Book Read Free

Bonded Telepaths

Page 4

by Enid Titan

  “We’ve already unpacked.”

  “Waste no time, do you.”

  “We figured you’d need help.”

  Poppy couldn’t help her gaze lingering on them whenever she looked at them. With his short hair, Ajax’s square jaw stuck out from his wide neck even more. His pointed blue ears looked even longer. Jason’s slender nose and high cheekbones appeared more gaunt. They were the same boys she’d left behind but just behind their eyes, Poppy sensed their time on the sea changed them. She didn’t dare to let down her guard and reading their thoughts, even if she now possessed that ability.

  Thinking of the Fengari enlightened her to the curious expression that crossed all three boys’ faces. She didn’t need telepathy to figure out what they were thinking.

  “You’re wondering how I made it out there, aren’t you?”

  “You were dark for so long, jazad.”

  “It’s all foggy,” Poppy answered honestly, “Almost as if it’s a dream, though I know it isn’t.”

  “We want to hear all about it, every detail.”

  “Especially about your mother,” Cas added solemnly.

  A shiver surged down Poppy’s spine as she remembered her mother’s strange words and Sibyl’s admission that her mother’s madness might have prophetic elements.

  "My mother was gone. I didn't recognize her. They're trying to cure her."

  Castor's face softened.

  "We're sorry."

  "It's okay. I spent a lot of time with her. I have so much to tell you, boys."

  She crossed her legs and smiled because at least now they were together again.


  Climax, Interrupted

  Poppy described as much of her summer as possible to the boys as they helped her move into her room. They all hung onto her every word and touched her lightly when they could, a hand pressed to her thigh, a caress down her back, or even a kiss on the cheek.

  Once Poppy settled in, Jason suggested an idea for the afternoon.

  “We should try out for the debate team.”


  Cas leaned forward attentively.

  “It’s a good idea.”

  “How is it possible to debate when you can read everyone’s mind, or at least how they’re feeling.”

  “That’s part of the challenge,” Jason ventured, “Concealment.”

  Ajax snorted.

  “I’d rather play hockey.”

  “We can’t play hockey until we’re sophomores. We might as well do something.”

  “I have plenty of ideas about what to do,” Ajax murmured, running his hands over Poppy’s hair.

  “We have to do something besides that. Something together.”

  “We are in school,” Poppy admitted.

  As much as she wanted to unfurl herself with the three of them and idle away all day having them between her legs in various combinations, Jason had a point about intellectual stimulation. On Fengar, the queen suggested she focus on as much.

  “I’m not much of a debater,” Ajax grumbled.

  “You don’t have to come then,” Cas suggested.

  “I won’t let you two have her to yourselves,” he pouted.

  “Then it’s settled. You’re coming.”

  Ajax grunted, missing Castor’s manipulation, or possibly just ignoring it.

  “I admit I have an ulterior motive,” Jason mumbled.

  “Spit it out,” Cas responded coolly.

  Poppy suspected he’d already figured it out.

  “The trip. The debate team gets to miss three weeks of the semester for a trip across the continent to the Southern College.”

  “Three weeks?”

  “We’ll have to maintain our studies on the road but it’s considered a prestigious venture so the school allows it.”

  “Why all the prestige?” Poppy asked, bemused by Devorans peculiar obsession with pomp and circumstance which seemed opposed to their general icy stiffness.

  “The winner brings home the fur coat.”

  “We take three weeks off of school to win a stupid fur coat?”

  “Not just any fur coat,” Jason explained, “The last fur coat made of real fur in the whole star system.”

  Poppy wrinkled her nose.

  “Hardly seems worth it for a piece of a dead animal.”

  “It’s the most beautiful fur in all the star system,” Castor expounded the legend.

  Even Ajax’s previously disinterested eyes twinkled a bit.

  “You three are so strange.”

  “Says the pink one,” Jason grumbled.

  “I’m not saying I won’t do it.”

  “Perfect. Let’s sign up.”

