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Loving Raylynn

Page 41

by C. R. Marcum

  “Um, yeah pizza.” She managed to blurt out, effectively cooling down the temperature in the room.

  “Yeah, that’s fine.” Syn replied quickly before turning around and leaving her alone in the room.

  She heard the shower turn on and allowed herself a moment to regain her composure. She had really thought about kissing him. She was literally panting on the bed like a bitch in heat and all he did was take his shirt off.

  “Get your shit together Raylynn, he is your boyfriend’s brother. This cannot happen, not now, not ever.” She whispered to herself before climbing out of bed and looking through her bag.

  Thirty minutes later the two of them sat cross legged on the bed eating pizza in silence. She could tell that Syn was having a hard time keeping his eyes open and she was feeling her own exhaustion creeping up on her. They had almost four hours before they would be getting back on the road, and they both needed to sleep. With one last bite, Syn tossed the crust back into the box and yawned loudly.

  “I gotta get some sleep pretty girl, I won’t be worth a fuck if I don’t.” he said leaning back onto the pillow.

  “Yeah, we should probably sleep. I asked for a wake-up call at noon so…”she trailed off when she noticed Syn’s breathing had slowed and become even.

  “Get some sleep Syn.” She whispered before laying down herself.

  The shrill ring of the phone brought her abruptly from her sleep. It was ungodly hot and she couldn’t move. It only took a second to realize why. Syn had tucked her against his chest, her back to his front, and had her pinned in place with his tree trunk arm.

  “Syn, c’mon wake up.” She grumbled as she shook his arm. “The phone wont stop ringing, we gotta go.”

  “Five more minutes.” He whined, his voice thick with sleep.

  “No, we gotta go. You promised.” She replied as she tried and failed to remove his arm from around her waist.

  “Fine, I’m up.” He grumbled before rolling away from her and reaching for the phone. “Thanks.” Was all he said before slamming the receiver back down into it’s cradle.

  “I forgot how much of a morning person you are not.” She said climbing out of bed and heading for the bathroom.

  “I need coffee.”

  “We can grab some on the road. We still have like twenty hours to drive so there is plenty of time to get some.” She replied as she stepped out.

  She had quickly changed clothes and now wore her favorite leggings with the red skulls paired with a black long sleeved shirt that hung loose on her thin frame.

  “Is that Jax’s shirt? You look like you’re swimming in that thing.” Syn asked as he pushed past her into the bathroom.

  “I think so, hell I don’t know. I just grabbed shit and tossed it in the damn bag. Don’t like it don’t look.” She snapped.

  “Ray, you look great. I was just asking.” He yelled from behind the door “You might need coffee more than I do. You’re touchy today.” He finished as he stepped out of the bathroom.

  He was once again shirtless and his jeans hung low on his hips. His boxers peaked out just enough to make her mouth water.

  “Can you grab me a shirt outta my bag?” He asked as he sat and pulled on his shoes.

  When no reply came, he turned to face her.

  “Ray, can you toss me a shirt?” he asked again effectively snapping her out of her daydream.

  “Shit, yeah a shirt. I can…um…yeah hold on.” She stammered before reaching for his bag.

  “You okay? You seem kinda flustered.”

  “I’m fine, just worried about stuff.” She replied without looking at him. “here ya go.” She finished tossing his shirt at him.

  “Okay, but you know you can tell me if something is wrong right?” he asked as he pulled the shirt over his head.

  “Can I though? I mean seriously Syn, up until yesterday you acted like you hated me most days and now I’m supposed to believe that it was all for show, or something. Excuse me for being a bit skeptical.”

  He was off the bed in a blink and had her face in his hands. His thumbs caressed her cheekbones and his eyes held her’s hostage. It was as if he was trying to climb into her soul and find her secrets. She felt naked, as if he had stripped her down and left her bare. The need to cover herself was indescribable, but the urge to let him see her was bigger.

  “Raylynn, I told you that I don’t have a choice but to be this way. Do you understand that what I dream about would gut my brother if he knew? It would Ray, it would kill him,” he whispered. “because I dream about tasting you, feeling your thighs squeeze and tremble around my neck, and making you come on my tongue.”

  Before she could fully comprehend what was happening, Syn had walked her backwards and pinned her to the wall. His arms pressed against the wall on either side of her head. They were so close that she was sure she was sharing breaths with him. He leaned his head so that his lips brushed against the sensitive skin below her ear.

  “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wanted to do this but stopped myself.” He whispered against her. Letting his lips brush against her pulse with every word. “I have wanted to kiss you since the day you brought Ty’s homework over. Do you remember that day?” He asked in a hushed voice.

  “Syn…” she said breathlessly as she tilted he head to the side, giving him better access. “What…are we doing? We can’t.” she moaned as she pressed her body against his.

