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Taking His Mate

Page 6

by Delta James

  “So instead of their prisoner, I’ll be yours?” she asked calmly.

  “Guest, not prisoner. And no one is going to turn you.”

  “If I’m a guest, then I’d appreciate you dropping me at the nearest restaurant so I can call a cab or Uber and go back to the city.”

  Geoff smiled. “That’s not going to happen. First, our people need to get in there and take care of the body and restore your home. Second, there’s no way Jean-Michel’s going to let you get hurt. Halsey is a friend and asked him to keep an eye on you.”

  Peter chuckled. “So, like it or not you’re going to be our guest regardless of the repercussions that will have for Geoff and Jean-Michel.”

  “I wouldn’t count Megan out. That’s JD’s mate. We refer to them as the Holy Trinity,” laughed Geoff. “Truly, Ms. Stone, no one within our pack wishes you any harm.”

  “Well, guest or prisoner, Ms. Stone sounds awfully formal. Why don’t you call me Maddie?”

  “Maddie it is. And I know this might be a bit overwhelming…” started Geoff.

  “A bit? First, I find out last year that werewolves are real only not quite as depicted in some movies. Then, I find out that human females are desired targets. Next, I learn that one of the most powerful packs in existence calls my city its home. Then, I figure out there’s something not-quite-right brewing in this shifter world. Then, three foreign wolves try to kidnap me and get in a fight with some other wolves who kill one of the first group’s wolves. So instead of the bad guys kidnapping me, I get kidnapped by a couple of wolves who seem to be of a much kinder variety. But still, kidnapping is kidnapping. Oh and finally, I’m told I’m going to be a quote guest unquote at the home of this powerful pack. Overwhelming? Why ever would you think that?” Maddie’s cool demeanor was starting to crumble. She could hear the rising tension in her own voice.

  “It really will be okay, Maddie. The plantation is beautiful and safe. No one in our pack wishes you any ill,” said Geoff in a calm and soothing tone.

  “The place is gorgeous and there are lots of things to do. And Claudine, our cook, puts out the best food on the face of the planet. Think of it as a lovely all-expense-paid vacation at a resort,” added Peter encouragingly.

  “Kind of like a Louisiana version of ‘Hotel California’?” quipped Maddie.

  Both Peter and Geoff had the good grace to look somewhat chagrinned and remain silent for the rest of the ride to the plantation.

  Chapter Six

  When Maddie first saw Rivière Du Loup (Wolf River) plantation, she was dumbstruck for a moment by its beauty. Even in the moonlight, the house had a serene elegance and stately character. The main house had been standing since before the Battle of New Orleans. It was said that Jean Lafitte himself had won it in a card game and that the Gautier family had been improving and expanding on it since that time.

  The plantation had a long and storied history. Since it had come into the hands of the Gautier family, slaves had never been used or kept there. The home had served as a home base for pirates, smugglers, and the Underground Railroad. While there were those who might see it as an inglorious past, the family had always been proud of it.

  The SUV pulled up to the front of the house. Peter got out of the back seat with Maddie’s bag and helped Maddie out of the vehicle. Geoff followed the drive to the side of the house and out of sight.

  Maddie walked with Peter toward the grand double doors of the mansion that served as the home of the New Orleans pack.

  “What will happen to those two men?” asked Maddie.

  “Depends. For now, they’ll be questioned and held here at the plantation.”

  “Depends on what?”

  Maddie was looking toward where the SUV had disappeared. She felt a presence—a kind of disturbance in the air—even before she turned to see him or he spoke.

  “Far too many variables that you needn’t concern yourself with. Ms. Stone, I am Jean-Michel Gautier. Welcome to Rivière Du Loup.”

  He took her hand in his and kissed the back of her fingers. Maddie could feel the charm he exuded as well as the strength of character and iron will. This was an alpha male shifter who was the undisputed leader of his pack. What was of more interest to Maddie was the calm she felt resonating from Peter. While Jean-Michel was definitely the one in charge, it seemed his people were not frightened or intimidated by him.

