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Diary of a Reformed Mean Girl (Reformed Series Book 1)

Page 9

by CY Jones

  “Why would I lie, Ethan? If you don’t believe me, then ask your dad when he gets back, or my mum if you can’t wait till then. I’m the one who saved your brother not my dad,” she shouts before shutting down again. She has to be lying. No way would that selfish brat back then risk her neck to save my brother. Maybe the girl she is now would, but back then? Never. As I think this, a small part of me that I don’t want to acknowledge right now thinks that she just might be telling the truth, and I’m scared to find out because that will be my undoing. I’ve been able to hold on to this hate because I thought she didn’t care, but to find out I’ve been wrong all this time after all I’ve done, I don’t think I’ll be able to recover.

  As soon as I park she jumps out of the car without a backwards glance. I want to go after her, but I need answers first. I need to know the truth before I can face her again.

  I only have a couple of minutes to think before Logan pulls up in Kassie’s Range Rover.

  “Oh my gosh Ethan. Can you believe that psycho tried to kill me?” Kassie says all dramatically as she exits the car.

  “What did you expect Kassie? You took her clothes, and left her without a way to get home. Again, I might add,” I tell her.

  “It was just a harmless prank. Why are you defending her?” She whines.

  Sighing hard, I narrow my eyes at her. “There was nothing harmless about that at all, but I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you that.”

  Pissed, she stomps off away from the house. If she thought I would side with her, she thought wrong. Dismissing her entirely, I turn my attention on my brother. “I need to talk to you in the room,” I tell him, and he nods.

  We leave Kassie outside to wherever she’s going, not caring where. Clearly she’s afraid to go back in the house with Aspen home, as she should be after what she pulled, but she needs to think again if she thinks my brother and I are going to justify what she did. It was wrong, and fucking dangerous for all of us. I think being cooped up and surrounded by the pack grounds has left her completely clueless to the outside world. There are dangerous people out there who hate our kind, and Kassie’s harmless prank could have gone south real quick if my brother and I weren’t there to help.

  “What’s up?” Logan asks as soon as we’re alone in the room we’re staying in.

  “Aspen told me something in the car that I’m having trouble believing,” I tell him.

  “What’d she say? You look pretty shook up, bro.”

  “She said on the night of the accident when you went under the ice, that she was the one to pull you out, not her dad.”

  “That’s bullshit. Dad even said Alpha saved us. She’s fucking with you, dude. That bitch didn’t even come to see us afterwards.”

  “She said her father wouldn’t allow it, plus she was also recovering,” I explain.

  His eyes widen at that, and he takes a seat on the bed thinking about what I said. Bending forward with his elbows on his knees, he grips his hair in complete agony. He’s speechless for a moment, and when he does finally speak I can hear the agony in his voice. “What if she’s telling the truth? That we've been hating her for something she didn’t even do. All I can think about is all the terrible things we did to her.”

  “She still deserved it. One good deed doesn’t justify the years or torment she put us through, and that’s if she’s even telling the truth.”

  “If who’s telling the truth?” Dads booming voice fills the room.

  “Dad, when did you get back?” I ask.

  “Just now, I had to see my boys right away, now stop changing the subject and tell me what you two are plotting in here,” dad questions, giving us his stern dad look.

  “It’s Aspen,” I start.

  “What about her?” He asks, raising his brow.

  “Why didn’t you tell us she was the one who saved Logan that day on the lake, Dad? Why did you lie to us?”

  He’s silent for so long I don’t think he’ll answer, but finally he clears his throat and replies, “I had no other choice. I knew if you knew the truth you would have never wanted to leave her behind. Even as pups you three were close, even though she treated you like crap. Each and every time you would go back for more, dead set on being by her side. That accident gave me the perfect excuse to leave that awful pack.”

  I can’t believe I’m hearing this. I wanted him to tell us she was lying, that we have good reason to hate her, not that he’s the one who deceived us all this time.

  “So you used us, and moved us away from our mate, so you could relocate?” Logan shouts.

