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Pack 2 - The Awakening

Page 5

by R.A Cullison


  We all made our way off the ship, happy to be off it. I made my way off as well. I was so happy I was ready to kiss the dock. Matt was off with Troy and few other guards. They didn’t trust his kind, I trusted werewolves more than vampires any day.

  Dorsella made her way off the ramp, completely decked out in her white armor. She had her hand resting on her sword as did the rest of her guards.

  “On your guard everyone.” she ordered. I was the only human amongst everyone that made me nervous. Matt was in human form, but he too wasn’t human, not any more. He was always close, never leaving my side for a moment. After her announcement Matt stood beside me, always on the ready for whatever would come.

  “Don’t worry babe, I’m not going to be far.” he kissed my forehead, morphed and ran ahead with the other guards. Marcus and Dorsella where beside me in their protective stance. Marcus was my bodyguard and he took that task seriously.

  “It’s ok Nora.” Marcus assured me. “I will protect you or die trying.” I looked at him, his eyes where serious.

  I smiled at him, “Thank you Marcus.” I heard some noise behind us. A female servant was carrying two backpack with her down the ramp with some canteens. She handed me a canteen and the rest to Dorsella.

  “Here Nora.” Dorsella handed me one of the backpacks, “it’s a long hike to the Abbey and Red Road can be dangerous, you will need supplies.” I slowly took the bag from her hand. It had some weight but nothing I couldn’t handle.

  “Thank you.” that’s the only thing I could say or think of saying.

  “You have your dagger right?” she asked. I reached down and pulled it out of the sheathing. “Very good, keep that close to you.” she then turned her attention to the trail and to the sky, “there is a storm coming.” I looked up to the sky as well. Some dark gray clouds covered the pale blue sky and the wind gave hints of an upcoming storm. “I hope we make it to the mountain pass before then….. We better go.” Marcus picked me up in his arms.

  I turned to looked at him. “What are you doing?” I asked.

  “We have to make it before the storm hits, if your walking we will never get there on time.” he arched his dark eyebrow.

  “Ok, don’t drop me.” I insisted. Marcus did something I haven’t heard him do since the bedroom incident, he began to laugh.

  “Don’t worry Nora, I wont.” he was still snickering, then he pulled me closer to his chest. We were off with such speed and grace. I couldn’t tell if we were even moving. Then I heard thunder in the distance.

  “We must hurry!” Dorsella urged. “I see a cave ahead, we should stop there for the night.” Next thing I realized we were stopped on the inside the cave. It was dark. “Marcus?” she called.

  “Yes, milady?” he sat me down making sure I was stable before letting me go.

  “Start a fire and Michael search the cave make sure its safe.” she ordered, they bowed their heads and went about their orders. “Tomorrow we will have more time and a lot more road to travel.” She pulled out the map. Alton, one of the other guards that decided to join us. He was also the one who was naked in Dorsella’s bed. He walked over to Dorsella to study the map as well. They went off on their own little conversation. I was alone in the cave with nothing but a small lantern glowing on the ground. They didn’t need it so they left it there for me.

  I found a rock leaning against the wall, I decided to sit and search my bag. I unzipped it and reached it to see what I had. I had sandwiches, drinks, a change of clothes and some other stuff. I pulled out a sandwich and began to nibble at it. I stood up chewing on my the bite.

  Flames erupted in the center of the cave, scaring the crap out of me. Marcus was looking at me laughing. I scowled at him, I sat back down on the rock and watched him enjoying himself getting the fire going.

  I made my way over to the fire, where everyone was gathered. No one was eating or talking because like I said before I was the only human. If anyone was eating I would be the main dish. I sat down next to Dorsella who was staring into the fire.

  “Fire is so beautiful,” she said softly, “it has so many uses, it can give life and destroy it.”

  I looked at her, “what’s the plan for tomorrow?”

  “We make our way up the mountain pass and joined the others. The guards should have the way clear for us.” she stood up, and started out the door, “Alton and Michael lets go?” he ordered.

  I stood up, “Go where?” I asked.

  She turned and smiled. “To feed, there is a small village close by.” I looked at her in horror. “Don’t worry Nora, we wont hurt any children.” I looked back at Marcus who had this yearning look on his face.

  “Go Marcus, I will be ok.” he jumped to his feet, looked at Dorsella.

  “We wont be gone long… stay safe.” she smiled and they were gone instantly. I was alone in the cave and jumping at any little sound. I heard a noise and I would jump. I began to feel foolish, like a coward.

  “If I am going to save April I have to have courage.” I reassured myself. I dug out my sleeping bag. I better get some sleep, besides if I am asleep I wont be such a friggin chicken. I chuckled at myself.

  I woke up to the sound of shuffling inside the cave. I darted up with my dagger in my hand. Marcus was standing 5 feet from me, putting out the fire. He froze for about 10 second then began to laugh. GRRR! I felt like I was his own personal amusement.

  It was first light, there was a heavy mist in the air. I could hear strange birds outside. “What time is it?” I asked Marcus.

  “5am, we have to get a move on if we are going to make it to our next destination before dark.” he kept throwing dirt on the fire. I slipped on my boots and rolled my sleeping bag up and tied it to my backpack. Dorsella was discussing something with Alton, it looked intense.

  “You ready Nora?” Dorsella asked.

  “Yeah, lets go.” I threw my back pack on and we headed out into the misty morning air.

  We went on for awhile, following the map perfectly. My feet were getting a little tired but I pressed on. It was noon when we finally reached the top of the mountain pass to where the rest of the group. Matt was on the edge of the mountain looking out over the vast expansion of land, full of trees. I walked over to him and placed my hand on his arm. He turned to see who it was. He noticed it was me he wrapped his very large arms around me and pulled me close.

