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Hooked on You

Page 26

by Jenn Matthews

  “Meet her?”

  “Kieran suggested it, but he wouldn’t agree to it unless I was on board. And I am. Let’s meet this woman.” Her words were clipped, but Ollie was happy they were even conversing.

  “Um…o-okay. Yeah, sure. Let’s do it.”

  “Coffee? In that horrible place you chose last time?”

  “You think it’s horrible?”

  Helen laughed. “It’s not exactly top-notch dining, is it?”

  “You wouldn’t know. You left before you could properly taste their products.”

  “Hmm. Point taken.”

  “Anyway, Nailsea’s selection of eateries is pretty sparse for a relaxed coffee out. Unless you want to do a pub?”

  “I’m not going to a gay bar with you, Mum.”

  Ollie bit her tongue. Sometimes she’s just so cantankerous. She always was as a little girl. “Okay. Have you got any suggestions?”

  Helen sighed. “The greasy spoon will be fine.”

  Was she trying to be difficult or testing me? Ollie decided to let it go. “Okay. When, where?”

  “Text me when you know when this woman is free.”

  “Her name is Anna.”

  “Okay. Whatever. Text me. And text Kieran too. I don’t have time to be your go-between.” Helen hung up without saying goodbye.

  Ollie slumped back into her sofa and turned her head so her cheek snuggled into the throw spread over the back. At least we’re talking.

  Eighteen days before Christmas, Anna arrived on time to the crochet group, her cloth bag full of granny squares. She rocked back and forth on her feet, and tapped the cloth bag. It feels like it’s been ages since I’ve seen her.

  The smile Ollie greeted her with made her feel all toasty, as did the way Ollie reached out to catch her by the waist.

  “Ladies,” a voice sang behind them. Matthew popped his head around them in the doorway.

  Ollie dropped her hands to her sides, and Anna bit back a groan of annoyance. I’m going to have to have a word with that boy. Seems he is the king of inappropriate timing.

  Matthew looked between them and then rolled his eyes in something like frustration. “Honestly.” He walked around them and disappeared into the dark corridor, then the classroom.

  “No need to be discrete with Matthew, I suppose,” Anna said.

  “I suppose not.” Ollie pulled her close. “Good evening, comrade.”

  “Good evening.”

  Ollie cupped the back of Anna’s head gently in both hands and turned her smiling face upwards.

  Anna looped her arms around Ollie’s neck. They kissed briefly, and Anna felt light, as if her whole body were made of dust. Those eyes, that hair.

  Lowering herself shakily into her usual chair next to Matthew and trying to ignore the smirk that seemed plastered to his features, Anna pulled out her squares. She joined two together, then two more, building the blanket slowly. The squares littered the table, a mass of blue, pink, yellow, and cream. She smiled in satisfaction—it looked like a cottage garden in summer.

  My bedroom throw can be as girly as I like. I really don’t plan on having a man in there anytime soon.

  Ollie walked past a few times, and they shared a smile or two from across the room.

  Anna made sure she touched Ollie’s fingers when she handed her a cup of tea, which made her skin warm as Ollie moved away.

  Anna worked solidly, sipping her tea between squares. She’d managed to make forty-eight, and a rectangle of eight squares long that draped over her lap and the table in front of her.

  The room was bustling, everyone excited about their approaching family gatherings. She and Matthew didn’t talk much, but they exchanged the occasional smile when another conversation drifted over concerning Christmas, or a funny anecdote was recalled. Fiona had brought in mince pies. Matthew and Anna both took one gratefully. They were good—sweet and spicy, with buttery pastry. Anna relished the lovely taste and texture with closed eyes.

  Harry came over a couple of times, and Anna clocked the new additions of small touches and glinting eyes between him and Matthew. Matthew showed Harry a granny square he’d made with the pattern Harry had allowed him to borrow.

  “That’s fab, Matthew.”

  Matthew beamed at the praise. Their gazes locked, and for a moment Anna felt like she ought to leave them to their tiny, warm, private world.

  His smile faded as he watched Harry go.

  “Don’t worry. I’m sure he’ll be back in a while.” Anna rubbed his arm.