  “You need to understand that I grew up in the Wolfhaven pack way before Dante was Alpha. When he took over the pack went to shit. All the values we had once before seemed to disappear overnight. Dante is a twisted bastard. A greedy fuck who doesn’t give two shits about the welfair of his pack. I knew he was grooming me to become his Beta and he wanted you boys to follow in my footsteps, and I couldn’t allow that. I could not stand by and support a sadist.”

  “Do you hear how selfish you sound?” I shout.

  “Me, selfish?” He shouts back. "What I did, I did for us. Do you really think Dante would have let you, sons of his Beta, be with his daughter? He was already planning on mating her to another pack’s Alpha for his own gain. I saw a chance for us to have a better life, and I took it. I will not apologize, or feel bad for that. That girl was always so awful to you two. I didn’t think you would miss her.”

  “Well we did miss her. It tore us apart to be away from her. We may not have mated yet, but the bond was there. She just didn’t understand how to deal with it, since her parents never told her what she was going through, and then in time we started to hate her, so we could fill that void, because we thought she was a soulless monster, and didn’t give a shit about us. Do you have any idea of the shit we did to her once we saw her again? We’ve made her life hell,” I shout, no longer able to hold my composure.

  “The Fates have given you three another chance. You’re soul bound mates, I’m sure whatever you did she will forgive you.”

  “And if she doesn’t?” Logan asks softly.

  “Tyler has already given his permission for you two to mate the girl. It doesn’t matter if she forgives you or not,” he answers.

  “What?” I shout. “We can’t do that. We won’t have her as our mate if she doesn’t want it.”

  “It’s already done. Now wear something nice to dinner, the Alpha will be making the announcement then.”



  I can’t believe they didn’t know. Why would my father say he saved them when he knows he didn’t? Maybe it was my father’s way to keep the twins father from leaving, but obviously that tactic didn’t work. Father, what a brilliant liar you are. All this time they thought I was too horrid to see them afterwards. No wonder why they hate me so much. I would hate me too if our positions were reversed. Well, there's no point in crying over spilled milk. It’s in Ethan’s hands now to find out the truth. I’ve said my piece.

  I don’t know where Logan drove Kassie to, but she isn’t in her room when I walk past, which is probably a good thing for her because I still want to kill her. This is the second time she has put my life in danger, and I’m damn sure not allowing her to have the opportunity for a third. Changing into my own clothes, I get ready to go to my Grand’s house. It’s probably not the best idea for me to be around when Kassie gets home.

  “Ah, there you are Aspen,” mum says, barging into my room.

  “Do you need something mum? I was just on my way out,” I tell her, hoping she isn’t here to pair me with the twins again.

  “Not tonight, figlia. Tyler and the twins father will be back soon. You will be at dinner,” she answers.

  “But mum,” I start to protest.

  “I mean it young lady,” she says cutting me off. “You’ve been avoiding the twins and this family long enough. Tomorrow is my mating ceremony, and as much as you don’t like it, Tyler and Kassie will be
your new family.

  “Why do you keep pushing the twins on me?” I question.

  “Because, they’re your mates, and the Beta’s son. A union between you three will be a strong match. The whole point of them staying here was for you three to get to know each other again, and like an immature brat you’ve been avoiding them, swatting at all my efforts at every turn.”

  “If you cared so much about them being my mates, you should have never let them leave when I was younger, or let dad lie to them about saving their lives. They hate me now, did you know that?” I yell. They fucking hate me for not being there.

  “You know I have no say in pack business, even as the Alpha mate. I was so happy to find out the twins were here. I took it as a sign of The Fates smiling upon your union, so immediately I told Tyler what they are to you. He was going to mate them to his daughter, but as soon as he learned the truth, he knew he couldn’t do that. At dinner tonight Tyler will announce your pairing,” she says dropping the bomb, and I stare at her wide eyed.

  Did she not hear me say that the twins hate me?

  “Why are you doing this? You ran from here because you couldn’t be with the man you wanted. Why are you forcing me into this?”