  “We must press on!” Dorsella ordered.

  We came upon a small village in the middle of nowhere. They all seemed to be having some kind of festival. “Whats This?” I asked

  “Not sure.” Dorsella answered, looking around at all the laughing and partying people. They were drinking and having a good time. Marcus had this look on his face.

  “I know what this is.” he said looking at me dead in the eye.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Varulvar.” he answered.

  “Whats varul..var?” I could barely say it.

  Dorsella smiled at my sad attempt to pronounce it, “Oh yes, werewolf.”

  “Werewolf?” I repeated.

  “Yes, Lord Vladire use to be the king of this country. He was cursed with the werewolf. He ran all the evil out of this land. This is a celebration of peace to honor that.”

  A small child and his mother walked by us. The woman was obviously drunk. Dorsella smiled at the little boy who was gripping his mothers hand tightly. I leaned in real close to Dorsella and whispered, “Do they know about…vampires?” I whispered the word vampires really low.

  “Yes….” Dorsella answered.

  Alton interrupted, “we mustn’t linger here long.” he was watching all the curious eyes on us.

  “Yes, we must get out of this village.” Dorsella agreed.

  “Why?” I asked confused.

  “Once they find out we are here….. Well, all hell will break loose on this whole place.” Marcus said softly.
He then picked me up, “hold on, Nora.” All I felt was the breeze from him running. I was so still and exhausted that I fell asleep.

  I felt the sudden jolt of us stopping, my eyes popped open and I began to look around, dazed.

  “Where are we?” I asked.

  Marcus shushed me, “don’t talk.” he ordered. I heard a growling and I felt myself being handed off to something much bigger than Marcus. I looked up to the familiar eyes of my husband. I rested my exhausted and spinning head on his chest. His heart was thumping hard. I heard a low rumble in his chest, he seen something. I heard a strange sounds and whispers. Matt pressed me close to his body.

  “Whats going on?” I whispered, but no one answered or even acknowledged that I even spoke. Next thing I felt was the familiar vibration and wind, we were running again. Matt’s warm body began to make me sweat. His breathing was showing signs of his exertions of his running. I could hear the pads of his feet thumping against the ground as he ran.

  We stopped, Matt sat me on the ground. I watched him slowly change back into his human self. His lightly tanned skin glistened in the moon light.

  “Are you ok?” I asked him.

  “Yes,” he panted, “tired is all.” he sat down and leaned against a tree, I sat beside him. We both fell asleep.

  I felt something poking me, I slowly opened my eyes to Alton, Marcus and Dorsella staring at us.

  “Do you know where you are?” Marcus asked.

  I rubbed my eyes and yawned, “No, where am I?” I noticed Matt was up and staring behind me. I rose up and turned around, a very large stone wall is all I could see, then a sign that read ‘The Gravehille Manor’. “Whats the Gravehille Manor?” I asked.

  Alton stepped forward, “Sir Shelton Rice?” he asked.

  I shook my head, “Who?” I shrugged my shoulders.

  “Back in the early 1900s he owned one of the biggest textile mills in the world?” Alton asked.

  I shrugged again, “That’s way before my time.” I said.

  “Shelton Rice built this house for his new bride, Lucinda. She was the village beauty. Shelton fell in love with her at first sight. Shelton then bought her for 100 head of cattle and $200. Back then that was a lot of money. Lucinda didn’t trust or even love Shelton. So to prove he loved her and to win her affection he built this.” he pointed to the big grey building behind us, which now was over grown with plants. “She fell in love with the house and soon they moved into it. Lucinda spent all her time decorating. The story goes that one day she came across some notes that Shelton had left on the dining room table by mistake. They were about some experiments he was doing on some homeless people. He wrote that he used them because he knew they wouldn’t be missed. Lucinda decided to search to see if what he wrote was true.”

  “Was it?” I asked.

  “The story goes that when searching the cellar she came across some mummified remains of some children and human remains in glass jars stored next to the canned vegetables. Also its been said that they were one of the first people to get indoor plumbing which made life a lot easier for them. Lucinda didn’t want to cause problems, she was in love with the manor and wanted to stay. So she ignored what she found, Until…. She was washing her hands in the washroom when the sink began to back up. Dark sticky ooze was coming up from the drain pipe at closer inspection… it was blood. Lucinda packed what she need and fled. For 4 years she led a normal life under a different name. But she couldn’t hide form Shelton Rice, heartbroken, he hunted her down and killed her.”

  I looked at all their faced, “Your pulling my legs aren’t you?” They shook their heads, “Oh please this sounds more like something from a scary movie.” I chuckled nervously.

  Dorsella shook her head, “No, Its true I knew Shelton Rice, he was a cruel man.” something about her face made me believe the story.

  “What kind of experiments did he do?” I asked curiously.

  “All kinds, some say that he created creatures using black magic and science.” Dorsella answered.

  “Pah!” I said. They knew I didn’t believe it. Matt sat there thinking the same thing I did, BULL!

  We all just stared at the building. I could make out where some gargoyles were and a huge fountain once was. Something caught my eye in the window, a small child.

  “Whoa!” I said pointed to the window, “did you see that?” I watched their eyes go to the window I was pointing at.

  “What did you see?” Marcus asked.

  “Not sure, it looked like a child.” I watched their eyes scan the building.

  “Boy or girl?” Marcus questioned me again.

  “Girl… blonde.” I looked at Matt, “I think.”

  Dorsella had this look on her face that seemed uneasy, that she knew I was telling the truth. “Marcus, you and Alton go check it out, you know what to do if you find anything.”