  “You have no idea how hard it is to stay away from you. It’s getting harder every time I see you Ray. I don’t know much longer I can stop myself from saying fuck it and taking what I want.” He groaned against her cheek. “I’m not strong enough to walk away pretty girl, and I hate myself for it.” He said, sliding his hand around the back of her neck and into her hair.

  She let out an audible gasp when his hand tightened in her hair and tugged her head back, exposing her neck to his lips. How many times had she thought about having Syn like this? The feel of his lips against her made a shiver run up her spine. His mouth was warm against her soft flesh and she couldn’t stop the moans he was eliciting from her.

  “You taste like honey, just as sweet as I thought you’d be.” He groaned as pressed his body against her. He was painfully hard and he wanted her to feel what she did to him. “Do you feel that pretty girl? I want you so bad it fuckin hurts.”

  “Syn…oh god…” she groaned when he pressed against her harder.

  The sound of her phone ringing brought them both crashing back to reality in the span of a heartbeat. Syn pushed away from her and spun away quickly. Raylynn had no time to catch her breath before Syn answered her phone.

  “Hey Jax, what’s up?” he said gruffly.

  Raylynn could only stand there and watch as Syn talked to her boyfriend.

  “Um, yeah we’re in Utah right now. Had to pull over and get some sleep but we were getting ready to dip out.” He paused, she assumed, to listen to Jax. He was trying his best to avoid looking at her. “Yeah, she was in the bathroom, you wanna talk to her?” he asked, shaking his head.

  His shoulders visibly relaxed and he turned to look at her.

  “Alright man, tell Pops I love him and I’ll see him inna couple months.” He paused. “You too bro, bye.” He finished before hanging up. “C’mon lets go.” He said on a sigh before tossing her the phone.

  “Syn we should talk don’t ya think?” she said pushing away from the wall.

  “There’s nothing to talk about. I made a mistake. It won’t happen again.” He said before grabbing the bags and stepping out of the room.

  She stood alone for a moment trying to calm her racing thoughts before being seen in public. How the hell was she supposed to sit in a car with him for the next twenty hours? Her only hope was that he wouldn’t be a dick for the rest of the trip, but in her heart she knew she was asking for too much.


  “Where the hell are we?” Syn asked, his voice still thick with sleep. He hadn’t even meant to fall asleep but the
silence between them was exhausting.

  “Iowa technically, but just over that bridge is Illinois.” She replied with a yawn.

  “Fuck, what time is it?” He asked as he pulled his phone out of his pocket.

  “A quarter till five. We’ll be there by nine.” She replied through another yawn.

  “You need to sleep, pull over and let me drive.” He said pointing towards the gas station up ahead.

  She nodded and within two minutes they were pulling up park.

  “I’m gonna grab a coffee, you need anything?” he asked as he reached for the handle.

  “Coffee please, I gotta pee.” She replied before climbing out and stretching.

  “Got it.” He tossed over his shoulder before disappearing into the store.

  They were back on the road in less than five minutes, Syn behind the wheel while Raylynn leaned her forehead against the window. They hadn’t spoken much since the hotel, and it was stressing her out. She was confused and wanted nothing more than to talk it out. Syn however seemed like he wanted to pretend it never happened. She knew he was pissed at himself, but she didn’t want him to be. She wanted to be mad at him too, but she just couldn’t find it in her to be. She had allowed him to do it so she was just as guilty, but god did it feel good.

  “Look Ray, I think that when we get home it’s best if we keep our distance. I can’t trust myself around you anymore, and I’m done torturing myself. Having you across the hall from me every night is killing me. Knowing that Jax is in there with you and I can’t be is too much to handle anymore.” He said quietly.

  “What are you saying Syn? We can’t just pretend that it never happened. That’s not fair to any of us. Do you expect me to lie to Jax for the rest of my life and pretend that I’m not attracted to his brother? I can’t do that Syn, I have enough fuckin secrets to keep without adding to it.”

  “I don’t expect anything Ray. I will tell Jax what happened, but you need to know that it was all on me. I couldn’t control myself anymore and I didn’t think about anyone but myself and what I wanted. I need to apologize to both of you, and I will.”

  “Don’t do that shit Syn, don’t make it out like you took advantage of me or forced me. I am a big girl and I knew what I was doing just as much as you did. I could’ve said no and pushed you away, but I didn’t. Fuck, I didn’t even want to. Who knows what would’ve happened if Jax hadn’t called when he did. So please, knock off the chivalry it wasn’t all your fault.”

  “You can’t say shit like that Ray! It’s hard enough to leave you alone when I think you hate me, but knowing that you wanted it as much as I do makes it damn near impossible.” He groaned before looking her way.

  “It honestly doesn’t even matter anymore. If what my mom needs to tell me has anything to do with what happened to John then I may not be coming back Syn. I might end up in a cell right beside her.” She managed to mumble before her tears took over. She was exhausted and emotional and in less than three hours she would be face to face with her mom.