  “I’m keeping you from making the same mistake I did. They’re your soul bound mates. They may hate you now, but soon that will fade. Once you complete the bond, they will be the only ones you’ll be able to think about, and the same goes for them. Trust me, figlia,” she says squeezing my hand. “Now dress appropriately,” she orders as she gets up and leave, ending the conversation.

  “Great,” I mutter to myself. I want to see Mekka, and talk to him about all this, but I’m sure I won’t be able to sneak out tonight. I wonder if the twins know what will happen at dinner tonight? Probably not. I'm sure Ethan would have said something in the car if he knew. This is just something else they’ll blame me for.

  Dear Diary

  Sometimes I hate my life. How can I be forced to mate the twins? They hate me. Doesn’t my mother care about that? She’s lived through a loveless bond, why would she want that for me? Even being their destined mate, they’ll throw all that away. Throw me away, just to hold on to their hate. And what about Mekka? He’s also my soul bound mate. I refuse to be mated to the twins without him, which means we all need to have a talk sooner rather than later. No more sneaking around. It’s time to face my fears.

  Doing as I’m told, I shower and put on a short dark red dress that flares at my hips, and ends mid thigh. Best of all it has pockets. Nothing is better than a dress with pockets. Gathering my hair, I put it up in a doughnut bun on top of my head. Taking out my makeup bag, I apply a nice, dark smoky eye, and bright red lipstick. If I’m going to be forced to attend this dinner, I might as well look hot. When I finally go downstairs, the twins and their father are already seated. They look hot as shit in matching black suits perfectly taylored to their muscled frames with their white dress shirt, and black skinny tie, and I’m not the only one who thinks so. Kassie is practically drooling from her seat across from them. There's an empty seat in between the twins, and I wonder why she isn’t sitting there.

  “Aspen my dear, don’t you look lovely,” the twins father says as he pulls out the chair in between the twins for me, giving me an answer to my unsaid question.

  “Thank you,” I say, taking the offered seat.

  Neither twin greets me, or even bother to look my way.

  “Look who decided to join us for dinner,” Kassie sneers as she stares daggers at me. If she’s mad because of the seating arrangements, she is going to be livid after the announcement.

  “Don’t start with your shit Kassie, no one wants to hear it,” Ethan says, looking up. I’m shocked that he’s defending me. Usually he wouldn’t care about the bickering between me and my soon to be stepsister. Hell, he’s a proud member and the president of the ‘I hate Aspen’ club.

  Giving me a look of pure evil, Kassie starts picking at her nails. She’s lucky I’m so composed. I still want to slit her throat after what she pulled earlier. Maybe me sitting in between the twins is a good thing. I shouldn’t be trusted around the silverware.

  “Aspen, I’m so glad you made it to dinner,” mum says as she comes in holding Tyler’s hand. They’re in their honeymoon stage, and it’s gag worthy just to watch them.

  “It’s not like you gave me a choice,” I mutter, and both twins stiffen beside me.

  “The cook has made an award worthy meal tonight,” Tyles announces in an effort to change the subject. I’m sure he already knew my presence here was mandatory. Smiling he pulls mum’s chair out beside him at the head of the table, and they both take their seats.

  Plucking the bottle of wine off the table Kassie fills her glass, and takes a more than generous sip. Maybe I should take a page out of her book. I can get pissy drunk before their bloody announcement.

  “Aspen, how is school going?” Tyler asks, and both twins lower their eyes to their plates.

  “Ok, I guess,” I answer.

  “Just ok? I know moving and going to a new school can be overwhelming,” Tyler prods.

  “It is, but I’m working my way through it,” I answer honestly.

  “And the twins, how are you liking their company after being away from them for so long?” He inquires, and I wonder where he’s going with this.

  “I haven’t really seen them much. After school I have been getting to know my grandparents.”

  “That is very sweet of you. I need to stop by and visit them myself. After all, we’re about to all become family.”

  “I’m sure they will enjoy that,” mum says squeezing his hand, and they both gaze into each others eyes.

