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Sex Stories

Page 123

by Mary Jaine

  When I stopped seeing stars, I saw Nim, her face turned to me as she lay on her tummy, her beautiful eyes dancing with amusement.

  "Hello Roly!" she whispered, her sweet lips curved in a pretty smile. Without thinking I stretched out my hand to caress her face and tweak her cute little nose, making her smile wider.

  "You knew all along, did you? Why didn't you say anything?" I asked, not really expecting an answer, just content to see her beautiful face lit up by her sweet smile.

  "If I had, what then?" she retorted, "If I'd called you on it, would you be here today?"

  I had to admit she had a point; if she had made something of it, it would have been the end of us, and I for certain wouldn't be here now, naked, with her like this. Nim grinned at me, obviously reading my mind at this point, and reached out to lightly swirl her finger through the hairs on my chest.

  "Take me back to bed, Ro. I'm tired now, and I want to sleep next to you again."

  When she asked so nicely, how could I refuse?

  Part 10: Naomi

  A soft, gently insistent chiming finally drew me awake from dreams of Rowan and his soft hands and insistent lips, to find that part of my dream, at least, wasn't just a dream; his big, warm hands were wrapped snugly around me, cradling me naked in his arms, his body warm and comforting against me as we spooned. As I stirred, I felt him coming awake, his lips brushing my hair gently as he kissed me awake.

  "Morning Nim-Nim..." he yawned, before licking my earlobe and making me squirm delightedly, now completely awake; "Are you ready to meet everyone again, baby? 'cause if you're not..."

  I wriggled further into him, enjoying the feel of his warmth against my nakedness.

  "We're guests Roly, we have to show our faces sometime..." I murmured, and giggled when he lightly brushed my labia with his fingertip. He patted my tummy and I could feel him grinning even though my back was to him.

  "OK, if you're sure, let's do this. Didn't that girl say we should dress for the beach? I wonder what she meant...?" he mused, faking a groan when I nudged him.

  "'That Girl' indeed! You know damned well what her name was! Your eyes and tongue were hanging out of your face at the way that half-naked, redheaded floozy was eye-fucking you, Rowan Redman, and don't you try and deny it!"

  His lips brushed my ear, and for a fleeting second I thought he was going to apologise for ogling the delectable Robyn, then suddenly a moment of prescience kicked-in, but not fast enough to avoid the wet tongue-tip he shoved in my ear as his fingers dug into my sides. I shrieked and tried to wriggle away from his tickling hands, but he seemed to have several more than me, and I was too breathless with laughter to put up much resistance.

  "S-s-stop it, stop it Roly, no, no please...!" I begged, while his tickling, pinching fingers were everywhere.

  "Apologise!" he demanded, "Go on, say sorry and I'll stop!"

  "So-so-so-sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry you were ogling Robyn's tits!" I choked out, and collapsed in helpless laughter as he launched another assault, until finally I rolled on top of him and grabbed his balls, giving them a warning squeeze.

  "Tickle me anymore and you'll be riding side-saddle the rest of your life!" I threatened, while trying not to let the fact that, just woken as he was, with his hair sticking up in all directions, he was still just about the sweetest, most beautiful man, ever, distract me from carrying out my threat.

  His hands slid from around my waist to cup and squeeze my bottom, making me gasp pleasurably when he kneaded my cheeks and pulled them apart.

  "Did I ever tell you, Nim, you've got the world's best bottom?" he murmured, pulling me close to him as he dotted my face with quick little kisses. That made me smile happily, so I forgave him for tickling me so unmercifully and slid regretfully off him, not without tweaking his balls, though; after all, I was due a little revenge...

  "Come on, Ro, we have less than thirty minutes, the chimes have already gone; let me shower first so I can dry my hair while you're in there, then let's go and see why we have to dress for the beach!"


  When Roly came out of the shower and saw how I was dressed, he grinned and wolf whistled, which was what I was hoping for; I was wearing a dazzlingly white, brief little tennis dress, slightly too-small white panties, and white deck shoes, and I'd laid out a new white tennis shirt, shoes, and matching shorts for him, the new clothes I'd bought him to replace those horrible grungy things he normally slummed around in.

