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One More Time: More Series Book 1

Page 22

by S. Van Horne

  He bends down and whispers into her ear. She shakes her head at him and crosses her arms over her chest glaring up at him. A flicker of anger crosses his face before he gives her a smirk, and I know what he’s about to do before he does it. He bends over and throws her over his shoulder then storms towards the house.

  She’s yelling at him to put her down as she beats on his back. Sin steps in front of him. I can’t hear what is said but I watch as Sin steps behind Lucky and speaks to Sara. She slowly shakes her head at what he says and then slaps Lucky on his ass. Laughter fills the air as Lucky storms into the house with Sara still on his shoulder. I have a feeling we’ll be staying outside for longer than we thought we were going to.

  I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn to see Len standing there giggling at what Lucky just did. I stand and grab her by the waist to haul her in for a kiss.

  “Wait, before you kiss me. Can you get the stuff from the shoreline for us?” she whispers quietly against my lips.

  I press my lips against her then pull back to go get the items they left. I notice that OPG isn’t there and wonder where she went. I feel a hand at my back and turn around to see Len standing there.

  “Where’s OPG?”

  “Ms. Cindy came and got her. No need to worry, sexy sailor.” She giggles out at me.

  I drop the items and then pick her up over my shoulder like Neil had done with Sara. This causes her to giggle, so I smack her ass.

  “I’m going to show you sexy sailor, mio tutto. Sin, will you get the stuff from the shore? I have something to take care of,” I yell at him while carrying her to the house.

  We’re almost to the bedroom door when we hear moans coming from the room down from us. I start to walk faster, but what we hear next has me stopping in my tracks.

  “If you don’t stop those noises I’m going to gag you, Sara,” Lucky growls.

  I start laughing and run into our bedroom. I barely make out snickers coming from Lucky’s door as I shut the door to our room. I pull Len from my shoulder and place her on her feet.

  Oh, tomorrow’s going to be very interesting to say the least.

  “God, that’s so not something I ever want to hear my brother say again,” Len says and wipes the tears off her face.

  I slowly walk up to her and lust fills her eyes the moment she realizes that I’m about to ravage her. She’s taking steps backwards until her legs hit the bed and ends up falling onto it. I crawl up her body and make my way to her ear. I nip the lobe and it makes her moan out. Not being able to help myself I move my lips to her ear and whisper into it, “If you don’t stop those noises I’m going to gag you, Len.” I start silently laughing as she burst out laughing.

  “Damn it, Dante, that just ruined the moment.” She giggles.

  “Let’s see if I can make you want me again.”

  I go about worshiping her body which makes her have to hide her head in the pillow to scream out her release.



  “Is she alive?” I hear whispering from a voice I know but can’t place because I haven’t had my morning coffee.

  “I bet he fucked her to death, I mean, shit, if I were straight, I’d be doing the same,” the voice murmurs, and I slowly start waking up.

  “You better watch your mouth around my woman before I knock the fuck out of you. What the hell are you two doing in our room anyway?” Dante growls as he grabs me tighter to him. Thank god he pulled the covers over us last night after we finished.

  “You’re the one who called and told us to get our ass here because we needed to spend girl time with our girl. So you can kiss my ass and leave now. Wait, are you dressed under there, sexy sailor?” The question was purred out and it makes me crack up laughing.

  “Your fucking lucky Len likes you, dipshit, or I would kill you already. Get the fuck out so we can get dressed,” he growls between clenched teeth.

  “Well, where would be the fun in that? I’ve been trying to get a peek at what you’re packing for months now. Come on, sexy sailor, give us a little peek.” I realize who is in the room with us, open my eyes, and spot Andy and Chris on my side of the bed.

  “Well, hello, Len, about time you got your ass found. He’s been a spastic cum butler,” Andy pipes up.

  “Oh, my god! You’re here,” I yell and try to get off the bed.

