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Through Rosie-Colored Glasses: Book Three in the Game Winner Series

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by Nicole, Angela

  If I’m being honest, I’m nervous. And I can’t quite put my finger on the source of my uneasiness. It could be the little girl with the sweet face or her mother who looks like she wants to crawl under a rock.

  “Hey Rosie,” I say with a quick wave.

  Carol bends down to talk to her daughter. “Sweetheart, why don’t you take coach into the living room while I get cleaned up.”

  “Chris should be back any minute. Brenda is taking a nap with Ellie so I thought I’d make dinner, homemade chicken pot pie, uh if you’d like to stay there’s more than enough.”

  Before I can politely decline, Rosie tugs on my jeans. “Mama makes the best pot pie.”

  Jesus Christ. How can I say no now?

  “I’d love to if it isn’t too much trouble.”

  I notice Carol swallow what can only be the same lump I have in my throat.

  “Come on Coach. You can read me a story,” Rosie announces as she turns slowly using two poles to help her walk. I’ve never seen them before.

  “I’ll go clean up the kitchen. Can I get you something to drink?” Carol asks.

  I could use a shot or two of whiskey to get through all this tension but it’s only three in the afternoon so that’s out.

  “Water’s good. Thanks.”

  Carol is quick to disappear as I make my way into Chris and Brenda’s living room. The room is decorated in purple and pink. I chuckle to myself because I know this is all Brenda. Chris is so in love with her if she decided she wanted a polka-dotted living room; he’d do it.

  I remember that feeling with Mia. Giving her everything except my time.

  “Can you read this to me?”

  Rosie’s sweet voice brings me out of what could easily be a downward spiral of regret.

  “Sure,” I tell her as I sit on the sofa.

  The six-year-old stands in front of me with expectant eyes.

  “Rosie needs help getting onto the sofa,” Carol says as she comes in from the kitchen with my water.

  “Here’s your water.”

  When she hands me the bottle her hand touches mine and it’s as if someone jump-started my heart with a defibrillator.

  Rosie giggles as her mom gives her the slightest nudge up next to me.

  “Sorry, I didn’t know,” I whisper but Rosie hears me anyway.

  “You’ll learn,” she whispers back with her hand close to her mouth.

  Her directness makes me laugh out loud. But the laughter is short-lived as she snuggles in close to me. My heart races as I start to imagine how difficult some tasks must be for her. It doesn’t seem to bother her though. This kid has a better outlook on life than most adults I know. I’ve seen it firsthand at soccer camp.

  “Do you want me to read it to you?” Rosie asks.

  I don’t know how much time passed before her question. Clearing my throat, she starts to read. It doesn’t take long though before I notice the character in this story is Rosie. Princess Rosie to be exact.

  As I try to focus on the story, my heart is about to explode from the sweetness that’s Rosie.

  “That’s me running. I’m playing soccer like Uncle Chris.” Rosie points to the picture of the girl who looks just like her.

  Keep it together man.

  “You did really well at soccer camp Rosie,” I tell her in a reaffirming tone. “I hope you come to some of the Rebels games this year.”

  The little girl who’s quickly stealing my heart nods her head. “Mama said now that she works at the stadium, we can go to the games. We can watch Uncle Chris coach.”

  I bump her shoulder lightly. “What about me? I coach too you know.”

  Rosie throws her head against the side of my shoulder giggling.

  “What’s so funny?” Carol asks as she makes her way into the living room.

  “Coach said we should come to watch him at the stadium. Can we Mama? Can we go watch Coach Cranky?”


  If the earth opened and swallowed me up, I’d be ever so grateful but unfortunately, it doesn’t happen. Instead, I’m faced with trying to explain why my daughter called Von, Coach Cranky. Of course, she was just repeating what I call him because dammit, he can be cranky.

  “Rosie why don’t you go see if you can help Aunt Brenda with Ellie. I heard them getting up a minute ago.”

  “Okay, Mama.”

  My daughter takes her walker down the hall. As soon as she’s out of earshot, I start to apologize.

