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A Tune of Demons Box Set: The Complete Fantasy Series

Page 79

by J E Mueller

  We didn’t go very far before Benz opened a door and motioned for us to enter. It was a simple little office with a desk, one of the many I had seen exploring. Benz walked over to it after we entered and shut the door.

  Leaning against the desk he shook his head and sighed. “Well, Gretta, you wanted to know where I was all day, so let’s go over that really quick.” He motioned for everyone to come closer.

  Gretta wasn’t hesitant as she walked over to the desk and took one of the two chairs in front of it. “Yeah, but you were all like ‘I’m tired, give me a few’, and now, here we are.” She motioned around the room. “What is going on oh great leader? Give us the real details.”

  The guy took a few reluctant steps before leaning against the remaining chair. “For real, you've been missing a lot.”

  “Sorry Kip, it’s been a long day. I was trying to help River and Clara find something but ended up finding Silverwell while we were making an escape. My joining up with them was enough to let the other two slip by.” Benz shrugged. “The other team has been looking for useful books to defeat creatures and to learn more about offensive and defensive movements. No actual surprises there, but we did run into a problem with an outdoor creature getting inside and somehow up to level three.”

  Gretta frowned, crossing and uncrossing her arms as she tried to get comfortable. “That’s really not good.”

  “I was hoping it might be due to the artifact we found earlier,” Benz said as he waited patiently for the answer.

  “No.” Gretta shook her head. “It doesn’t do anything like that and Hobs has it. He’s been in the common room more today than not.”

  “What does it do then?” Benz crossed his arms.

  Gretta glanced over at Kip who shrugged. “Basically all we’ve gotten it to do today is cause a small rain cloud over Hobs. We can’t get it to do anything other than rain on Hobs, which was hilarious at first, but he kind of hates us now.”

  Benz gave an amused smirk before getting serious once more. “Well, I’d say that wasn’t it then. Someone must have let it in and possibly lured it up.”

  “Aren’t outside things fast though?” Kip asked uneasily. “I mean sure someone could have let it in, but luring it? That part seems a bit far fetched.”

  “Why would it go all the way up then? Why not just stay downstairs?” Benz asked, genuinely curious.

  “Maybe it saw someone? If it made it to the second floor and then was wandering around and heard noise from the third floor it could have just accidentally made its way up there,” Kip suggested.

  Benz gave a nod. “That’s my best guess as well.”

  “While that is terrible, and I’m glad someone didn’t knowingly lure it.” Gretta pointed at me as I lingered by the door. “What does any of this have to do with her?”

  I took a stunned step back a moment in surprise but before I could speak, Benz took over. “She’s a new part of the Negza alliance. Very new, but she is helping to find all artifacts in hopes they might have the Creators.”

  Well, I didn’t know he was this far into working things out.

  Benz noted my surprise, but continued on. “Negza is a combination of people from both sides working to bring the Creators back. I started this group shortly after I realized how badly things were messed up.”

  “So she knows nothing and she is somehow on this team?” Gretta crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes at him. “Do tell me more.”

  Benz chuckled completely unabashed by the turnout of events. “Correct. A lot has happened this afternoon and we decided to figure out the barrier issue first and then reconvene and speak of other issues.”

  “How’d you get off that easy?” Kip laughed. “No million questions?”

  Benz nodded my way. “I’m entirely sure that’s what this meetup is about.”

  I gave a small nod back but Gretta spoke before I could. “I’m fine with that. So, did we get any more headway?”

  Benz nodded at me again. “Nothing exciting, but I think Remi might like to speak to me for a bit before we go any further. Can we meet later?”

  Gretta nodded at him before getting up. “Let’s go, Kip. We’re not wanted anymore.”

  “What a terrible dismissal. Been gone all day and now just a kick out the door,” Kip agreed, smirking as he stood.

  Benz laughed. “Miss you both too. If you can, let’s try and plan a meetup with everyone tomorrow. I’ve a feeling things will be going down soon.”