  He kind of grinned at me, and I gave him the 'so what?' eyebrow, daring him to say something; I wanted us to make a good impression after the way everyone had last seen us, and if we matched then so much the better.

  I have to say, though; freshly washed and shaved, in crisp Slazenger tennis whites and classic Dunlop tennis shoes, his hair once more tamed and slicked back from his face, he looked like a top seed about to walk onto Centre-Court at Wimbledon: fit, athletic, and very handsome.

  I beamed at him, grateful he'd gone along with my wardrobe choice for him, plus, with the way those tight little shorts clung to and highlighted his long, powerful legs and lovely, muscular glutes, I knew the other girls would be looking at him and giving me the envious eye, which was one way to make an entrance, I suppose!

  He gave me his arm, and we followed my bracelet to a different set of doors from earlier; when he pushed them open, we were suddenly in what looked and felt like a sunlit outdoor precinct, with more bistro tables and chairs, complete with parasols, scattered around like a pavement café, many of them occupied by young couples chattering and laughing. Along one wall was a long table piled high with breakfast foods hot and cold, smelling absolutely delicious, and a coffee bar complete with baristas and hissing Espresso machines.

  A few of the couples recognised us, but their looks were approving rather than accusatory; they looked happy Roly and I had worked it out, and seemed glad to see us, which quickly smoothed away any lingering awkwardness; we even managed to swap a few pleasantries with the couples seated nearest us.

  The room itself was huge, very high-ceilinged, with lamps that gave out a very convincing illusion of sunlight. Seated at a café table, with cool, random air-currents from hidden blowers ruffling my hair in the warm sun, it seemed more like a bright summer morning in a weekend spa resort than a huge country house somewhere in England.

  I was just finishing a delicious, ice-cold mango, mandarin, and apple fruit salad, and Roly was working his way through Eggs Benedict, when a light touch on my shoulder made me look up, to see Evan smiling at me.

  "Hello Naomi, it's good to see you!" he smiled, and grinned when I scrabbled for a napkin to wipe the mango juice off my chin.

  "Here, let me get that!" he grinned, dabbing my chin carefully with a napkin. Roly put down his silverware, and Evan immediately waved him to continue.

  "No, no, please, don't let me interrupt your breakfast," he laughed, "I'll be around again later; in the meantime, relax, eat, take your time; the girls are around somewhere. I think Robyn wants to have a quick word with both of you and show you some more of what my home has to offer. Enjoy your breakfast."

  With that, he moved on to the next table, to once again exchange a few words with the couple seated there, being the proper host and seeing to his guests.

  Rowan and I were lounging back and enjoying a really excellent Americano coffee with an extra shot, ideal for that early-start zing, when Robyn appeared at his shoulder, making him jump when she whispered "Boo!" in his ear. I giggled, he looked so startled, and Robyn laughed too, a pretty, musical tinkle, while poor Rowan went red at being the butt of her little prank.

  "Dear Rowan, you really are too delicious, and so nicely put-together, too; Nimmie is such a lucky girl, and so quiet today, you must have really tired her out..." she sighed theatrically, then giggled again and sat down between us, squeezing his thigh gently while grinning at me as she winked. I could barely keep a straight face as poor Rowan flushed again, obviously uncomfortable with Robyn's gentle, innuendo-
laden teasing.

  "I'm so glad you joined us, Nimmie, we all missed both of you last night. Never mind, all's well now, I hope, and we have something nice planned for tonight, so today is for relaxing, and having a little quiet fun. We have a very nice pool, or perhaps you might like somewhere a little less public...?"

  She looked thoughtfully at Rowan, and smiled happily.

  "In fact, I think I know exactly what you should do; we have a place here, it's sort of our fantasy getaway, and I think you'll like it, especially you, Rowan. Come with me."

  She bounced up and took our hands, leading us through a set of doors behind the coffee bar and into an elevator. She punched the lowest button, so we were going all the way to the bottom, wherever that was. When the doors opened, she led us down a long, echoing corridor to another set of double doors.

