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Pack 2 - The Awakening

Page 4

by R.A Cullison


  Matt ran into the building leaving the drivers door open.

  It made me nervous, I heard a growling. I started to climb over the gear shifter to shut the door, when a big black wolf was in the door opening. I backed up and pressed myself to the door. Its eyes where red with fury.

  “Please.” I begged, but it kept advancing towards me, exposing its razor sharp teeth.

  I reached behind me trying to find the door handle. I heard a tap on the door. I turned another wolf was there, so close to the window its breath fogged the glass. I was trapped and trapped good. I looked again to my relief it was Matt. He ran around the car and attacked the dangerously close wolf. The wolf went to bite me, but Matt pulled it back making its jaws snap a few inches from my face.

  They began to fight; Matt fell back on the door slamming it shut. I slide over into the driver’s seat. I turned the key, the car wasn’t starting. Then with a pump of the gas pedal, and then car came alive.

  In front of the car, standing in the headlights was the wolf. I put the car in drive and mashed my foot on the gas. The car jetted forward towards the dark demon.

  The car hit the wolf with a big thud. I glanced back and saw it getting to its feet; I jammed the car in reverse and hit the gas again. The wolf’s body thudded under the cars tires. This time it wasn’t getting back up. I stared at it, watching it slowly turn back to its human form. I didn’t see its face, it was face down. Blood began to flow around it forming a dark crimson puddle.

  The passenger door opened, making me jump. It was Matt, who looked pretty beaten up, I handed him my jacket.

  “The baby?” I asked him, hoping against hope that she was in there.

  “She wasn’t in there.” he slowly shook his head while saying it. Matt was suffering with me, someone had our infant daughter. As her mother, I worried and long to have my baby, my only baby in my arms. My heart sank and worry began to eat at me along with hopelessness.

  I longed to have my baby, my 7-month-old baby in my arm, in her mother’s arms with her protective Dad, standing guard.

  “What do we do now? I mean where do we look.” I looked at Matt with tears in my eyes.

  “I don’t know maybe we go to the brothers and see if Chad can help or maybe Jessie.” He said while slipping into a change of clothes from the back seat.

  “It’s worth a try.” I said quietly while putting the car in drive.

  We pulled up in front of the brother’s house just after daybreak. The house was surrounded by junk cars, barely noticeable. We walked up to the door; we were greeted by a huge dog. Matt growled at him and he stopped, whined then ran off. He knocked on the door.

  “Come in Nora and Matt.” a voice, said from the other side of the door, which sounded like Jessie. We opened the door and walked into the tiny house or more like a hut.

  Jessie was sitting in a chair and Chad was standing up looking at a big book.

  “I know why you come, you are looking for your daughter,” he said it calmly.

  “Yes, do you know where she is?” I asked.

  “Yes, I do, but it will be very difficult to get to her, you will need help, some help from some newly found friends.” he had surely tone to his voice.

  “You mean the vampires?” Matt asked, glancing at me like, seriously.

  “Yes, Queen Dorsella, will be willing to help due to the fact she owes Noah some pain.” he stood up, “She will not even hesitate and she isn’t cruel.” he walked over to a table. Queen Dorsella was well controlled, she would help. I hoped she would.

  Jessie handed Matt a map, “This is where you need to go, but I urge you to find the vampire first.” Matt opened the map, glanced at it and shoved it in his jacket pocket.

  “Where do we find them?” Matt asked.

  “The old railroad station, but not everyone will welcome you with open arms.” he sat back down. Chad walked over to me with something in his hand.

  “Take this.” he held up a pedant, “This will protect you from danger.” he fastened it around my neck then gave me a heavy bag.

  “Whats this?” I asked looking down at it.

  “Weapons.” he touched my hand.

  “Thank you.” I said as I raised my head to look at him.

  “Be safe Nora and Matt, Dear friends.” he touched both our shoulders and walked back to his book.

  We left the house and got into the car, this time Matt was going to drive. He pulled out the map and laid it across the stirring wheel.