  “Really now?” Gretta gave a shrug. “I’ll put the proper feelers out there then. Normal time and place?”

  “Sounds perfect.” Benz nodded.

  Gretta gave me a slight nudge as she headed out. “Welcome to the group.”

  Kip gave a small salute as he closed the door behind them.


  We stared at one another for a moment, letting the silence fill the room. Finally, Benz took a deep breath and exhaled loudly.

  “Well, I was expecting to come find you but I guess you have some questions then?” Benz motioned for me to come closer to the desk.

  “I do, as do the Creators,” I replied.

  Benz blinked a few times in surprise. “Well then. It seems we both have questions.”

  I gave a nod and went to lean against the chair closest to me. “So, how did you do it?”

  “Honestly, that’s a complicated story and half the details are missing even to me.” Benz sighed and jumped up onto the desk to sit cross legged.

  “You’re forgetting details? How?” Like I was one to talk.

  “The memories are probably sealed away in the event I double crossed them, which I clearly am. How about I start from the beginning?” When I nodded Benz continued. “I don’t exactly remember when the problem started, but it did start with weird voices in my dreams, then the dreams became more and more life-like. Before I knew it, the voices had become a fog, like the thickest I have ever seen. I know it must sound crazy but…”

  I shook my head and interrupted him. “I’ve seen and had those myself.”

  “I hope you’ve ignored them.” He eyed me carefully.

  “As best as I can. For now, they are silenced from my head. I had some help from the Creators,” I explained.

  Benz gave a slow nod. “I probably should have told them, but I wasn’t the only one who didn’t. At first I thought it was just weird, maybe me slowly going insane by being trapped here. Then the voices had some decent ideas and some offers that enticed me a bit too much.”

  “What was the breaking point?” I was curious and perhaps a bit too nosey. Those angels and demons seemed to find everyone's breaking point eventually.

  “That’s a tough one. Somewhere probably around the idea of unlimited power and a way back to our realm. Of course things would be different. I wouldn’t just be able to go back home, but being able to keep my magic and go home… I don’t know. Somewhere in there I got lost. How could they make good on their promises? Of course now, I understand a bit more. If I were to ever go back, it would be on their terms and not as myself. I would be one of them, one of their minions… I’ve glimpsed their true forms and out of all the voices…” He shivered. “It was like looking into a pit of chaos and pain.”

  I nodded. “What happened?” I asked as nicely as I could. “How did you trap them?”

  “You see, that’s where things get foggy. I know there was a small group of us who made it to them, these angels and demons, but I can’t actually say for sure who. I’ve only got a gut feeling. After we found them, I know they were able to temporarily possess us. The next thing I remember is waking up in a cave outside. I was pretty beat up, fairly bloodied, and most of the blood was not my own. I don’t think I felt like myself for a week and then things slowly felt more and more off here. Then things just started to feel wrong.”

  He paused for a moment as he collected his thoughts. “Dreamers kept appearing speaking of where the Creators were. We knew one for sure was able to ask for help, but I don’t know… Fo
r the longest time I had the urge to wipe out any who dared speak of it. Several of us did, and those who acted on it are where I’ve gotten my guesses from.” He sighed heavily, slumping over for a moment. “Now that brings us here. Trying to find whatever artifact we can find. Except so is everyone, and I swear, I have no proof but I think Clove is hoarding them just to keep any hidden from us. It’s like she knows and doesn’t want them found.”

  I nodded slowly. “I won’t speak on Clove since I have no idea, but there is a lot of weird things in your story. You really can't remember more?”

  Benz gave a slight shrug. “I remember weird blurs that don’t make sense. Like seeing a creature, I think it’s called a Nighzel flying. Those things can’t get more distance than a turkey so that’s absurd. Then there’s these purple tentacles, and another thing about finding a way to banish ‘her’ to a new realm, whoever the heck her is. It’s just a confusing mess of random bits of memories.”

