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The Mage’s Revenge (Crescent Moon Academy Book 2)

Page 24

by CY Jones

  Standing on the side, I watch as she gets on her knees on the very edge of the bed, right in front of me. Now, in this position, she has more room to play with my balls and suck me off at the same time. Like a well trained pet, she does just that, taking me deep in her mouth. Her rhythm isn’t leisurely, but I still rock my hips and guide her with my hand even faster, chasing my release. Her mouth feels so good. I want this to last forever, but I know that's not possible, especially since it’s been a minute since I last fucked. Once my balls start tingling, I pull out, yanking my shaft fiercely in front of her face. The thought to cum all over her had come to mind, but instead, I growl in a voice that won’t be denied for her to open her mouth and stick out her tongue. She does just that and with a loud roar, I cum, jerking off into her mouth, turning her pink tongue white. It flows for what seems like forever until her whole mouth is filled with my seed.

  When I’m done, breathing hard, I let go of my dick and let it hang and watch as she closes her mouth and swallows everything I gave her.

  Reaching for her, I mumble, “Fuck you’re perfect. What is it you wanted to ask me?” I ask, gently rubbing my finger with my thumb.

  “I want you to take me with you to Japan.” My actions still. Out of everything I thought she’d ask, I wasn’t expecting that.

  “Wouldn’t your grandfather be mad that you left? I certainly know Morganstein will be.”

  “He doesn’t control me. He already got what he wanted, so he has no reason to be pissy. Besides, I already spoke to my grandfather. He told me if I had the chance to leave to not worry about him and go. Zion thinks he can take on the burden of supplying us both mana and there won’t be any complications, but I’m a realist. This is a magical school, which kills its students daily, and I can’t promise I won’t get in any fights until a cure is found. Time away will help.”

  “I get what you’re saying, but still. Knowing you, I doubt you’ll tell him we’re leaving.”

  “I can’t. Lord Killjoy will be mad I left, and even madder if he finds out he allowed me to leave. It’s safer for him to know nothing.”

  This girl is trouble. In fact, Trouble should have been her middle name, but I can’t deny her of what she wants, especially after that epic blowjob. I’m whipped. She knows just what to do to play me to her tune. I can’t deny taking her home will be fun and easier to explain my predicament once my parents see her in the flesh and know she’s not some made up girlfriend I concocted to get out of going on marriage dates.

  “Fine, why not?” I finally answer, hoping I’m not digging my own grave.

  “Yay,” she cheers, making her tits bounce and my gaze zones in on them. Damn, maybe I should have cum on her rack. Stroking myself, I get myself semi-hard before laying her on the bed and pulling off her jeans and panties. Getting on my knees on the floor, I grab her by the thighs and pull her toward my mouth. “I’m a man of my word,” I murmur, referring to the promise to pay back the favor and devour her whole until she’s gripping my sheets and screaming my name to the high Heavens. When she cums, I gobble her up, fully hard again, and before she can take her next breath, I stand pushing inside her.

  Mumbling the incantation to prevent pregnancy, I pound into her like a man on a mission, hell bent on reaching his deadline. I put a sound barrier on the room, but it does nothing to hinder the bed crashing into the wall over and over again. I’m sure everyone on this floor knows what I’m up to in my room and probably who I’m fucking. I should care, but I don’t. All of us heirs have made our claim.

  When she cums again, gushing all over my dick, I climb onto the bed and flip her with my cock still buried inside her so that she’s on all fours, taking me from behind. In this position, I show her no mercy. My bed doesn’t get any either. Her cries only push me harder, the slapping of my wet balls against her clit turning me on even more until the monster inside me comes out and fucks her like a wild beast does in mating season. Rutting is a better word because there’s nothing human about this.

  “Shit, Kirito. You... you...” She can’t finish her sentence; she’s tongue tied, and I slap her ass red, loving the way it jiggles against me.

  “That’s it, baby. It’s me you’re fucking.You don’t have to finish your sentences as long as you remember my name.”