  “First the vampires and then the wolves.” he was looking over the map.

  “I am willing do what it takes to get April back.” I said, sounding anxious to get going.

  “I am too, but we have to be smart and cautious about this.” he slowly turned his head towards me, “I don’t care about my safety, but I will do what it takes to protect you and our daughter.” I looked at him,

  “Don’t do anything stupid, because no matter what happens we need you, April needs her Dad and I need my husband.” He leaned over and gave me a kiss it felt like a good-bye kiss.


  We pulled up in front of the abandoned train station. From the outside, it looks quiet but we knew better. We walked up to the door, Matt went to knock.

  “What do you want?” a stern, deep voice asked from the other side of the door.

  “To see Queen Dorsella.” I asked, hoping my voice would be less threatening then Matt’s.

  “Whats your business with my Queen.” his voice becoming more agitated.

  “Business of Noah Warchec.” I said it sternly. It must have struck something. We heard the locks being released on the door.

  “Noah? How do you know him?” he asked peaking out. His eyes where red and glowing.

  “He has my daughter and I need Queen Dorsella’s help, please.” I choked back a tear.

  “Very well come in.” he widened the door and let us in.

  The hall was nearly black; Matt grabbed my hand and led me down the hall. We walked about 100 feet to a very ornate metal door. He opened the door and we walked in. The room had many vampires in it. All doing their own thing, until they got a whiff of me. The Queen looked in our direction, she seen me and stood up. Her beauty took me by surprise. She gave an order to clear the room. Only her and three of her guards where standing by the throne with her.

  “They said they are here to talk about Noah Warchec.,” he said while bowing.

  “Thanks you Franz, you may take your leave.” she motioned for him to leave. He slowly backed away and left. “Noah isn’t liked around here. So I must asked why do you want to bring him to my attention?” she started towards us. “What are your names?” she asked.

  “Matt and Nora Hanson.” I answered.

  “Pardon me, but… Noah has our daughter.” Matt spoke as softly as his bass tone could go.

  “A baby? How old?” her eyes went from me to Matt.

  “7 months.” I said softly.

  “Oh my, a baby indeed..” she walked over to me, “This must be very hard for you, as her mother.” she lifted my head with her finger. “Do not worry. I will help to return your infant to you.” a tear rolled down my cheek.

  “Thank you” I looked at her very white and blue eyes. She smiled.

  “Marcus, Troy go ready the forces, we must help them find their baby and destroy Noah once and for all.” the two guards bowed and left. She went and sat down on the throne.

  “Do you know where they are keeping her?” she asked looking at Matt.

  “Yes.” Matt handed her the map. She took it from his hand and walked over to a table. She unfolded it and smoothed it flat. She placed her finger on a spot on the map.

  “The Winston Abbey, outside of Saint Petersburg. I know that place well.” she ran her finger along a wavy line. “This is Red
Road, it goes deep in the mountains. It’s a dangerous road.” the door opened and a guard came in with some white armor, a steel sword and some other weapons. She straighten up, “Aww, my armor, I will be joining you in this battle.” she untied her cape, it slide to the ground. She slid into her armor and placed her weapons around her. She pulled out a dagger with a huge ruby in the handle, “Nora this is for you.” she handed it to me. I took it, “ This will help protect you, the blade was blessed and is made of pure silver.” I looked at Matt. I tied it to my waist. “Matt, I am sure you don’t want to worry about her, so she will stay close to me. Marcus, protect her.” She ordered the guard at her side, he bowed his head. “Our time has come to make our way to the Abbey.”

  We rode with the vampires to the docks, where a huge ship was waiting for us. We went aboard, the vampires all sniffed the air as I walked by them, but they seemed uninterested in attacking me. Then I realized it must be the pedant around my neck. Marcus showed me to my room, “I will be keeping guard outside the door. Try and get some rest.” I looked around and then back at him.