  “Hmm? Oh no. It’s not that.”

  “What is it?” Anna slipped into a role she was used to. It was a role she used both at home with her children and at work, when a pupil was upset—half teacher, half mother. It seemed to work well in both cases, and Matthew’s eyes were a little watery as he considered her question.

  “He’s just… I feel like a child when I’m with him. He’s so sorted, and I’m…”

  “You don’t seem like a child to me. And believe me, I would know. I spend all day with them.”

  He breathed out a laugh. “Yeah. True.” He finally smiled again, but then held his hand out towards the granny square he had brought. “I just… Look at this. It took me ages, and while I was making it, all I wanted to do was just make a simple, plain thing and then get on with something more fun.”

  “You don’t find crochet fun?” Anna blinked in surprise.

  “I do. Of course. No, I just don’t see the point in making something really complex if all it’s doing is hanging on a silly wall in the church hall.”

  “So why make the squares you’ve made at all?” The teacher in her was taking over from the parent.

  “Because…” Matthew glanced over to Harry. “Harry was so pleased when he let me have the pattern. I wanted to him to think I wasn’t some frivolous person that only does things if they’re easy.”

  “Well, you’re not. You made the square.”

  “But what about him? He’s so…meticulous. The blooming horse is the most exciting thing he’s ever done, and he researched the thing for months. I throw caution to the wind all the time and do stupid things because of it. I’m a child.”

  “You’re really not. You have a good job, don’t you?”

  “I work in a solicitor’s.”

  “Okay. And you have a place to live, and you don’t get rip-roaring drunk every night. And you pay your bills and, I assume, aren’t in reams of debt?”

  “Just my student loan. To be fair, I’ve nearly paid that off.”

  “Good for you. See?” Anna patted his hand where it clutched his hook. “You’re not a child. I think people are just different, but it doesn’t mean they can’t get along.” Her gaze drifted to Ollie, who was bent over Amy’s table. “Ollie and I are very different…” Ollie gave Amy a thumbs up, causing the young woman to smile.

  When the two hours were up and everyone else had left, Ollie came to perch on Anna’s table, the side of her thigh touching Anna’s. Matthew seemed to have taken what Anna had said on board and caught up with Harry before he left.

  Anna finished folding the completed blanket and then threaded her hands with Ollie’s. They just gazed at one another for a while.

  “Oh, I forgot to ask.” Ollie looked down at her hands and fiddled with her fingers. “My daughter phoned me the other day. She wants—well they both want…to meet you.”

  “Oh.” So soon?

  “Yeah. I know. Bit out of the blue.”

  “That’s great, though.” Anna touched Ollie’s arm. “I know you’ve been hoping they’ll get in touch.”

  “Hmm. Yeah, I’m not sure how it will go. Just to warn you. Kieran will probably be fine, but Helen… I think she still hates me.”

  “She’s eighteen, isn’t she?”

  “Just started uni, yep.”

bsp; “How do you feel about them meeting me?”

  Ollie looked a bit pale. “Terrified.”

  Affection surged inside Anna. “I’m not surprised.”

  “Do you mind? I mean, would you mind?”

  “Not at all. If it’s important to you.”

  Ollie nodded. “It is.”

  “Did they tell you when?”

  “I’m supposed to get your availability.”

  “Well, I’m free Tuesdays from three, as I have a free period.”

  Ollie nodded, took out her phone, and wrote a text to both her children with the proposed date. She stared at her phone for a while, perhaps hoping for a reply, and then put it away. “I’ll…I’ll let you know.”


  Ollie blinked a few times and then looked down. Anna wanted to cuddle her close and keep her safe. She must be so worried. What if her children don’t like me?

  “This is beautiful.” Ollie indicated the blanket on the table next to her, the ends neatly sewn in.

  “Thank you.” She kept her voice quiet.

  Ollie cleared her throat. “A beautiful throw for… um… a-a beautiful woman.” Ollie held her gaze as Anna’s cheeks heated up.

  “Well, you’ve been in my bed late at night. You know how cold it gets in my house.” Are we flirting? Properly flirting, with the actual intention to flirt?