  With another deep stroke, I push my cock as far as it can go, rubbing my skin against her. Her puckered hole in the back catches my attention and I gather her juices with my finger and use it to nudge the tip of my finger inside her hole. Opening her up like a present. Giving me all access, she bends forward, lifting her perfect ass in the air and screams her moans into my sheets. One finger makes room for two and then three until my hand and cock are filling both her holes simultaneously.

  “Kitten, do you want to be my ass slut and allow me to cum deep in your ass?”

  “Yes,” she answers with no hesitation, and I grow even thicker.

  Pulling her hair, I fuck her pussy hard, hitting a certain spot over and over until she does what I want and explodes all over me. Pulling out, I replace my fingers with my dick, pushing it into the tight space. When the thickness of my head makes it past, I tell her to breathe so that she'll relax before continuing. This time, I push harder until I’m sliding hindrance free inside her.

  “Good girl. The good part is about to come next,” I warn her before pushing back and slamming inside.

  Her scream is like gold, and it pushes me to draw out more. Like a brand new jackhammer, I pound into her, fucking her ass with no mercy like I did her pussy. Her flesh is perfect and it jiggles just right. Who wants to feel bone when you can take pleasure in this? Reaching around, I pull on the piercing attached to her strawberry red nipple before kneading the flesh. So perfect. She’s so fucking perfect. With my eyes closed, I keep ramming into her long and hard. Now that I got my first nut out of the way, my second one is taking a while to build up, allowing me to enjoy the feast. Or maybe it’s the monster I let out not wanting things to end. When that happens, he’ll have to go back inside and be caged again.

  Not getting enough, I take my hand that wasn’t playing with her ass and stick my finger in her mouth, mimicking her sucking my dick. The sensation is too much. I’m in sensation overload. My cock stiffens and my balls start to tingle again before I feel a rush and I cum deep inside her, filling her ass like I did her mouth. Breathing hard, we both collapse on the bed, which finally had more than it can handle and breaks off to the floor.

  “Fucking hell,” I laugh. “You broke my bed.”

  “Me? You’re the one who tried to make it part of the wall.”

  Both of us crack up, and I’m sure we look a sight, sprawled out, naked and sweaty laying on a broken bed on the floor.

  “Fair point. Next time, I’ll go with a bed made from everwood. Not even the gods could break that.”

  “You do that,” she mumbles, already half asleep.

  Pulling out of her, I get up to wash off in the bathroom. By the time I come out, she’s already fast asleep, so I wipe her down with a warm cloth and snuggle in next to her. Razz is back, which means he waited for us to be done, and he curls himself on the covers on top of her, as if he’s guarding her. “Good boy. Keep our girl safe,” I say with a yawn before passing out myself.

  Chapter 21


  I wake lying on a bed on the floor with a curled up snake on top of me. Seeing that I’m up, Razz hisses his tongue on my cheek in a snaky kiss I guess. Anyone else would probably be scared out of their mind. Sure, Razz is like a couple times bigger from the last time I saw him in Magical Defense class, and he’s an anaconda and has animal instincts, but I know him. My familiar is his buddy, and I know he’ll never do anything to harm either of us.

  “Didn’t we talk about this already? You really need to get rid of these bad habits from your master.”

  “What about his master?” Kirito murmurs beside me, still half asleep. “If you don’t answer, it means you were asking for another dicking down.”

  “Didn’t you have enough last night when you were rearranging my insides?”

  “That was last night. Today is a new day,” he says, turning and reaching for me.

  I try to move but the heavy snake prevents me from getting far, which is how I spent my early morning getting fucked into the floor. This time, Kirito was a little gentler, but he still moved like he was branding himself in me so that I never forget it’s him that’s fucking me. Guarding the door, Razz watches with glowing green eyes, making it impossible for me to keep quiet. When I cum, it’s screaming into the sheets and the bastard on top of me pulls out and jerks his seed all over me.

  “Kirito,” I complain.

  “What?” he shrugs unapologetically. “Now, you have to take a shower here, and you know what that means?”

  “No shower sex,” I say, immediately shutting him down.

  “Then what about a blow job?” he asks, hopefully.