  “Thank you Marcus.” I smiled at him; he raised an eyebrow and left the room. I sat on the huge bed, wondering where Matt was and thinking of April. I began to cry from memories flooding my mind. The first time holding her after she was born. I had to stop thinking about that. I needed my mind on positive things like getting her back. I took a deep breath and decided to check the room out.

  The walls had a grey wash on them, the floor was metal and cold. There were several pictures on the wall. One of a schooner on rough waters. The other one was the traditional fruit in a bowl painting. The bed spread was thick and red. There was several random placed rugs on the floor, they were stained some.

  I walked into the bathroom, flipping the light on. It was still kind of dark even with the light on. A shower took up most of the right side of the room, a toilet and sink took up the left with a small mirror over the large sink. The whole place seemed cold to me and informal. More like it was dreary and depressing. No wonder I was feeling like I was, I needed to get the heck out of there. I slowly opened the door and was met with Marcus’s eyes. “What are you doing?” He asked coldly.

  “I.. uh.. Wanted to explore the ship.” I stuttered, he surprised me with is harsh tone.

  “You cant! So go back in your room and stay there!” he ordered. I frowned at him.

  “I want to see Dorsella.” I ordered. His eyes began to get black and anger was now apparent on his face.

  “Fine!” he yelled. He then began to lead me down the corridor to the end of the hall. “She is in there, I will wait here.” his tone was making me very nervous. I knocked on the door.

  “Yes? Come in.” Dorsella answered. I walked in, she was on her bed naked with one of her guards. I could tell that I was interrupting something very private.

  “Oh, I’ll just come back.” I said shyly.

  “Don’t be silly, Nora. What do you want?” she asked standing up, not attempting to cover up.

  “I was wondering if I could explore the ship? I… I am little bored sitting in my room.” I was looking at the floor. I heard her laughing.

  “Does looking at us naked make you feel uncomfortable?” she asked.

  “Yes.” I answered honestly.

  “Why? Nudity is beautiful. I bet you look lovely naked.” she started walking towards me. I stepped back towards the door.

  “Is it ok if I could explore the ship?” I asked again.

  “Of course, your not a prisoner here, do what you like. And if someone catches your eye let me know.” she smiled.

  “Have a good night.” I said and left quickly. That was alittle weird. Marcus was waiting for me still looking angry. “She said I could explore if I wanted to.”

  “Then explore it, I will be waiting here.” he leaned against the wall. I heard Marcus’s name being called from Dorsella’s bedroom. He didn’t hesitate to go in. I walked around looking at the artwork and pottery, nothing to impressive. I went onto the deck, the wind was cool and salty. I looked around, ocean on all sides of us.

  “You must be the human?” I heard a males voice ask in a strong accent. I turned towards him. A black haired man was sitting on a crate.

  “Yes.” I answered.

  “I am Nicholas.” he introduced himself, holding out his hand. I shook it.

  “Nice to meet you, I am Nora.” I smiled.

  “Nice to meet you Nora.” he said, “Its lovely isn’t it?” he asked looking out at the ocean.

  I turned my head to look in the direction he was. “Yes, I never been on the ocean before and I never been out of the country before now either.” I took a deep breath of the salty air.

  “Your from the United States? I am from Transylvania.” I gave him a funny look. “I know ironic isn’t it.” we both chuckled.

  “I am originally from Tampa, Florida. My husband is from Texas.” I said, making conversation.

  “Husband huh? Where is this husband?” he asked raising an eyebrow.

  “I’m not sure, on this ship somewhere I am sure.” I looked around.

  “Is he Vampire? Or human?” he asked.

  “Neither.” I watched his expression become amused.

  “Ah, the werewolf that’s on board, Matthew?” he seemed interested.

  “Yes, have you met him?” I asked.

  “Oh yes, he is hard to miss even in his human form. I am surprised he hasn’t broken you yet.” he started to laugh.

  I chuckled a little too, “I been wondering that too, but we have a child together. That’s the reason why I am here.” I lowered my head.

  “Ah Yes, the infant girl, that scum Noah has.” I looked at him.

