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Bonded Telepaths

Page 3

by Enid Titan

  «Not now, jazad,” he murmured, “I’d rather taste you first.»

  He bent to his knees and propped Poppy’s legs on his shoulders, her hamstring sinking into his beefy shoulder muscles as he held her still. The three boys suspended her in the air, Ajax, and Cas holding onto her arms while Jason cupped her buttocks and pulled her sopping entrance with its tiny wisps of black hair over to his blue alien lips. Poppy shuddered.

  It had been so long since she’d had the Devoran boys between her legs, and a thatch of wispy hair grew over her soaked tightness. Devorans didn’t have as much body hair as humans, and Jason curiously peeled her lips apart with his tongue and buried his nose in her scent, shivering as her hair tickled the ridges on his blue nose. He darted his tongue between Poppy’s legs and she moaned as he tasted every inch of her honeypot, using his tongue on her hardened pearl to stimulate Poppy to an intense climax. She kicked her legs outward, pointing her toes as a deep warmth spread from her core throughout every inch of her body. Jason pulled her hips in deeper and thrust the length of his five-inch alien tongue inside her.

  Poppy cried out and thrashed her arms in surprise. Cas and Ajax kept her pinned to the wall as Jason’s tongue sucked on every inch of her wetness and then vibrated inside her. Those deep, earth-shattering vibrations in the depth of Poppy’s tightness stimulated her to a sopping wet release. Her juices squirted from her tightness onto Jason’s alien tongue and he removed the vibrating member from inside her and rose, sliding his tongue back into his mouth and rolling it around his cheeks to taste every satisfying flavor of Poppy’s tight slit.

  His eyes glowed brighter, the light from them shocking Poppy’s eyes, which had grown accustomed to the darkness beneath the moon’s surface. She winced and shut them.

  «Sorry,» Jason whispered, «I can’t help how excited you make me.»

  Poppy squirmed again and attempted to pull Jason in closer.

  «I think she’s desperate,» Ajax observed.

  Jason leaned in and kissed Poppy’s forehead.

  «She is. Not as desperate as I am. She’ll have to wait. The next time I take her, I don’t want to be dreaming.»

  Poppy huffed as Jason moved aside, taking Ajax’s place in pinning her against the wall. Ajax didn’t share Jason’s ascetic sentiments about waiting to have her. He needed her — now.

  «Let her down,» Ajax instructed, «I need to enter her from behind…»

  Jason and Cas obeyed him and flipped Poppy around, pressing her against the apartment’s wall. Her face shivered from the cold. If she didn’t know better, she wouldn’t believe that a dream could feel so real. Ajax lifted her skirt and ran his blue hands over her smooth bum.

  «It’s red from the cold,» he observed.

  They never stopped their unending fascination with the way her skin changed color in the cold or from their firmer grasps. Ajax peeled her panties off and ran his hands between her soaked slit. Poppy shuddered from his warmth. Ajax ran his hand down her spine, his hands warming her through her nightclothes.

  «I only want one part of you now,» he murmured.

  The thought was just for her — not the others. Poppy didn’t have to wonder long what part of her he had in mind. Ajax coated his thumb in her juices and slipped it deftly into her puckered tightness. Poppy squeal and Ajax inserted his thumb deeper inside her. A cock in her ass was one thing but Ajax’s probing finger moved so much, tickling and pleasuring the sensitive skin around her asshole at once.


  He smacked her ass with the other hand as he pulled his thumb out and thrust it into her again.

  «Getting you ready,» he murmured.

  He removed his thumb and positioned his giant first cock against her asshole. Right. Getting ready for this could take some doing. Poppy’s legs trembled against her will as Ajax pressed his slippery giant blue dong against her backdoor.


  She moaned as he thrust the entire thing inside her in one swift motion. Her eyes popped open and she gasped in utter surprise as the massive member buried itself inside her tight human ass.


  «I couldn’t help myself.»