  “Len, you’re not getting up. Your naked under here, and I don’t give a fuck if they’re gay, they aren’t seeing you like that.” Dante squeezes me even harder holding me in my spot. “Get out, boys. We’ll meet you down stairs.”

  I blow Chris and Andy a kiss as they walk out the door. I turn and hug Dante close for bringing me my other two best friends because I know he set this up.

  “Thank you, Dante,” I murmur.

  “Mio tutto, I just want you to have one night with your friends before we have to go back home and face what lies ahead of us,” he murmurs in my ear then turns my head and kisses me deeply.

  “Come on you two! No fucking allowed. It is our turn with our girl!” I hear Andy yell through the door.

  I bust up laughing which ends the kiss Dante was giving me.

  “I swear to God I will end up killing Andy before the day is over. What the fuck was I really thinking?” Dante grumbles and gets up to get dressed.

  Even though he grumbles about it, I know he wouldn’t hurt them. I jump up and hurry through my morning routine so I can go and spend time with my other two favorite guys.

  I have tears running down my face due to the horrified expression that’s on Eagle, Sin, and Doc’s face. I glance over at Dante and Lucky, and it isn’t any better. Andy pulls out a box full of cinnamon Tic Tacs, and that makes me laugh even harder.

  “Seriously, we’re doing research here. Since you men don’t know how many pills you can swallow at one time, I figured Tic Tacs would be the best thing to use. I mean, we don’t want you overdosing on pills. However, we could do placebo pills that actually might be better. Hey, Len, how can we go about getting them?” he asks me with a straight face, but I see the humor behind them.

  “No,” is all Chris says with a glare at his husband, telling him that he won’t let him go that far.

  It hurt to find out they had gotten married while I’d been kidnapped, but I’m so happy for them. Chris is the laid back one of the two, whereas Andy is the flamboyant, funny, and in your face one.

  “But, baby, seriously, Tic Tacs are smaller than pills so, the results would be so much better with placebos.” He crosses his arms and stares at him with narrowed eyes.

  “I told you before that it wasn’t happening so don’t ask again unless you want a punishment,” Chris growls and it makes all of us crack up, laughing louder.

  “Maybe that’s what I’m wanting.” He leans over and gives his husband a kiss on the lips.

  “Okay, explain this logic again because it’s just too awesome not to hear it for a second time,” I rasp out between fits of laughter which causes the guys to moan in frustration again.

  “Okay, so I was talking to my neighbor who said she takes, like, thirteen pills once. I thought that was impressive, and we discussed how most men can’t do that. Their count is, maybe, two pills. Anyway, it hit me that it has to be because women give head, and that means deep throating. So, that has to be training the throat to do that shit. Then, I was like, well hell, if that’s true with women then it has to be true for gay men. So, I decided that it should be tested, but again, I don’t want people dying for research purposes. So, cinnamon Tic Tacs it is, and I chose that flavor because it has to be better for burping up than mint,” Andy explains with a huge smile on his face as we yet again go into a fit of laughter.

  “Fuck me, I can’t believe this guy is serious here. I need to get the hell out of here,” Doc stays, he gets up, and runs out the back door.

  “Right behind you,” Lucky murmurs which leads to the rest of the guys, including Chris, following behind him.
  “Good, now that I cleared the room! Let’s talk about girl time. You’re leaving tomorrow to head home and we still have to pack up the cabin. So, here is my suggestion, let’s go do that, then get back here so we can get our drink on and girl time.” Andy declares and stands up. “I will just leave these here so the guys can do the swallow challenge for my research.”

  This makes us all squeal out in giggles as we follow him out the front door.



  Laughter fills the air as the girls head to the cabin, to, I assume, pack it up. I look over at Chris and shake my head. I swear he puts up with some shit from his husband. I’m totally straight and I honestly don’t understand the whole being gay thing, however, I believe that you can’t help who you fall in love with and, as long as you’re true to the person who has your soul, then it isn’t my business.

  “How in the fuck you can put up with Andy’s shenanigans is beyond me, dude,” Sin murmurs and I grunt in agreement.

