slipped forward and forgot how to breathe as I took Mel all to myself.

  Her lips parted with her gasping breath.

  She shut her eyes but only for a second.

  When she opened them, there was a sense of clearness to her.

  Because of me.

  Because of us.

  Her nails started to scratch against my skin.

  “Oh… fuck…,” she whispered.

  Which was by far the most romantic thing I had ever heard from her.

  Not really, but still.

  I smiled and kissed her again.

  Mel quickly moved her hands to the back of my head.

  And that was it.

  It was on.

  I moved against her body and felt her hips begin to dictate their own rhythm, matching mine, which made me think of us playing piano together back in the underground clubhouse. Except with this we didn’t need to start and stop and figure each other out.

  I had every part of her locked away in my memory.

  And with each pulsing second between, those memories rushed forward and then raced away, leaving room for new ones.

  My lips traded her lips for her neck. Then down to her chest. She arched her back and reached for the sheets. That grip on the sheets was always as tight as the grip she had on my heart.


  I used the tip of my nose to nuzzle my way back up to her neck.

  I took a deep breath to inhale the smell of her skin.

  Another rush of memories collapsing around me.

  Her pleasure building to its peak and then some.

  It was just us.




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