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Diary of a Reformed Mean Girl (Reformed Series Book 1)

Page 10

by CY Jones

  The rest of dinner is uneventful. I expected another blowout with the twins, but neither speaks the whole dinner. Either they’re happy about the whole mating thing, or they’re suffering in silence. I’m willing to bet it’s the latter.

  “Can I be excused?” I ask, not able to take anymore of this awkward dinner.

  “Sure, sweetheart. You’ll need your rest for tomorrow,” mum says, and Tyler nods his head in agreement.

  After saying my goodbyes to the twin’s father, I run off to the sanctuary of my room.



  Dinner was brutal. I’m starting to think a good way to survive in this house is to skip dinners. Especially ones with special announcements. At least at my Grand’s house I don’t have to worry about screaming matches, or wanting to kill any of the dinner guests. Stripping, I take off my dress, and toss it across the chair in the sitting area. I’ll hang it up in the morning. I was exhausted. All my late nights with Mekka was starting to catch up to me. Putting Ethan’s t-shirt back shirt on, I inhale deeply filling my nostrils with his scent. Fuck, he smells amazing, like apples and cinnamon, one of my favorite candle scents. My wolf wants to cuddle next to the twins in a giant puppy pile, and I can’t say my human self mind the thought either. She was deeply pleased to be seated next to our mates at dinner. My wolf is very territorial, and she wanted to rip Kassie’s throat out when she started talking about making the twin hers. Just thinking about it, I’m having a hard time keeping from shifting and going to her room to kill her. Not wanting to give into my wolf’s pleas to set her free, I tuck myself deep into my bed, and let my exhaustion take over. It doesn’t take long for me to fall into a deep sleep.

  “I’m bored,” my twelve year old self whines. I’m sitting on my bed next to the twins throwing a ball against the wall and catching it.

  “Well, we can’t go outside. Your parents don’t want us to get dirty before the festivities start,” Logan says as he lays on my bed.

  “I know, Lets play a game,” I suggest.

  “What kind of game?” Ethan asks warily.

  “A kissing game,” I answer, smiling wide.

  “I don’t know. The last kissing game we played, Ethan ended up in the infirmary,” Logan says, remembering the ‘coon incident.

  “That was ages ago,” I whine. “If you don’t play I'll be angry with you. Do you want me to be angry?” I ask, staring them both down.

  “Of course not. We’ll play,” Ethan says quickly. He’s always the easiest out the two to convince.

  “What’s the rules?” Logans asks when he sees there's no getting out of this.

  “No rules. You kiss me until I say ‘stop’.”

  Both twins look at me like they can’t believe I just said that. I’ve never been kissed before, and for whatever strange reason I want them to be my first. I feel a pull to them that I can’t explain. Maybe it’s their goodness that attracts me to them like a month to a flame. When I asked my mum she said it’s just my wolf needing company, which doesn’t make any sense at all to me. The twins are always around, so why would my wolf need company?

  “Yes, I’m sure,” I say, turning to Logan first.

  Moving slowly, I pucker my lips and bend forward until I’m pressing my lips to his. His lips are soft and they feel like fluffy pillows. I like the feel of his lips, and the zing of electricity that runs through my body when both our mouths are pressed together. Pulling back, I look over at Ethan who seems like he’s in a trance watching me kiss his brother.

  “Your turn,” I say sweetly, and he wastes no time to pressing his lips against mine. Where his brother’s kiss is sweet and like fluffy pillows, his is firmer, more confident somehow. He quickly takes control, and pushes his tongue in, licking my lips. Heat explodes all over my body, and that same pull consumes me, begging for more. When I feel Logan press against my back, I’m almost tempted to tell him to bite me, which is an insane thought. I’m not too young to know that will mark us together for life like mommy and daddy. Pulling away from the twins, I hit Ethan on the leg before jumping off the bed.

  “Tag, you’re it,” I yell before running away.

  Warm bodies on either side of me wakes me from my dream, and I open my eyes to Ethan’s breathtaking face.