  “I understand you had a rather frightful experience earlier this evening,” Jean-Michel continued.

  “It could have been a lot worse if not for your seeing that Geoff and Peter were watching over me.”

  Maddie could feel some of her apprehension and resentment at being brought to the plantation beginning to fade. Perhaps she was finally distant enough from the earlier events of the evening that she could see that had it not been for Jean-Michel’s intervention on her behalf that she could have easily been raped and killed or at least kidnapped to a far different place with a far less pleasant host.

  “I am only sorry that we couldn’t have prevented the unpleasantness all together. Please come into the house and let’s get you settled in a room where you can be comfortable.”

  Peter repressed a smile. Neither Darby as mistress of the pack nor Summer, Geoff’s mate, met them. Their beta’s mate, Megan, greeted them in the foyer with her mate, JD, at her side.

  “I’m Megan. Let me take you upstairs to your room.”

  Jean-Michel handed Maddie off to Megan. Another man took her bag and trotted up the steps ahead of them. JD remain at his alpha’s side and then they and Peter headed into a different part of the great house.

  As they walked off, she could hear Peter say, “I see neither Darby nor Summer are here to welcome us home.” There was definitely a hint of laughter in his voice.

  Jean-Michel chuckled. It was a rich and warm sound. “My beloved mate is at this moment considering her options in how she wants to behave while our guest is here.”

  They had moved out of earshot and so the rest of the conversation was lost on her.

  Megan led her into a lovely room with two sets of French doors that led out onto a balcony with a stunning view of the grounds and the Mississippi.

  “You should know, it isn’t that Darby or Summer don’t like humans or have an issue with you being here. It’s that you weren’t given much of a choice.”

  Maddie smiled. “No, I wasn’t. And I’m trying to figure out how I feel about that. On one hand, I recognize that Jean-Michel risked some of your people to ensure I wasn’t harmed. On the other hand…”

  “On the other hand,” said the beautiful blonde that strolled into the room, “that bastard who calls himself my mate just assumed you needed his protection and ensured you got it. It doesn’t help that Halsey specifically asked him to keep watch over you. Heaven forbid he should ask you how you felt about it. That dashing misbegotten descendant of a pirate just made his plans and expects you to go along never questioning him.”

  Megan laughed. “Ms. Stone, let me introduce my closest friend and mistress to our pack. This is Darby… who probably should get back to her room before her beloved mate finds she has disobeyed him.”

  “Jesus, Megan, when did you get to be such a goody-two-shoes?” said Darby, laughing.

  Like her mate she had a supremely confident air and an inordinate amount of charm. Maddie found herself liking her immediately.

  “Please, call me Maddie. And don’t get yourself into trouble on my account.”

  “My mate needs no one’s help to find herself in trouble, do you, ma choue? Her expertise in that area is second to none.”

  Maddie watched as Darby turned to the all-powerful alpha, wrapped her arms around him, and kissed him deeply. He returned the kiss and ran his hands down her back and flank in a possessive, but very loving manner.

  “That hurts, you know,” Darby said against his mouth and nipping his lower lip.

  “It’s supposed to. You are disobeying me… again. But as you seemed to have put aside your temper
tantrum, I may let it slide given the right incentive.”

  Darby giggled. “I was merely welcoming Maddie to our home and was about to ask her if she was hungry or if there was anything I could do to make her more comfortable. As for your incentive, I fear all I have to offer is my love and my body.”

  Jean-Michel quickly tossed his mate over his shoulder, saying, “Precisely what I had in mind.” He turned to Maddie. “Should you need anything just dial one on the phone, that will get you to a staff member. Please feel free to make yourself at home. Know that you are safe here and we will speak in the morning.”

  “Or the afternoon if I have my way about it,” laughed Darby, her eyes dancing as Gautier carried her out of the room.

  Maddie couldn’t help but grin as she said to Megan, “Are they always like that?”