  “Yes, Milady.” they both answered in unison, bowed their heads and they disappeared over the stone wall. Matt was right next to me with his large hands around my waist. I stared at the house, I found myself glancing from window to window, looking for what I saw before. I turned towards Matt his eyes were fixed on the manor, I followed his gaze.

  There was a figure staring at us, “Dorsella?” I tapped her shoulder.

  She turned staring at the map, “Yes Nora?” she answered.

  “Look.” I whispered. He head slowly rose to where we were looking.

  She dropped the map and disappeared over the wall. I picked up the map, folded and put it in my back pocket. They could do whatever they wanted in there. But Matt and I weren’t going to follow.

  After several hours of waiting I was being to get bored. I walked around, pacing back and forth. I dislike waiting it drove me nuts, Matt was sitting down scratching his arm.

  Marcus and Alton returned, surprised to find Dorsella wasn’t there. They looked at us suspiciously, “Where is she?” Marcus growled.

  “She ran inside.” I answered.

  “Why?” Marcus charged at me, Matt got between us, defensively.

  “I don’t know, we saw a child in that window.” I pointed to the window, “then she just took off inside.” they both took off back over the stone wall again.

  Matt was still in his defensive stance and this time he was staring at the building, baring his teeth and growling. I heard many tiny footsteps coming towards us on the other side of the wall.

  My heart began to gallop away with me, fear swept over me. I began to hyperventilating. The sounds of something small clawing at the wall, more like many small things. Sounds of high pitched child-like growls filled the silence. I could hear their nails scratching the stones in the wall, determined to get through.

  Matt scooped me up and ran me away from there. We stopped about a half mile from a small town. He morphed back into this human self. He pulled out some clothes from my backpack. Walking into the town naked will surely draw attention to him.

  We went into the town, people running around doing their normal business. A man was standing outside of his shopping shouting something, we looked at each other. “I have no clue, babe.” Matt snickered. We went to walk past him, the man grabbed Matt and disappeared into the shop. It took me half a second to follow him inside. He wanted Matt to buy some suits, “I don’t speak whatever your speaking.” Matt said to the man.

  He pointed at Matt, “AH! English!” he said excitedly, “you buy new suit make more handsome, make womans go crazy for you.” the man smiled.

  Matt pointed to me, “My wife wouldn’t like that.” he smiled.

  The man wasn’t about to give up, “Maybe wife will like handsome man in new suit.” they both looked at me.

  I smiled, “maybe.”

  Matt gave me a look like, help. I shook my head. It felt good to do some normal stuff with Matt, even with all that was going on. I walked over to a rack of shirts and began looking at them, sliding them apart to see the designs on the fr
ont of them.

  “What you think?” Matt asked emerging from the changing room. I turned around looking at him, he was in a black suit with a white shirt and red silk tie. I was surprised he had a suit that fit him.

  “I like it.” I smiled.

  He walked over to a full length mirror, “not bad.” he decided to buy it and have it sent to our Philly house.

  We decided against our better judgment to return to the manor ruins. As we got closer we saw dark smoke bellowing above the treetops, Matt ran faster. The roof was visible now and it was engulfed in flames. Marcus, Alton and Dorsella were watching it burn.

  “What happened?” I asked as Matt sat me down on the ground. They spun around with their swords drawn and their eyes glowing red with fury.

  “Whoa!” I put up my hands defensively, “Its me.”

  It took them a minute to recognize me, “Sorry Nora.” Marcus apologized, “we just…” he trailed off, “we should get moving.” Matt scooped me back up and we were on our way once again.

  It was dark out, I should say black. The darkness was thick and heavy. The whole world seemed silent, the only noise I could hear was the steady of Matt’s thumping heart and his feet thudding against the ground, I couldn’t hear the others. Matt had me pressed against his chest, everything was muffled.

  I must of fell asleep because when I woke up I could see light under Matt’s arm. Matt began to breathe heavy, we stopped. At that moment I realized that he was getting tired more then ever.

  “Matt you ok?” I asked. He shook his head, I walked over to him and I hugged him, “Its about April?” he sighed, “ I miss her too.” I stroked his head, “I love you Matt.”

  Dorsella was on top of a huge boulder looking out with a pair of binoculars, “There is a building up ahead, I think its Castle Von Meer.” she turned and looked at us, “It will be safe there for the night.” she through on her backpack.

  Matt was beginning to be sluggish, his breath was labored and he was beginning to pant. We made it to the castle, the rest of the group was waiting for us. “Matt needs to rest.” I ordered. Matt morphed back into his human self.

  “I just need a few hours of sleep, then I will be good to go.” he looked beat.

  “Troy and Alton went in to see if there is any danger inside.” Dorsella said looking at the map, “there is a cave deep inside here, it is suppose to be the healing waters.”

  “Healing waters?” I asked.

  “Yes.” she folded the map and looked inside the building. We waited for them to return. Matt passed out leaning against the building, this time I watched over him.

  Marcus and Alton returned, “Its safe to go inside.” Marcus insisted. I gentle shook Matt to wake him up.

  “Matt come on lets go inside.” I lightly tugged on his arm. He woke up and obediently followed me inside.

  We stepped into a huge room with massive staircases on each side leading upstairs. Vines and moss grew on the walls and floors, puddles were formed on the floor from the previous rain. We followed the others to the right.

  “This will be ok for the night.” Marcus said starting a fire in the huge fireplace. I laid Matt’s sleeping bag out next to mine. He wasted no time in climbing in it and falling fast asleep. I couldn’t sleep so I decided to go off and explore the castle. I walked across the mass entrance to the other side to a large room which was once a formal dinning room.