  “No to that too. You take forever to cum, and we got a lot to do. The morning is already gone.”

  “So? You act like we’re going to class, and we’re flying out of here by private jet. All I need to do is call the pilot when I’m on my way. My mom made sure the jet was fueled and ready to go since the start of her bugging me to come home.”

  “Well, that’s something. Fine,” I relent at the puppy dog look on his face. “I’ll blow you, but if you take longer than ten minutes, then I’m leaving you in the shower unsatisfied, and you’ll have to finish yourself off.”

  “Deal,” he hollers, plucking me up and running us at neck breaking speed into the bathroom.

  True to his word, he cums in eight minutes, and we help each other wash up with no funny business. Left with no choice, I put on the same clothes I had on yesterday, sans undergarments. Those I leave wherever they fell in Kirito’s room. Kirito is super spoiled and has a trusted maid who comes in every couple of days to tidy up his room and does his laundry, so she’ll take care of my delicates for me. When I asked how he could trust someone to come into his room while he’s gone, he explained everyone employed by his family has to take an oath preventing them from doing any funny business. It’s lengthy in wording and covers any foul or deceiving thing anyone can think of. It’s not pretty what happens to those stupid enough to break the oath. Even if they ever quit or get another job, the oath is still binding.

  With his bags already packed, he walks with me to the cabin so I can also pack my things. “How long are we going to be gone?” I question.

  “Pack two weeks’ worth just to be safe. If we stay longer, we can always buy you new clothes.”

  “Okay,” I say, wondering whatever happened to doing laundry, but then I forget, Kirito is an only child and spoiled. Plus, both his parents care for him. He doesn’t have a Leslie breathing down his neck trying to make him into a modern day Cinderella.

  Once I’m changed and everything is packed, Kirito asks me one more time if I want to tell Zion we’re leaving. “No. I’m good. I left him a note to not to worry about me on the fridge. Now that we’re mated, the wards of the cottage won’t keep him out, and I’m certain that’ll be one of the first places he’ll look for me. Right now, he probably thinks I’m skipping class to lay low since it was one of the solutions we talked about.”

  “Yeah, okay. I already know this is a bad idea and that when Zion finds out I took you away, he’s going to kick my ass, and trust me, kitten, he will find out whether you tell him or not.”

  “So what? Are you scared now?” I say, crossing my arms over my chest.

  “No,” he replies, pulling me to him. “You’ll just have to make up for the asswhooping I’ll receive with your body. We can start on the private jet.”

  “You’re insatiable,” I cry, pushing him away.

  “What can I say? You're like crack. I’m addicted. My dick has never been this smug and satisfied until I met you. It must be all those pornstar tricks you learned.”

  Remembering last night, I growl, “If you ever bring up my brother during sex again, I’ll bite you.”

  “Yeah, sorry about that,” he says, rubbing the back of his head. “I said that in the heat of the moment. Kind of a joke from when he had his Champion try to cut my dick off.”

  “Why would you want to remember that while we’re fucking? Kind of morbid, don’t you think?”

  “Yeah it is, but I like morbid. Which is why my girlfriend is an American voodoo priestess.”

  “Whatever your reasons, don’t bring my brother into our sex life. Once I get his soul back and we get the chance to speak, I’ll have to explain to him properly that I don’t see him that way.”

  “I’m sorry,” he apologizes, but I’m not sure if it’s for the comment or my feelings toward Quinn.

  With no traffic, we make it to the airport in less than three hours. Having hardly gotten any sleep and waking early, I’m fast asleep before the jet lifts off. The seats are pure luxury and my body sinks into the cool leather, making it feel like a bed of feathers, so, of course, I couldn’t refuse the sandman once he came calling sprinkling his magic sleepy dust.

  With a fourteen hour flight, I knew the next time I’d wake, we’d still be flying, but I was surprised to be woken up in a cabin room on a bed as comfortable as the seats with an insatiable Kirito feasting between my legs. Now, I know why he insisted I wear a dress. But how can I complain when his tongue feels so damn good and he’s an expert at eating pussy? I’m so sensitive down there and swollen, and it doesn’t take long before I’m cumming in his mouth.

