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Sex Stories

Page 124

by Mary Jaine

  Finally, after who knows how long spent in rapt study of each other, Rowan patted me on the bottom.

  "I don't know about you, Nimmie, but I need something to eat; first though, I need a shower, and so do you. Did you spot one anywhere?"

  I looked at him like he was simple, and pointed behind me.

  "Ro, there's a whole pool and a waterfall full of nice clean water just there! Last one in is an idiot!"

  I stepped through the waterfall, gasping as the cool water hit my heated body, then dived into the pool, hearing the plunge as Rowan dived in right behind me. The water was indeed fresh, and as near as I could tell just a few degrees cooler than body temperature, making it deliciously refreshing, like a tropical sea, rather than a swimming pool. I'd been to Greece one especially hot summer with Jane and her family, to Mikonos, and the waters of the Aegean had felt just like this.

  Rowan surfaced right in front of me, tossing his head to flick his hair back out of his eyes, and as he trod water, a stray shaft of sunlight caught him, making his tanned skin glow, catching his hazel eyes and making them shine like agates, and the droplets of water beading his shoulders sparkle like diamonds; he looked like a water god of the ancients, perfectly formed, young, virile, and just beautiful.

  "What, what are you staring at?" he smiled, so I leaped on him and pushed him under rather than tell him how he'd mesmerised me. In the water, we both weighed the same, plus I had the element of surprise, so I pushed him under easily, then streaked away across the pool, with him chugging along like a steamboat after me; what he lacked in finesse, he made up for in effort and determination, and I was just reaching for the mossy bank to get away when he slid me back in by my ankles and dunked me in revenge.

  When I rose to the surface he was nowhere to be seen. I looked around in a sudden panic, and suddenly his big hands cupped my breasts, tweaking my nipples gently even as his lips grazed my neck and shoulder. I felt the thrill of him all through my body, and I knew that if he kept this up I'd have to drag him into the shallows and ravage him mightily, but I held off; the poor boy was probably starving after all that exertion in the cave, no sense in torturing him, I had plenty of time to do that...

  Rowan towed me back to the shallow, and watched from the water as I climbed up the mossy bank, loving the cool softness under the surface of the sun-warmed moss as I walked on it. A large flat rock was bathed in a beam of warm sunlight, and I knelt on it, wringing out my hair.

  I suddenly realised Rowan was still in the water, watching me as I curled my feet under me comfortably, enjoying the feel of the warm stone and the heat of the sun as I spread my hair out to dry.

  "What are you staring at?" I smiled, and he smiled back, his face lighting up as he did so.

  "You look like the little mermaid in Copenhagen, Nim, only much more beautiful."

  I grinned back at him, absurdly pleased at the comparison.

  "Flattery will get you everywhere, you lucky man, but I've gone one better than the little mermaid; my feet don't have to feel like I'm walking on knives for me to have you!"

  "Lucky you!" he smiled, and heaved himself out of the water and onto the rock in one powerful surge, his wet body gleaming in the bright sunlight bathing the rock.

  "Now feed Tarzan, Tarzan hungry, Jane give food, ook ook!"

  The picnic basket was stuffed with tasty goodies for the perfect picnic; delicious little pork pies, smoked sausage, sweet Wiltshire ham, a beautiful crumbly Cheshire cheese, soft rolls and butter, bowls of fruit and a container of double cream. A cold-pack inside held two tangy, fizzy fruit drinks. As we ate, I could feel Rowan's eyes on me, scanning me up and down, until I had to ask him why.

  "Are you serious, Nim?" he grinned, "You're naked and wet; you look like the Lorelei, and I know for dead-sure I'd run my ship on the rocks to get to you!"

  I had to smile at such a sweet compliment.

  "You're just saying that 'cause I'm naked and you just did the big naughty with me!" I giggled, then gasped happily as he slid closer and squeezed my bottom as he kissed my nipple.

  "But of course, sweet sister fair, whose very name doth mean "My sweet", O precious maid who doth haunt my dreams and torture my ev'ry woken moment; fain wouldst I do ought to mislead thee, nor tell thee an untruth!" he murmured between stabbing, licking, nipping kisses of my by now erect nipples, flustering me and making me want him in the worst way, so I pinched his nipple, and when he jerked upright, I pushed him back into the pool, punishing him for turning me on so easily.