  The table and several chairs remained. Huge tapestries hung on the wall and broken vases littered the floor. I followed the long corridor down several feet when the floor wasn’t underneath me. I woke up in darkness, no light at all. I stood up feeling the remains of the floor that was once above me. I stretched my hands out in front of me like a blind person. I felt something smooth, it was the wall. I felt my way along the wall for what seemed like forever.

  I found myself alone in the darkness, no Matt, no Dorsella or Marcus. I was scared, the darkness was thick, and feeling like having my head was under a blanket almost suffocating. I felt my way along the cold, damp wall hoping to find something to get me out of there.

  My foot hit something, something firm. I froze with fear. I bent down to see what it was. I couldn’t believe what I was feeling. I felt a leg, my breath caught in my chest.

  “Oh my God.” I said aloud. It was a body, it was still warm. I slowly stood up.

  “Help…” someone said, barely a whisper. I bent back down to touch the body again. I felt a hand reach up and grab my arm, “Help me.” This time I recognized the voice.

  “Josh?” I said softly.

  “Nora…I can’t move, they chained me to the wall.” I heard him move the chain. I reached down and felt a shackle wrapped around his leg, which led to a chain that was anchored into the wall.

  “I’ll see what I can do, be right back.” I reassured him.

  I heard a soft snicker, “if this was a scary movie, I would be dead when you got back.” I am glad he couldn’t see my face because I was giving him a dirty look.

  “Don’t be so, morbid, and don’t die!” I ordered him, I stood up and started down the hall some more.

  My hand hit something metal, I felt it again, a doorknob. I slowly turned it. It opened easily, “Josh?” I called down the hall.

  “Still here.” he sounded faint but he was talking, thank goodness.

  “I found a door, I will be right back.” I heard him snicker again,

  “I’m not going anywhere.” his voice was beginning to sound weak. I hurried into the door, not looking where it led.

  I blinked wildly at the bright light in the room. I waited for my eyes to adjust. I noticed it was some sort of workshop. I walked over to the worktable, moving stuff around, hoping to find anything that would help. I saw a key ring hanging on a hook. I picked it up, hoping that one of them would be for the lock to Josh’s shackles. I saw a flashlight on a shelf. I picked it up, please let this work, I thought to myself. I pressed the button; the light was bright, yes! I thought. I searched the room more, Praying there was another door, but there was nothing.

  I noticed some boxes in the corner. One by one, I checked them for anything useful, but mostly old newspapers. I moved the last box; there was a tiny fridge behind it. I opened it, I sighed in relief. There was water in it and a few other things. I grabbed water and the first aid kit that rested on top of it. I shoved the flashlight in my hoodie pocket, the first aid kit under my arm and the bottle of water in my other hoodie pocket. Gave the room one last look then headed for the door.

  I made my way out to the dark hallway, this time armed with a flashlight. I turned the light on; it was like a beacon, signaling to on coming ships. I shined it down the hallway. I was surprised how close I was to Josh. He covered his eyes when the beam hit him.

  “Wow, that’s bright.” I didn’t waste any time I ran back down the hall, this time at full speed.

  I bent down next to Josh, I handed him the water, “Here.” he opened it and gulped a few drinks as I fumbled around with the key. After I checked half of them, I was about to give up.

  “I am going to try this last key, if it doesn’t work, I am going back in there and get the hack saw.”

  “Hacksaw?” Josh gave me the look, “Seriously?” I shook my head, I put the key in the lock, it twisted in the lock, and we heard a soft click.

  “Yes!” Josh sighed, I bent down checking his leg, and it looked broken.

  “Can you walk? I can’t do much here for your leg.” I asked.

  “Yeah, if you help me.” he put his right hand on my shoulder his other hand on the wall and we started down the corridor.

  I sat Josh down on the worn sofa in the room. I bent down at his feet. I ripped his pants to look at his leg; I washed it off with some of the bottle water from the fridge. “Shit that’s cold!” he complained.

  “Oh suck it up, baby.” We both chuckled, I then poured some

  Hydrogen peroxide on his huge gash on
his leg, it bubbled.

  “Shit! That stings!” he whined, “so much for being the reckless one.” I looked up at him, his brown hair was matted, and his scare was barely visible with all the blood and bruises on his face. It got uncomfortable quiet in the room.

  “Josh, what about Corbin? He took my daughter. Do you know why?” I asked, still attending his wounds.

  “Yes, it was to lure you in here to…. to Noah.” He lowered his head.

  “Why? I thought Corbin was a good guy.” I felt my heart speed up.

  “He is, I don’t know how much I should tell you.” our eyes met, he sighed, “Corbin has a plan, at first he wasn’t going to take your baby, but he had to make things look good for Noah. Noah thinks Corbin has turned bad but he hasn’t. He took the baby on one condition, that he would keep her with him at all cost. He takes real good care of her.” he adjusted himself; I think he was trying to ease my mind. “When he told me about his plan I thought he was nuts.” he kept his eyes down.

  “How did you end up here?” I asked placing a bandage over his leg.

  “We were flanked in the woods, they thought I was unconscious, that’s when I heard Noah tell Corbin that several of his men caught your scent in Philadelphia. They’re going to come to your house to kill you and the baby. Corbin doubled back to intercept, he then made a deal with him about the baby.” I stood up, “he saw you at the bank, and he said he followed your sent, he just had to see you.” I felt my whole body shiver.

  “Who did this to you?” I asked.

  “One of Noah’s henchmen.” he raised an eyebrow, “Corbin said he willing to die again, just to protect you and the baby, even though you moved on, he still loves you.” I felt a tear fall down my face. I quickly wiped it away.

  “Whats Corbin’s plan?” I asked this time with a more stern voice.

  “To lead Noah into a false sense of security and kill him once and for all.” he replied.

  “I don’t understand. Do you know how Noah survived?” I sat next to him on the sofa.