  “Yummy. You slept for so long, I had to make sure you weren’t dead.”

  Rolling my eyes, I point out the obvious. “You could have just checked my breathing.”

  “My way was better and look? Now you’re awake. I’m sure you’re starving. I just ate though,” he laughs at his own corny joke.

  “How long was I out?”

  “About six hours. I brought you in here and slept with you for half of that time before going back out and watching a movie. I got bored, so I came back to wake you up.”

  “Bored, huh?” I say, raising an eyebrow.

  “And I knew you needed to eat. Seeing you all innocent and layed out reminded me of my own hunger.”

  “You need therapy. I don’t remember you being so ravenous before.”

  “In less than seven hours, we’ll be under my parent’s roof. The family estate is large, but with my mother’s loyal spies, not large enough that I won’t be able to touch you like I want. I’m just getting my fill before then. Do you know how hard it’ll be for me to not fuck you the whole time we’re there? It’ll be plain agony, especially if you’re put in a room close to mine.”

  “Suck it up, buttercup. Your whole point of going home is to convince your parents I’m wifey material. You’re Japanese, so I’m certain you come from a traditional mage family. If they knew we were getting busy on the jet, they’d probably have a fit.”

  “No worries about that. This crew is loyal only to me. If it were my mother’s usual crew waiting, we wouldn’t have boarded the plane. My mother knows I have certain freedoms I will not budge on, and as the male heir, she can’t stick her nose where it’s not wanted. But you’re right. They’re as traditional as they get. You not being Japanese is already one strike against you, but your family line makes it nothing to worry about.”

  “You sound so sure of yourself. What if they won’t go for it? What if they hate me? I’m not really scoring well with parents finding me likable.”

  “Stop worrying so much. They’ll love you. I think you’re great, and there has never been a time I haven’t gotten what I want from them, and this time is no different.”

  “Famous last words. Don’t you know it’s bad luck to say never?” I mutter.

  “Stop worrying and trust your man,” he replies, kissing me on the cheek. “Come on, the stewardess said we’re having lobster and steak for dinner.”

  Lured in by the food, I put my worries on hold and let him pull me awa
y to the main cabin where dinner was already set up in a romantic setting for the two of us. Removing the silver dome off my plate, I inhale deeply. “God, this smells good. “

  “It should. It was prepared by a five star chef. Nothing but the best for the Choi’s.”

  “What exactly does your family do?” I ask, curious.

  “We don’t live in a commune per say, so my dad isn’t the head in that sense, but our property is so large, it maintains its own village, like how a duke oversees a certain plot of land. Everyone who stays within our property limits are either mages from our family lines that transferred over or humans who know the truth about us and were born into servitude. Everyone respects my father as the head and me his heir. He’s also the founder and CEO of a major technology company. It’s funny how at home, I can get my hands on any gadget I want, but at the academy, I’m living in the stone age,” he jokes.

  “It’s not that bad. You can always find a technology mage to hook you up with WiFi for a couple of hours. That’s what I do when I want to binge watch on Netflix. I didn’t even miss my cell when I came to the school since Quinn was my only friend and he went with me.”

  “That’s kind of sad. You’re great. Why was it so hard for you to make friends where you’re from?”

  “I told you this already. Leslie and my dad kept us isolated. Before, I thought it was because I was the only odd duck in the family, but it turns out their reason ran deeper. Plus, it’s hard to make friends when everyone is looking for a way to use you. Growing up in a commune is like Game of Thrones. It’s very different from the way you grew up. What about your mom?” I ask, shifting the topic off me.

  “My mom is a character. She takes care of the home, supervises the servants, and makes sure everything is running smoothly so that there’s no trouble for my father to deal with. He may be the family head, but she runs it. She can’t make any major decisions, but he does listen to her counsel and usually sides with her. And she has her ear to everything. Nothing gets past her, which is why we need to be on our toes. She’s also very traditional and believes wholeheartedly in the old ways. By the way, how is your Japanese?”


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