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Through Rosie-Colored Glasses: Book Three in the Game Winner Series

Page 4

by Nicole, Angela

  I’m just finishing an email to the catering department about my first event next week when our internal messaging window pops up on my screen.

  Coach Sellers: I hope your day got better. I’m heading over to Jackie’s Cantina for some lunch if you’d like to join me?


  I read the message again making sure I’m not seeing things.

  My heart starts to race at the thought of going to lunch with Von, but my brain tells my heart to slow down. It’s not a date. He’s just being nice because of my breakdown earlier.

  Taking a deep breath in I respond.

  Me: Thank you for the offer but I’ll probably work through lunch.

  Von: Wow, the first time I ask a woman out in over twenty-five years and she turns me down. .

  Me: Wow, way to make me feel guilty. I’m pretty sure if you asked a woman out, she’d say yes.

  Von: Apparently not.

  I giggle at our makeshift emoji’s.

  Me: That’s quite a guilt trip Coach.

  Von: Did it work?

  I tap my pen on my desk. God, I really want to go to lunch. I mean it’s just lunch. I can’t think of it as a date right?

  Me: I’ll go if you let me pay for myself.

  Von’s response seems to take longer than his others. I start to get nervous that I’ve scared him off. A minute later he responds.

  Von: I’ll be down to get you in fifteen.


  I make a mad dash to the bathroom to brush my hair and apply a little lipstick. Even though I’ve never been one for a lot of make-up, I can’t stand not having lipstick on.

  Waiting for Von to come to my office is making my stomach queasy. I feel like I’m in high school going to the prom with the most popular guy. I need to get a grip, it’s only lunch.

  “Are you ready Carol?”

  His voice makes my body jump among other things.

  When I look at him, I can feel the heat envelope my face.

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  I giggle like a teen. “It’s okay. I was lost in thought.”

  Get it together Carol.

  “Let me just clock out and we can go.”

  Our walk to the restaurant is quiet and awkward. At least it is for me. That is until we arrive at the door and Von places one hand on my lower back while opening the door with the other. My ex never did that for me. Kevin always walked in ahead of me, sometimes letting the door shut before I could walk through. So Von’s gesture may be nothing to him, but it’s everything to me.

  “I assume you like Mexican food?” He asks as he slides into the booth.

  “I love it. I’ve been wanting to try this place since I started work but just haven’t made it until now.”

  “Well, I’m glad I could be your first Carol.”

  I choke on my water as he runs his hand through his thick salt and pepper hair.

  “That didn’t come out right did it?” He laughs and I join in. The weirdness fading away…at least until we place our orders.

  Suddenly it becomes all too apparent that Von has something on his mind. I can see him warring with himself. I recognize it all too well.

  “What is it?” I ask taking a leap of faith.

  He wrings his hands. “It’s that obvious huh?”

  “I know a little something about not knowing how to say something.”

  Von chuckles. “I want to apologize for running out so abruptly after dinner well after our kiss. It wasn’t anything you said or did, it was more about what I was feeling.”

  Oh God. I’m not sure I want to hear this.

  “I’m an ass, Carol. You were right to call me Coach Cranky. I’ve had some bad stuff happen in my life and I guess I’m still pretty pissed off about it.”

  I just nod not wanting to keep him from talking.

  Von clears his throat.

  “I’m apologizing ahead of time for when I’m a jerk.”

  “How about this? How about I tell you when you’re being a jerk and perhaps you can change your attitude.”

  This earns me a good hearty laugh from the sexy man across from me. And damn when he smiles, my heart melts.

  “You may the only person I’ll let get away with that. Well, except for my daughter.”

  And there it is…a little nugget of his personal life.

  I try to play it cool. “How old’s your daughter?”

  Von leans back against the back of the booth. I can see him relax as he fills me in on Cassidy. She’s a junior in college and studying to be a Physical Therapist.

  He doesn’t mention his deceased wife and I don’t press. But part of me hopes he’ll open up about the accident.

  The rest of the lunch is much more relaxed. He asks me about Rosie and the reasons behind moving down from Jacksonville. I don’t mention my ex and Von doesn’t ask.

  I suppose those conversations will be saved for another time.


  Tonight is Carol’s first event…a concert by a band I’ve never heard of and I’m sure she hasn’t either. Apparently, it’s some up and coming band called Bank’s Roll.

  There must be almost ten thousand people here, all under the age of thirty. Frankly, I’m not sure why I’m here in my office. Sure, I have paperwork to do but it’s a Saturday night.

  Who am I kidding? I don’t have any plans. I’m looking for an excuse to see Carol so here I sit wondering how she’s doing.

  Glancing at the clock, the concert starts in twenty minutes. I push away from my desk, heading out to see if I can catch a glimpse of her-maybe see how she’s doing.

  I make my way out to the front office where people are still filing in. Carol is standing with one of the ticket takers. I take her in. She wearing a black pantsuit that hugs her gorgeous curves. She’s smiling and greeting concert goers, while her radio squawks of conversations between departments.

  Carol’s eyes meet mine. Giving her a quick wave which she returns, I head down the tunnel to check out the opening act.

