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Taking His Mate

Page 7

by Delta James

  Maddie laughed. “I don’t get it. I’ve talked with a lot of women today. And all of you seem happy and strong and crazy about the men in your lives. And yet, they beat you.”

  “Not beat, spank. There’s a difference. I know,” she said the last with emphasis. “The bastard I was with before Jean-Michel did beat me. I hated him and I did sleep better once he was dead. Jean-Michel never spanks me that I don’t know precisely why I’m getting spanked and usually has warned me not to do or that he will spank me.”

  “But it’s painful.”

  “Absolutely… thus the pillow.” Darby laughed again. “But as he once said to me, he never spanks me harder than he’s prepared to love me afterward. Once the fight is over, it’s over. There’s no residual bullshit. The annoying part is that even though it hurts, when the right man has you face down paddling your ass, it is incredibly arousing. I’m practically dripping when he gets done with me, which of course just feeds his enormous ego.”

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t pry or judge. I just know I would never be turned on by pain.”

  “It isn’t the pain that turns you on. At least not for me. For me and especially for a lot of strong women, it’s more about the show of dominance and knowing you are with a man who is tough enough to keep you in line and not afraid to use corporal and other punishments to do so. It’s knowing I don’t have to be strong all the time… having someone I can lean on when I need to. I’m probably not making any sense at all.”

  “Some. I write erotic novels but have just never understood the whole pain/spanking turn-on.”

  “Well, they aren’t the same. I’m not at all turned on by pain, but I am turned on by my mate who disciplines me when I’ve misbehaved.”

  Maddie shook her head. “Can I ask you something that is totally none of my business?”

  “You can ask me anything. I’ll never lie to you. I may not answer you, but I’ll tell you that. What’s got you curious?”

  “The mark on your neck. A few of the others have them, but they aren’t as pronounced.”

  Darby smiled. “That’s because they aren’t mated to an alpha. The scar is from a kind of ritual bite mark males, especially alphas and betas, are driven to inflict on their mates. It’s a clear warning that the woman isn’t available and that harming her or trying to fuck her could get you killed. Mine is more easily seen as I am mated to an alpha. Their mark is always deeper and always leaves a vivid scar.”

  Maddie watched as Darby touched the scar with a certain kind of reverence.

  “I was mated once before to a lowlife piece of shit alpha and I hated everything that mark stood for. Once I realized and admitted that Jean-Michel was my fated mate, I wanted him to eradicate the old mark and replace it with his. I am proud to bear his mark, and frankly proud to be his mate. He’s far too good for me. But don’t tell him I said that… I’ll be having to use a pillow for a week and won’t be able to walk. He doesn’t like it when I put myself down in any way.”

  Maddie was somewhat taken aback by how frank Darby was and then saw her eyes dancing with mirth.

  “You’re serious,” Maddie said.

  “Quite. And I’ll tell you confidentially,” she paused for dramatic effect and looked around as if to ensure no one could hear them, “there are worse things in life for a girl than having a mate who knows how to make her sore in the most delicious way.”

  She wiggled her eyebrows at Maddie, who then burst out laughing.

  Chapter Seven

  Griffin watched the ground approaching as the plane finalized its descent into New Orleans. Just before boarding the last leg of his flight, Ioan had texted that those who were gathering in New Orleans were expecting him and that Gautier would send a car and driver to take him to his home along the Mississippi. Grainger, Halsey, some of their men and some of the other alphas that would be most likely to enter a coalition were expected within two days’ time.

  Griffin had spent a great deal of time in the past few years reconciling the things he had done with being a man he could respect. He realized that part of the burden that an alpha carried was the things he had to do to make the wrongs in this world right. It could be as simple as expelling a destructive member of your pack to having to take the life of another being that threatened your way of life. He’d seen more than his fair share of death and destruction as a member of British Special Forces.

  When he’d finally left the service, he had joined his friend, Marco DeMedici, the alpha of the DeMedici pack, in Italy. Marco had been in the process of buying a small vineyard just outside of Florence and had asked Griffin to stay and help them get it integrated into his own wine-making business. Griffin was no fool. He knew Marco knew he needed a place to be alone, but among a loving and supportive pack so he could make peace with the things he had been forced to do.