  "What are you doing in my room?” I croak.

  "We know Kassie sleeping across from you may be a bit tempting for you, so we’re here to keep you out of trouble,” he answers against my neck, and my heart starts to race.

  “Are you scared I’ll hurt your friend?” I ask, trying to clear the fog in my brain, and all my heated thoughts from them being so close.

  “We could care less what you do to Kassie, but I’m sure your mom will kill you if you ruin her ceremony tomorrow,” Logan replies as he kisses a trail down my neck and I moan.

  Sadly, they’re right. Mum will kill me if I do anything to Kassie which will piss Tyler off and he’ll probably cancel the ceremony.

  “I have to admit, I am surprised to find you in my shirt. My scent is all over you, and the moans my brother is wringing out of you is making my dick hard,” Ethan murmurs against my skin. His hands travel under his shirt I’m wearing, and he moves them upwards until he palms my breast. At his words, I press my thighs together which only encourages him further.

  “I think we should take it off. My wolf is jealous that she smells like only you,” Logan says, and then he sucks hard on my neck, and I moan louder.

  “I think that’s fair, brother,” Ethan replies before pulling my shirt up to my neck, and Logan pulls it the rest of the way over my head, and tosses it onto the floor.

  “Now that’s better,” Ethan says smiling wickedly as he takes in my naked body. Heat blazes in his eyes lit by his desire, and I squeeze my thighs even tighter. “Lets play a game,” he says suddenly.

  “What kind of game?” I ask, too far gone in my own desires.

  “A kissing game,” Logan answers, parroting my dream.

  “What are the rules?” I question.

  “My brother and I are going to kiss you wherever we want on this beautiful body, and you can’t cum until we tell you to,” Ethan explains. Not waiting on a reply, he takes my lips in his, and I moan into his mouth. Like him, his kiss has matured since we were kids. His mouth dominates mine, all tongue and teeth, and I give back trying to match his intensity. That familiar pull wraps around us, and when Logan continues his path of destruction on my neck, the pull squeezes tight, taking my breath away. Ethan lips starts to move lower, and when his mouth wraps itself around my nipple, I’m gone.

  “Fuck,” Logan growls against my skin before moving his hand to my pussy and adding a digit inside. “She’s so fucking wet,” he tells his brother, and Ethan bites my nipple in reply, which only makes me gush even more.

  Moving his attentions to my other nipple, I run my fingers through his soft hair and grip tight. An animalistic growl escapes his lips, and he suddenly sits up. Watching me like, well, like a wolf. He moves down my body, and parts my legs slowly.

  “I’m going to eat out this sweet pussy of yours while my brother kisses you all over your tight body,” he warns, before diving in between my legs. If I thought his tongue was talented in my mouth, it’s downright magical between my legs. I can’t keep quiet, and my moans grow louder filling the room. Taking my mouth, Logan silences my cries, and fucks my mouth just as intensely as his brother is fucking my pussy. My orgasm is building, and I don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to hold it off.

  “I’m going to come,” I barely get out, and Ethan stops what he’s doing.

  “What the fuck?” I screech.

  “Rules, princess. We told you that you don’t come until we say so.”

  When I nod my head in understanding, he continues his assault, and I pull Logan to me. Moving my lips to his neck I suck hard, leaving my own marks, trying to distract myself from the overwhelming need to come. When Ethan adds his fingers along with his mouth, I almost lose that battle. I’m so wr
apped up in them, and the pull that's been leading us to this point takes over my mind and body. Moving my mouth to the meaty portion where Logan’s neck and shoulder meet, I let my wolf teeth free, and bite down hard drawing blood.

  “Shit,” he cries out surprised, before biting me back in the same exact spot I did on him. The pull turns into a shiny golden thread that wraps around me and Logan, and settles in my skin. A heat like I never felt before burns on my right side, and I cry out loudly. Ethan’s assault of my pussy grows more intense, and I grip Logan’s hair so tight I’m afraid I’ll pull strands free.

