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A Tune of Demons Box Set: The Complete Fantasy Series

Page 80

by J E Mueller

  I looked at her surprised. “What do you mean?”

  “This realm was failing. It was why it was chosen in the first place. It just needed to be modified for souls…” Marella began to pace. “You see, before your realm had a place for spirits. Those with certain magics could help guide them and make sure they crossed correctly. Some took longer to cross.” She motioned to Benz. “And some crossed as soon as their path was clear and untangled. The demons decided to destroy this in order to gather more minions than the angels.”

  Marella continued to stroll over the floor and puddles alike. “When Tella saw the creatures here dying off, she decided to spare them, looping them in a time base regenerative magic she unlocked when she became a full Creator. Eventually she knows they too will need to rest and move on, but I am not entirely sure she has a plan for after that. It’s a complicated world working with souls. Good, bad, whatever in between status they are at…”

  Marella sighed, coming to a halt at the far end of the room and staring off into the distance. “But that is a matter for another day. First is getting free, rebalancing things, and seeing if there is a way to better seal off those angels and demons.”

  “Why not get rid of them?” Benz asked before I could.

  “Because the one strong enough to do that won’t. Sadly, I cannot take down my own kind. At least not all of them…” Marella strolled back looking thoughtful. “We’re off track again. Now do you remember anything about imprisoning us? Even a small blur could be the clue we need.” She approached Benz slowly.

  Benz shook his head. “Most are vague clips of being outside, and the ones I remember I have to fight to keep hold of.”

  Marella nodded, stopping several feet away. “Come here, let me see.”

  Benz looked terrified of the idea. “What are you going to do?”

  “If there’s magic blocking your thoughts I’m going to dispel it. Or just obliterate you. Depends on how long I have to wait.” She gave a sly smile.

  “You’re not helping things,” I chastised her.

  “Can’t I have a little fun?” She gave a very fake remorseful look before waving Benz over once more.

  Benz sighed and walked up to her. “Let’s just get this over with.” He stopped in front of her and closed his eyes.

  Casually, Marella reached out and touched his head and to my surprise Benz didn’t flinch away. After a moment she shook her head. “They were clever. It’s the angel magic and not the demon magic. Well, it was too much to hope for that big of a break.”

  Benz stepped away looking both relieved and disappointed. “Well, it was worth a shot. Now what?”

  “We need to find the artifacts,” Marella stated simply. “I don’t suspect the ones you’re looking for will be easy.”

  I sighed. “So maybe fourth floor, basement, and attic? Of course yours is outside,” I said to her. ”Wait, how many do we need?”

  “More than you thought.” She gave a smirk. “Lydia is on your wrist, my artifact is outside. Dani and Tella are the other missing Creators, however, we did have another group of protectors. I assume they were dealt with first in order to get to us without us noticing. The Protectors were Key, Lee, and Emmyth. Those three traveled between your home and here and helped guide lost souls. Most were brought here instantly thanks to Tella, but there were always some wandering…”

  “So, six more artifacts to find.” I tried not to sigh in dismay at the thought, but it was impossible to keep my face neutral.

  “It’s entirely possible a few have been found too,” Benz pointed out. “If someone is hiding them, well, we just need to find that stash.”

  “As if that’s any easier,” I replied.

  “Sort of is. It’s not going to be magically hidden.” Benz shrugged. “And there’s only so many safe places to store and keep things.”

  “True…” I thought on that for a moment. “I wonder what Mare knows.”

  “Considering she hasn’t mentioned my secret yet, a lot.” Benz laughed.

  Marella cleared her throat. “If we are done here, I suggest leaving. I sense some adventurers nearby and I bet you don’t want to be spotted just yet.”

  Benz nodded, adopting his Ze illusion before going to and opening the door. “I’d ask her.”

  “She knows about you already?” I was surprised she never let any of that up. She did try to send me to the library that one day though. Of course I didn’t realize Ze was Benz at that moment.

