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Forever: Beautiful Series, book two

Page 24

by Anderson, Lilliana

  She keeps one arm round her waist as she slips the other one in my hand. The moment we touch again, I get this charge travelling through my body that reignites the life I've felt lacking since I left her here. I’m home.


  I've become all heady being near him, and I can’t really think straight. I'm just kind of following along blindly behind him, not questioning where we’re going.

  “Stop,” I say suddenly snapping myself out of it.

  “What? What’s the problem?”

  “What are we doing? Why are you here?” I ask. The last thing I expected this morning was to see him. This is all so surreal. I don’t know how to act, or what to say.

  He stops and takes a step toward me, hooking his finger under my chin and tilting my head up. “I’m here for you,” he whispers as he brushes his lips against mine. Shivers run through my body as I forget what I did to him, and my guard falls away. I whimper a little against his mouth as I part my lips and allow his tongue access. Oh, how I’ve missed the feel of him in my mouth. The taste of his tongue as it slides sensuously with mine. I reach up and wrap my arms around his neck, pressing my body against him as want takes over my senses.


  I’m lost in the sensation of her mouth as I pull her closer to me, our bodies meld together, and I can’t help but notice a … bump? My eyes pop open, and I immediately stop kissing.

  Staring at Paige’s face as she slowly opens her eyes, I slide my hands around to her waist and over the firm mound that is now where her flat stomach used to be. Her eyes widen as she jumps away from me and wraps her cardigan back around her waist, trying to cover up.

  I shake my head. “No, no, no, do not cover that up.”

  She releases her cardigan, and it falls either side of her protruding bump. I look from it to her, pointing at it. “At what point, were you planning on telling me about that?”

  Her lip quivers and her eyes fill with tears. “I…I wanted to tell you, but I didn’t want you to feel like you had to come back. It doesn’t have to be your problem.”

  “What? How can you say that? How could you keep this from me? This is my child, right?” I glare at her, still pointing at her stomach. She squeezes her eyes shut, and tears roll down her face as she nods quickly.

  “Yes, it’s yours,” she barely even whispers.

  I stand there and stare at her, trying to think of what to say without ruining everything completely, so hurt and angry I can hardly form a thought.

  I close my eyes and press the pads of my thumb and index fingers against them. “What time do you finish work?” I say as calmly as I can.

  “Six,” she answers.

  “All right,” I say, nodding before I walk away from her. I need some time to deal with this. I need some time to calm down.

  “Elliot,” she calls after me. I shake my head without turning around. “I’m sorry!”

  Reaching up, I place my hands on my head. It seems to be the only thing I can do to stop it from exploding. I came here for her. She’s been my sole focus for the last three months. And I know she’s been dealing with shit. I know she’s got these messed up ideas in her head that tell her she’s not worthy of a good life. But, a baby? My baby. I’m going to be a father and she didn’t tell me? What the fuck?



  Fuck. I’m caught between elation and fear. I’ve been both dreading and looking forward to this moment since I left him at the airport. I knew it would come. Even when I tried to convince myself he’d grow tired of waiting, I knew he’d come back. And I’ve managed this entire situation horribly.

  There’s so much I need to explain to him before I let him in my life again. My therapist asked me if I’m testing him, and I think that maybe I have been. Every man I’ve ever known has either left me or thrown me away after using me. I think I needed to test the extent of his love for me. How hard can I push before he stops coming back?

  He’s waiting for me when I walk out of the salon, standing up against the wall with a storm on his face. I don’t say anything when I reach him. I just stand in front of him then incline my head to tell him to come with me.

  I didn’t tell him I was carrying his child. I think that’s where I fucked up most in this situation. He had a right to know, I’m aware of that. But you have to understand how frightening this pregnancy has been for me. Imagine I told him about the baby and then I lost it again? What if my mental health deteriorated to the point where they hospitalised me? He could take the baby and return to Australia with her, and I’d never see her again….

  In a lot of his messages, he said that my past didn’t matter to him. It only matters what I do in my future. But he needs to understand that my past has affected my future. I’m a time bomb who’ll need to be forever watched. Does he really want that burden? And when he finds out what I have, will he trust me to raise his child? He’s a good man, and I feel sure that he loves me—the fact he’s here tells me that—but every love has a limit. And a woman with Schizoaffective disorder could be his.

  He walks beside me with his hands in his pockets and his brows tightly knit together. I long for him to lace his fingers with mine the way we used to. I’ve missed him so much and having him here in real life fills my heart with such joy. But he’s hurt. I’ve caused him a great amount of hurt.

  We get into my car. We still haven’t spoken and continue on that way until we arrive at my flat. I let us in through the front door and hang my bag and keys up before leading the way to the living area where he pauses, looking around quietly.

  I move about the kitchen preparing some tea and sandwiches. I don’t drink coffee at the moment, and since it’s usually only my mother and Daniel visiting me, tea is all I have.

  When I walk out holding the tray, he looks up, a framed photo of him and me together in his hand.

  “Is it strange that I have them up?” I ask him as he places the frame back on the bookcase and moves quickly to take the tray from my hands.