  “Nicholas, what do you do here?” I asked.

  “I am a guard of Queen Dorsella, among other things.” he smiled.

  “Yes, no disrespect to Dorsella but it seems she has a ’close’ relationship with all her guards.” I could feel my face getting red.

  He began to laugh, “Oh yes, when you’re a vampire your appetite for sex is just as strong as your appetite for blood. But we learned to control both over time. As for me I am over 300 years old, so I am well controlled.” he was looking at me then his eyes moved to something behind me. I looked, it was Matt.

  “Matt, where you been?” I asked.

  “Going over some stuff with Troy and a few other guards. We waited for Dorsella but she never showed.” His eyes went to Nicholas. “Want to go lay down with me?” he asked.

  “Yes.” I turned to look at Nicholas, “Nice to have met you.”

  “Nice to have met you too, beautiful Nora.” he smiled.

  We went to the room, Matt looked really tired. He took off all his clothes and slid under the heavy red comforter. “Come join me.” he smiled. I knew that tone and I knew what he wanted. I took off all my clothes and slid next to him. His skin was warm and felt good. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him.

  I rolled over to face him and began kissing him. I ran my fingers down his back, feeling bumps form on his smooth skin. We soon got caught up in the moment. We both were enjoying this time together. We have been too busy with finding April, we needed this moment together.

  I woke up freezing, Matt was gone. I rose up searching the room, No Matt in sight. I slide out of bed and placed both my feet on the metal floor. My instant reaction was to pull my feet up.

  “Shit that’s cold.” I shivered. That was it I had to pee. I looked around for my clothes and saw my socks sitting on the arm of the chair at the end of the bed, that was half way across the room.

  I climbed on the bed and crawled to the foot. I looked at the distance. ‘I can do this’ , I thought. I stretched my hand out as far as I could, a little too far. Next thing I knew I was toppling over the edge of the bed. Landing on my bare ass on the cold metal floor. I didn’t move at first. I was too stunned at how stupid of a move that was.

bsp; The door flew open and Marcus was standing there with the deer in the headlights look. “You ok?” he asked. I just looked at him then it hit me.

  “Oh crap!” I yelled, grabbing my shirt off the now very close chair and covered up. The look on his face was of amusement.

  “What happened?” he asked stifling a laugh.

  “Never you mind! Get out of here!” I yelled pointing to the door. He turned and walked out the door. I heard him burst out in laughter as soon as the door shut behind him. I hurried up, grabbed my clothes and booked it to the bathroom. By the time I got out Matt had returned with a tray of food and he was smiling. “Why are you smiling?” I asked.

  “Nothing really, just Marcus telling me what happened.” he handed me a glass of orange juice.

  “You find that funny huh?” I asked, he shook his head. “So having a stranger seeing your wife naked isn’t upsetting you?” I looked at him confused.

  “Marcus is strange but I don’t think I have to worry about him. He only thinks of humans as food nothing more.” he began to smile again.

  “What? You seem to be in a very cheery mood for some reason.” I sat on the bed watching him stuff his face with eggs.

  “I am just in a good mood that’s all. Is it a crime to be happy?” he was getting annoyed with me, I could tell by his tone.

  “No, but I cant seem to think of nothing but April.” I sat my glass of juice down. I was suddenly tired, very tired I wanted to go back to sleep. Matt sat his plate down and stood in front of me.

  “I know babe, I’m trying not to think about it, so I can get myself together.” I looked up at him, “your going to have to eat and get plenty of rest. This trip is dangerous we need our wits about us and our strength.” I could see the tension on his face and neck.

  “I know your right, its just hard not knowing if she is being taking care of.” I took a deep sigh.

  “You heard what Jessie said that Corbin is taking wonderful care of her.” he sat beside me, “think positive, that’s the only thing that gets me by.” he wrapped his arms around me. I curled up into his side. “You better eat.” he handed me a plate of eggs and bacon. I picked up a piece of bacon and nibble on it.