  “No,” sighed Megan, shaking her head. “They’re usually far less subtle.”

  The two women looked at each other and began to laugh.

  “You really are welcome here. And you are safe. JD said there was an incident but Jean-Michel has sent people to take care of it.”

  “And does Jean-Michel always take care of everything?”

  Megan scanned Maddie’s face trying to see if there was a hidden barb behind the question. Deciding that it was irrelevant, she answered, “As a matter of fact he does. I don’t know you nor you me, but I do know those men who attacked you tonight would have brought you great harm. Had it not been for Jean-Michel’s watching over you, you wouldn’t be standing here safe and sound.”

  “I’m sorry. I meant no offense. And it has occurred to me that without his stepping in, I might not be breathing. I’m just kind of at a loss. I figured out there was something going on in the shifter society, but never did I imagine I would get caught up in it. Is it bad? Shouldn’t someone be talking to the human officials?”

  JD entered the room, wrapping his arm around his mate’s waist and hugging her to his side. “We try to keep shifter business and trouble out of the hands of humans. It never goes well for humans when we don’t. We mean you no harm and you are to consider yourself our guest. Jean-Michel will speak with you tomorrow. We’ll leave you and let you sleep. Please let us know if we can bring you anything.”

  Megan reached out and squeezed Maddie’s arm. “Everything will be all right, Maddie. See you in the morning.”

  Maddie watched as the couple closed the doors behind them. She opened her bag and put her things away. She walked out onto the balcony and inhaled deeply. The smell of crepe jasmine filled her nostrils.

  She saw a man down below making the rounds. He glanced up to the balcony and gave a brief wave. Maddie found herself returning it before going back inside. She turned down the bed, removed her clothes, and lay down on the soft sheets.

  * * *

  The following morning, Maddie got up, showered, dressed, and headed downstairs. A lovely dark-haired woman approached her.

  “Maddie? I’m Gretchen. Did you sleep well?”

  Maddie nodded.

  “Good. It must have seemed awfully quiet compared to the French Quarter. Come and join us for breakfast. It’s in here.”

  They walked into a large and sunny dining room. Maddie was impressed by the large table laden with foods of all kinds. The smells coming from the buffet were heavenly.

  “Oh, my God, that smells good. I didn’t think I was hungry, but now I’m ravenous.”

  Gretchen laughed. “Yes, Claudine’s food has a way of kick-starting your appetite. Everyone? This is Maddie. Maddie? This is everyone. I’ll introduce you individually to folks later.”

  “Just promise me there won’t be a quiz at the end of the day.”

  “I promise. Come on, let’s go eat with Peter and Lily.”

  “That’s his mate, right?”

  “Yes, and their darling baby, Michaela. Although she seems to have been confiscated. She’s just the most precious thing. Peter is absolutely head-over-heels for her.”

  Peter stood as Maddie and Gretchen approached.

  “Maddie, may I introduce you to my mate, Lily. Our daughter has been appropriated by Claudine, who dotes on her. Ah, here come Geoff and Summer. I wasn’t sure she’d be joining us this morning.”

  Geoff and Summer joined them. “Good morning, Maddie. Let me introduce you to my beautiful mate, Summer. Sweetheart, this is Maddie.”

  “You don’t say.” Summer turned toward Maddie. “I’m so glad he introduced us. We have so many women brought here without their consent it’s hard to keep you all straight.”

  Geoff growled low. “That’s enough, Summer. Do you want to behave or do you and I need to go back upstairs and have another little chat?”

  “Whatever for? Maddie doesn’t seem all that upset but still she should have been asked,” said Summer in a low voice that lost some of its edge.

  “You weren’t asked…”

  “My point precisely…”

  Geoff pulled her close and nuzzled her neck. “It worked out for you.”

  It seemed to Maddie that Summer giggled in spite of herself.

  “I know,” she said. “But you’re no longer available as the consolation prize.”

  Geoff nipped her earlobe and then gave his mate a brief kiss. “I mean it, Summer. Behave yourself. The rest of the Bae Diogel pack will be here by this weekend… Gods help us.”