  “Wait! I want to know more,” Poppy said, “Before I sign away three weeks of my life.”

  “We travel in a giant pod, each of us will have our room, debate robes, study materials, and we’ll go with seniors, no professors.”

  “So what? It makes it super chill. My brother did it when he was here. He loved it.”

  “You have a brother?”

  Poppy admitted that the information shouldn’t have surprised her. But Cas never mentioned any siblings. He never talked about his family. Ever. Cas nodded but didn’t offer any more information on this new alleged sibling.

  “You’ve never mentioned.”

  “He’s been away for years. War.”

  “I didn’t know Devor was at war.”

  “We aren’t in war often. Only at the border planets with the Taurean confederates.”

  Poppy never imagined a planet with such generally peaceful people could be at war. Then she remembered. The events of the last year which both scarred and awakened Poppy remained fresh on her mind.

  “Let’s not talk of war, jazad,” Jason said, pulling her away from her darker thoughts.

  “Debate is far better than war,” Cas said, “And Poppy’s never seen the continent. She’ll see the beasts of Vortha.”

  Chills ran down Poppy’s spine and the hairs on her arms stood on end.

  “What kind of beasts?”

  “I don’t want to spoil the surprise,” Cas said with a wink.

  “You’re scaring her you idiot,” Jason grumbled, running his hands down Poppy’s forearm and laying her prickly hairs down flat.

  “She’s not scared. It’s Poppy.”

  Poppy rolled her eyes.

  “You three are so annoying. Let’s sign up.”

  “Then what?” Jason asked, mischief glinting in his eye.

  “We’ll see how much time we have before Hecate returns.”

  Signing up didn’t take long. Using Poppy’s panel on the wall they submitted their applications. Devoran's artificial intelligence’ took over the task of debate team selection and after a five-minute wait, their results were in. All of them made it to the team.

  “Awesome! Three weeks of no math,” Jason cheered.

  “You’ll still have to do math,” Poppy chided, “And it’ll be worse ‘cause I’ll be your only help.”

  “You’re a tough teacher, jazad, but at least you’re… sexy.”

  Jason grabbed her and as she squealed, he planted a fat kiss on her lips. As Poppy squealed and attempted to squirm away, Castor grabbed at her sweater and pulled it off. Ajax fumbled with the strings on her corset and when he had them all loose, all three boys caressed every inch of Poppy’s body naked.

  Jason’s eyes glowed the entire time and his tail flicked back and forth as he pressed his half-clothed body between Poppy’s legs.

  “I’ve waited so long for this,” he whispered, leaning down to kiss her and pressing his hand between her damp slit. He sniffed deeply before taking Poppy’s fingers to his lips. Her nipples hardened as she watched Jason’s face contort in pleasure as he tasted her.

  “I need you, Poppy.”

  Cas and Ajax pinned her arms down against her bed. Poppy squirmed and offered up weak protest.

  “Hecate could come back at any time.”

  “She won�
��t,” Ajax whispered, “He needs to have you, Poppy.”

  “We can all feel how bad he wants it,” Cas murmured, kissing the top of her head.

  Poppy spread her legs wider around Jason’s slender, muscular abdomen. The mound between his leg stiffened and he reached between his legs to release the pair of monstrous cunt-destroyers from their fabric prison. Cas flicked and pinched Poppy’s nipples, causing her to buck her hips up.

  Jason got his cocks free and pressed them right against Poppy’s entrance.

  “Knock, knock,” Hecate’s voice whispered outside the door, “Are you busy roomie?”

  Jason stuffed his cocks back into his pants hurriedly. Poppy yanked her blanket up over her body.

  “No,” Castor called, “Not busy at all!”

  Poppy shot him a glare as she hurriedly slipped on some clothes.


  I Fear My Strength

  Poppy was convinced that the universe — or at least the forces of Vortha — were conspiring to keep her away from her boys. From the moment Hecate walked into the room and saw what had very obviously been a hook up (or near to it), they’d hardly at a minute alone.