  “Next time, feel free to stay round mine,” Ollie offered. “I have a wood burner.”

  Anna groaned in something between excitement and pleasure. “You do? Why didn’t I see that?”

  “Too busy gazing at me, comrade?” Ollie’s lips were pursed and her chin high.

  “I think I’d quite like that. A picnic on your rug, in front of the fire.”

  The way Ollie brushed her fingertips up Anna’s arm made Anna shiver. “Whatever the lady wants,” she whispered, cupping her jaw.

  Anna tugged her downwards and captured her lips. She kept her own hands in Ollie’s one, and gasped as the fingertips of Ollie’s other hand tickled the back of her neck. The angle was delicious, having Ollie leaning down to her, while she was seated in an old classroom chair. Isn’t this the ultimate teacher/pupil fantasy? Anna tugged further, an overwhelming desire to have Ollie in her lap taking her over momentarily.

  The kiss broke too early and Ollie pulled away, looking down at where Anna wanted her. Anna thought she could see an apology and sadness in her eyes. Ollie’s lips twisted and she shrugged.

  Oh. “Don’t worry,” Anna whispered. “It’s okay, I understand. How about we swap?”

  Ollie smiled. “I’m not sure I’d b-be able to restrain myself.”

  Anna’s whole body flushed. She tugged Ollie towards the hallway, grabbing her bags and coat from her chair on the way.

  “How about we plan our next dinner out, then?” Anna said, smoothing her hands around Ollie’s neck. “Spanish? Day after tomorrow? I won’t keep you out late.”

  “Sounds wonderful.”

  They moved together, lips brushing. Anna sighed contentedly. The sound seemed to spark something in Ollie, because she caught Anna’s lips properly, kissing her with a swooping hunger. Ollie wrapped her arms around her, parting her lips over Anna’s. Anna forced her hands into Ollie’s hair, her fingers scratching a little at her scalp. The resulting moan from Ollie’s chest made Anna laugh in delight against her lips.

  When they broke apart, they were both grinning like idiots.

  “I like kissing you,” Ollie said, her gaze very obviously on Anna’s lips.

  “I like kissing you too.” Anna stroked Ollie’s cheek and waited a few moments before going back in for another kiss, softer this time. I could kiss her forever.

  They eventually said goodbye, and Ollie locked up before walking up the stairs on shaky legs. She stumbled on the top step and shook her head. I’m going to end up flat on my face one of these days.

  She turned the temperature on the shower down to cool, hoping it would calm her raging hormones. The spray made her already-oversensitive skin tingle, and when the water ghosted over her hard nipples, she arched her back, shaking. Which stupid person told me cold showers dampen one’s libido?

  She got out and dried off, every brush of the towel against her skin feeling like electricity. Images of kissing toothpaste from Anna’s mouth flickered into her mind as she brushed her teeth. Ollie groaned and shook her head.

  She lay in bed for a while, trying to think of anything at all that would distract her from the ache between her legs. She’s such a good kisser. She screwed her eyes up. Her lips are so soft. Folding her arms across her chest, she breathed out a sigh. Her eyes slipped closed and her body sank into the mattress. Maybe I’ll just drop off to sleep.

  Half an hour later, this seemed like an impossible dream.

  Anna seemed to have lit a fire inside her, more so than anyone before. Just a couple of kisses and she was soaked. The moans Anna had made, the way she had pressed her body close and clutched at Ollie’s hair as they kissed all made her sure about one thing: Anna wants me. And I want her too.

  This realisation allowed her to think of Anna’s red hair while she caressed her clit, while she smoothed her other hand over her breast in the same rhythm. For the first time ever, she thought about another actual woman as she circled faster and faster over that bundle of nerves, against that place she had always thought of as something pure but tainted at the same time. The place a few women had touched her, the place she wanted Anna to touch, the place she wanted to touch on Anna.