  “Of course. Trackers can see who I really am.” Benz led the way out. “You can’t just change your magical essence.”

  “So the other day when that group was looking for Benz, Canton was tracking you. We were avoiding that group not just to avoid Canton’s wrath, but to keep him in the dark.” I didn’t think he did but needed confirmation.

  “Exactly. He doesn’t know. I don’t think he’d join the cause and he would probably make things worse actually.” Benz shook his head and sighed as we continued to walk. “I should probably get back to my team for a bit.”

  I nodded. “I’ll talk to Mare and we’ll see where things go.” Just as we parted ways I thought of something. “Wait!” Benz turned and looked at me confused. “Any artifacts you have, try and bring them. If she’s close enough, Lydia can tell if a Creator is trapped there.”

  Benz nodded. “That would make things easier.”

  I headed back, more than ready for some sleep.

  Of course, that would be too easy. As soon as I reached the room with the painting, I saw Clove and Cane chatting just outside the safe zone.

  “There you are,” Cane said upon seeing me.

  Clove glanced over. “I’m surprised you’re wandering alone.”

  I shrugged, hoping a basic reply was enough. “It helps having a bow and just carefully peeking around turns. Not that I was expecting the kitchen to be an exciting adventure.”

  “We must have just missed you then,” Clove said, confused.

  I laughed as a lie conjured surprisingly easily. It just flowed off my tongue without hesitation. “Yeah, probably. I get lost here still. It’s not so bad though. I’m learning a lot of new places. I wish my memories kicked in better so I had a map.”

  Clove shook her head. “You always sucked at direction.”

  “Thanks.” I rolled my eyes at her but smiled, thankful it all sounded reasonable enough. “What are you doing out here? I can’t imagine it’s the most relaxing place.” Just on the verge of safety but still not safe… I would rather be inside.

  Clove shrugged. “Sometimes it just gets too loud and I’d like to have a conversation or two without eavesdroppers.”

  I laughed and took a step toward the painting. “Fair, you probably do get that often. I’ll head in then.”

  “No, stay a few,” Cane stated, all smiles. “You’ve been kicking butt lately and really finding new connections. Maybe not the way Clove likes.”

  Clove raised an eyebrow at her. “My way isn’t for everyone, it’s true. Doesn’t mean I have to like it not being everyone's path.”

  Cane gave a snort. “It would help if you weren’t so salty all the time.”

  Clove could be like the sea, but I bit my tongue. “I’m glad I can help. I really do hope I’m not here much longer, but while I am, I’d rather do what’s best.” I hoped that was a good enough answer.

  Cane gave me a sad look. “I suppose you are still a Dreamer, aren’t you?”

  “I’m sure I’ll end up visiting.” I tried to be optimistic.

  “Probably. This place can’t get rid of you,” Clove teased.

  “True.” I laughed and it turned into a yawn. “I think I’m ready for bed though.”

  “Probably fair.” Cane yawned in reply. “Artifact hunting tomorrow?”

  I shrugged, not sure what to say. “Why not? Where?”

  “I sensed something near the third floor library today. If we start there I’m sure we’ll at least get it narrowed down quickly,” Cane replied.

Works for me.” I smiled and waved as I made my way through the painting and into the common room.

  That didn’t technically go against any of my plans. I just needed to get close enough to it to see if it was important or not. From there, it could get tricky, but hopefully not. I made my way back to my room and saw Mare was asleep on one of the extra beds in there. Tomorrow I would have to ask her several things, but for tonight, I let myself collapse on the bed and drift quickly to sleep.


  A rough nudge pulled me from my sleep. I was surprised when I opened my eyes Mare looked concerned and not at all her chipper morning self. I pulled myself up quickly, heart pounding, more willing to move seeing she wasn’t acting normal.

  “What’s up?”

  She lowered her voice. “Ever just have one of those terrible feelings? I usually don’t first thing in the morning. Never first thing.”

  I frowned unsure how to comfort her. “Honestly, any gut feeling here is probably legit. We should take things carefully.”