  Poppy wriggled to get away from him at first but her wriggling only stiffened his cock and before she knew it, she threw her hips back into him, bouncing on the enormous blue alien member buried inside her puckered human ass. Ajax grabbed onto her hips and grunted as he thrust deeper inside her. He wasted no time pumping furiously between her legs until Poppy erupted in a deep anal orgasm that made her shudder from head to toe.

  Ajax smacked her ass again — hard. Poppy cried out and bounced back on his cock, exploding into another bone-deep climax as Ajax pounded away at her tight asshole.

  «Cum inside me…» Poppy found herself thinking.

  Ajax’s massive cock grew inside her ass and his second one teased the entrance of her tiny tight cunt. He thrust his second cock inside her and as Poppy cried out in pleasure, Ajax came deep inside her pussy. Poppy shuddered and collapsed forward against the wall. Jason grabbed her tummy and propped her up a little more. Cas stole a kiss. Ajax slowly removed his dicks from her pussy and ass as Poppy’s legs trembled and shuddered in pleasure.

  «I don’t want to wake up,» she whispered.

  «You have to,» Cas replied, «Each day you survive brings you closer to us.»

  «I miss you,» Poppy whimpered, the emotional flood from her climaxes bringing her closer to tears than she’d ever want to get.

  «We miss you too… Only a few more months. We’ll find you in another dream, my love,» Cas whispered.

  He kissed her and before Poppy could grab him by the cheeks and kiss him back, her eyes fluttered open, her stomach clenched, and her dream faded into nothing.


  New Abilities

  Each night they returned to her. Jason refused to penetrate Poppy in their shared dreams, but he used his tongue on her until her legs were weak in the real world. Ajax satisfied himself with her ass. Cas could never resist the chance to bend her fully to his will and he dominated both her holes every chance he got. During the daytime, Poppy accustomed herself to Fengar.

  She obeyed Sibyl’s instructions to practice the blade with Talak and while her studies were tedious, her skills improved over time. She even prompted Talak to dull applause during practice once which was the most emotion she'd aroused in her oft-frustrated tutor.

  When she had the chance, she visited her mother, but her mother’s condition only deteriorated over time. Poppy dreaded her visits. They weren’t at all like what she expected.

  Her last week beneath the moon’s surface ended three weeks before the start of the semester. The voyage to Devor would be two weeks long. Sibyl met with Poppy in private before she left and she gave her warnings and prophecies that didn’t make any more sense the second time Poppy heard them.

  The Fengari ship traveled through space in darkness. No light on the ship at all. Poppy sat on her bed with nothing but her thoughts and dreams for companionship as they traveled towards Devor. In deep space, she couldn’t reach the boys in her dreams and she hardly slept without them.

  The Fengari eventually treated her like one of their own but their customs were strange, and Poppy didn’t feel like one of them no matter how she tried. For one thing, she’d never adjusted to the darkness. She'd never lost her uneasy feelings around Sibyl, and how the queen appeared to be preparing Penelope for a war that had yet to happen.

  Poppy couldn’t believe she was looking forward to Vortha again, more than she looked forward to visiting Earth. Earth was her home, but even now, she had no word on the changes since the climate crisis, no word from CJ — who had survived the flooding at least -- and no reason to return.

  Her three handsome, loving mates were back on Devor, having completed their punishment for the previous semester's actions. Poppy yearned for them more than anything. After six more months of grueling psychic training, she’d take the final exams and graduate to the
second year.

  At first, she didn’t believe she’d make it through the first semester. Time on Fengari hadn’t only improved her confidence at handling the Fengari weapon she’d been given, but her telepathic powers didn't feel much different. She'd only been around other Fengari and her mother. There was nothing but terror in her mother's head, though the Fengari appeared to take good care of you.

  Chanal offered a half-explanation once. Too much time on the moon sends humans mad, she said. That's why they would call the crazy ones lunatics. The telepathic energy from the Fengari affected everyone differently.

  Chanal promised that she’d notice the difference once she returned to Devor.