  “No, I know how Corbin survived.” I looked at him, waiting for him to continued, “Corbin said he was in the backseat of the car. I heard you talking to him and he felt death. When he seen this white wolf, it told him that he had to live, that you needed him. If he died, you would die and that he had to fight. Kyle didn’t bury him; he just put him in their parent’s crypt. It was easy for him to escape.” I looked at him.

  “A white wolf?” I questioned.

  “Yes, a wolf spirit, It’s been said when one of my kind sacrificed themselves for someone they love, a white wolf will give us a second chance to make things right. So we can pass to the other side. Us being… What… We are.. It’s hard for us to move on, so Corbin got his mission. His mission is you, it always has been you.” he took another gulp of his water.

  “What happens when things are better I mean, when I am no longer in danger?” I asked, I knew the answer,

  “He will die, and move on to the next life.” his face dropped. We heard a faint howl in the distance.

  My head snapped towards it’s, “Who was that?” I darted up.

  He was smiling, “It’s Matt, and he is looking for you.” I looked at him, “Yes he knows you’re around here somewhere.”

  “Can you call to him?” I asked, “Turn and let him know I am here.” he bowed his head,

  He began shaking his head, “No, they gave me a shot that keeps me from turning.” he looked disappointed. There was a banging on the wall; I jumped, grabbing the first thing I saw, which was a hammer. I looked down at it and turned it with the claws face up. I was ready to hit anything that came through the wall.

  The pounding began to knock dust off the ceiling falling on us. I was shaking so hard my teeth were chattering. I could taste the metallic of my adrenaline pumping through my veins.

  “Relax, it’s your husband.” Josh said, all relaxed on the sofa.

  “Matt!” I yelled towards the wall, the pounding stopped, then started again.

  “He heard you; he is a tough son of a bitch.” I smiled at him, thinking to myself, he sure is.

  With one big bang, there stood my husband, sorta. He stood there breathing heavy, his massive shoulders falling up and down with each breath. I smiled, even in his wolf form he was still a welcomed sight.

  I watched him, transform in to his human self, “Nora!” he was still out of breath.

  I ran to him, he engulfed me in his massive arms, “Thank God you’re ok!” he lifted my face to his and kissed me, as if he hasn’t seen me in years.

  “Your ok? You’re not hurt?” he asked checking me out.

  “Yes, I‘m ok, but Josh isn’t.” I pointed to Josh on the couch.

  “Josh? Kyle was thinking you were dead.” Matt made his way over to him.

  “Nope, I am alive and kind of kicking with one leg” he lifted his good leg. Matt turned his attention back to me.

  “April is in this building somewhere, we can hear her crying, but not sure where its coming from.” he went back to the hole in the wall, “can you run?” he asked.

  “Yes, what about Josh?” I turned and looked back at him.

  “Don’t worry about me, I’ll be ok, Go!” Josh motioned for me to go. Matt turned back into his other form. He picked me up and started carrying me down the hall. I head a soft cry, a baby’s cry.

  “Stop!” I yelled, “Listen?” we both held out breath, another cry. We looked at each other, “it’s her.” I began to cry, Matt pressed me against his furry chest, “Let’s go!”

  He ran with incredible speed down the dark corridors, towards the sound of the baby. The sound was getting louder and louder, and then it stopped. We stopped moving, my heart thudded in my chest, feeling like it was going to break a rib.

  “I don’t hear her anymore!” I was stifling a sob. Matt put me down and howled. WOW! I thought, that was loud. I put my fingers in my ears. He waited for a rely, then in the distance there was a faint howl. He scooped me back up and ran some more. I couldn’t see where I was going, even if my eyes weren’t being covered by Matt’s thick and black fur. Things where whizzing past me, everything was a blur.

  We rounded the corner; I heard a sound like something was triggered. The floor gave out from under us, with one swift motion he threw me up. I watched him fall into darkness, “MATT!” I yelled. I heard a sickening thud, “NO! Matt!” I yelled again. Nothing, not even a whimper.

  I looked around to see where I was. I remembered that I kept the flashlight. I shined it down the opening; there was Matt, still a werewolf. Whew! I thought, he was just knocked out.

  “Matt!” I yelled, then I seen him stir alittle, “Matt!” he got up slowly. His head turned towards me. He began looking around, “Can you jump up…..” I stopped in mid-sentence. I heard her cry again, so did Matt. I stood up, “Matt she’s close.” I heard him growl, I heard the familiar sound of ripping.

  “No don’t go Nora, help me get out of here.” I stood up and began to look around for anything to get him out of there. I saw another hallway. I hesitated, but I needed to get him out of there. I walked up the hall some distance. I heard the sound of a door opening behind me. An icy chill shot through my body. I slowly turned there was Queen Dorsella and two of her guards.

  “Nora!” she was surprised to see me.

  “Thank goodness, Matt is trapped in a hole, I need your help!” I was sounding hysterical.

  “Of course, show us where?” they sheathed their weapons and followed me to Matt. We returned to the hole and he wasn’t there,

  “He was here.” Both guards drew their weapons. They were staring behind me. I turned in the direction of their gaze. It was Matt; “Matt!” he growled at the guards, “put your weapons away.” I ordered them. They waited for Dorsella to tell them to obey me before they did.

  “Did you jump?” I asked, Matt stayed in his fighting stance until he thought it was safe. He scooped me up again and beg
an running. This time with three vampires on our heel. Matt didn’t trust them, and I had some doubts. Even though they never did anything for us to distrust them.

  We were outside in some kind of outdoor hot spring. Steam was raising heavy off the water with the rocks surrounding it. Grass was lush and green; it had a tropical feel to it.