  "Oi, what was that for!!?" he spluttered when he surfaced, so I jumped in and pushed him under again. When I surfaced, he was right behind me, one hand on my bottom, holding me so I was sitting in the water, and his other hand cupping my pussy. He grinned at me, and pulled me closer so he could nibble on my neck, the sensation making me gasp and my nipples go 'twinggg!' all over again.

  With a naughty grin, he slid his finger into my bottom and wriggled it around, making goosebumps explode all over my body, while with his other hand he slid a teasing finger into my pussy. Now I was being held in place only by his fingers exploring me as he frigged my holes, drawing me close to orgasm then backing away, again and again, teasing and torturing me, paying me back for dunking him.

  At last I couldn't stand it any longer, tearing myself away from him and his magic fingers, to wrap my arms tightly around his neck and push myself onto him, gasping in pleasure as he filled me with his thick cock once again.

  It was a like a chapter out of an erotic novel; the most beautiful boy in the world relentlessly pumping himself into me as we floated in a lake in our own private forest. I could tell he was feeling the romance of it as well as the sexually charged atmosphere; we both knew that, given the choice, this was how we'd spend the rest of our lives, in a warm haze of water, sun and dappled shade, lost in our very own perfect moment.

  As I realised that, the climax he'd been building inside me with his gentle, considerate fucking of me finally broke inside me, but different this time; now it was like a warm, delicious breeze blowing through me, caressing me and filling me with warm golden light, rather than a hurricane thunderclap.

  My arms tightened in a death-grip around my gorgeous big brother's taut, muscular neck even as my pussy clamped tight around him. Rowan gave a muted groan of release, echoing my own deep groan, as he came inside me once again, his sinewy cock pulsing and twitching as he fired burst after burst of sperm deep inside me. His cock convulsed and throbbed with a life of its own as he emptied himself into me yet again, joining himself to me one more time.

  Rowan carried me out of the pool like I was a feather, cradling me against him as he waded to shore and up the sloping, soft and mossy bank that served as a beach. Once more we reclined on our warm flat stone, my hair spread out to dry in the sun, and we finished our picnic with me sitting on his lap while he fed me morsels and I gave him kisses in return.

  When we were done eating, and had repacked the picnic basket with the debris of our meal, Rowan stretched out lazily in the warm sunlight, his muscles flexing and writhing as he stretched and yawned happily. I smiled at him so uninhibited, and so perfect, my ideal man. He glanced at me and held his arms out, and when I moved closer, he wrapped his arms around me and rolled so I was now lying on top of him..

  "Hello, pretty girl!" he murmured in my ear, gently poking his tongue in my ear and making me giggle.

  "Hello big horny man!" I responded, wriggling on top of him, and oh yes, feeling things stirring down below.

  "I could stay like this with you forever, Nim," he murmured, slipping his hands down my back to cup and squeeze my bottom. "I wish this is where we lived, right here, far away from uni, from Surrey, from jobs and careers, and everything the world says we should be doing. This is what life should be like. Omar Khayyam was right, you know:

  'a loaf of bread,

  a jug of wine,

  and thou beside me,

  singing in the wilderness'

  "That's all I'll ever
need from you, Nim; you and I, we're all we'll ever need. All we need to do is find us a place like this for our own, somewhere we can truly be just us."

  I'd never realised Rowan had even heard of Omar Khayyam, let alone be able to quote from his 'Rubaiyat', and my eyes welled-up at how apt and romantic his quotation was; a man doesn't say that kind of thing to a girl for no reason. It's what a man says to the woman he loves, and I loved him even more for that. With that came the understanding of what we were saying and doing, and the full realisation of why it could never be, and that's when the impending loss hit me, and the tears started.

  Part 11: Rowan

  Naomi was crying, my precious girl was hurting, and all I could do was hold her until the storm had passed and she could tell me what had happened, what had brought this on, although I sort of had an inkling. So I held her against me and rocked her the way I had when she was a little girl, and crooned in her ear, and stroked her beautiful hair.