  It had worked. The warmth of the Italian sun, the Italian people, and the DeMedici pack had provided a healing balm to soothe his soul.

  Griffin had been surprised when the grapes began to bear their annual fruit that he started to feel the calling to lead a pack of his own. Although it had not been the pack into which he’d been born. He knew that all it would take to assume the mantle of alpha of Calon Onest would be to ask his sister’s mate to step aside. But he was absolutely certain that Calon Onest had the alpha it needed. He smiled. He was just as sure that his pack was either out there or that he would create one… and it wouldn’t be in Great Britain. He’d often thought it might be somewhere in the Mediterranean, but as the plane made its way across the Atlantic to America, he began to suspect that his destiny lay in that country. For as expansive and populated as it might be, it still held the allure of being a place that a man, or a wolf, could find himself and his fate.

  Griffin disembarked and got through customs without a hitch. He spied a man holding a sign with his name on it. He smiled as he approached him.

  “Griffin Owen?” Griffin nodded. “I’m Geoff. I’m the omega for our pack. Jean-Michel asked me to meet you. Baggage Claim is this way.”

  “No need,” said Griffin. “I travel light,” he added, holding up his duffel bag in answer to the inquiring look.

  “Good enough. Welcome to New Orleans. Have you ever been here before?”

  “No, but I’ve always wanted to visit. I’m keen to try some of the local cuisine. I understand the beignets and muffaletta sandwiches are not to be missed.”

  Geoff smiled. “Oh, my friend, that is tourist food. And while here I do suggest you try them… but only when our cook Claudine makes them. She makes the best food in all of Louisiana. But if you’re hungry, we can stop and get something. The plantation is about ninety minutes from here. May be closer to two hours with traffic.”

  “Is there some place we can grab a muffaletta?”

  “Only one I’d recommend… the originator. Central Grocery. They’ve been making them for more than a hundred years. I have a friend who works there. Let me give him a call. He can put it on the plantation’s bill and bring it to us on the street so we don’t have to go in. I’d rather not stop and eat if you don’t mind so we can get ahead of the afternoon traffic headed out of town.”

  “Sounds like a plan. Thank you.”

  A very short time later, Griffin bit into his first muffaletta and sighed contentedly. “Oh, my God, that’s good.”

  Geoff grinned. “I’ve lived here my whole life. I forget that not everyone has had them. And yes, they are.”

  Geoff pointed out some of the local tourist attractions as they went through the city headed for the highway that would take them out to the plantation. It was obvious to Griffin that not only had Geoff spent his life here, he loved his city.

  “I can’t believe Gautier sent a ranked member to pick me up.”

  Geoff chuckled. “We aren’t as formal as you British. He also thought if you had questions that he, JD, our beta, or I were probably the best ones to answer. You’re from Calon Onest, right?”

  “Sort of. I was born into
the pack. My father was alpha, then my older brother. My sister is mated to the alpha. I’m attached but don’t live there.”

  “Odd that you aren’t alpha.”

  Griffin found it easy to talk to Geoff. “Too many years in special and covert ops. When my brother Micah was murdered, I wasn’t ready to take on leadership of a great pack. Hell, I could barely lead myself. My sister was mated to Ioan and he was the right man for the job… still is. So, while not technically a lone wolf, I don’t really feel as though I truly belong to a pack.”

  Geoff nodded. “So, then you know Skylar. She’ll be here. She has a new mate. Is that going to be an issue?”

  “No,” said Griffin honestly and then chuckled. “Have you seen her—actually been in her presence?”

  “No. But JD and Jean-Michel have and they have nothing but praise for her.”

  “Then you’ll see when you meet her. She’s stunning and mesmerizing. As a young man, I thought my brother was mated to the most beautiful and fascinating creature on the face of the earth. I’m afraid I was more than a little infatuated with her. But she was always Micah’s… even when she didn’t want to be.”