  “This is the legendary healing springs.” Queen Dorsella said looking down at it with awe. “All my hundreds of years, I thought I would never see it.” One of her guards went to stick his hands in the water; she grabbed his wrist before he could. “Don’t drink it or touch it unless you want to be human again.” she was looking at everyone. She looked at Matt and me, “this is where they use to take my kinds when they wanted to punish them. They would bring them down here. Dunk them in to make them mortal so they could be killed.” she and the other guards stayed clear of the water, not even coming close to it, Matt stayed clear of it too.

  “A door!” Marcus said pointing to a rusted door on the other side. We carefully made our way around the spring. Troy tried the handle but it was shut tight. Matt changed back into a human so he could talk.

  “It’s locked, where is the key?” Troy asked.

  “There, in the water.” Marcus pointed to something gold in the water. “How are we supposed to get that? I don’t want to be human.” No one volunteered and I didn’t blame them. With the battle that was ahead I would want to be immortal.

  “I’ll do it.” everyone’s eyes where on me. “What?” I stepped toward the water.

  Matt gently grabbed my arm, “you sure?”

  I touched his face, “I am the only one who can.” I kissed him. I took off all my clothes except my underwear. I sighed, I slowly stepped into the water. No surprise it was warm, like bath water warm. I took two quick breaths and went under. I swam as far as I could with the breath I had, came up for another. I was just a few feet from the key when something brushed against my leg. I turned, nothing was there. I picked up the key and turned to go back.

  I swam to surface, “I have it!” I threw it, I watched Troy catch it. I felt suction pulling me. I fought to break the surface again. “Help!” I yelled. I felt the pull again this time I couldn’t fight, I was sucked down. I fell quickly into another pool, I hurried and broke surface. I coughed some to clear my lungs.

  I climbed out of the pool. I was in a cave; moss grew on the rocks on the side of the pool. It wasn’t as warm as the one I just came from in fact, I was freezing. I shivered uncontrollably. I hoped Matt would come looking for me. My teeth began to chatter and I could see my breath.

  A hour went by; I was beginning to get sleepy. I stood up to wake up but my legs wouldn’t let me. I sat back down curled up into a little ball. I leaned my head on the rocky surface of the cave. Sleep was taking me, I just couldn’t fight it anymore.




  I heard a soft clicking sound that slowly brought me out of sleep. I opened my eyes, they were blurry so I blinked a few times to clear them. I was staring up at a red ceiling, startled I rose up fast. The room was lavishly decorated, I was very disorientated.

  “Morning Miss.” a man with a heavy accent said. “Glad to see you’re awake.” I looked in his direction. He slumped over some folded clothes. His back was hunched over, gray hair and he had some missing teeth.

  “Where…. Where am I?” I asked.

  “Your in the masters bedroom, he found you unconscious.” I looked down, I was completely naked.

  “I’m naked.” I hurried and pressed the thick blanket against my chest.

  “Yes, I have you some warm clothes right here.” He held up the folded clothes he had in his hand. “The master would like you to join him in the study, when you are dress.” he smiled.

  “Thank you…ummm?” lowered my head.

  “Excuse me, Miss, I am Roland.” he introduced himself.

  “I am Nora. Could you please give me some privacy?” I asked nicely.

  “Of course I will be right outside.” he made his way out of the room. As soon as the door was shut. I dressed quickly in a pair of jean and sweatshirt the smell of lavender was heavy on them.

  I opened the door to find Roland was waiting for me. “this way miss.” I followed him just a short distance. The whole place reminded me of a museum. Old oil paintings hung on the wall, colorful vases decorated the floor and tables. Vivid colored rugs ran down the halls and were in the center of every room I was in. Not a speck of dust was present.

  We walked into a room full of book from floor to ceiling. We stood in front of an over sized desk, a chair was turned away form us. I could see a faint glow of a computer monitor. “She is awake, Sir.” he said to the person on the other side of the chair.

  “Very good Roland, you may leave.” the person spoke, he was obviously English, “Welcome to my home.” the man said spinning his chair around. I stood there waiting to see an old man. To my surprise he was in his middle 30s and handsome. His hair was blonde pulled back into a tight ponytail, his suit was pressed, and his tie was neatly tied in a perfect bow. The man was no doubt a vampire. His eyes were red, his skin is pale. He smiled at me, “are you hungry?” he asked.

  “No, I would like to find the people I was with.”

  “You mean the 3 men and the woman? They left, I assume looking for you. The big guy seemed to be more anxious then the rest.” he raised his eyebrow.

  “Matt, he is my husband, we are looking for our daughter, she…..”

  “The baby?” he interrupted, “I have heard it cry. The dark skin man keeps moving her from one place to another.” he took a deep breath.

  “April, she is my daughter and the dark guy is Corbin, he … he is here with another guy… Noah.”

  “Noah? Him I know.” he stood up and walked over to a bookshelf.

  “How do you know him?” I asked.

  Watching him run his finger along the spines of the books, as if he was looking for something. “Ah, here we go,” He pulled a worn book off the shelf. He opened it, flipped through the pages gingerly, “Here.” he walked over to me with the book open, “this is how I know Noah.” I looked down at the page; it was a photo album, to my surprise it was him and Noah standing beside each other.

  My eyes flew to his face, “Your Wolfgang Warchec?” I was shocked; I was standing next to Noah’s father. I looked at him in horror.

  “Oh don’t worry, lass, I won’t turn you over to him. However, I will admit to one thing. I am the reason why Corbin has your child. I want to destroy Noah.” he placed the book back on the shelf.

  “He is your son, you’re the reason why he is the way he is.” I accused.

  “Yes, I made a mistake, all those years ago. I betrayed the Crows family and destroy my son of ever having a normal life.” he took in another deep breath.