  “Come,” Ethan commands, and I shatter against his mouth with the most intense orgasm I have ever felt. When I’m done coming, Ethan moves his mouth to where my hip and abdomen meet and bites down hard. An unrestrained cry leaves my mouth, and I come again. When Ethan moves up my body, I bring his wrist to my mouth and bite down, mating him to me for life like I just did his brother. Another golden tread links me to him, and heat of the marking burns into my skin on my right arm, sealing me to them. Sated, I close my eyes, and soon I’m fast asleep in a dreamless slumber.

  When I wake the next morning both twins are still fast asleep in bed. Fuck, what did we do? I think to myself panicking. Careful not to wake them, I squirm out their hold and step onto the floor. Standing in front of the full length mirror attached to my bathroom door, I look over my naked body and take in the damage. Purple hickeys cover my neck as well as my breast, a crescent moon shaped bite mark is imprinted in the same spot where Logan bit me. A mark that will never heal or go away, marking me as being mated. Another crescent moon bite that also will never fade, is on my hip where Ethan bit me. A marking of wolf paws is scattered across my stomach and breast on my right side, and on my right arm from my shoulder to my wrist is a mural of a giant white wolf hidden behind the thick vegetation of the forest like the predator it is as it hunts its prey. The only thing you can see is it’s glowing blue grey eyes shining in the moonlight. It’s breathtakingly beautiful, and a tear slips past my defenses. What if they wake up regretting this? What then? We can’t take it back. Will I have to move away from them like mum did with dad?

  “Stop thinking those horrible thoughts, firecracker,” Logan groans from the bed.

  “If you move away from us, we’ll just follow,” Ethan says behind me. I didn’t even hear him get up and walk towards me while I was having my mini meltdown.

  “How do you know what I’m thinking?” I question.

  “Didn’t anyone bother to explain to you about mating bonds, princess?

  “Just the stuff we learn in school,” I answer.

  “Well, when you mate with your soul bound mate, you can hear each other's thoughts without a wolf’s connection. As well as feel what they feel, and pass on any extra abilities you may have to your mates if you have any,” and at his explanation my eyes grow wide. I have to tell them about my powers, or they could hurt someone on accident.

  “This is beautiful,” Ethan says, lightly running his finger across the wolf on my arm, and I momentarily forget what I was about to tell him.

  “So are these,” Logan says in a husky voice, moving his hand over the wolf paw print on my breast, making me moan. His eyes dilate, and the swirls of different colors of blues and greens draw me in. Both of them move closer, and I totally forget why fucking them is a bad idea.

  “Aspen have you seen the twins? Their father is looki..Oh,” mum says as she barges in my room and the twins and I jump apart like we’ve been burned.

  “Well I’m glad to see you worked out your differences, but don’t you think you three have jumped the gun?” Mum states as she looks us over with keen eyes. It’s not hard to figure out what happened. We’re covered in marks, and I’m completely naked. My scent is all over them, just as theirs are all over me.

  “I’m sorry mum.”

  “Well, what’s done is done. We’ll just have to rush your ceremony,” she sighs. “Now will you excuse us boys. I need my daughter’s help to get ready.”

  “Sure,” they both say at the same time, blushing as they move past mum, and I get a good look at their markings from me for the first time. Covering the entirety of both their backs is an identical mural of a giant dark grey wolf with black markings and golden eyes howling at the moon. Circling above the wolf’s head is symbols of each of the four elements. Well damn, I’ve been outed by fate.

  “Your mates are going to have to keep shirts on until you’re properly mated if we don’t want it to get back to your father that you have extras abilities,” mum murmurs, and I look at her in shock.

  “You knew?” I get out.

  “When you were a tiny pup you threw a tantrum and lit your bed on fire,” she explains.

  “And you never told dad?” I asked, shocked.

  “No. If he ever knew he would try to use you, and not for anything good. A man like him should never have control over that kind of power, although I am surprised to learn you have control over all four elements. I thought it was just the one.”

  “I’ve been hiding it for so long it’s kind of weird to have it out in the open like this,” I admit.

