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One More Time: More Series Book 1

Page 23

by S. Van Horne

  I run to her side and hold her close, murmuring words into her ear. I realize she’s starting to go into shock and I can’t get through to her. I hear footsteps coming up the steps and watch the guys rush into the house. Eagle’s on the phone with, I’m assuming, the police and stops when he sees what Lucky is staring at.

  “Oh… my… god… Dante… he… he…” Len starts saying to me. “He’s dead. You guys killed him. Oh my God, Dante, you killed him!”

  She begins to hyperventilate and next thing I know Lucky’s on the other side of her, trying to calm her down. I know this is going to take time to get her through this, but now that Adams is gone, we have nothing but time on our side.


  Two months later…

  I stare out of the window of my bedroom lost in thought. I’ve been going to therapy once a week, and there are times I’m still struggling with what I went through. I’m realizing that I’ll always battle the past but with time I’ll be able to work through the memories.

  The major problem is that I can’t get the image of Steven laying there, dead with blood pooling around him, out of my mind. I just want something to wash my brain clean of the images that flood my mind now when I close my eyes.

  I jump when I feel arms wrap around my waist and lips at my neck. I lean back into Dante’s arms, but still don’t say a word.

  “Len, talk to me, mio tutto,” he says so quietly that I almost miss it.

  “Nothing to talk about Dante. I just want the images gone,” I whisper out.

  “You had another nightmare last night. You need to make sure you talk to Dr. Pickett about it tomorrow when you see him.” He slides his hand up the front of my stomach and rubs in circles.

  I nod because there isn’t anything I want to say about what I dreamed of last night.

  “Len, I need you to do me a favor. Can you go and take this test for me?” He holds something in front of my face and it takes me a minute to register what he’s showing me.

  “Your late and I know stress can cause it, but I think you should take it just to make sure,” He says against my neck.

  I know I’m late but I’m pretty sure it’s due to all the shit we have been through. However, there’s a chance I might be pregnant.

  I grab the stick and head to the bathroom.

  I lay the test on the counter and head back to where Dante is waiting for me by the bed.

  “Do you think I might be pregnant?” I ask walking into his arms.

  “I don’t know. I know that I’m hoping it is positive but if it isn’t then we can discuss when a right time would be for us to start trying again.” He murmurs into my hair.

  We just stand here, content with holding each other, while we wait for the timer to go off. Finally, the alarm sounds, I take a deep breath moving out from Dante’s arms, and head to the bathroom. I pick up the test and flip it over to get the results.


  Dante wraps his arms around me, and I can tell the moment he sees it. His arms tighten around me and he buries his face into the side of my neck. His body starts shaking against mine and I can’t hold back the tears any longer.

  “I’m going to be here this time, mio tutto. I’m so happy,” he whispers and that’s then that I feel the wetness on my neck.

  I start sobbing and turn around and cling to him. I pull back and glance into his face and see the streaks of tears on his cheeks.

  “You’re crying,” I whisper.

  “Len, I would’ve reacted the same way with Marcus. I’m so happy. I get to see you round with my child and I’m so blessed for that,” he chokes and bury his head into my shoulder.

  I stand there, holding him and let the happiness fill my heart because I know our future is going to be amazing.

  “TI’mo Dante. Un’altra Volta.”

  “TI’mo Len. Un’altra Volta.”



  Four months later…

  I glance around and a grin pulls at my lips at hearing the laughter that fills the air. I turn my head and kiss my wife on her temple. She gazes up and smiles at me before she continues her talk with Andy.

  Currently, our yard is filled with family and friends as we have a baby shower for Len. She’s five months pregnant and Andy demanded that we have a co-ed baby shower. I was against it until she turned her big, blue eyes on me and I saw tears in them. I was done and immediately told her she could have whatever she wanted. I was called a pussy for months, and I told them that, when it comes to her, I would be the biggest pussy there was if it meant no tears.

  Andy decided that we would have a gender reveal party, whatever the fuck that is. Len said that’s when it’s revealed at the party what the sex of the baby is. She had the doctor put it in an envelope and then handed it over to Andy to take care of the rest. However, there was something that showed up during that scan that was a shock. I can’t wait to see their faces when they find out, not only the sex, but the surprise that shocked us to our core.

  “Okay, Daddy, hand me the brother and let’s get this box open to show everyone what we’re having!” Andy claps his hands together, then jumps up and down before he grabs Marcus away from me. This causes my son to giggle out and slap Andy on his face.

  “Little man, don’t hit your Uncle Andy. That isn’t nice,” Len scolds him.

  We walk over to the huge ass box that’s in the center of our yard and everyone crowds around us.

  “Open it already! We only have three months to shop!” Ashley screams at us which causes all the women to agree and the men to moan, because we know we’re going to be dragged into this.