  “Von, Rosie only said that because,” I blow out a sigh.

  To his credit, Von puts his hands up. “It’s alright Carol. Usually, people call me Coach Asshole so Cranky is a step up. But I have a feeling she didn’t come up with that all on her own did she?”

  Biting my thumbnail, I shake my head no.

  “Sorry,” I manage to squeak out.

  Running his hand through his salt and pepper hair, Von stands and closes in on me. My heart rate picks up. “You’re right to call me that Carol but I have my reasons.”

  Before I can respond, my brother comes barreling through the kitchen door. Thank Jesus for small favors. “Well, I’ll let you two get down to business. Dinner will be ready in an hour,” I tell my brother as I pass through on my way to the kitchen.

  Over the next hour, Brenda and I get things ready in the kitchen while Rosie plays and Ellie sits in her swing. Von and Chris are out on the deck. I can overhear some of what they’re saying. I hear things like conditioning and new goalie. Soccer stuff.

  “Hey, you okay?” Brenda asks.

  “Yeah,” I laugh. “Von found out I call him Coach Cranky.”

  “Oh my god. Was he pissed?” Brenda asks with her hand over her mouth.

  “Actually he was pretty good about. Von admitted he was an asshole so…”

  Brenda hands me a glass of iced tea and sits down at the table with me.

  “Chris told me why he’s the way he is. I guess his wife died in a terrible car accident a couple of years ago. He lives with guilt about it.”

  I had no idea he was even married. His wife dying explains why he’s miserable a lot. Now I feel like such a bitch for judging him.

  “That’s terrible. I had no idea he had a wife. I guess I assumed he was single because he was kind of a jerk.”

  “But a hot jerk right?” Brenda whispers. “I mean have you noticed the muscles on him and don’t get me started on his ass. Don’t get me wrong I love your brother but damn Von Sellers is one hot silver fox.”

  I’m not quite sure how long my mouth hangs open but when the oven buzzes alerting me that it’s time for dinner I’m relieved I don’t have to admit to my own attraction to Coach Cranky.

  Thankfully Chris occupied Von through dinner so neither of them saw Brenda wagging her eyebrows at me. Subtle is not in my sister-in-law’s vocabulary.

  As soon as there was a lull in the conversation, I stood to clear the table. When Brenda rose to help, Von told her to sit.

  “Please let me help. I crashed your dinner, after all, it’s the least I can do.”

  My look of please rescue me went completely ignored by Brenda. She’s gonna pay for that later.

  “Why don’t we take the kids for a walk,” she offered to my brother.

  Chris looked at Von with a raised eyebrow. “You sure you got it, Coach?”

  “I do live on my own and know how to do dishes,” he scoffs.

  With a glance at his wife and now my ex-best friend, Chris, Brenda, Rosie, and Ellie take off.

  Von and I work in silence for a few minutes, clearing the table and getting the sink ready.

  “You really shouldn’t be helping me. I invited you to stay for dinner and making you dry dishes is not being a good hostess.”

  I didn’t have to turn around to know he was inches from me. I could feel the heat of him at my back. “You’re not making me do anything Carol. I just thought maybe you’d think me less cranky if I helped.”

  Turning to apologize again, I forgot I had the sprayer in my hand. W
hy does this shit always happen to me?

  Depressing the nozzle wouldn’t have been so bad if the stream wasn’t directed right at the sexy man in front of me.

  “Oh my god,” I shriek as I try and turn off the water. As I move the spray goes everywhere including the walls and floor.

  Shielding himself from the water, Von reaches around and turns off the faucet.

  Holy crap! We’re both dripping wet.

  Von is busy wiping the water from his face, but that doesn’t keep him from noticing my white tank top that is now see-through…again.

  “This seems to be our thing. Wet shirts and all,” he smirks.

  I’m not sure if the laughter that comes from me is because I think standing here with a wet shirt is funny or because it’s ridiculous. Either way, we both get a good laugh.

  But that laughter quickly ends when the sexual tension gets to be too much. The man I’ve thought of as broody and cranky moves his mouth to mine, sending shockwaves from my head to my toes.