  Geoff chuckled.

  Griffin continued. “By the time I heard what happened to Micah, she’d already avenged his murder and left for America.”

  “Did you ever think about claiming her as your own?”

  Griffin shook his head. “No. By that time, I knew enough to know she wasn’t my fated mate and that having had one, she’d never settle for anything less. I hear she’s mated to Dylan Grainger. Good man from what I know of him.”

  Geoff nodded. “He is and they seem very happy together.”

  “I understand your alpha managed to snag three of the Bae Diogel girls for your pack.”

  Geoff laughed. “That he did. The Ruling Council and several alphas were none too happy about that. But one was his fated mate. That’s Darby. Kind of a blonde version of Skylar. Beautiful, smart, courageous, and deadly. Then there’s Megan. She’s mated to our beta, JD. She’s the angel of the trio. Gorgeous, sweet, and tends to keep any disagreements with JD private. As opposed to Darby and my Summer who don’t really give a rat’s ass who knows they’re pissed off about something.”

  “So, your Summer would be the last of them?”

  Geoff laughed again. “Yes, the last of what our pack lovingly refers to as the Holy Trinity. Summer is my glorious fated mate who was none too happy about getting dragged home to New Orleans. But we got that sorted out pretty quick. I wake up every morning grateful that she is mine.”

  “And how does she feel?”

  “Some days less so than others.”

  Both men laughed and talked about the circumstances that had led to the disbanding of the Bae Diogel pack and a bit about why Ioan had sent him. Griffin confirmed that the rumors coming out of Eastern Europe were true and, in some cases, worse than had been reported. Geoff shared Jean-Michel’s concerns and those of Dylan Grainger and Oliver Halsey.

  Geoff told Griffin about Maddie Stone, including how she’d come on their radar and what had prompted Jean-Michel to take her into his protection. He also let him know that they had the two remaining shifters that had attacked her in custody.

  “How’s Ms. Stone handling it? A human among a wolf pack?” asked Griffin.

  “Better than most. I think she’s rather interested in our kind and grateful enough to Halsey to keep our secret. Jean-Michel thinks though that she’s too rich a prize and has a target on her back. And if the Euro-trash wants to pick a fight, grabbing her from under Jean-Michel’s nose and after Halsey already saved her once would be a good way to do it.”

  Griffin nodded. “I don’t know that I disagree with his thinking. Halsey’s mated to one of the Bae Diogel girls as well, isn’t he?”

  “Yes, to their beta, Roz. Summer keeps teasing me that if I think she and Darby are a handful, I’m about to get an eye-opening experience when I meet Skylar and Roz. Their omega will also be here with her mate. In fact, as I think about it, all eight women who were the pack at Bae Diogel will be here this weekend.”

  “Think that will be an issue?”

  Geoff thought a minute and then shook his head. “Jean-Michel doesn’t think so. They all seem happily mated and settled into their new lives. He laughs about the fact that there may be an uptick in acting out and mischief but figures those who are mated to one of them will be expecting it and deal with them accordingly.”

  “Sounds like he doesn’t much mind dealing with his mate.”

  Geoff laughed. “That would be an understatement. They are both powerful personalities and when they clash it can get loud. But they love each other deeply. Sometimes it’s hard to remember that they haven’t been together for years.”

  “As I recall, Micah and Skylar had their share of go-rounds… as did Ioan with my sister.”

  “I tend to be a bit more laid back than my mate, but I like to think I’m a calm and steadying presence for her. Have you thought about finding a mate? I highly recommend it.”

  Griffin smiled. “Funny you should ask. A week ago, I would have told you definitely not. But ever since I left Wales, I’ve had this feeling that something was looming on the horizon. At first, I thought it was the trouble that was brewing, but then realized it wasn’t a feeling of dread or foreboding but rather hopeful—like I was headed to a fresh start and that good things awaited me here in America.”

  “Could be. After all, America is still considered to be a land of opportunity.”