  “What the fuck are you talkin about? What the fuck did you do Ray?” He yelled, his emotions taking control.

  Before she could answer, he had gotten off the highway and was pulling into a hotel parking lot.

  “What are you doing? I need to get to my mom Syn, I need to see her, I can’t be here!” she yelled through her tears.

  “Listen to me Raylynn, you are exhausted and you’re not making any sense. I’m gonna get us a room and we are going to rest. Then you are going to tell me what the fuck happened and why you think you might go to prison. Then I will take you to see your mom, not a second before then do you understand me?” he asked as he gripped her chin, forcing her to look at him.

  “Yes.” She whispered, tears still sliding down her cheeks. “I understand.”

  “Good girl.” He said before exiting the car and making his way inside.

  Fifteen minutes later they stepped into a room that was a mirror image of the last one. Syn stood behind her and she could feel the tension between them. It was as if every single nerve in her body was on high alert and all she could think about was the way his lips had felt against her neck. The memory of him pressing against her and whispering such dirty things made her thighs clench. She was lost in the memories when she felt him close the distance between them.

  “Syn, please.” She whimpered, not knowing exactly what she was asking for.

  “Use your words pretty girl. What do you want from me?” he asked before using his pinkie to slide her hair all to one shoulder. His lips were close to her ear, and she could feel his warm breath against her. It was sensory overload, and she wasn’t sure what she wanted.

  “Do you want me to stop? I will if you tell me to.” He whispered against the shell of her ear his voice thick with lust.

  She shivered against him, and a small moan escaped her. She was completely enveloped in him. His smell, his voice, the feel of his breath against her oversensitive skin. She had been fighting the attraction for so long she wondered what it would be like to give in. To give him the control she desperately needed.

  “I’m not strong enough to stop myself anymore baby.” He groaned as he slid his hand around her throat. “I need you to tell me to stop. Tell me to walk away.”

  His hand gave a slight squeeze, and the feeling sent a spark to her center. She didn’t have the strength to tell him no. The truth was that she wanted him just as badly as he wanted her, and if this was going to be the last night she had with him then she was going to take full advantage of the time they had left.

  “Don’t stop.” She moaned breathlessly.

  “Do you know what your asking for baby?” he asked as he gripped a bit tighter and pulled her flush against him. “I need your words pretty girl, I don’t want to assume anything. I need to know that you want this too.”

  She could feel his need pressing into her back, and she had to stifle a groan. She needed this, she wanted this.

  “I want you, Syn. Make me forget everything outside of this room.” She replied, her own lust apparent in her voice.

  “Fuck me baby, I’ve dreamed about hearing those words come out of that pretty mouth for so long.” He moaned before pulling her earlobe between his teeth.

  She leaned to the side to give him access and couldn’t help the noises that fell from her lips. He kissed his way from her jaw line downwards along her shoulder and back up before turning her to face him. They stood face to face, both breathless, both wanting, both aware of what this meant.

  Syn reached up and slowly pulled his shirt over his head and dropped it beside them before reaching out and cupping her face. He let his thumb caress her cheek before running it across her bottom lip.

  “I’ve dreamed of this.” He said before his lips replaced his thumb.

  She opened for him instantly and he took full advantage and deepened the kiss. Their tongues danced against one another in the most erotic way and her pulse quickened. Syn tasted of mint and it was intoxicating. She couldn’t get enough of the way he claimed her mouth. He kissed her like he was trying to imprint this moment on her heart, and he was succeeding.

  She wrapped her arm around his neck and pulled him closer. Needing to feel him against her. He took advantage of the moment with little warning and slipped his hands down to her thighs. It took little effort to pick her up and her legs wrapped around his waist on their own accord. He never took his lips from hers as he walked them towards the bed.

  She was breathless by the time he broke the kiss to lower her backwards and lay her gently on the mattress.

  “So fuckin perfect.” He whispered before settling himself on top of her. His hand found the hem of her shirt and he trailed his fingers upwards against her ribs while his lips captured hers once again. He was savoring every moment. Every swipe of her tongue against his made him harder, but he wanted to take his time.

  She was trembling beneath him, and her nails dug into his shoulders as she tried to pull him closer. Needing everyt
hing he had to give.

  “Please Syn, I need more.” She begged through her moans.

  “Patience baby,” he groaned against her collarbone. “I don’t want to rush this.”

  His words had a direct line to her already throbbing center and the pressure was steadily building. It wouldn’t take much to leave her a trembling mess, and she was sure that Syn could do that and more.

  She felt him tug on the shirt she was wearing before he pushed himself up onto his knees. She followed him up and let him remove the offending item before his hands found her bra clasp. She let out an audible moan when his lips trailed down her neck once again. She was so caught up in feeling of his mouth on her skin that she hadn’t even noticed him sliding her bra off until his thumb rubbed over her nipple. The feeling had her arching her back, pressing her breast into his grip.


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