  Maddie was intrigued. Her research into the shifter society here in America had led her to tales of the all-female pack.

  “Were you a part of that group? I find it fascinating that with as male-dominated a society as yours that such a pack exists,” said Maddie, completely unaware of the minefield into which she had just stepped.

  “Existed,” said Summer quietly. “It exists no more. The pack was disbanded by the Ruling Council and broken apart.”

  Geoff put his arm around his mate and held her close, kissing the side of her head softly. “But all of you are happy, aren’t you?”

  Summer said nothing for a minute, but then relented as she could see Geoff was becoming distressed. “Very,” she said, hugging him back. “But you didn’t know we would be when you ran the whole lot of us to ground.”

  Maddie noticed another change in her tone of voice. There was a bit more edge, but there was also love.

  “Of course we did,” said Geoff.

  “Pfft,” said Megan as she and JD joined them. “Good morning, Maddie. Don’t let them fool you. They knew nothing of the sort. Turns out they were all dynamite in the sack so we succumbed to their sexual prowess.”

  JD shook his head. “Enough out of you, little girl. You’re going to make Maddie think that the male-dominated structure of our way of life is not held in high regard.”

  “Oh, it’s held in high regard… by those of you with a cock nestled between your legs,” said Megan.

  “I didn’t hear any complaints when it was nestled up between yours last night… and this morning,” teased JD.

  Megan blushed. “Sometimes I forget you are often not fit to take out in mixed company.” She turned to Maddie. “Please forgive my Neanderthal mate here. He forgets not everyone is used to his decidedly high-handed way of dealing with things.”

  JD held a chair for his mate to sit. “Maddie, can I get you a plate? Maybe a sampling of Claudine’s scrumptious fare?”

  “Don’t go to any trouble for me,” Maddie said.

  “No trouble at all. I get Megan’s for her every morning, don’t I, sweetheart?”

  She smiled at him and then at Maddie. “Okay, great in the sack and he spoils me rotten.”

  The other couples at the table laughed and Maddie joined them. JD left them and went to the buffet table, filling two plates with all kinds of delectable items. Maddie noted that as he knew his own mate’s taste, hers was a more conservative plate in a number of items, but both were heaping with food when he returned.

  “It’s a good thing I won’t be staying long,” said Maddie, not noticing the look exchanged between the others at the table. “You
’d have to roll me back to New Orleans.”

  “It’s the shifter metabolism,” said Megan. “We can pretty much eat whatever we want.”

  “And as she said,” added Summer, “they’re amazing lovers with tremendous virility and like to indulge themselves as often as possible. Speaking of which, where is our illustrious leader and that blonde nymphomaniac he’s mated to?”

  Maddie laughed out loud with the other women as the men at the table choked on what they were eating. She found herself relaxing and enjoying their company.

  “Summer! That’s enough,” exclaimed Geoff.

  “Why?” asked Megan sweetly. “According to Darby herself last night we won’t be seeing them until this afternoon.”

  “When did she say that?” asked JD.

  “After Jean-Michel had tossed her over his shoulder and was taking her off to their bedroom to have his way with her… repeatedly.” She laughed again at the look of annoyance directed at her by JD. “Forgive us, Maddie. It’s way too much fun to get to embarrass them. See, they don’t really embarrass in front of each other, but with someone new… it’s something I just can’t pass up.”

  “No need to apologize. I’m taking mental notes for my next novel.”

  * * *

  That afternoon Maddie was sitting out on the lawn in one of the free-standing swings, watching the Mississippi roll lazily along.

  “I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of that view,” said Darby as she walked up. “Mind if I join you? And don’t feel obligated to say no.”

  “I don’t mind at all.”

  Darby walked over and tossed a pillow onto the swing next to Maddie and sat down. She laughed as she saw Maddie eye the pillow.

  “Let’s just say my needing a pillow to sit comfortably isn’t all that unusual around here and leave it at that.”


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