  “Same way Dante deals with Len’s, same way you will deal with yours one day. Just because we’re gay, it doesn’t change the dynamics of a relationship,” Chris murmurs quietly.

  “I didn’t mean any offense, dude, and wasn’t commenting on you being gay. It was a true question like I would ask anyone.” Sin stops and turns to Chris.

  “You’ll find we aren’t judgmental people. Look, I’m a Christian but that doesn’t mean I’ll judge you. Anyone who does judge people isn’t right. Nothing in the Bible says that, since you’re gay, I can’t be your friend, hang out with you, and have dinner,” Eagle pips up from beside me.

  Chris glances at all of us and then gazes down as he absorbs what we just said. He finally looks up, grins at us, and holds his hand out to Eagle.

  “Thanks, I’m just used to people judging me for my lifestyle and it pisses me off. I’ve honestly never met a Christian who wasn’t judgemental.”

  Eagle grabs his hand and give him a guy one handed back slap. We head down to the river to fish and have some man time.

  I feel hands on my shoulders and take a deep breath of amazing scent that’s my girl. I reach up and grab her hand and bring it to my lips for a kiss on her palm. I’ve learned that’s a trigger to her and I feel her shiver at my lips there which causes me to smirk into her hand.

  “We got everything cleared up. The bags are all in the truck and ready to go. I just finished feeding Marcus and pumped for the night since the parents are keeping him with them. They are staying the night with Ms. Cindy so we have the cabin to ourselves. We’re starving so you men need to get on it and get the grill fired up,” she murmured in my ear before nipping the lobe.

  I pull her around to the front of me into my lap and kiss the fuck out of her. After whistles and moans of frustration, I finally pull away and look into her eyes.

  “Okay, mio tutto, let’s get you fed and then we can have one more night of fun before real life has to happen.” I kiss her forehead and we gather everything up then head to the house to get the grill going.


  I realize that I’m slightly tipsy from the two drinks I’ve had. I gaze over and spot Sara’s on Neil’s lap, and he’s whispering in her ear which is making her squirm. Julia and Eagle are leaned in close talking in hushed tones. Sin, Ashley, and Doc are all laughing at something Andy’s telling them. Chris’s sitting behind Andy with his hands on his hips shaking his head at his husband.

  “What are you thinking, Len?” Dante whispers into my ear as he pulls me closer to him.

  “Just thinking about how lucky I am to have such an amazing family. Also seeing the relationships of our friends is kind of cool and sad since I missed the beginning of it,” I whisper, he’s nipping at my neck.

  “No sadness tonight, mio tutto. We’re celebrating you being back and Marcus being here, too. I’m about to say fuck it, and drag your ass into the house because I need you,” he growls and bites where my neck and shoulder meets. He pulls back for a second, “Len, where’s your necklace?”

  It takes me a moment to register his question.

  “Shit, I forgot it back at the cabin. The chain broke, so I put it on the counter since I didn’t have pockets.” I wiggle out of his arms and stand up. “Stay here. I’m going to run over there really quick.”

  “Not by yourself.”

  “I’m going to get Andy to walk with me,” I tell him after giving him a quick kiss and heading that way.

  “Hey, can you walk with me to the cabin? I forgot something,” I ask Andy when I walk up to the group.

  He nods his head and jumps up.

  “Be back in a second, Dr. Sexy Ass,” he says after leaning down and giving Chris a kiss on the lips.

  “That’s it, Andy, you’re going to get it when you get back,” he grunts.

  It takes five minutes to get to the cabin and get inside. I run into the bathroom and look around for my necklace.

  “Where is it?” I murmur to myself.

  I search on the floor thinking it might have fallen off the counter when I hear a loud thud, and it brings me out of my thoughts. I walk out of the bathroom and see Andy laying on the ground.

  “Oh, my God! What happened, Andy?” I yell and run to his side. There’s a small cut on his head so I turn him over, check for a pulse, and exhale when I find one.