  “Sounds like my life.” Before getting all these memories to come back that was how it really felt.

  Well, now what Lydia?

  He’s more useless than I thought.

  That’s not nice, he’s trying to make up for being an idiot.

  True, but that doesn’t make him anymore useful.

  “Do you think anyone else would remember better?” I asked curiously.

  “I wouldn’t even dare ask them.” Benz shook his head. “I’m ninety percent certain the others are Canton, Cane, and Clove.”

  “All the C names?” I fought back the amused look that threatened to slide across my face. I couldn’t help but notice the pattern.

  He rolled his eyes, hopping off the desk. “Canton is actually Joseph Canton Greensburg the fifth, so I understand why he prefers his middle name. Cane is still a C with Cadence, but Maria Olivia Clove went by her last name.”

  First name, middle name, and a last name with C wasn’t any less funny, but I nodded along anyway.

  Ask him about this cave he woke up in. Where was it exactly?

  “So, this cave? Where was it? Are there a lot of caves around here?” I asked, genuinely curious.

  “Oh, not that I know of. If you take the basement to the tunnel leading out, it goes down a ways and then back up, making you come out of a cave-like structure. All around the entrance looks like a rocky hill and has several small caves that don’t actually go far in. It was in one of those that I woke up. There was an exit back into the main shaft of the tunnel but I don’t exactly remember where in the tunnel you popped back up at. I was pretty disorientated then.”

  “So it’s not something easily found since it’s outside and basically in the death zone.”

  Benz gave a nod. “I’m not entirely sure where the entrance is. You can’t get in the way I came out, which was mostly falling through the ceiling into the tunnel. It’s most likely in the death zone as you put it, and honestly I don’t know how the Watch even survives out there.”

  “How do you know they’re alive if no one ever talks to them?” I wondered aloud.

  “They make their way back quarterly when things die down.” Benz shrugged. “You really think a basement of spiders can stop a group that lives outside? Adler and his crew are creature slayers. They know their stuff.”

  “Has Adler been around a long time too?”

  “Yeah, about as long as Clove and I have actually. I think he has a few others with years under their belts. If someone is wandering outside and he finds them, you can bet they’re a part of that team in no time. Rarely does he bring someone in because they can’t hack it. Maybe twice ever?”

  We should go see Marella.

  I sighed. “As fun as this has been, I should probably go.”

  No, we all should go. Bring the boy.

  Benz nodded at me. “That is fair, it’s been a day.”

  “I guess you’re coming with, sorry about that.” I shrugged.

  He stared at me confused.

  “You were right. One of the Creators can speak fairly easily to Dreamers. To make a long story short, ta-da!” I waved at myself. “And now we're going to see one that’s a little harder to communicate with, but needs to be updated.”

  “You know where two are?” he asked curiously.

  “No. I know where one is, and how to talk to another,” I explained as I started for the door. “It doesn’t make much sense, just come on.” I motioned for him to follow.

  “You know,” he stated as he got off the desk. “You are probably the last person I expected secrets from. Somehow, of course, that means you have the best secrets,” Benz mused.

  I crossed my arms as I waited for him. “I hate secrets, but there are too many layers to this problem to be going on and telling everyone everything.”

  “Agreed. Which is where the need to disguise myself came from.” Benz nodded.

  I gave him a nod in return and tentatively opened the door. When I saw there was no major threat looming I continued onwards toward finding Marella. “I just want to try and fix this before I wake up. Or die I guess. There really aren’t a healthy amount of options here for me.”

  “How is waking up not healthy?” Benz asked, confused.

  “Well, it’s not so much unhealthy as it is likely going to be problematic. I’ll have extensive injuries if I wake up anytime soon, and who knows if anyone else survived the wreck. I may be familyless and penniless. Healing, even if you aren’t awake, still costs a few shiny coins.”

  Benz sighed. “Well, I suppose that is true in most places.”