  Poppy didn’t notice when the Fengari ship halted at their destination until she heard a knock at her door. Chanal kept the responsibility of caring for Poppy throughout the space voyage. Poppy didn’t respond to her knock at first. Two weeks of pitch blackness made her sullen. Chanal knocked again.


  “We’re here, Poppy.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  “See for yourself. The planet’s brightness is visible from the window.”

  “There are no windows here,” Poppy complained, pulling the covers over her head and assuming Chanal played a cruel practical joke on her.

  “Don’t make me come in there and drag you out.”

  Poppy believed the Fengari woman would do so without a minute of hesitation. She groaned huffily and pulled herself out of bed, fumbling her way to the door.

  “You do not need eyes to see,” Chanal chastised.

  Poppy opened the door and sensed Chanal’s irritated presence in the doorway,

  “I’ll follow you.”

  Poppy kept her hands pressed to the walls and followed closely behind Chanal. They rounded a corner and blue light flooded the hall. Poppy winced and her eyes watered as the sudden shock of light penetrated the spaceship’s window. After a few minutes, her eyes adjusted.

  “We’re here,” Poppy whispered, this time, her eyes watering for another reason.

  “We’re sending you to your Uncle Monty’s apartment.”

  “Is he here?”

  Chanal nodded.


  “Wait that’s it?”

  The familiar squeeze of teleportation yanked Poppy off her feet and she groaned as she reappeared in Uncle Monty’s bright Devoran apartment. Poppy wobbled but didn’t lose her balance this time. She’d materialized in the middle of her Uncle’s living room, behind his couch. She braced herself against the wall.

  Her uncle’s head shot up from the couch.


  He sat up and fumbled around for a shirt. Another head popped up, slithering out from beneath him. Pallas!

  “Your niece is coming back today?”

  “I expected some sort of warning…”

  Monty reached for his glasses on the side table and Poppy reddened as she realized what she’d walked in on. Leave it to the Fengari to interrupt her uncle’s hook up.

  “Hi, Uncle Monty…”

  Pallas fumbled for a blanket and wrapped it around his large alien torso. Monty slipped on his shirt and hurriedly slipped on sweatpants. Poppy kept her eyes shielded. Her uncle tousled his hair and exhaled with relief.

  “I’m covered. You can open your eyes now.”

  “I am too,” Pallas said.

  Poppy reluctantly opened her eyes. Uncle Monty was as beet red as she was.

  “I’m sorry…” Poppy mumbled.

  “It’s fine. I didn’t know when you were coming back. I didn’t think they’d send you here!”

  “It’s fine. I’m sorry. I didn’t know either.”

  The tension dissipated slowly. Pallas rose and mumbled, “I think I’d better go…”

  “No. Nonsense. You stay here.”

  “I’m really sorry.”

  “You’ve got school tomorrow so I cleared your room.”


  “You’ve probably got a lot to tell us,” Monty said.

  Pallas perked up.

  “I imagine time with the Fengari was fascinating. Their culture is shrouded in mystery. I'd love to know more about it.”

  Poppy stared at him, her mouth hanging open.

  “What’s wrong, darling?” Monty asked, polishing his glasses and putting them back on.

  “I… I can hear what you’re thinking,” she said.

  “Well, you have been training with telepaths,” Monty replied.

  “Not you, Uncle Monty. Pallas.”

  “That’s impossible,” Pallas answered, his cheeks flushing violet.

  “You’re thinking about the first time you heard about the Fengari. When you were a university student. You stumbled upon an old text in the library. You were meant to be studying for an exam but you," Poppy paused and suppressed a giggle, "You wanted to impress a boy.”

  Pallas’ eyes glowed for a moment.

  “You can’t know that…”

  “But I do… and I don’t know why.”


  Penelope’s Return

  Poppy returned with the rest of the first-years to campus the next morning. The buzz of Devoran thoughts clamored louder than ever before. She had to shut off their private thoughts, not the other way around.

  First-years scheduled their second-semester classes in what amounted to a class fair, where they wandered from table to table, selecting spots on a first-come-first-serve basis. There were two required classes, but the rest was up to them. Poppy didn’t care about her classes as much as she did finding the boys.