  When she came, it washed over her like a tickling tide and she moaned out loud, immediately smacking a hand over her mouth. Her back arched against the bed, her shoulders pushing downwards. As she relaxed down from it, her knee throbbed painfully. Her hand was warm as she rubbed at the offending joint—her whole body still shaking—and she turned onto her side. The pillow from the other side of the bed was comfortable as she rested her knee over it. She breathed for a while, allowing her heart to slow. Then she stretched her limbs out and pulled the pillow more comfortably between her legs. The whoosh of a sigh escaped her lips.

  Her phone buzzed, and she smiled as she saw the goodnight text from Anna, only a hint of embarrassment swishing through her stomach. It’s okay. She doesn’t know what you did. And even if she did, I don’t think she’d judge you.

  She replied in kind, feeling only affection for Anna in her post-orgasmic state, reminding herself Anna had texted her before going to sleep and that this was positive. She’s thinking about me too. Her phone buzzed again—a picture message, the new throw in situ on Anna’s bed, a black-and-white cat curled up in the middle of it.

  I’d forgotten she had a cat. Ollie wondered where he had scarpered off to when she’d stayed over. I hope he’s not jealous of Anna’s new sleeping companion.

  Ollie snuggled into her duvet, comforted by the memories of being so very warm in the middle of December with Anna curled up around her.

  She fell asleep and dreamed about baking warm apple pies on a frosty morning.

  Chapter 11


  They met outside the Spanish restaurant on Saturday. It was dark already; snow was drifting around them and had started to settle. It definitely felt like two weeks left until Christmas.

  Anna stepped up in front of Ollie and placed her hands on Ollie’s hips. Ollie thought Anna looked ethereal, her eyes deep and shining with affection, her woolly hat touched here and there with snowflakes. She leant down to brush their lips together.

  The pain in Ollie’s knee and back ebbed away. She’s better than paracetamol. She pressed their lips together again. When they broke apart, they were both grinning, cheeks tinged pink from the cold.

  “Come on, you.” Anna put a hand against the small of Ollie’s back. “Let’s get you inside.”

  Ollie could hardly argue. They shrugged their co
ats, hats, and scarves off in the foyer and allowed the waiter to hang them up close to the radiator. Anna wore a deep-red dress, and Ollie could barely keep her gaze from the dipped neckline and gathered-in waist.

  “What are you trying to do?” Ollie whispered close to her ear, caressing the back of her fingers across Anna’s waist. “Kill me?”

  Anna fumbled at her pendant, which only made Ollie’s gaze shift to a sight even more alluring. The waiter led Anna to their table. Ollie trailed behind.

  Am I dressed okay? Ollie hastened a glance down at her outfit. Patent leather shoes with laces, black slim-fitting trousers, and a black satin collarless blouse. A thin chain with a tiny heart nestled in the hollow of her throat. She had actually even brushed her hair and used a little mousse to keep it tamed. She was also wearing the crocheted star bracelet Anna had made for her. She wanted her to see it again, so she pulled back her sleeve.

  Anna scoffed at it, blushing profusely. “You don’t have to wear that thing, you know.”

  Shame coiled in Ollie’s stomach. “But I like it.” Oh God, is it not posh enough? This restaurant is so fancy.

  A twinkling smile pulled at Anna’s lips, though, and she touched the stars around Ollie’s wrist. “I can hardly argue with that, can I?” When she brushed Ollie’s skin, Ollie felt the tiny hairs stand up.

  Anna’s elegant bracelet sparkled; a chain with three delicate charms hanging from it. Now that’s posh. Oh well, I suppose if she’s happy, I’m happy. Taking a chance, noting the earliness of the evening, but also her own need to continue the contact, Ollie turned her hand over, palm up.

  Anna accepted her offer and slid their fingers together. It made Ollie’s shoulders relax.

  The menu, however, caused her to squint and lower her head. “It’s all in Spanish,” she said quietly.

  “It’s okay, the English is underneath.” Anna didn’t seem bothered by the mistake. “Fancy sharing a mixed tapas to start? The banderillas look fantastic.”

  At the way Anna’s lips caressed the word, Ollie’s mouth watered so much she had to swallow. She didn’t even glance at the English translation, didn’t even care what it said. She nodded. Anna’s smirk suggested she knew what was going through Ollie’s mind.


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