  While the music isn’t my cup of tea, I love seeing people enjoying the stadium. The crowd seems to be pretty tame. People are just drinking and relaxing.

  Having my fill, I head back to my office. When I round the corner near the lobby where Carol stands, I notice some guy talking with her.

  Instantly I don’t like what I see. The guy looks like he’s in his late twenties, clearly drunk and way too close to Carol.

  I don’t have any doubts about my impression of the situation because when I see Carol’s face, I know I need to move in.

  “Hey babe,” I say to a shocked Carol. I throw my arm around her shoulder and pull her in close. “Is there a problem here?”

  The drunk asshole tries to lean against the wall but stumbles a bit.

  “Hey man I didn’t know she had a boyfriend,” he slurs.

  I nod to his buddy. “Get him out of here before I do it.”

  Drunky moves slowly and unsteadily but leaves, nonetheless.

  Carol clears her throat getting my attention. It’s then I realize my arm is still around her.

  “Von,” she whispers. But it’s not a plea for me to move. No. It’s the sound of a woman who’s in need of a man. It’s breathless.

  It’s right at this moment I realize how much trouble I’m in. I don’t feel for her what I felt for Mia. It’s different, electric.

  “Sorry,” I say removing my arm. “I just wanted to make sure that asshole didn’t make you uncomfortable.”

  We’re surrounded by concertgoers but I feel like no one else is with us.

  Carol takes a step back, running her hand over her hair. “Thank you. He was getting a little handsy.”

  With a nod, I let her know I was glad to interfere.

  Carol raises her eyebrows. “Wait, what are you doing here this late? Shouldn’t you be out enjoying a gorgeous Saturday night?”

  It’s a gorgeous night becau
se I’m here with you. I hope I didn’t say it out loud.

  “I’ve got work to do. I just wanted to stop out and see how you were doing. That’s what friends do right?”

  I see her throat move up and down giving me some very inappropriate thoughts.

  “Yes,” she whispers. “Thank you for looking out for me. I’m not used to some drunk guy hitting on me.”

  Carol laughs, but my insides are getting edgy and I don’t like it. My instinct to make Carol mine is strong. I need to put some distance between us and fast.

  With a nod, I let her know I’d see her next week and head back to my office.


  My feet hurt, my back hurts and my mind is spinning from my first event. All in all, it went well. My boss was happy, the audience was happy, well except for the drunk asshole who tried to ruin the night.

  I’m lying in bed thinking about the way Von handled that guy. I’m also wondering why he stepped in. I’m sure he was just being a nice guy coming to my rescue and all, but it was the look on his face that has me confused. He looked pissed to say the least.

  Part of me wanted to jump into his arms and crush my mouth to his…again but not as gentle as before.

  “Mama?” My daughter knocks on my bedroom door.

  She wants to sleep with me. It’s become our routine on the weekends. It’s midnight but she must’ve heard me when I came in.

  I throw my covers off and wave her in. “Come on in sweetheart. Wanna sleep with me?”

  She nods as I help her up into her spot. Cuddling in with me, she rubs her hand down my face.

  “What’s the matter, Rosie?”

  “I had a bad dream about swimming.”

  Ah! Rosie starts Aqua Therapy next week and she’s nervous about getting in the pool.

  I kiss her temple. “What happened in the dream?”

  Suddenly tears start to fall and Rosie is in a full-on sob. I pull her in closer.

  “What is it, baby girl?” I whisper in her ear.

  Through her sobs, she admits she’s scared. “I’m afraid I won’t be able to do it. People will laugh at me.”

  “Oh, sweetie. All you have to do is try your best, just like you did with your soccer. No one made fun of you. And look at the friends you made at camp.”

  I can feel her try to catch her breath. She lets me rub her back for a few minutes while she calms down.

  “How about after swimming we go out for pizza and ice cream? Would that help you get through your session knowing we’ll do that?”

  With her head against me, she nods.

  “Good! Now snuggle in and tell me a story.”

  And she does. Rosie loves to tell stories and she’s pretty imaginative too. Sometimes I chuckle to myself as I try to follow her plot. Once in awhile, she falls asleep before she finishes. Tonight she makes it all the way through to the happy ending.

  * * *

  Rosie and I spend Sunday afternoon at the beach. Watching her play in the sand, she seems to have forgotten about her worry from last night.

  I’m really excited for her to start her therapy next week. The aqua therapy provided at Lane and Lap Pool is definitely a perk of moving to the Tampa area.

  The business was opened about a year ago by a few guys who are retired Navy SEALS.

  I heard the guys decided after one of them had an accident to open an Aquatic Stadium of sorts. Lane and Lap has three different pools used for a variety of purposes with one being Aqua Therapy.

  “Mama! Look at my sandcastle,” Rosie yells to me.

  I shield my eyes from the setting sun so I can see what masterpiece my daughter has created. “It’s beautiful baby.”

  “It sure is.”

  I jump at the sound of the familiar voice behind me.

  “Von?” I ask as I put my sunglasses back on. “What are you doing here?”

  He laughs as he sits down in the sand next to me. “I live a few blocks away. I come down and run on the beach every evening.”