  Len grins really big then takes the ribbon off the top and pulls up. Pink and blue balloons pour out and float into the sky which makes Len squeal in excitement. I pull her into me and can’t help the huge grin that I’m sporting at the fact that we’re having a boy and a girl. The confused expression that’s on everyone’s face has me chuckling because you can see them trying figure out what the hell just happened.

  “We’re having twins!” Andy screams to everyone.

  “You’re not having anything, dipshit! We are having twins!” I growl at him which causes Len to burst into a fit of giggles.

  “Why are you cracking up? It’s true he isn’t having anything!” I explain to her with a huff and this causes her to laugh so hard she ends up leaning into me for support.

  “I’m going to pee if you don’t stop!” she howls at me.

  “What the fuck is so damn funny?”

  “Well, dipshit,” Andy does finger quotes on the word dipshit which causes me to grunt at him and Len to double over from her fit. “You’re not having anything, either. Len, is the one who will be delivering your spawns.”

  “Whatever,” I mutter, rolling my eyes at him and that makes Len jerk from my arms and rush towards the house, screaming she’s going to pee her pants between peals of laughter.

  I hear a phone ringing and glance over towards the sound. Sara’s staring at the phone in her hand with fear forming all over her face. I turn to Lucky who is watching her and from what I can tell he spots the same thing because he stops what he’s doing and rushes to her side.

  “Habibi, you okay?” I hear him ask.

  Since we returned from the lake, they’ve been skirting around their feelings. I don’t know what’s going on with that, but I’ve been keeping an eye out on her when he isn’t around. Len said she has been pulling away from everyone and was worried something bad is going on with her.

  “I have to take this,” she says and walks away to answer the phone.

  I stop Lucky from following too closely but understand his need to make sure she’s okay.

  She turns around to spots us standing there and my body tenses at the sight of her expression. Her face is ghost white, her eyes are empty and her body is starting to shake from the terror that’s coursing through it.

  “I have to go. Please tell Len I’
ll call her later,” she rushes out then turns and runs to the front of the house which has Lucky following after her yelling her name.

  “What’s going on?” I turn to my left and Len’s standing there with worried expression.

  “I don’t know, but Sara said she’ll call you later. She got a phone call and had to go,” I tell her, pulling her into my side, which at that moment, I feel a kick against me.

  I fall to my knees and place my lips to where the kick was and give her belly a kiss. Her hands go into my hair and she looks down at me as I gaze up at her.

  “Daddy loves you both so very much. Take it easy on Mamma, okay” At that I feel another kick and it causes Len to giggle.

  I take a moment to stare into the eyes of the one woman who has had my heart since I was eighteen. I say a quick prayer of thanks to God for giving me her and it makes me appreciate our saying that much more.

  “TI’mo Len. Un’altra Volta,” I murmur to her and then close my eyes and relish the words being said back to me.

  I look over and spot Lucky walking back with worry in his eyes. I say a quick prayer that whatever is going on with Sara doesn’t stop the love I know they both could have.

  More Than Anything

  More Series Book 2

  Neil and Sara coming Fall/Winter 2016

  Continue reading for a special bonus chapter that has notes between Dante and Len during his time in the Navy. As well as, a sneak peek at Book Two.


  Note: these are letters between Dante and Len that span over the years of his time in the Navy. I didn’t write each letter. I just decided to give you a small taste of the joking around they did with each other during this time. I hope you enjoy this bonus chapter.

  January 6, 2008


  I’m hoping all is well in your part of the world. Neil told me that you all are leaving on your first mission soon. I won’t lie and say I’m not scared because I am. Promise me that you will be safe and watch each other’s back. I want to make sure you both come back home safely. Whether you believe this or not, you’re needed in my world.

  I’m sorry I missed your graduation from Seal school. I had finals and there was only one professor who wouldn’t let me take my final early. I tried, and I hope you received my gift. I saw the pictures that our moms took. They looked great, and both Neil and you have changed a lot. I was shocked at how much muscle you both put on. But I wanted to say I’m proud of you both so much.

  I start classes again on Monday, and I’m really enjoying college life. There’s a major difference between ages though. I’m finding it tough to relate to my classmates because of it. However, Sara and I hang out often and get along well. She was the girl I told everyone about that night after my introduction night at Gates N Sons.

  The twins, or as you call them Thing One and Thing Two, are still being their crazy selves. They each have a girlfriend now. The girls don’t like me much; they don’t really understand that we’re like family. Hopefully, that will calm down a bit.

  Thanks for the package you sent me. I loved the journal. The picture on it makes me want to take a trip just to relax and watch the waves roll in. Is that the same beach that you did your training on?

  Here’s a box of goodies for you. Share this time! I think I made enough for everyone on your team. If not, then between both Neil and your boxes, you should have enough. I will send another box once I get word on where to ship to.

  Be Safe and write back soon!


  P.S. Just because I love learning doesn’t make me a nerd.

  P.P.S. One more time!!!

  9th June 2008


  How’s summer break? Or did you decide to take some summer classes? I’m thinking you picked the latter because it’s the nerdy thing to do. And, before you can say it, one more time!