  “He is a monster!” I basically yelled at him. “Since he came into my life he has made it miserable.” my hands began to shake.

  “Yes, I know all about what he has done to you, this is why I must stop him.” he sat back down on his chair.

  “You’re a vampire, right?” I asked.

  He smiled, “Yes, turned by my true love.” I looked at him.

  “True love?”

  “Noah’s mother, Dorsella.” the room began to spin.

  “Queen Dorsella is his mother?” I didn’t know if I was thinking or asking, too much information hitting me at once. I thought my brain was going in explode.

  “Yes, she dislikes him as well, her reason is more legit than mine.” he leaned back in his chair, smoothing his jacket of non-existent wrinkles.

  “What reason?” I asked.

  “She and I were separated when she found out what I did to him. She fell in love with a man and shortly became with child. Noah tried to kill her, she survived but…. she lost the child.”

  I hel
d up my hand to stop him from speaking, “He tried to kill his own mother? Why” I asked.

  “I am not certain, but my guess is that he was jealous of her having another child. He was always wanting her attention even with me.” he stood up and walked to the big stain glass window that covers the far side of the wall. “Soon after she met the other man, who was a ruler of a small country.” he sighed, “He was a vampire, and she begged him to change her. He gave her what she wanted. I think it was to rid the world of the most evil being that ever existed.” he pressed his finger on the glass, tracing the design of the man, woman and child etched onto it.

  “How did you…..” I trailed off.

  He sighed again, “She came to me one evening, begging for my help.” He turned to face me from his expression on his face he was debating whether he should tell me it or not. “Noah was 9 and already been locked in a jail. He killed two men out side of the village we lived in. He decapitated them and hung their lifeless bodies from a nearby tree.”

  “At 9 yrs old?” I was astounded.

  “Oh yes, that’s not everything he has done. By the time, he was 16 he was completely out of control. Then he found out he could make others like him by biting, sex or any other fluid transfusion.”

  “He tried to turn me.” I said looking at him.

  “Yes, I know. Corbin told me everything.” he walked over and stood in front of me. “That’s enough talk about Noah, I bet your ready to get going looking for your husband and child.” I looked up

  “Yes, but I have no shoes, supplies or anything.” I looked at my bare feet.

  “Ah, leave that to me. Roland!” he called out to the other room.

  “Yes Sir?” Roland answered

  “Find Nora some supplies and some clothes, she will be leaving.” Roland bowed his head and left.

  “I can’t think you enough for this.”

  “I am sure you will thank me in some way.” he sat back in his chair. He turned around and went back at his computer monitor. I walked around the room reading the binding of the books.

  “Miss, I have your supplied.” I turned and looked at Roland. He was holding a down jacket with a fur rimmed hood, a backpack and a pair of boot with socks shoved in them.

  “Thank you Roland.” I took the boots from him, “I don’t know where to go.” Roland just shrugged.

  “Roland, give her a horse. Give her Blaze, my horse.” I turned and looked at him, he never moved. Roland sat the stuff down and left.

  I put the socks, boots, jacket and backpack on, “Thank you again, Mr. Warchec.” No answer.

  I waited for Roland to return, I found gloves in the pocket of the jacket. Roland returned and showed me out to where he had left the horse.

  It was cold out and morning; I could see the sun rising in the distance.

  “This is Blaze. He is the Masters horse, very well trained and loyal to his rider.” the horse was shiny black, very beautiful. “Thank you Roland.” He then handed me a map and GPS.

  “The next village is already programmed in it. The map will work when the GPS won’t. You should reach it before midday.” he went back inside. I mounted the horse. I pulled the hood up and tied it under my chin.

  “Ok Blaze lets go.” I gave the horse a light tap in it side.

  I rode for hours, watching the sun get lower and lower in the sky. I kept looking at my gps, watching the village marker getting closer and closer. I could see rain clouds forming in the distance.

  My butt was sore and I was getting tired. I wondered where the hell is this small village. I rode to the top of a small hill; there in the horizon was smoke. The closer I got I noticed tall stonewall and inside it was the town that time forgot.

  I dismounted Blaze and tied him to a tree. I walked through the opening, I felt eyes on me. I watched people staring at me. An old man was standing on deck of one of the buildings. I thought I would ask him if they seen the others.

  “Excuse me sir.” I said in my nicest voice. The man had a shocked looked on his face. He walked in the building behind him as fast as he could. Shit! I thought. I decided I had better find someone who could help me.

  I walked into a building, my luck it was some kind of eatery. I found a spot just beside the door in case things got hectic I could book it out of there. I heard someone clearing their throat, I looked, it was a woman around 40ish.

  “Hi do you speak English?” I asked, she just looked at me, “Guess not.” I heard a snicker.

  “Hon r Amerikanska, Ester.” the woman turned towards the mans voice.

  “Amerikanska va?” the woman said the person behind her.

  “Ta henne speciell, Ester.” The woman turned her head to me, “Kommer hon lämna om jag gör?”

  He chuckled, “Intel om du inte sknada dig.” She turned and headed to the back of the room. I finally got to see who was talking.

  “You speak English?” I asked.

  “Yes, I am Victor. If your going to visit here you need to learn the language.” he smiled.

  “Hi, Victor, I am Nora. I’m not staying; I am looking for a woman and three men that came this way. Have you seen them?”

  “No. but if your going to leave, I would wait until morning.” he stood up, grabbed his jacket off the back of his chair.

  “Why?” I asked, he looked around the room at all the other people. They were whispering and acting scared.

  “Let’s just say, if the people wont get to you then other things will.” he slipped on his jacket, “here.” he handed me a strange piece of paper.