  Just like during the previous semester, Achilles had them gather around the fires at the temple of Vortha. Poppy hadn’t been back since last semester’s incident. At least this time, her fellow first-years withdrew their perpetual stares and listened to the headmaster’s speech about the pains and trials of the second semester.

  Poppy zoned out — which she usually did in the face of long speeches and instructions. Achilles caught her attention again when he listed off the members of the debate team. For the first time since their arrival at the Academy, they could formally mix with students who weren’t first-years. Debate teams and a few of the less intense club sports opened up to second-semester students. Achilles read out the lists from the Model Vorthan Council Team, News & Propaganda Club, Xanflorae Occupied Territories Awareness Society, the Team of Genetic Engineers and finally the debate team. The debate team captains were seniors: Poseidon and Lyric, one boy and one girl. There were eight juniors on the team, six sophomores, and six first-years.

  Poppy caught herself bubbling with excitement at Achilles’ announcements regarding the team. She hadn’t expected this: excitement over being back at Vortha. After their first lectures, Achilles sent them off for the weekend and on Monday, school resumed normally.

  The debate team’s first meeting would be three weeks into the school year. Poseidon sent out a long, detailed bulletin, brimming with all the interest Poppy found in Devoran literature. She skimmed the message, noting only that Poseidon signed his name as “Oz” and Lyric’s input into the message went no further than her signature.

  Poppy barely saw the three boys outside of classes during the first few weeks. It hardly seemed fair. Jason’s parents came into town and obliged him to visit them. He invited Poppy along, but she declined to show up because of Daphne. She had only seen Daphne at the temple during the first day’s lecture. Poppy hadn’t recognized her at first — without her hair. Her punishment had been worse than anything Penelope or the boys received.

  Daphne and Jason’s parents took her back to their manor on the city outskirts and at the headmaster’s behest had every lock of her long platinum hair shaved completely off her head. Her bald, blue head was a symbol of shame amongst Devorans and she wore her head covered with various shrouds and veils whenever Penelope saw her in the distance, always alone.

  She didn’t mind not seeing Daphne. Poppy shuddered to think what torment the girl had in mind for her after six months to stew in her hatred. With Jason occupied, Poppy at least hoped to see more of Cas and Ajax but neither of them was any more available.

  Ajax, fighting back against the presumption that he was a lunk-headed jock, had signed up for exceedingly difficult courses and he struggled with a tutor for most of his coursework. Even easy-going Castor wasn’t so easy to pin down. He insisted on working ahead on his coursework so he could dedicate most of his time to debating once they’d had their first meeting. Typical, competitive Castor.

  At least Poppy had Hecate, who had already sworn off of girls for the third time that semester. Her latest hook up had fallen apart when the girl suggested they run away from the Academy. The girl also hated hockey, which didn’t help.

  Hecate agreed to walk Poppy to the debate meeting and listened to Poppy complain about how absent the boys had been since they’d started school.

  “We’re supposed to be mates for life,” Poppy complained, “I’ve hardly seen them.”

  “What are they doing that’s more important than you?” Hecate played the role of a supportive friend far better than the role of ‘girlfriend’ to any of her love interests.

  “School. Family. Catching up. I feel so… needy. I missed them so much while I was away. I thought they felt the same, but I’ve hardly seen them.”

  “Males are funny,” Hecate agreed.

  “They aren’t just males. We’re supposed to be bonded for life.”

  “Have you sensed how they’re feeling?” Hecate wondered.

  Poppy bristled. She could have. Since her senses heightened with the Fengari, she’d intentionally tuned out of Ajax, Castor and Jason’s emotions. They couldn’t conceal them from her anymore and that scared her.


  “Are they hiding it?”


  “What’s going on, Poppy? I can tell when you’re hiding things you know.”

  “I thought I got better than that,” Poppy grumbled.

  “Not quite.”


  “What’s wrong?”