  Things are going great here, now that we’re finally back. It’s strange being on U.S. soil after being gone for six months. I’ve included a few things from that mission we went on. Most are things I found and thought you might enjoy. But a few are things that I purchased after the mission was complete, before we headed home.

  How are the twins now? I heard they broke up with their girlfriends. Care to tell me the real reason why? They just said the girls weren’t who they wanted in a relationship. I’m assuming they didn’t get use to the dynamics of your relationship with them. If that’s the case, it’s their loss because you’re an amazing person, and they have no clue what they would’ve gained by being your friend.

  Your birthday’s coming up, and I won’t be able to attend. I’m sure that Neil filled you in on our training that’s required of us. I’ll be sending you a package though, so keep an eye out for that.

  There really isn’t much more to update you on. I’m looking forward to hearing from you again soon.

  Waiting for the next letter,


  December 3rd, 2010


  Mom just informed me that you aren’t coming for Christmas this year again. I was hoping I was going to finally see you. You do realize it has been over two years now. But I understand that you have things that are keeping you there. It just sucks. I’m also happy to know that your family is flying out there to see you.

  How is California? It’s cold here in Kansas City. It was fifteen degrees and we got a foot of snow. They closed all the schools so I was able to snuggle in front of the fire with hot chocolate and a blanket. I read the Twilight series again. I’m sure you’re rolling your eyes at me and thinking what a silly girl I am for it. Just remember, one more time.

  Thanks for the amazing perfume. I love the scent of it. I wear it daily and get compliments on it all the time. Julia and Sara tried to swipe it from my dresser and I told them think about doing it again, and I won’t hesitate to cut a bitch. Okay, we both know they just laughed at me.

  The families are doing great and things are just moving right along. However, I won’t deny there is still two empty spots when we’re all together. We all miss yours and Neil’s presence when we’re doing things.

  Anyway, here are your gifts for Christmas. DO NOT OPEN BEFORE CHRISTMAS! I mean it! I hope you’re doing ok and looking forward to seeing pictures that your mom takes when she returns from her visit.

  Write soon!


  23rd December 2010


  Really? Empty boxes? That wasn’t very nice, and now you know I opened them as soon as the packaged arrived. Neil died laughing and said he knew you were going to do that. He also said the real presents are coming with Mamma. I’ll hound her until she gives them over.

  Nothing much has been going on lately. A few missions here or there but normally they’re only a week or so long. We do have another one coming up. We’re not sure when but we’ll keep you posted.

  I’m glad you liked the perfume and yeah you won’t cut a bitch. At least not your friends. What about surgery? What if your patient’s a pure evil bitch? Would you cut her? Yep, that’s pure logic right there. Words to think about, huh? Don’t even think about calling me an idiot because you know you laughed out loud at my thought process. I’m way beyond smart in that realm. Oh, one more time on the smarts.

  Anyway, I know this is short but the parents will be here in an hour. I hope you have a great winter vacation and please for the love of everything holy. Don’t study on your break!

  Merry Christmas Len!


  June 16th, 2015


  I’m sitting here scared watching the news. There has been no word if you guys are okay. Everyone is on pins and needles waiting to hear what happened. All we know is that Neil and you were involved in a failed mission and are currently in the hospital. I hope we hear soon because I’m not sure how much longer we can wait. Please don’t give up and come home.


  10th December 2015
/>   Len,

  No more tears and no more worries. We’re coming home. We should be back by summer.



  Wow, there is so many people I need to think for this amazing journey. I know I’ll end up forgetting someone so in advance if I forget you, I’m sorry. I didn’t do it intentionally!

  First and always will be God. Without him in my life, I am nothing.

  Lee aka My Ghost: You’ve been my biggest cheer leader and I’m grateful for everything you have pushed me to do. Thank you for the love and support, along with the frustration that came with me writing this book. You’re the love of my life and I can’t imagine my life without you. Thank you for everything you do for our family. I love you, One More Time xoxo

  My kids: Thanks for making me laugh and for keeping me on my toes. Also, thanks for the times you allowed me to get lost in this book and entertained yourselves. I have a plan to take you each on a day of fun… your choice of what we do. I love you both beyond words. Thanks for being the best teenagers a Mom could ask for.

  My Family: Thank you for everything you have done in my life. I love you all.

  Lady Amber: I wasn’t sure what I was getting when I hired you as my PA… but what I got was so much more then I could ever imagine. Thank you for everything you do for me… even if there are days you’re probably wondering what you got yourself into when you said yes to me. Just remember it’s too late, you’re stuck with me.

  Mari: The friendship we have wasn’t one I was expecting. What started off as bonding over being writers and Military wives now has turned into something much more. I can’t thank or tell you enough how much you mean to me. I can’t wait until I can see you in person finally. I don’t know what Germany or Italy is going to do once we finally meet!


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