  We finished eating and Matt took the tray back to the kitchen. I pulled out a book that I found earlier to read. It was good getting caught up in the story, leaving reality for just a few minutes. A knock on the door snapped me out of the story. “who is it?” I asked startled.

  “Marcus! I have something for you.” he said from the other side of the door.

  “Come in.” I put down the book and stood up. Marcus walked in holding a tv and Troy had a DVD player and a stack of DVDs. “so you have something to do and wont be falling out of bed naked again.” they both chuckled.

  “Very funny, Marcus.” I took the stack of movies from Troy’s hand. There were some good ones. One was American Werewolf in London and another was The Lost Boys. I held up the Lost Boys movie. “Really?” They looked at each other, then at me and busted into laughter.

  “Sure, why not? Its always fun to see how Hollywood gets this stuff wrong every time.” Marcus worked on the TV and Troy was staring at me with a weird glint in his eyes. If I didn’t know better I would think that he was checking me out.

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “Crucifixes, holy water, steak through the heart…. Wait that one will work. Anyway Garlic, please that stuff never works.”

  “So what makes being a vampire different then being human?” I asked them. I watched their expressions turn to amusement.

  “Strength, immortality and sex appeal.” Troy said winking at me.

  “Ah, Yeah ok. I think that’s good I can get it from here.” I shooed them out of the room. I then turned my attention to the tv and movies. I put in The Lost Boys first, didn’t get the movie before I was asleep.

  I woke up to someone getting in bed with me, “Matt?” I whispered.

  “Shhh Yeah, go back to sleep.” I felt his warm body against mine. I wrapped my arm in his and I fell back to sleep against him.

  I was in the bedroom when the door busted open and Troy was standing there naked. His perfect body and handsome face staring at me, wanting me. He smiled at me, slowly walked to me with his arms outstretched in front of him. “Nora, come let me show you what makes vampires different from humans and werewolves.” I took his hand and he pulled me tight to his chest. We began kissing and he began to rip my clothes off me and they fell to the floor in shreds.

  “I shouldn’t.” I tried to pull away. He pulled me back and began kissing my neck and bare shoulders. He then pulled his head back smiling at me baring his sharp white teeth and then he bit my neck. I could feel the blood run down my body.

  I woke up with a jolt, looking around the room in a daze. Matt was looking at the DVDs. “You ok?” he asked, obviously concern.

  “Just a bad dream.” I took several breaths to calm myself.

  “What was it about?” he asked.

  “It was stupid.” I stretched, “want to watch a movie with me?” I walked over to him.

  “Did you realize these are mostly about werewolves and vampires? Seriously, The Howling? I watched this when I was a kid.” he picked up another movie, “American Werewolf in London, The Lost Boys, Wolf and Dracula.” he then picked up another movie. “Oh look we have a odd one here, Night of the Living Dead. Zombies really?” he sat the movie down. “they‘re all crap!”

  “I don’t think they are doing this on purpose, even if they are this stuff don’t scare me.” I rubbed his back. He was pissed.

  “You know the whole werewolf movie crap is fake right?” he furrowed his brows.

  “Yes, to them this stuff is just science fiction. Don’t be upset about it.” I went to touch his arm, he pulled away from me. I could see him shaking with anger. “Why are you so mad? They are only movies.”

  “That’s not what I am pissed about.” he sat down heavy in the chair.

  “Then why?” I asked.

  “No reason. They said we should be there soon and to be off this damn boat sounds wonderful. I feel trapped in here.” he was gripping the arms of the chair with his hands making the wood creak in them. I went over and sat in his lap.

  “Matt?” I pulled his face towards mine and kissed him. I felt him relax. “its ok, I know the truth so just relax. Its just you and me right now.” our eyes met, we both smiled.

  “Oh yeah, what are you thinking?” he began to lift my shirt in the back. I didn’t answer I just began kissing him.

  We laid there naked watching the movie Wolf. Matt actually was more relaxed then I thought he would be. The movie wasn’t bad, alittle odd watching Jack Nicholson in that kind of role.







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