  “Exactly. Still, I would like to wake up. I hope my sister is doing well…”

  Silence fell between us for the rest of the way, my thoughts churning over if Melly would make it or not. I could see where temptation comes into play and realized something important as we reached the door.

  “Something must have gone wrong if those fog things still need help,” I stated the fact simply.

  Benz nodded. “After being possessed I stayed as far from there as possible. I’m sure they are short the proper people, or magic, or whatever now because of that. Probably won’t be forever though, so we need to hurry.”

  “My thoughts exactly,” I said, opening the door to where Marella lurked.

  “What are you doing?” Benz eyed the room carefully. “You go in there, it’s death. That’s the puddle room.”

  “That you so casually pretended not to know about.” I stared blankly at him.

  He smirked knowingly. “I can keep up good appearances.”

  “Just get in the damn room.” I opened the door widely.

  “Ladies first.” He motioned for me to go ahead, clearly more reluctant than chivalrous.

  Without hesitation I took several steps into the room and motioned for him to follow.

  “Heck no.” Benz lingered in the doorway.

  “Are you going to be helpful or not?” I crossed my arms and walked further in. “This room is only dangerous when it needs to be. If you’re not a threat, you’ll be fine. If you’re with me, you’ll be fine,” I promised. I wasn’t positive on how I would keep that promise but Marella couldn’t very well kill allies just because she didn’t like them. We didn’t have time for all that mess.

  With a sigh Benz took a full step in and shut the door. “Fine. Now what?”

  “We wait for Marella,” I replied as I heard Benz gasp. I turned to see her pulling herself out from a puddle. “There you are.”

  “And who have we brought?” she asked curiously, tilting her head to the side. “Ah, I remember you.”

  “Hopefully good things?” He laughed hesitantly as he placed a hand on the doorknob, ready to flee.

  “I remember you as a young Dreamer and as an annoying soul here. You’ve grown a lot and still refuse to rest,” Marella stated simply. “Why, refuse to move on?”

  “I suppose no one likes the unknown?” Hesitation laced his voice. “Why leave now? I’m used to this place.”

  Marella gave him an amused look. “Do you enjoy
slaying creatures or is there another reason you stay?”

  Benz didn’t answer for several moments. “I think I like the ever changing adventure. Some days are rough, but I am not tired of it. Not even close.”

  Marella nodded, accepting his answer. “Let’s move on then.” She moved casually around me so I could better see her. “What brings you here with this friend?”

  “Lydia suggested it,” I replied and went over all the events that happened today.

  While I summed up the library search, I gave all the details I could remember for the rest of the events. I wasn’t sure if there was any surprise in what I learned but Marella being made of water was hard to properly read.

  “Hmm, that is a lot of interesting things. I can’t say I’m surprised memories are sketchy at best.” She eyed Benz, “My kind are well known for those things.”

  Benz’s eyes went wide. “Your kind? How are you here if they are your kind? Why aren’t you trapped with them?”

  Marella smirked, looking a bit too pleased to easily ruffle him. “You see, we all have decisions to make my child, and they made worse decisions than me. We all had a choice to stop destroying the realm we were inhabiting, but oh is it so much fun… So, they continued and I worked with those I could to stop its destruction.”

  Benz didn’t seem to know what to say to that. I felt like the entire conflict was becoming much clearer. “So, can it be said that the reason these angels and demons are still around is also in part because someone thought they would learn their lesson from the world's longest timeout and maybe were redeemable?”

  Marella’s smirk turned into something oddly sinister. “That, my dear, is entirely what happened.”

  Actually, she’s right, but don’t tell her I said that.

  I ignored the side comment. “How do the creatures fit into this? Are they somehow redeemable in some way?” I asked curiously.

  Nope, not redeemable at all.

  “I wouldn’t call them redeemable…” Marella sighed, her smile faltering. “More like… future lost souls. There’s a reason they keep coming back.”


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