  While I rocked her, I reflected that even with her face creased-up in tears, and her eyes red and puffy, and her nose in need of a good blow, she was still just about the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. I still couldn't believe that someone as downright fucking gorgeous as my sister could ever want me, when there was a whole world of eligible men out there ready to fall at her feet.

  I dug a couple of paper napkins out of the picnic basket and dabbed her eyes dry, and let her blow her nose, and when she was a little more composed, I kissed her lightly and pinched her bottom, making her grin.

  "Do you want to tell me about it, Nim-Nim?" I prompted, and she nodded, then suddenly kissed me, hard, her hands clamped around my head as she probed my mouth with her tongue, her kiss feeling almost desperate in its intensity.

  "Wow, what was that for, Nim?" I asked when I got my breath back.

  Nimmy moved to kneel astride me, her hands on my shoulders, so she could look into my eyes. I could still see she was troubled; that glint of fun and wickedness in her eyes was gone, and her expression was sombre.

  "I'm saving up all the memories I can of how it feels to kiss you, baby, because I know that's all I'll ever have of you. This is all just a fantasy, isn't it Ro? Forty-eight hours from now we'll be back home and it will be like this all never happened, and where does that leave us?"

  I cast around for a way to tell her that it didn't have to end, that we'd find a way, but she looked away.

  "See, even you know I'm right. We did all this, we made all those promises, and we can't keep any of them, and we can never be anything, can we Ro? How in God's name can I ever go back to being just 'little sister Naomi' after what we had here? I'd rather die than give you up, but I can't have you Ro, I can never have you, so all I can do is collect kisses and save them up so I have something of you when this dream is over and I have to give you up, because everyone says it's wrong, because the whole fucking world says it's wrong!"

  She was crying even harder than before, her body shaking with the force of her sobs, so I held her close and rubbed her back, keeping her in close contact with me until her fit of the blues had passed. I guess my soothing helped, because after a while I realised she'd cried herself to sleep. I couldn't stay in the position we were in. I could already feel my legs going to sleep, so I slowly reclined, and eased her on top of me, rather than let her sleep on that mossy rock.

  While we lay like that I pondered what she'd said; there was a lot of truth in what she'd said, I couldn't deny it, but I knew we'd somehow find a way; there was no way on this God's earth I was giving her up, not now, not after what we'd been to each other. By hook or by crook, we were going to have a life together: that was my silent promise to my Nimmie, and to myself.


  Nimmie stirring popped me awake from the pleasant doze I'd slipped into, my hands full of her delicious bottom cheeks, and her clean, subtle, girl-scent filling my nostrils.

  "Hello, Rowleee...' she drawled languorously, and even though I couldn't see her face, I could hear the smile in her voice, so I patted her bottom as I kissed the top of her head.

  "You're the world's best pillow, did you know that, Roly-poly?" she yawned, while wriggling slowly and sensuously on top of me, stretching luxuriously even as she did so.

  I didn't reply, being far too busy with running my hands over the wealth of plush, satiny warmth her buttocks offered me, content instead to squeeze and knead those firm, juicy little treats as they flexed and quivered in my hands.

  "Ro...?" she murmured, and I smiled at the wheedling tone in her voice.

  "Yes, Angel-May, how can I help you?" I murmured back, still preoccupied with squeezing and enjoying her springy little bottom.

  "Are we done here now? What I mean is..." but I cut her short.

  "What you mean, little Nimmie, is that someone's been dreaming of Hawaiian Barbecue, yes?" I grinned, and she popped her head up to grin impishly at me.

  "Oh yes, please, I'm starving! Some roast pork and pineapple right now sounds wonderful, please, can we go and get some?"

  I was feeling pretty good right then, with a blonde hottie lying on me with her delectable bum firmly clenched in my hands, but I could also see the pleading in her eyes, so I let go, reluctantly, and led her back to the grotto behind the waterfall so we could retrieve our clothes, get dressed, and tidy-up a little.