  Mare looked relieved that I was taking the situation seriously. “Good, hopefully it’ll be for nothing.”

  I nodded and yawned, letting my body ease into the morning now that things had settled. I wondered what could set her on edge. Was it just a gut feeling? Not much made sense here to begin with.“What a weird week. Cane and Clove want me to help with artifacts today.”

  Mare raised an eyebrow. “I thought there were gathering herbs and plant nonsense today. Maybe they changed their minds.”

  I shrugged. “Things are always changing here. Not always for the best, but I did learn some fun facts last night.”

  Mare raised an eyebrow once more at me. “Like actual fun facts or something terrible?” She sat down next to me, eyes searching mine for clues.

  I glanced at the closed door and lowered my voice. “I know about who Ze is.”

  Mare’s eyes went wide. “How?”

  “He told me. We had a good conversation over things. He explained some things about the Negza alliance as well.” It was really that simple, though the adventure after was getting more complicated.

  “Well, at least that solves that matter. I wanted to try and force his hand and tell you today or soon, but I guess it’s done.”

  I nodded as the door opened revealing Cane.

  “Oh, hey you’re both here.” She smiled widely. “That’s even better. Ready for some adventures?”

  “Sure. What’s on the agenda today?” Mare asked casually. I noted the slight caution in her voice.

  “I had a vibe about an artifact but we wanted to grab some things from the flower bed at the front steps first,” Cane replied.

  Well, that explained that much. Still, I was annoyed I couldn’t explain more to Mare about last night.

  “Are we low on something?” Mare asked genuinely surprised.

  “Not so much as low as out of. We need more morning glories. I’ll be bringing a sack so we can carry things around easily enough,” Cane elaborated, patting the bag on her back.

  Mare frowned deeply. “Why are we out of those?”

  “They’re used to fend off a lot of poisons.” Cane shrugged. “It seems like people are being extra careless lately.”

  “I hope not. That would really suck.” Mare sighed. That did seem to be a common theme lately. “Shall we be off then?”

  “Sounds good to me.” Cane led the way out and to my surprise went straight out the painting.

  While I glanced around for Clove I didn’t see her. Mare shrugged but didn’t say anything. I remembered the bracelet actually had other functions aside from me hearing Lydia.

  Mare, you okay? I asked.

  She looked momentarily startled but nodded. Those plants coupled with the flowers we got from the back garden and some bottom mushrooms are needed for the cure from Polycoy poisoning. Why would that suddenly be common? She vanished through the painting, not missing a beat.

  I followed, cringing at the jam like feel once again. I was clearly just not going to get used to this thing, even if the other day wasn’t bad.

  Cane glanced around with a frown. “Clove was supposed to be coming right back after showing Bastin, Eliza, and Ellena the way to the mini library. Where is she?”

  Mare shrugged and I noted the slight glow of magic at her fingertips. “Almost back now. Shall we meet her?”

  Cane nodded and motioned for Mare to lead on.

  It only took one turn before we saw her heading our way. She looked surprised to see us, but shrugged and motioned for us to head back the way she came.

  “Let’s get this started then. Wasn’t expecting you all to actually be ready,” Clove admitted, her sword vanished from her grip.

  “I told you I’d get everyone up,” Cane stated proudly, resting her hands on her hips for a moment before continuing down the hall.

  “Or were they already up?” Clove smirked knowingly.

  Mare laughed. “Up with the sun!” she cheered a bit too happily. No one seemed to notice, likely because it was true. Mare was an early riser.

  “I’d be asleep still if I could” I admitted, not even bothering to hide the fact that I seemed to be the only non-morning person here.

  “Sans is that way too,” Cane scoffed. “I swear she’d set me on fire if she could.”

  Clove snickered. “She really would. Lo would let her too.”

  Cane frowned. “Yeah, he’s not a morning person either, but at least he’s not scary about it.”

  “Is that why you’re not dragging them with today?” I asked curiously. “Avoid the angry morning people?”