  I reach out to shake him when I feel a prick at my neck and memories flood back to me. I look to my side, and my heart begins to race.

  “Hey Linda, you thought you could get away from me, love? Such a shame that you did what you did. Now, I will have to punish you.” That’s the last thing I hear before sleep claims me.



  I’m kicking myself in the ass for letting Len and Andy go by themselves. I might be overprotective, but I just don’t trust anyone with Len, but me, and maybe Neil. I gave them about five minutes to make it to the house then started after them.

  I get close to the cabin when I hear her yell, but I’m still far enough away that I can’t make it out. I start to run towards the house, and once I reach the porch I slow down so I don’t make any noises.

  I peek through the sliding door, the sight that’s in front of me makes anger go through my veins; Adams has Len in his arms and is walking towards the bed. She’s limp in his arms, and it takes everything in me to not rush in there. I slowly move to the side and text Neil to get his ass here now.

  I watch through the glass waiting for the right time to get into the house. I spot Andy on the floor out cold. I know then that that’s what Len was yelling about.

  I turn towards the wood and spot Neil. I motion him to check his phone because I texted him about what’s going on inside the cabin. He nods, reaches behind him, and pull out two guns. He starts making his way over to me, hands me one of the firearms, and goes off to the front. I peek in again and Adams is standing over Andy. I turn back to the bed and Len has been tied to the bed.

  “You fucking faggot!” he screams, then kicks Andy in the ribs. “You will pay for being near my Linda! I don’t want your dirt to rub off on her, and since you spent the day with her, I will have to make sure to end you for that.”

  My phone vibrates and its Lucky telling me he doesn’t have an open shot. I curse under my breath and tell him I’m going in. I take a deep breath, flip my safety off, and start making my way through the sliding door.

  “What’s going on?” Andy moans from the floor, and I see Adams pull out a gun. He aims right at Andy and then kicks his leg.

  “Steven, what are you doing?” Andy whispers.

  “I came to get Linda. I’ve been watching the houses of the family, but found out through calling Seal Security that they went on a family vacation. The person on the phone wouldn’t tell me where and by the time I got to Sara, Ashley, and Julia’s home, I was too late. They’d already left,” he sighs. “So, my next step was to watch you and that faggot of a doctor that wants my Linda. When
you both left early this morning, I followed you here.”

  “You followed us?” Andy murmurs.

  “Yep, and now, you must die because I can’t have your filth touching my Linda.” He raises up his gun.

  “Stop!” Len groggily says from the bed which makes Adams turn suddenly towards her.

  “Linda, it has to be done. Now, be a good girl and your punishment won’t be so bad,” Adams says and starts to turn back to Andy.

  “Don’t please don’t kill my friend,” she sobs.

  “Say bye, Linda.”

  He raises his gun, and I know I have to stop this. I raise my gun, aim for his shoulder, and pull the trigger.

  I hear screams, and Lucky storm in the front door. I run over to unite her from the bed, and hold her close, murmuring into her ear for her to calm down. I hear Lucky talking to Andy to see if he’s okay. Once he helps him to stand, he starts walking him to the couch. I also hear Adams howl in pain as he lays on the floor holding his shoulder. I spot his gun over by the couch and relax a little knowing it is by Lucky.

  After what seems like forever, but I know is only moments, I push Len back and check her over to make sure she’s okay. I’m about to ask her if she was feeling all right when she begins to pale even more than she already is and a horrified expression crosses her face. I follow her line of sight and know she’s staring at something behind me.

  Without a second thought, I turn raising my gun along with my movement and come face to face with Adams holding a gun at Len. He had to of had a second one on him.

  “Drop it!” I yell which causes Lucky to run in from the porch.

  “If I can’t have her, nobody will have her!” he screams and I see his finger start to move.

  I hear two gun shots, and I see Adams fall to the floor. Blood pours from his head, and I know he’s gone. I hear a gasp from behind me, I snap my head towards Len, and she’s sitting there staring right at Adams.


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