  “Oh. You look hot.”

  The minute I say it I cringe.

  “I mean from the heat and running. Would you like a bottle of water?”

  “Sure. Thanks.”

  Our hands touch when I hand him a cold bottle of water. His eyes linger on mine just enough to make me wonder if he’s attracted to me too.

  The reality slaps me in the face, as I realize how I look. My big floppy hat and my freaking mom bathing suit must be a real turn on. I want to run away while the man I fantasize about is sitting next to me shirtless.

  I’m doing my best not to stare at his tanned chest and abs that go on for days. And you know that V thingy…yeah that too.

  “Hi, Coach,” Rosie waves.

  “Hi Rosie,” he yells back before he takes a sip of his water.

  There’s a silent moment before Von breaks it.

  “How did the rest of the concert go last night? Any other issues?”

  “Not after you came to my rescue. Thank you for that.”

  I can tell a goofy grin crosses my face thinking about how protective he was.

  “My pleasure Carol.”

  He finishes his bottle and stands. “Thanks for the hydration. I’m afraid I won’t be able to run home with a belly full of water. Do you and Rosie want to walk back to my house with me? I have some chicken I was going to grill. I can drop you back to your car after.

  I know he doesn’t realize what he’s asking. Not wanting to embarrass him, I glance at my daughter.


  Christ, I’m an idiot. Of course, Rosie can’t walk that far. Even if she can, I’m sure it’d be difficult in the sand.

  “How about you give me your address. Rosie and I can meet you at your place if you want.”

  I sigh because I’m an asshole.

  “Sorry, I wasn’t thinking when I suggested you walk with me.” I look over at Rosie who’s happily playing in the sand.

  Carol reaches over to me. Putting her hand on my arm, she tries to abolish the guilt I feel.

  “It’s okay Von. Sometimes it’s easy to overlook what’s difficult for her to do. You and I take things like walking for granted. I still do it too occasionally. Don’t be hard on yourself about it.”

  I shake my head still.

  “Von, trust me when I say Rosie would tell you the same thing.”

  I’m so absorbed in my own feelings; I don’t notice Rosie standing in front of me.

  “What would I tell Coach Mama?”

  I see Carol think fast. “That we would love to go to his house for dinner tonight.”

  “Yay. I want to go to Coach Cranky’s house.”

  I burst out laughing while Carol tries to convince Rosie not to call me that anymore. One thing’s for sure, I don’t feel too cranky when I’m with Carol and Rosie.

  I pack up Carol’s van while the two of them rinse off in the outside shower.

  Once the chairs, umbrella and Rosie’s toys are put away, I watch Carol as she takes care of her daughter. A lump forms in my throat as she helps Rosie lift her legs to get all the sand off.

  My heart slams in my chest. I ask myself what the hell am I doing with Carol? She’s got so much on her plate with her daughter. And me? Well, I’m probably not good enough for either of them but the selfish side of me doesn’t care.

  “All done,” Carol says bringing me out of my cloud of self-doubt.

  “Do you want to ride with us, Von?”

  Yes, but I say no.

  “I need to finish my run. I’ll be there in about six or seven minutes so take your time Carol. I’ll meet you there.”

  I glance at Rosie who’s got one hand on her crutch and the other around Carol’s leg. I’m so fucked. This little girl is going to break down all the walls I’ve put up, I just know it.

  When I arrive home, Carol and Rosie are sitting on my front porch. I smile as I make my way up my driveway and think about how nice it is to come home and have someone here. It’s been too long since that’s happened.

/>   Tamping down the memories of Mia and Cassidy, I bound up the steps.

  “I hope you weren’t waiting long.”

  “No, and we weren’t expecting you for another few minutes. I hope it’s okay we made ourselves at home.”

  I smile at Carol. I can’t help it. “Of course. You’re my dinner guests. My house is your house.”

  Oh, shit did I say that?

  “If this is my house, we need a ramp,” Rosie says making me cringe and laugh if that’s possible. I hadn’t thought about how hard it would be for her to get up my steps.

  “Rosie,” Carol says. “Coach just meant for us to be comfortable here. It’s not our house too.”

  I can tell Rosie is confused, hell I am too but for different reasons.

  “How about you two come in and have something to drink while I take a quick shower.”

  Carol helps Rosie, as they enter my home for the first time. I have a three-bedroom house which may seem too big for a single guy, but Cass has a room here and the other bedroom is my home office. It’s a ranch so Rosie won’t have any other trouble getting around.

  “Have a seat in the living room. I’ll get some drinks. How about lemonade Rosie?”

  “Yes please.”


  “That’s fine for me too.”

  While Carol and Rosie cool off with their drinks I take a quick shower. Throwing on some shorts, a t-shirt and flip-flops, I make my way into the kitchen and grab a beer.

  Hearing laughter coming from the living room, I peek my head around the corner to see what’s going on.

  Carol and Rosie are cuddled up on my couch watching some show on TV bloopers. The sound of Rosie’s laughter warms and guts me at the same time.

  It brings me back to a time when Mia and Cassidy would watch TV together, cuddling much the same way Carol and her daughter are.


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