  When she pushed them open, I gasped, and even Rowan looked astonished; the room beyond, if it was a room, was enormous, a sloping lawn leading down to what looked for all the world like a forest, gnarled and ancient-looking trees with shafts of sunlight spearing down and lighting-up small glades, and everywhere, the sound of bird-song, running, trickling, and dripping water, and over the top of it all, the huge, sibilant soughing of the trees rustling in the breeze.

  "Evan calls it 'Mirkwood'," said Robyn with a smile. "I think he's read more fantasy stories than are good for him. We haven't got any unicorns, elves, dragons, or manticores running around in here, I'm afraid, but there are some special places ready for you to find. Maybe you'll find some magic of your own there. You're welcome to play, explore, do whatever takes your fancy. You'll find lots of things to see and do, I promise."

  She slid open a panel in the wall behind us and pulled out a classic 'Red Riding Hood' picnic basket, which she handed to me.

  "Some snacks and drinks for later, but for now, why don't you and Roly explore for a while, relax, maybe get naked, and for goodness' sake, have some fun, kids; this is a magic forest, after all! When you're done, come and join us at the pool, top button in the elevator and just follow your bracelet. There's an Hawaiian barbecue later, lots of roasted pork and pineapple. It would be nice if you were there, but don't rush, please; this space here is yours today. Stay as long as you want, and come and see us when you feel like some company. See you later!"

  She kissed her fingertip and tapped both Roly and me on the lip with it, grinned cheekily, walked back through the double doors, and then we were alone on that lush lawn with that incredible forest just a short way away.

  Rowan was absolutely entranced; he looked transported, and when I moved closer to him, he slipped his arm around my shoulders to pull me closer, hugging me as he gazed into the distance.

  "Wow, Nim, look at this, it's...fucking incredible...!" he murmured, and when I looked up at him, his expression was that of someone truly transported. To this day, whenever I see him at his desk, gazing at nothing, with that slight, distracted smile on his face, I know he's seeing that wonderful forest again, and I think he always will.

  "Let's explore a little; it looks" He trailed off, lost for words, so he took my hand and led me along one of the little paths leading through the tree canopy. I knew it was all an artifice, that we were in some kind of huge conservatory, like the ones at the Eden Project, or maybe Kew Gardens, that it had been probably only been built a little while ago, and painstakingly modelled to look like an ancient forest, but whoever had done it was a certified genius, because the illusion was perfect; it looked and felt like how I had always imagined the ancient, primal forests of England had been a thousand years ago, pristine, absolutely untouched, some of the trees hoary with age but still strong and in full leaf.

  This story was written by beachbum1958 and published on Literotica; if you are reading this anywhere other than Literotica, it has been stolen.

  As we walked through the dappled shade, I couldn't help but feel the peace and wonder of the place. Rowan was already there; I think he was in love, his eyes far away as he listened to the huge, soft sighing of the leaves in the breeze, like the sound of surf on a desert island beach, endless waves of surging, sighing, rustling leaves.

  The birds, too, called and twittered endlessly, background counterpoint to the huge, softly sibilant roar of the trees, but not just the birds one would see in an English garden, lovely as they are; there were bright, jewelled things that flashed overhead, exotic birds from far away foreign lands flitting and calling in the trees, or displaying and posturing on the branches, and rare, spectacular birds of paradise.

  Rowan watched and listened in awe, his face young and wondering once again, the little boy inside the grown man showing though as we followed the forest path into a clearing that made me gasp with wonder.

  Spread before us was a wide pool surrounded by huge, flat, mossy rocks, with a waterfall spraying down over one large slab in a solid sheet, the perfect curtain for the large grotto we could just about make out behind the waterfall. I looked up and saw a roof, but no sun-lamps, like there were in the breakfast café we'd just come from; instead, high overhead, well beyond the height of the tallest trees, a vast tracery of frames and glazing formed the roof of this amazing place, held up by spidery beams and cables, with brilliant natural sunlight shining through.

  Rowan grinned at me as his hand slid down to gently squeeze my bottom.

  "Want to take a look?" he asked, and when I nodded he took my hand and led me along the path running along one side of the pool, into the large, natural-looking grotto we had glimpsed behind the waterfall. It was a roomy cave, with a high ceiling and rough-hewn walls, and a large stone shelf or platform against the rear wall, piled high with soft furnishings and cushions, pillows, and bolsters, and soft, luxurious rugs piled two and three deep on the stone floor, making the going soft and comfortable for bare feet. A pile of towels and robes was folded in a corner, and a locker set in the wall turned out to be a fridge stocked with soft drinks and sparkling water.