  “Did you tell them?” She questions.

  “No, I didn’t get the chance, and I didn’t see their markings until just now.”

  “It’s not important now, we can tell them later, besides their minds will only be filled with thoughts of claiming their mate.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “You’ve three mated, but you haven’t had sex yet. I can’t smell their arousal in here, only yours, which tells me exactly what happened.”

  “Mum,” I shout blushing. No way are we having the sex talk. I may be seventeen years old and mated, but I’m still a virgin.

  “What? You asked. Come, figlia, we’ll talk about this later. Throw on a robe, and help your mama get ready.”

  We spend hours getting primped and prodded. One of mum’s old friends she was able to make up with, came by to help us get ready for the big event. Apparently, while I was avoiding the house and the twins, mum was out and about making amends, and explaining her actions of why she was so rotten to the pack. Most of the pack welcomed her back with open arms either for her, or out of courtesy for Tyler, who knows. Either way, at least mum doesn’t have to worry about a whole pack coming after her. She also explained other things I never knew about my father, like how he would always put her down in private and around members of the pack, beat her if she didn’t look perfect, and kept her isolated, making sure she didn’t have any friends outside the Wolfhaven pack to talk to, so they could spy on her for him. Mum lived an abusive life, and I never knew, because I was too spoiled to care about anyone but myself. I’ve learned so much more about mum in these last couple of hours in her room than I have in the last seventeen years of my life. I never thought it could be possible, but I hate my father more than anything. She didn’t deserve any of that.

  “What happens at a mating ceremony anyways?” I ask mum as I lean back in her huge spa tub. She’s sitting in the gigantic walk in closet across from me at her vanity while Della does her hair. I never actually attended one. Dad always thought I was too young, and immature to go with them when they had to bless the ceremonies in the pack.

  “They’re the same as human wedding except with a few differences. Since we both have children from previous matings, I’ll walk down the aisle with you and Kassie by my side. When we get to the seer who’s officiating the ceremony, Kassie will go stand by her dad while you stay by my side. We will say our vows to each other, and since Tyler is the pack’s Alpha, we will also say vows to the pack. Then the seer will pull out the Book of Wolves where every recorded pairing is placed. Tyler will take the ceremony dagger that you will be holding, slit my palm, and I will do the same to his. Joining our hands together we’ll drip our mixed blood onto the book pages, and the Fates will either accept or deny our union.”

  “How do you know if it’s accepted?” I question.

“The lit torches around us will burn blue,” she answers.

  “And if they stay red?” I ask.

  “Then the union isn’t blessed, but it’s still binding. Red flames are common now a days, figlia, so don’t worry. Only true soul bound mates fires burn blue. Those are the pairings the Fates decided themselves.”

  “The ceremony with my father. Did the torches change?”

  “Yes, they burned an unholy red,” she answers, quieting anymore questions I could think to ask. If that wasn’t an omen, I don’t know what is.

  Rising from the water, I put on the white silk ceremony gown mum chosen for me to wear. The front dips in a V all the way to my belly button connecting to thin golden chains around my hips, and flows all the way to the ground. The purpose of such a gown is so that it can easily be taken off when one needs to shift. After the ceremony the newly mated couple and immediate family goes on a pack run solidifying their union, and then the festivities commence once we come back.

  Once dressed I stand in the mirror next to my mother as I take everything in. Della is an artist. She has braided half my hair in like a thousand tiny braids, and twisted them together, circling them around my head like a crown. The other half she left to flow down my back in silky loose curls. With my wolf healing and whatever salts and herbs Della put in my bath water all the hickeys are gone from my body. Only Logan’s mating bite can be seen, and Ethan’s in the right light. Their markings on the other hand are a different story. Both are displayed proudly, and my wolf preens at the fact that we’re showing off our mate’s mark. She wants everyone to know that they belong to us. Their scent mixed with my own still covers me despite me washing it off.

  “What about the bites? When do you do that, during the ceremony?” I ask curious.

  “You mean what you did prematurely last night,” she says, and I blush.


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