  Nimmie looked enticing as hell in her little tennis-girl get-up, and I was tempted to grab her, strip her, sling her on the bed, and fuck hell out of her all over again, but she was hearing a different call right then, so I reluctantly grabbed our picnic basket and took her hand as she led me back to the entrance to that amazing place.

  When we stepped out of the elevator, a girl appeared from nowhere, relieved me of the picnic basket, and told us lunch would be served in the pool in a few minutes, and to follow Nimmie's bracelet.

  When we walked through the double doors to the pool area, I was dumbfounded once again; was there no end to the wonders this place had to offer? The pool was absolutely huge, easily the same size as some of the water parks I'd been to when I was younger. It was laid out like a tropical beach, curved and sandy, with the walls of the huge space cleverly obscured with thick vegetation and small palm trees, while Frangipani bushes and sprays of Hibiscus, Bougainvillea, and other bright, tropical flowers added their scent to the air, and a wave machine kept a light surf lapping the shoreline.

  The pool was an infinity pool, the far end lost in a blue haze, and the 'beach' was laid out with rows of loungers, with a row of cabanas with palm-frond roofs and woven matting walls lined up along one wall; even over the sound of the surf and the couples chattering and laughing on the loungers we could hear the moans and entreaties from the huts as female voices begged someone to ' do it harder, harder, yess, oh God, yes, like that yes, yes...'

  Nimmie caught my eye, and I saw the devilish glint in her eyes; something told me I was going to allow her to decoy me into one of those huts before too much time had passed...

  But now here came lunch; a massive wheeled barbecue, with a whole pig roasted brown and glistening, followed by other smaller barbecues pushed by girls in bikini tops and hip-hugging sarongs, grilling bread, fruits, whole ears of corn, and what looked like real breadfruit, filling the air with delicious smells.

  Nimmie led me over to an unoccupied lounger, and a girl brought us a tray piled with slabs of crispy barbecued pork, bowls of salad and condiments, and steaming hot slices of roasted pineapple, grilled breadfruit and other exotic roasted vegetables, steaming, buttery corn on the cob, and hot, seared, crispy bread.

  Nimmie's eyes lit up as she eyed all the delicacies, followed by an expression of pure happiness on her face as she dug into it with a will.

  I watched her as she took the edge off her appetite, finally clearing her plate and picking off mine, playing as she held the best pieces of meat or fruit between her lips and taunted me, because the only way I was going to get them was to kiss her at the same time. Of course I played along; I'm neither blind, gay, nor dead
, and any chance of a kiss from a beautiful girl like her was more than welcome, believe me.

  Finally, I'd cleared my plate and lay back with a sigh, more satisfied than I'd ever been. Nimmie cuddled herself up against me, and dabbed my face and chin where I'd missed spots of sauce.

  "Glad you came, Roly-poly?" she murmured, stroking my chest, and yes, I was, and I told her so. Nim smiled happily and poked me in the chin.

  "Don't get too comfortable...stud; there's something I want to do, and you better be on the same page, because you're going to do it, got me?"

  Assertive Nimmie was a new one on me, so I had no choice but to pinch her lovely little bottom and watch her jump and do that sexy grin-thing where she catches the corner of her lip between her teeth; every time I'd ever seen her do that in the past, I'd have to go away and have some serious me-time to get over it...

  Nim leaned up and nibbled my earlobe, and whispered, "Ten minutes, Ro, then you're taking me over to one of those nice little huts over there, or I'm dragging you, shouting 'Fuck me, you bastard, I need it now!' at the top of my voice. Have you got that?"

  As I had every intention of doing just that, I grinned at her threat and pinched her bottom again, making her squeal and huddle even closer to me, no bad thing in anybody's book!

  "Naomi Redmond, you are a nasty, rude, foul-mouthed little girl. No wonder no-one will play with you! Mother was right; an hour standing in the corner with a bar of soap in your mouth is what you need!" I told her with a straight face, while keeping one hand firmly clasped around her as she undulated against me, warming me up for what was to come.

  "You like me when I'm good, but you fuck me so nicely when I'm bad!" she husked in my ear. "I like being bad with you, Roly, you have such a nice big cock; shall I rip my panties off so you can shove that thick stiffie of yours up my bum right now and give me a good spunking?"


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