  Shaking his head, he says. “You should have seen the wall in my bedroom while I was home. I had this whole collage thing going on.” Giving me a sad smile, he carries the tray over to the coffee table in front of the couch and sets it down.

  He clears his throat. “This is very English of you.” he points to the tray as we sit next to each other on the couch. I laugh a little through my nose and take a sip of tea, enjoying the warmth of the liquid as it slides down my throat. I don’t know what to say. I finally have him here with me, and I’m really not sure how to act. I want everything to be exactly how it was before. I want to touch him, kiss him, and be with him. But I’m just sitting here, sipping tea.

  “When were you going to tell me?”

  I place my mug back on the tray and turn towards him, meeting his eyes. “Soon, Elliot. I was going to tell you soon.”

  “How soon? Tomorrow? When the baby was born? When it was twenty and came looking for me? When?”

  “I understand that you’re upset with me. I’ve spent hours agonising over how to approach this with you, and in the end, I decided it was best to wait.”

  “For what?”

  “For you to come back on your own. I didn’t want you to feel obligated. Returning needed to be a choice.”

  “So you were testing me?”

  “Yes. I suppose I was.”

  He shakes his head “Why couldn’t you just trust me? Haven’t I made it clear how I feel about you?“

  I lift my shoulder. “It’s just words. In my world, people say and do anything to get what they want. It’s what they do when they aren’t getting what they want that shows you who they really are.”

  “And did I pass this test?”

  I pick up half a sandwich and place a napkin on my knee. “You passed the first part.“

  His eyebrows shoot up his forehead. “There’s more? What are we? Five?“

  “No. This isn’t petty or childish. It’s…important. While you were gone I… I had a break

  “A breakdown?”

  “Complete with hospitalisation. I’ve, ah, been hearing voices for a long time. Phoenix and I could talk.”

  “I remember you mentioning that in your letter.”

  “I wasn’t completely crazy. I knew she was in my head, but hearing her voice and feeling her alive in my tattoo gave me comfort, and I didn’t want to see it as a sign of a real problem.”

  “Schizophrenia?” he asks. His voice soft and gentle.

  “No,” I say with a shake of my head. “There’s depression involved as well. I have schizoaffective disorder. It’s kind of like a blend of schizophrenia and bipolar. I can suffer from delusions and manic highs and lows.”

  He takes a breath and sits up straighter, looking like he’s trying to absorb the information without reacting. I don’t blame him if he’s freaking out.

  “I did it to myself in a way. I took a lot of drugs, and that led to a lot of trauma, and that kind of thing leaves a mark.”

  “Is there a treatment?” he asks before clearing his throat.

  “Yes. It’s ongoing. Medication, regular counselling. You’re welcome to attend a session with my counsellor to talk through my illness and how it will affect my ability to mother your child. And of course, what it will be like to live with somebody with schizoaffective disorder, what you’ll need to look for. If that’s something you still want.”

  He frowns. “Why wouldn’t I still want that?” he asks straight away, searching my eyes.

  “Because I’m even more broken than we originally thought.” I struggle to keep my emotions in check.

  Reaching over, he takes a hold of my hand, running his thumb over my knuckles, the contact bliss after months without him. “I knew you were broken the moment we met, and all I’ve ever wanted to do is love you and find a way to help you. I don’t want to fix you, that’s arrogant and impossible because that’s not how the human mind works. But I want to understand you, I want to support you, and I want to be the person you trust to take care of you no matter how hard your days, your life, or your moments are. I want to be the person you call out to in the night. And above all, I just want you. I’ll always want you.”

  “Really?” I ask as tears fill my eyes.

  “Yes, really.” Lifting a hand, he brushes his thumb lightly against my cheek. “I love you, Paige. Nothing is going to change that.” He touches two fingers against my temple. “Not even that.”

  I release a gasp, my shoulders shaking as he says all the right things. I need to trust him. “I love you so much, Elliot.”

  He pulls me into his arms, holding me close. “Promise me you won’t shut me out anymore,” he whispers into my hair. “I can do this with you. I can stand by you and be anyone you need me to be, but you have to let me into your world. You need to stop making decisions for me. I need you to let me in, to trust me. I have chosen you, and nothing is going to change my mind.” He pulls back and lets his eyes travel down to the roundness of my belly. “The fact we made a baby together blows my mind. But I’m angry with you for hiding it because we would have gone through this entire pregnancy together. But, as it is, I have already missed so much. That’s so unfair, Paige. I get that you needed time. But, this is our baby we’re talking about here. I want us both to share in this.”

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know what else to tell you. When I went to the airport to find you, I was too late. I missed our flight—”

  “Wait. You came to the airport?” Naomi never told me that part. Did she know?

  I nod. “I was too late though, and then everything spiralled out of control. I couldn’t even get out of bed. It’s only been this past few weeks that I’ve been capable of being around people again.”

  “Jesus,” he says. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here for you.”

  “You were. Your messages really helped to pull me through some very dark moments.”

  “What was it like?”

  “Horrible. I wanted to die. Phoenix was in my head, asking me to come to her. It was my mother who finally intervened. She’s actually been really good to me.”