  "Daddy, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about my car,” Kassie says, breaking their moment with her annoying voice.

  “What about it?” Tyler frowns.

  “Well, since you bought Aspen a brand new car it’s only fair that I get one too.”

  “I bought Aspen a new car because she didn’t have one, and you’ve only had your car for two years. You know we don’t waste resources like that.”

  “But it’s not fair,” she whines. "I want a new car too. Ever since her and her mom got here you’ve been giving them stuff, and spending all your time with them. You gave Aspen your black card, and you never did that for me.”

  She’s like a spoiled child throwing a tantrum, and I wonder if I ever acted like this before. I hate to admit that I probably have, and it’s crazy to be witness to such behavior.

  “Kassie, you’re making a scene,” Tyler growls, but that doesn’t stop her. If anything the reprimand spurs her on.

  “No daddy. All you care about is your new family. It’s like you replaced me and mom with Aspen and her mother. I’m tired of being ignored, and since you don’t want to give me your full attention then I formally request that you give me permission to mate with the twins so I can start making my own family.”

  Everyone is silent. She just said a mouthful. That liquid courage must have went straight to her head, and she still has no idea what’s to come. I feel sick to my stomach, like I’m going to barf up the few bites I did swallow.

  “Kassie, sweetheart, no one is ignoring you, and we’ve already been over why I gave Aspen my card, but this isn’t about that, is it? I know her and her mother’s presence here is hard on you, and you’re having a hard time accepting it. I know I haven’t been here like I should because of my business trip, but I’m here now.”

  “And what of my other request?” She questions.

  Sighing, Tyler rubs his palm down his face. You can practically feel the stress jumping off his shoulders and into the room.

  “Pumpkin, the twins are not going to be your mates,” he spits out.

  “And why not?” She asks through clenched teeth, looking between me and the twins as she puts two and two together.

  “I’ve promised the twins to Aspen. I was going to announce it after dinner. They will be recognized as her mates after th
e ceremony tomorrow.”

  “What?” She screeches.

  “Kassie dear, you’re making a scene and embarrassing yourself in front of our guests. My daughter is their esteso. They’re soul bound mates, and even a rotten child like yourself cannot stop fate,” mum chastices, and Kassie moves her hate filled eyes off me and onto her.

  “I didn’t ask you, you gold digging slut,” Kassie screams pointing her finger at my mother and Tyler shouts her name as I growl. This is getting out of hand, and quickly.

  “What did you call me?” Mum growls as she stands. Her eyes are glowing a brilliant blue, and if I were Kassie I would be terrified. She may not be mated to Tyler yet, but she’s still an Alpha’s mate, and has the power to boot.

  But apparently Kassie isn’t smart, or maybe she just doesn’t have a single self preservation bone in her body, because she stands, looking my mother straight in the eyes and says slowly pronouncing each word,“I said that you are a gold digging slut, and I’m sure the apple didn’t fall far from the tree,” she says looking pointedly at me.

  To my surprise mum doesn’t attack. In fact, the cold smile on her face scares even me. “I’m no such thing, Kassie, and neither is my daughter. I’m sorry you’re having such a hard time dealing with all this, but this is reality. Aspen will be the twins mate, and I will be your father’s mate and the Alpha mate of this pack. It’s best you fall in line and quickly.”

  Her voice is so calm and composed, but still filled with authority, tinged with her anger, and I know exactly why she didn’t go after Kassie’s throat like I would have. Mum knew Tyler would never forgive her if she did. Kassie was betting on mum’s temper and lost.

  “If you’re done, I think you should go to your room,” Tyler practically growls.

  “You’re sending me to my room for that cow?” She shrieks incredulously.

  “Enough Kassie. Go to your room,” Tyler commands, and her face crumbles. Before stomping off, she grabs the bottle of wine off the table, and takes it with her.

  “Well, that went better than I thought,” mum says, and both the twins and I look at her like she’s mad, but she’s not. Mum is actually quite cunning, and knows exactly which buttons to pull and push. Well played mum, I think to myself.


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