  "Yabba-dabba Doo!" murmured Rowan, and before I knew it I was in his arms, his lips against mine as we reclined on that convenient shelf of rock. As we kissed I fumbled with the waistband of his shorts; that cavern, with the waterfall screening us, and the sound of the water splashing into the pool, was the most romantic thing, and right now I was feeling very romantic and easily charmed; luckily, Rowan was there to fulfil my fantasy for me, and so we kissed and slowly removed each other's clothes, to finally be naked in that beautiful setting.

  "I've never had sex with a girl in a cave before!" he grinned, biting my nipples gently, making me gasp and giggle even as bolts of pleasure zinged up and down my spine and buzzed in my pussy.

  "Are you going to fuck me in a cave, Rowan? " I smiled back, teasing him even as I squeezed his rapidly inflating cock. "Are you going to be my own caveman and ravish me in your man-cavern of sin and nastiness?"

  Rowan nipped me once more, sending another little bolt of pleasure zipping through me, and smiled that lovely, open innocent smile of his.

  "Me Tarzan, you Jane; Jane in Tarzan cave, now Jane belong Tarzan!" he growled, before launching a surprise and unfair tickling attack on me. My brother has known all my ticklish spots for years, and try as I might, no matter how much I squealed and squirmed, he tickled me mercilessly, rolling around with my until somehow I ended up on top of him, with his cock fat and hard and pressed in my tummy as it lay sandwiched between us.

  "Now look what you've done, Nim-Nim!" he murmured, looking sternly at me. "Now you have to pay the price..."

  I grinned triumphantly at him; I knew exactly what I was going to do to pay him back. I slid a little further up his chest, daring him to bite my nipples again, because they needed some attention now, and as he lifted his head to suck on my suddenly available nipple, quick as lightning I ducked away and stuck my tongue in his ear, the one thing in the word that makes his blood run cold. I actually saw the gooseflesh pop-up along his arms as he hooted, and that's when I wrapped my legs around him and slid my pussy onto his c
ock, burying him inside me in one swift move.

  Poor Rowan's eyes nearly bugged-out as he slipped into me and I squeezed him, but his expression quickly changed as he pulled back, took hold of my cheeks, and rammed himself into me again, making me cry out with the sheer pleasure of his invasion. Something about the location must have gotten to him, because his cock was like iron, and as it pounded and bludgeoned its way inside me, it felt savage, primitive, as rough and raw as our surroundings seemed to be.

  I was climaxing almost continually with the relentless rogering he was giving me, orgasm after orgasm chasing and spinning inside me until I thought I was going to explode from sheer delight.

  Alas, even a powerhouse like Rowan couldn't keep up that pace, and when I felt him shortening his stroke, I knew the end was coming, but what an ending! My head was full of what we were doing, what I was doing, and who I was doing it with, with the feel of his hot, sweat-slick body plastered to mine as he rammed himself into me.

  The sound of his breathing, magnified by the walls of the cave, morphed into a growling roar as he came like lightning, like lava and spring torrents inside me, filling me with himself once again. I came in a great rushing roar as I felt him lurch and thicken inside me; the feel of his hot spunk pouring into me from his iron-hard cock made me scream wildly as a burst of pleasure so intense I had no other way to express it detonated inside me, blinding me with the sheer, white-hot intensity of it.


  I came down gradually, slowly feeling the pressure of the cushioned shelf of rock on my back, of his body pressed to mine, both of us shining with sweat, our breathing magnified by the solid rock walls and ceiling, sounding hoarse and laboured in the closeness of that carved rock chamber.

  We floated for long minutes, once again taking in what we'd done, but now there was no lingering trace of guilt when I looked at Rowan, my Roly-Poly, and when I looked in his eyes, all I saw was frank appreciation for me, no hint of guilt or reproach. When I think back on all our days since that fateful day, I see now that that day, and that place, that was where and when we finally became who we are today, Rowan and Naomi, together forever.


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