  “Whats this?” I asked

  “They don’t take American money here.” with that, he left. Strange, I thought

  The woman returned with a big bowl, some sliced bread and water. It smelled wonderful, my stomach growled. I thanked her, oh, she didn’t speak English, I thought to myself. I ate the fastest I have ever done in my life. I handed her the money that Victor gave me and left.

  In the streets, I could feel eyes watching me, creeping me out. I slid the backpack on and headed to where I left the horse. He was gone. I searched and found footprints, small footprints. I followed them to a barn. I went inside; Blaze was tied up to a post in the middle. I untied him; I felt a little tug on my jacket.

  “NO! NO TAKE!” a little voice pleaded. I turned and looked behind me, alittle girl was standing there. She was pretty little thing with big green eyes and red hair, “MINE!” she yelled while pointing at the horse.

  I bent down and pointed to myself, “Mine.” she backed up. I heard the door open.

  “What you do here?” a woman’s voice asked. I turned to look. A very tired woman was walking towards me. “Our horse.” she pointed to Blaze.

  “You speak English?” I asked.

  She shook her head, “Yes, some, understand better than speak.”

  “Good, She took this horse from me, I tied him outside of town and she took him.” we both looked at the little girl who was bowing her head in shame.

  “Sorry, she just little girl.” she put her hand on her daughters shoulder.

  “I know, I have to go before its gets too late.” I held on to Blazes reigns and started to lead him out.

  “Are you looking for the people who came through here earlier?” the woman asked.

  “Yes, have you seen them?” I watched her face drain of all color.

  “Yes, they just pass.” she pointed to the other end of town, “it better go through town then around,” she suggested.

  “Thank you.” I mounted Blaze and galloped out.

  I trotted through town; I noticed the streets where a lot clearer then earlier. Everyone was running inside of their homes, locking doors and windows. I then noticed how dark it was getting. I was left alone in the middle of the streets, in a strange and I do mean strange town.

  “Psst!” I heard, “Miss over here.” I looked it was the same man from earlier. Motioning me to come inside a barn. I rode Blaze
inside the barn. As soon as the horses behind was safely inside, he shut and locked the door.

  “Whats going on here?’ I asked, dismounted the horse and taking off my bag.

  “I have no time to explain, follow me.” he ordered, I wasn’t going to disobey, since I have no friggin clue what the hell is going on. We walked to the far side of the barn. He picked up a big gold handle and pulled open a trap door, “Get in!” he yelled. I descended the stair. It was so dark I didn’t want to go down the stairs. I reached into my pocket and got my lighter. I pulled it out and flicked it a few times before it would light. The lighter didn’t help much.

  “It’s very dark down here.” I said in a hush tone.

  “Shhh! Just follow the stairs,” he ordered, I wasn’t about to argue. I carefully but swiftly descended the stairs.

  I reached the bottom, thankful I didn’t fall. I waited for him to come down. It was so dark I wouldn’t know if there was monster down there or not. I heard a match strike then the faint glow. He lit a lantern that was sitting on the table.

  “Whats going on?” I quietly asked. He put his finger of his mouth shushing me, “if I told you, you wouldn’t believe me.”

  I chuckled alittle, “try me.” he got real close to my face.

  “Werewolves, that is what is wrong.” he pulled out two blankets and through me one, “get some slee…” the sound of growling, tearing and howling above us, made him stop in mid sentence. I was scared; I had no real weapon besides a pocketknife.

  I watched shadows above us through the wooden floor planks. I have seen werewolves in actions; I knew the planks wouldn’t stop them from coming down here and tearing us to shreds.

  “I smell them!” a creep voice from above us called out, “they are close.” at first, I thought it was Matt.

  “That sounds like my husband.” I said alittle too loud.

  “Shhh…. Shut up!” he ordered. The footsteps above us stopped, right over my head. I froze.

  “Did you hear that?” a females voice, a strange sounding female.

  I looked over at Victor; he made the shushing gesture again, “it’s a trick.” I curled up in the corner scared.

  A rooster crowed, waking me up. I opened my eyes, I survived another night. I heard breathing; I fell asleep on Victors shoulder. I jumped up and dusted myself off. I folded the blanket up and slipped on my jacket. Victor stood up and stretched.

  “Is it safe to leave now?” I asked.

  “Yes, its daylight.” it didn’t take me long to ascend the stairs and get out of that hole. Claustrophobia was beginning to set in.

  I was expecting to see the horse torn to shreds. At first, I didn’t see him. I saw him in the back of the barn, spooked.

  “Easy Blaze, Easy boy” I said in a calm voice. He was alittle leery of me at first but after patting him and letting him see who I was he was good. I looked him over to see if he was hurt, he didn’t have a scratch on him.

  “Where are you going, anyway?” Victor asked.

  “The Winston Abbey. How far is it from here?” I didn’t even look at him.

  “Five day ride, it’s not the kind of trip you take alone, especially a woman.” I shot a look at him, “I don’t mean to be sexist or anything but men in this country look for the opportunity to …um… ‘get’ a woman like you.” he put the emphasis on the word get. I knew what that meant.

  “I’m not scared, I can handle myself.” I tightened the cinch of the saddle.

  “Never the less, I think I should come with you.” he disappeared into a stall and led out a beautiful white horse.

  “Come with me? I don’t know.”

  “There is something that I haven’t told you,” he sighed, “I was hired by someone to make sure you reached your destination.” I looked at him.

  “Who?” I asked

  “Master Warchec.” he was putting the saddle on the horse.

  “You lied to me; you knew who I was and where I was going.” I walked over to him.

  “Yes, but it was for the best, I am going with you to make sure you get to where your going.” he went back down to the room of darkness. I wasn’t going to turn down him helping me, because I needed it. I had no idea where the hell I was going or how the hell to get there.



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