  “You’re talking?”

  “Somewhat. It’s strained, but she’s come to counselling with me too. I’ve got a good care team here.”

  “And what about your father?”

  “Daniel? He’s…around. He’s a nice enough man, but I don’t know. It’s weird meeting your dad for the first time at twenty-six. He’s just a guy.”

  “Makes sense.”

  I smile. “I don’t think any of this makes sense. Except for you. You make sense to me.”

  He slides his hand into my hair. “You make sense to me too.” Then he brings his mouth to mine.


  The moment our lips meet, I’m overwhelmed with need and longing. I want this reconnection to be slow and meaningful, but then she moans into my mouth and the months of longing collide into a single desperate need. I pull her closer to me, dragging until she's in my lap, straddling me.

  Our mouths move zealously together, and I’m right back where I’ve always been, hopelessly in love with her. I need this woman. I need her like I need air to breathe, and I’ll be damned if I ever let her go again.

  I stand up, carrying her with her legs wrapped around my middle. “Bedroom,” I say, breathless between kisses. She points to a door next to the kitchen, and I carry her in there, kissing her all the way. I don’t want to lose the connection our bodies have right now.

  She lowers her legs once I cross the threshold of her room and slides my shirt up, urging me to take it off. I comply and lift it over my head, dropping it on the floor where we stand. Running her hands over my torso, she plants soft kisses over my pecs and along my jaw.

  “I’ve missed you so much,” she whispers.

  I reach up and pull the clip from her hair, my chest constricting as I watch it fall around her shoulders in a mass of twisted curls.

  “God, you’re beautiful,” I breathe, before I crash my mouth into hers, devouring her, breathing her in. I slide her cardigan down her arms until it drops at her feet and then lift her singlet. She raises her arms as I slide it up her body, delighting in the feel of her skin as my hands brush against her.


  His eyes travel over my torso and land on my swollen breasts. “Whoa,” he says, reaching around me to unhook my bra with deft fingers. I let it slide down my arms to the floor and watch Elliot’s face as he takes in my changed body.

  Starting at my waist, he slides his hands gently over each breast, kissing me lightly as he travels down my body, dropping to his knees. With feather light fingers he touches the swell of my belly and peppers my bump with kisses.

  “Is it a boy or a girl?” he asks, worshipping my bump.

  “A girl,” I whisper.

  His eyes shine as he presses his lips against my tight skin. “A little girl. Have you already picked a name?”

  I shake my head. “I thought that could be something we do together.”

  He sniffs back his tears. “I’d really like that.”

  My heart aches with the love I have for this man. I marvel that the fates saw fit to bring him to me, twice. I never, not even for a moment, thought I would ever have this level of devotion from another human being. But, here it is right in front of me, hooking his fingers into the waist of my pants as he slides them down my legs and guides me so I’m lying on the bed in front of him.

  “Are you comfortable?” he checks, running his hands over my skin.

  I nod. “I’m desperate for you.”

  “It’s been too long,” he says before dipping his head, flicking his tongue over my clit, causing me to gasp out. “God, I’ve missed you.” He moans and dives between my legs, sucking and swirling his tongue around my clit, filling my body with a flood of orgasmic energy. I’m already on the edge when his fingers enter me, the sensations sliding over my tender flesh cause me to burst, my body automatically thrusts my hips around his mouth, and I clutch at his hair, grip
ping tighter than I should as I yell out, over and over.

  He stills his movement and I slowly release the grip of my thighs and hands so he can sit up. He wipes at his mouth and kisses his way back up my body, swirling his tongue around my nipples when he reaches my breasts. All I have the energy to produce are short, shallow gasps as he touches and teases me.

  Kissing at my neck he asks in a whisper, “Are you still allowed to…move on?”

  “What? Oh, because of the baby? Yes… yes, keep going, please keep going,” I beg, desperately wanting him inside me.


  Getting the go ahead, I stand up and take my wallet out of my jeans before removing them as I take out a condom. Paige is lying on the bed positioned, and waiting, watching me as I move. “What’s the point?” she says with a laugh when she spots the condom then gestures to her belly.

  “You’re right.” I flick the foil package aside before I climb on top of her, kissing her as I enter her warm, wet body. It feels amazing as she envelops me, and I move inside her. I have missed her so much, and I don’t have the restraint in me after three months to hold on much longer. I want this to last, but it’s too good.

  “Oh god, Elliot. It’s too good!” she echoes as she’s wracked with another orgasm, her clenching insides milking me of mine as I pulse inside her, moving slowly to drag out every glorious feeling. I sit back, still inside her as I run my fingers down her body and over the bump that holds our baby.

  “So when do you think we made this? At the bed-and-breakfast?” I ask.

  “No, it would have been that first time we were together, when we got carried away and forgot the condom, remember?”

  “I remember,” I whisper, meeting her eyes. She’s smiling at me with trembling lips as tears tumble from her eyes. I reach back and grab the towel she has hanging over the end of her bed and place it between her legs as I withdraw so I can lie next to her and take her in my arms.


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