  “From your lips to God’s ears. It’s funny, but I think I’ve known I was getting ready for a change for the past year or so. There’s no way of knowing what’s going to happen. I just know that for the first time in years, I’m feeling as though there’s more. Not sure what, but more.”

  They drove on and Griffin found he was fast becoming an admirer of the Mississippi River Delta. Its unique and lush beauty was something that spoke to him. He and Geoff talked about the differences in perspective between being British versus being American. While Great Britain had a longer history, America was so expansive. In comparison, the United States was forty times the size of the United Kingdom and boasted eleven states that by themselves were larger with Louisiana alone being half of its size.

  Geoff pulled into the driveway of the plantation and hit the automatic gate opener. He smiled as he heard Griffin inhale. Rivière Du Loup was impressive. The large, stately plantation house was a grand lady and the grounds and surrounding buildings had all been placed and kept with care.

  “It’s not a castle, but we call it home,” quipped Geoff.

  “Absolutely beautiful. I can see why you love it.”

  They pulled up outside the front door and Griffin and Geoff got out. One of the other pack members whistled to Geoff, who tossed him the keys to the car to drive around to the garage. As they entered the foyer, two men entered from what appeared to be a large room set up as a conference area. Griffin had no doubt that the man with the lighter hair was Jean-Michel Gautier. Alphas always had an air around them and were easily identified. But Gautier’s presence was even greater than Micah’s had been.

  The man smiled. “I am Jean-Michel Gautier. Welcome to Rivière Du Loup. You have met my omega, Geoff. This wolf beside me is my beta, JD. Thank you for agreeing to come on such short notice. The others should all be here tomorrow. We’ll have dinner and let everyone get settled and then the group will meet the next day. Halsey, Grainger, and I would like a chance to speak to you privately before then if you are agreeable.”

  Griffin watched as a change came over the alpha of New Orleans moments before two beautiful women—one a blonde and the other with dark mahogany bordering on black hair—entered the foyer from a pair of French doors leading outside. It was obvious from Geoff’s description the blonde was none other than Gautier’s mate, Darby. The dark-haired woman was taller than Darby, but she had the same kind of lush figure. Her face was lovely with a smooth, pale ivory complexion and eyes
the color of dark caramel. Her hourglass shape sat atop long, shapely legs. She had a casually elegant look with minimal makeup and her hair pulled back in a loose ponytail.

  What surprised Griffin most was the instantaneous pull he felt toward the dark-haired woman at Darby’s side. He was reminded of a conversation he’d had many years ago with his brother Micah. He had asked Micah when he had known that Skylar was his mate. Micah had chuckled and said from the moment he laid eyes on her. Micah had confided feeling thunderstruck by her beauty and the absolute certainty that she was his fated mate.

  Griffin now understood the meaning of thunderstruck—equal parts of protectiveness, territorialism, unbridled lust, and serenity. The four parts created a whole and combined to form the knowledge that he had finally found her. He grinned and thought to himself that he must write Marco and apologize for all the teasing he had done of his old friend at his behavior upon meeting his beloved Catherine.

  He wondered idly if his mate could feel it too. The fact that she was human and not shifter-born was of no consequence. After all, both Marco and Halsey had mated turned shifters. He had yet to meet Halsey, but he knew for a fact that Marco and Catherine were incredibly happy and both blessed the day they found each other. Griffin smiled at the memory of the night Marco met Catherine. She had indeed been wearing a red cloak with a hood, and Marco had very much been the big bad wolf. Marco had often remarked that like the old tale, he had gobbled his Catherine up.

  Little escaped the alpha of New Orleans’ notice. Jean-Michel looked from Griffin to Madeline Stone and smiled. Griffin k new that Jean-Michel could tell that the lone wolf of Calon Onest had found his fated mate. He smiled broadly and welcomed Darby into his embrace, leaning down to kiss her with a depth of feeling Griffin had not often seen.

  “And this, my new friend, is my beloved mate, Darby, and our guest, Madeline Stone. Ladies, this is Griffin Owen of the Calon Onest pack—Skylar’s old pack and our ally across the Atlantic.”


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