  His lips coax mine to open. My mind races at how easily I give in to him. I’m not sure who’s hands move first but I know mine goes into his hair while his move to my hips.

  Actually, they’re my love handles, my muffin top whatever you want to call it. The minute reality sets in I move back from our kiss.

  Von stares at me as I do him. We’re both breathless. My hand goes to my mouth to touch where his lips were.

  I look at Von as he runs his hand over the scruff on his chin. Just a few seconds ago that scruff was rubbing on my chin and the hurt felt good.

  “I guess I should get going,” Von says as he looks down at himself smiling.

  “That smile looks good on you Coach,” I blurt out without thinking. Regret taking over when his face falls.

  “Tell your brother I’ll call him tomorrow,” he whispers as he moves past me and out the door.

  I watch him as he can’t get out of the driveway fast enough. I’m in such a daze, I don’t notice Chris and the girls as they come in the front door.

  “I’m such an idiot,” I groan.

  “Why are you an idiot? Does it have anything to do with Coach pulling out of the driveway like his ass was on fire?” Chris asks as he and Brenda, along with the kids make their way into the house.

  “Why is your shirt wet Mama?”

  Ugh…this is so embarrassing.


  My ride home was a blur. After I fled like a pussy I came home, changed and went on a long run. I needed to get far away from myself and my thoughts. For me, running does this. I focus on the sights and sounds around me, blocking out my own brain.

  An hour later I take a quick shower, grab a beer and flop onto my sofa. What the hell is wrong with me? Why does it anger me when a woman says something nice-when she flirts with me? Perhaps it’s because deep down I know I’m not worthy of it. I’m an asshole. If Carol is honest with herself she’d say as much. After all, she calls me Coach Cranky. But damn if that woman doesn’t make me want to be better-someone who’s worthy of a sweet soul like her.

  And that damn kiss. What the hell was I thinking doing that again? I don’t do relationships, at least not anymore.

  I know why I ran. I didn’t want her to see the real me. The real me doesn’t smile anymore. I’m a miserable, depressed man who caused his wife to cheat on him.

  This is how things go for me. I start to find some sort of normalcy; guilt weasels its way into my brain and I bolt.

  At least the dinner wasn’t a total disaster. For one, that chicken pot pie was the best thing I’ve ever tasted, and two, Chris was on board with my pick for our new goalie.

  Turns out Chris played against him in college and even though Chris was older and had more experience, he knew this guy would be a star. When the contract is signed, I’ll only have two more positions to scout.

  It feels good to be ahead of the game, pun not intended, when it comes to getting the new Rebels lineup together. This may be my last time doing it since I’ve been considering retiring myself. Cass will be graduating soon and since she’s not sure where she’ll end up, I may want the freedom to join her since she’s is the only family I have left.

  Speaking of my daughter, her name pops up on my phone as it rings.

  “Hey Cass,” I say staring at her face which reminds me so much of her mother.

  “Hi, Daddy. Whatcha doing this weekend?”

  There’s a look in her eyes that I’ve seen before. I already know where this is heading.

  “I’m washing my hair Cassidy Sellers.”

  “But Daddy, Katie’s mom Sheila is a really nice woman. She’s lonely like you so I thought you could take her out for dinner, just as friends if you want.”

  “Come on Cass. You know I’m not interested in taking anyone out.”

  Okay, that’s a lie. If I’m going to start something it’s going to be with Carol.

  “But Daddy I hate thinking about you being all alone. It’s been two years since Mom died. You need to get on with your life. She would’ve wanted you to find someone.”

  Hearing my daughter say that is like a knife slicing my heart open. It doesn’t really matter anyway since I’ve decided to spend the rest of my life punishing myself for neglecting Mia.

  “Cass, I don’t have time or an interest in dating. I’m not ready.”

  With a sigh, Cassidy agrees to drop the subject.