  “Ever since Fengar, I can sense everything. No matter what, I sense people’s thoughts, their emotions, even when they’re trying to hide it.”

  “Our people’s thoughts?” Hecate inquired curiously.

  Poppy nodded.

  “They changed me.”

  “You mustn’t fear it, then. They’ve given you strong telepathy.”

  Not given, Poppy wanted to correct her, awakened. This had always been there — latent.

  “It’s horrifying,” Poppy admitted, “Climbing into people’s heads all the time.”

  “It’s hard when you’re a child,” Hecate admitted, “You don’t know how to control it yet and everything floods in.”

  “I don’t know what to tell them. I don’t think mates are supposed to share that much. It’s like… I got used to being the weak one, the different one, the jazad. I don’t know if they can handle me like this.”

  “Give them a chance,” Hecate said, “Maybe their feelings for you won’t be so… terrifying.”

  “I think this is where my meeting is.”

  “Oh yes, the grand debate hall. You’ll enjoy it.”

  Hecate wrapped Poppy in a tight hug.

  “Now go on and show those boys how to handle a strong human woman.”

  She flexed her biceps jokingly and left Poppy at the entrance of the debate hall.



  Poppy didn’t need introductions to recognize Poseidon. Her boys were six-foot-seven feet tall, but as a senior, Poseidon crested clear over seven feet. Everything about him was gigantic. His thighs were the size of Poppy’s hips and his hands could have covered her face like a mask and stopped her breathing. She entered the debate hall early and saw the enormous man hulking over a desk at the front and center of the room.

  “Hello, foreigner,” he greeted her.

  A politer version of Jason’s epithet, yet Poseidon’s word packed a cynical punch.

  “Hi. You must be Poseidon.”

  “Call me Oz.”

  “Right. Call me Penelope.”

  “Welcome, foreigner. Our school system deemed you fit for the debate team. Who am I to question the rigors of artificial intelligence?”

  He smiled, but there was no kindness behind his eyes or shimmering warmth, just dull unremarkable, disinterested amber.

sp; “I’m looking forward to it. Looks like I’m the first one here.”

  “Lyric went to get her schedule. She’s a space cadet and forgot it in her dorm.”

  Before he could gossip any more about Lyric, she thrust the doors to the debate hall open and gasped in surprise.

  “The human’s actually on the team? Ozzie! That’s so exciting!”

  Oz grunted.

  “It’s just Oz, Lyric, and yes, she’s on the team.”

  “How delightful!”

  Lyric was as tall as Ajax and the others. She rushed to Poppy and wrapped her in a warm hug.

  “Welcome, Penelope. I’m so excited. I’ve never seen a foreigner up close.”

  She roguishly grasped a bit of Penelope’s skin and pinched it.


  “Sorry!” Lyric squealed, emitting a teensy high-pitched giggle, “I wanted to see if it really turned pink.”

  “It does,” Poppy said, trying not to grumble or emit the disrespectful phrase on the tip of her tongue.

  “Oz isn’t it amazing!”

  “Yeah. Something like that.”

  “Don’t mind him,” Lyric said, “He’s incredibly shy.”

  “I’m not shy,” Oz protested, “I think some things are for Devorans and Devorans alone.”

  “Shut up,” Lyric huffed.

  Oz, surprisingly, shut up.

  “Have a seat! The others will be here soon.”

  Poppy sat alone, hating her boys’ lateness and their inattentiveness which stuck out more when she realized that they could have been here to stand up for her while Oz insulted her with the menacing subtlety of an offensive Devoran. The three came in together and Poppy’s stomach flipped. They’d all met up without her, hadn’t they. They sat next to her as the older students came in and sat together. Ajax poked her ribs. Poppy pouted and ignored him.

  Jason sat on her other side and leaned over to whisper, “Upset, jazad?”

  “Sh,” Poppy hissed, “We should be listening.”

  «We can listen and talk,» Jason said.

  «No. We can’t.»

  «She’s upset about something,» Castor chimed in.


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