  Before finding the boys, Hecate found her. She tapped Poppy’s shoulder and shrieked, “Surprise!”

  Poppy whirled around and Hecate scooped her up in a big hug right away, tightening her grip before releasing her onto the ground. She’d grown at least two inches during their six-month break and navy freckles dotted her blue face. She wore her the front of her hair in three buns at the top of her head with the rest of it flowing down her back.

  “I missed you, tiny human!”

  “I missed you too!”

  “Have you picked classes?” Hecate asked, linking her arm in Poppy’s.

  “No. I haven’t thought about it at all.”

  She’d been busy all summer learned about how to wield the blade she kept strapped to her corset beneath her sweater.

  “We’re in the same math section! So is Jason. I can’t believe it.”

  “What about P.E.?”

  “It’s almost filled up. If you want to play hockey next year, you’d better hurry over.”

  Hockey was the one thing Poppy looked forward to. She hastened over to Eugenia’s table, with Hecate at her side. She made it just in time to snag the last spot in the class. As Poppy signed her name, she scanned the list and indeed saw the three names that mattered most to her.

  «Hello, jazad.»

  Jason’s voice interrupted her spying. Poppy whirled around, red in the face. Hecate stood back, watching excitedly at their reunion. Poppy didn’t rush into Jason’s arms at first. She took in the sight of him. He looked different from how she remembered him and different from how he was in her dreams.

  “Jason… what happened to you.”

  Castor and Ajax caught up with their best friend and Poppy’s heart sank as she saw the three of them. Had she done this to them? Had six months apart damaged them this much?

  “We don’t look that bad, do we, Penelope?”

  “Not bad… just…”

  “Don’t worry, they’ll grow it back,” Hecate offered.

  “Your hair… it’s all gone… and you’ve been beaten… or something! It’s my fault, isn’t it!”

  The boys exchanged glances.

  “It’s not your fault,” Ajax said.

  “Then what happened?” Poppy demanded an explanation.

  “We lived at sea for six months. The salt air tangled our hair into mats so headmaster gave us a ritual shearing.”

  Penelope remembered studying that cutting Devoran hair was a ceremony as significant as circumcision on Earth. Or something like that.

  “It’s kind of growing back,” Ajax said, tousling his short mop of curls.

  “I thought you never cut your hair…”

  “With a ritual blade it can be a bit of punishment, but it isn't a grave shame,” Jason grumbled, “You know, for all the shit we got into last semester.”

  “Shit you got into because of me.”

  Hecate made an excuse to leave. Poppy noticed a tall first-year girl from last year who had certainly caught Hecate’s eye. She turned her attention back to the boys.

  “Your bruises. What about those?”

  “Oh, well we were beaten. That much is true.”

  “By who?!”

  “We captured a beastie into the voyage and we were tasked with feeding it.”

  “Nasty bugger,” Ajax added solemnly.

  “You look like you’ve been through hell.”

  “It’s about to get better, jazad,” Jason said, “Because we have you again.”

  Poppy wanted to jump into their arms but thought better to restrain herself in public.

  “Have you signed up for classes yet?”

  “Yes. You?”

  Poppy hadn’t. She selected her other classes quickly. Math and Telepathy were the only required ones. She skipped Devoran literature in favor of Ethics, Marine Biology, and Telepathic Chemistry. After picking classes, they milled into the next room. A few students requested roommate changes after the last semester. Poppy never filed a former request, but the school administration agreed with the notion that perhaps it wasn’t such a good idea for her to live with Daphne anymore.

  Jason’s sister hadn’t lost her position at the Academy, but she’d live in the isolated sickbay room Poppy occupied her first semester at the Academy. Poppy never gave much thought to whether the punishment was fitting or not. At least she’d still get to room with Hecate, even if the girl had disappeared already. Once they’d finished their regular first day of school activities, Cas, Jason, and Ajax followed Poppy to her dorm room.


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