  We spend the next ten minutes planning her flight to come home for week-long visit over July Fourth. Mia and I always had a party for the team over the holiday. It’s about one of the only things I’ve continued doing after the accident even if I didn’t feel like it.

  With a promise to talk in a few days, we say goodnight and I head to bed, my thoughts racing over seeing my beautiful co-worker tomorrow. Perhaps an apology for running out after the kiss or for the kiss alone is in order.

  I laugh to myself. I’m not sure when the last time I ever apologized to someone was. That includes my wife. Perhaps if I had, she wouldn’t have had to look to someone else.

  I glance at the clock. It’s eleven fifteen. Somehow I know sleep with evade me tonight.



  I’ve been at work since six-thirty this morning. It’s now eight twenty-five and I haven’t seen Carol yet. Yeah, she has five minutes to walk past my office but it seems like I’ve been waiting for months to apologize.

  Firing up my coffee pot, I hear high heels moving quickly up the hallway. It’s her; I can feel it.

  Play it cool Von.

  And I’m playing it cool until I hear something hit the floor and cursing coming from Carol.

  I round my desk hoping it’s not Carol on the floor.

  “Are you alright?” I ask before my eyes register what I’m seeing.

  Carol is kneeling on the floor picking up food she dropped and putting it back into the container. It’s leftover chicken pot pie.

  With an exasperated breath, Carol sits back on her heels. “I was bringing leftovers to you for lunch and I dropped it. I was in such a damn hurry to get in on time, my foot got stuck on the floor and I dropped your lunch. You ran out so fast after dinner, I didn’t have time to give you any.”

  I crouch down in front of her, eager to help pick up the mess when she looks at me. Tears welling in her eyes. If there’s one thing I can’t handle is a woman crying. Especially not this sweet woman who has me by the balls.

  Not evening thinking I reach over and wipe a tear off her cheek. “Hey, please don’t cry. I love that you brought this for me, but I hate to see you upset.”

  She quickly gathers her stuff and stands. “This was a dumb idea. I gotta go sign in so I’m not late.”

  Carol runs down the hall with the container filled with dirty remnants of what would’ve been a delicious lunch, leaving me wondering what just happened. I mean I know the logistics. Carol tripped and dropped the food she brought for me. That’s where I’m having trouble. Carol brought food for me. After I ran out on her,
she thought enough to bring me lunch.

  Maybe she’s not pissed about the kiss. Maybe there isn’t a reason to apologize.

  Frustrated, I run my hand through my hair. Now I feel like a bigger douche for the way I ran out after dinner.

  I gather my thoughts and head to Carol’s office knowing I can’t just ignore what happened.

  I knock on her open door.


  When I enter, she has her back to me. She clears her throat.

  “What can I do for you, Von?”

  Oh okay. She wants to be professional and not talk about what just happened. I can do that. I’m the king of avoidance.

  “Just um, I wanted to make sure you didn’t hurt yourself. But I see you seem to be okay so I’ll get back to my office.”

  I don’t wait for an acknowledgment. The last thing I want is for her to be further embarrassed so I walk out hoping she truly didn’t hurt herself.


  I haven’t been able to concentrate all morning. Thankfully it’s almost lunch so I can go outside and catch my breath.

  It was a stupid idea to bring lunch for Von. Talk about embarrassment. Not only did I drop the food, but then I cried in front of the man. A man who doesn’t like people according to my brother. But the way that man kisses me, has me twisted up. I replayed our kisses in my mind all night so I maybe slept for two hours.

  My lips still tingle from where his met mine. I haven’t been kissed like that in a long time. If I’m being honest, I don’t think even kisses from my ex lit a fire in me the way Von has.

  Perhaps his broodiness makes him more passionate.

  I understand why he’s broody. I suppose I would be too if I lost my husband in a car crash. After Von left so abruptly after the kiss, my brother explained to me what happened to Von’s wife a few years ago. Chris said Von doesn’t like most people and keeps to himself. Her death really changed him.

  I guess part of me wanted to bring him the pot pie as a peace offering for giving him the moniker of Coach Cranky. But instead, it was my turn to freak the hell out.


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