  Mare laughed at the thought but Cane shook her head. “She claimed she needed a day off. I probably do too, but it’s just so close. After we get this, and if I don't sense another one, I’ll take a break.”

  Clove laughed. “You’re worse than me most days.”

  “But it’s so close!” Cane argued back.

  I couldn’t imagine Clove taking a break so it was amusing that someone was admittedly more ardent about tasks and adventures. Their slight squabble and babble took us quickly to the front door and Mare sighed as we all looked out the windows. They really weren’t of any help at all. Everything could change with the opening of a door.

  Tentatively, Mare pulled it inch by inch open until she saw nothing was going to bust through. After carefully looking around she took a step out and shrugged. “Coast is fairly clear. Let’s get this thing done.”

  Clove didn’t hesitate and was out the door before anyone else could react. I followed behind everyone, still not wanting to be out here. I just had a weird feeling, even if we were only on the porch.

  Someone’s close.

  I was surprised to hear that, but how close is close?

  Think of the rooms. I can tell if we stop within a three, maybe five, room radius exactly where they are. I need a moment to be able to search but here on the poarch I can feel someone.

  I glanced around. Mare was standing on the stairs just before the flower beds as Cane and Clove shoved several plants away. It didn’t look like we’d have time to look.

  Wait… If Cane wasn’t saying anything about artifacts, she knew about these. Were they just useless then? Or hidden? It was too hard to say which, but considering how much they seemed to talk about them and how they were always looking, I didn’t think any would be too worthless for them.

  We’ll come back then?

  I felt bad, but that seemed to be the best plan. If they were hiding them, they likely weren’t going to give them up easily. Would they?

  I would be cautious.

  Later it would have to be then. With no more time to decide, everyone was already coming back up the steps.

  “See? Easy.” Cane shook the bag in front of me.

  “I love hearing that. Can more adventures be like that?” I asked longingly.

  Cane laughed. “Oh, how I wish.” She opened the door and happily led the way back inside.

  I followed behind her, wondering
how overall, everyone seemed so light hearted. Maybe just making the best of a bad situation. I wondered if this plan was even necessary. There had to be a better existence for lost souls than this.

  We had to move the demons and angels some place where we could monitor them. A world they wouldn’t harm just by existing. Not that it did us much good in the long run. The very long run. I suppose they got more desperate over the centuries and we became more oblivious to their dealings.

  I followed Cane carefully as I thought of what Lydia said. That would be something to take up again later but for now… I stopped as Cane stopped, midway up to the third floor. She motioned for Mare to take the lead and I relaxed a bit. Whatever troubles with creatures that may come, I knew she’d make sure we steered clear of them. Likely, she had already been keeping an eye out and just remaining silent on it.

  In no time, we were at the library entrance and Mare motioned back to Cane. “Do your thing. You’ve got a little time to work with.”

  Cane nodded and a rosy glow flecked with gold glittered at her fingertips as her magic went to work. She walked in a slow circle with her eyes closed for a moment before coming to a standstill back where she started.

  “I was wrong,” she declared, opening her eyes. “There are two artifacts nearby.”

  Clove raised an eyebrow. “Well, where at?”

  “The closest one I believe is actually in the library on the fourth floor. The other one is on this floor but several halls over.” She motioned vaguely to the west.

  Clove bit her lip as she considered the options. “Well now, if we’re that close to one on the fourth it might be worth it.”

  Mare raised an eyebrow. “The fourth floor is small, with less creatures, but with less space for them to move. We won’t have much time, and we don’t have any way to defeat any of them.”

  Clove nodded. “Well, Cane, can you narrow it down further?”

  Cane shrugged and headed into the library with Mare close at her heels. Together the two of them slowly ascended the spiraling stairs that lead up to the next level of the library. Clove followed as far as the first stair while I remained at the bottom. As soon as they reached the top, both women put a foot onto the floor and summoned their magic. Mare’s hand was engulfed in green as she worked hard to pinpoint all she could while Cane looked the same as last time.


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