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Song of the Meadowlark (Intertwined Book 1)

Page 16

by Johnson, Sherri Wilson

  Cora still said nothing. Rex didn’t often speak his true feelings. She wasn't about to stop him.

  “I want you to come back with me. I want you to help care for Susie. I’d love to have your input with the ranch. Or you could do your own thing. I don’t care. I want the chance to get to know you better. If you decide you’re not happy at the ranch, I want you to find a place and be happy. If you’re still not happy, then…well, I’ll have to let you go. But I can’t stand the thought of never findin’ out if we could make it together. I need you.”

  Cora’s mouth hung open, and she sobbed. Of course, she wanted to be with him, but there was so much still to find out about him. Could she move back to the ranch and be with him without losing control? What should she do?

  “Rex, I really want to be at the ranch. I told my parents this afternoon I wanted to return because I wasn’t happy here. I told them I needed Susie and your family. I tried to explain to them about you, but they wouldn’t listen. I tried to put my feelings for you into words, but there aren’t any. It’s kind of crazy, you know? I, too, want to see if something’s truly happening between us or if this is nothing more than attraction or maybe just desperation because we’re both lonely.”

  Rex nodded.

  “I hurt them when I told them I didn’t want to stay here. They can’t understand why you all feel more like family to me than they do. That’s when my mother, if I can still call her that, told me about my father’s affair. Now I don’t know if I should leave. If I leave them now, it'll probably sever our ties forever. I’m not sure, but that might be what I want anyway. I know deep down, though, I can’t leave on bad terms with them. It's killed me to be away from you like this. I know it'd do the same to me to leave them.” Lightning flickered outside, followed by a distant rumble of thunder.

  “I understand. And I agree. You have to mend the broken relationship. It’s like back on the ranch when there’s a hole in one of the fences. You can’t leave it because it gets bigger.”

  “Yeah, I know. I can’t leave the way things are now.”

  “Remember, while holes in the fences are bad, fences themselves are good things. They set those boundaries. They keep in what needs to be in, and they keep out what needs to be kept out. I think maybe you need to mend the fences and then you all can move on. I’ve had to do that with my parents and me livin’ back at home. They don’t own me just because I live there. I’m still an adult man who’s a father.”


  “Of course, lately I haven’t been actin’ too much like a man. But I’m changin’ things. So, do ya think you'd want to come back after things are better with your folks?”

  “I want to be there, Rex. With you.” Cora gazed into his eyes, the magnets pulling her toward him.

  “You do?” A laugh escaped his lips. “I can’t believe it. I totally don’t deserve you.” He took her hands in his.

  “Don’t say that. You're a good person. You’re considerate and caring. You've helped me so much. Really. It seems like, ever since you’ve known me, you’ve seen me do nothing but cry and get hurt.”

  “That isn’t true. I’ve seen you smile a lot, especially when you’re with Susie. I know you love her. It makes me feel—I don’t know—loved.”

  “That isn’t the only reason you want me to be there, though, is it? For Susie?” She let go of his hands.

  “I want you to be there because I want you.” He grabbed her hands. “I want to spend time with you gettin’ to know you.” Rex looked into Cora’s eyes until his own misted.

  “Rex, I don’t know if I can be what you need. I’m scared I might not be able to keep you happy.”

  “What do you mean? You’re more than I could ever need.”

  “I mean, I can’t be with you.” Cora searched his eyes for mutual understanding.

  At first, Rex appeared confused then his face turned red. Cora giggled to see him blush. His eyes widened, and he shook his head. “Cora, I never meant to imply I expected a physical relationship. You must think I’m awful. You should know by now, after everything that happened with Veronica, I'd never ask that of you until you were ready.”

  “But I wouldn’t ever be ready.” She looked away.

  “What?” He raised his right eyebrow.

  “Not unless our relationship turned into something more...more permanent.” She glanced up at him, and their eyes locked.

  “Do you mean marriage?”

  If she could have crawled under the couch, she would have. She couldn't presume Rex would ever want to marry her. She nodded.

  “Cora, that’s what I meant to say. I just didn’t want you to think I was bein’ too pushy. I couldn’t be with you unless we were married either. And hopefully, that'll happen.” Rex looked down at his folded hands.

  “What are you saying?” Cora placed her hand on his.

  “I hope we become close enough to want to get married.”

  “Really? You feel that way about me?”


  “Boy, this is deep, isn’t it?” She wiped the remaining tears away.

  “Yeah, it is. But we needed to talk about it. I want you to know my intentions. I want to make you feel the same way the song of the meadowlark makes you feel.”

  “How did you know I love that bird?”

  “I noticed how it affected you when you heard it sing.”

  “I miss hearing it.” She slumped.

  “I miss you bein’ there to hear it. Please come back with me? I'd love to have your input. We’re gonna open a bed-and-breakfast, even though I don’t want to, and it looks like Ms. Lottie’s gonna come stay with us and help run it.”

  “When are you leaving?” The rain no longer came down. Only the sound of the gutters dripping the remnants could be heard outside.

  “Not for a few days. I planned on stayin’ until I could talk you into goin’ with me.” A deep laugh escaped his mouth.

  “Oh, you’re good.” She crossed her legs, finally relaxing. “Where are you staying?”

  “I got a room. Don’t worry about me. Please come back with me. I already bought your ticket.” He placed his hand gently on her shoulder.

  “You did? Well, aren’t we presumptuous?” she taunted.

  “No, just hopeful.” He winked at her.

  “There is one other thing I have to know before I can make my decision.”


  “How do you feel about God? Please be honest with me. You haven’t been to church with your family since Patricia passed away. You haven’t gone at all since I’ve been there. Not that church attendance is everything, but it’s a good indicator. I need to know.” This could be the end of what was about to begin between the two of them. However, if she didn't get this out in the open before leaving with him, she might make the same mistake as she did with Clark. She held her breath.

  Rex stood from where he sat next to Cora, walked across the room and faced the window, staring out into the night. After a minute, he turned to face her. “Cora, I am a believer, like you. But I've found it difficult to believe in anything since Patty died. I felt like God let me down. Instead of turnin’ toward him, I turned away. I’ve known for a while now I needed to turn back, before it was too late. I didn’t know how to do it though. Since I’ve known you, though, I’ve known a peace I never knew before. You’ve taught me a great deal about faith.”

  “Having faith is what gets me through this crazy life.”

  “I feel like I’ve been given a second chance.”

  “Tonight, when I was out driving around wondering what to do with my life, I knew something would work out. I knew God was weaving things together, even though I couldn’t see them. Then I came home, and here you were. I needed you. I just didn’t know how to make that happen.”

  “I needed you, too, Cora. Will you let me into your life?”

  “I would like to try it.”

  “I don’t know if I can ever be as good as you, though.”

, we’re all striving for the same thing. The point is, we keep at it. You have to promise me you won’t try to hide your feelings from me anymore. Please tell me what you’re thinking or feeling, so we can deal with it together. We’ve wasted so much time already. Okay?” Cora got up off the couch and walked over to Rex.

  “Deal.” Rex winked at her. “Not to change the subject, but are you hungry?”

  “A little, I guess. Would you like me to cook something for you?

  “Absolutely not. I’m takin’ you out to eat.” Rex grabbed Cora in a bear hug.

  “I look terrible, though.” Cora wrapped her arms around the man of her dreams, her heart warming.

  “You’re the most beautiful woman in the world. You could never look terrible.”

  “Let me at least go patch up my makeup and change clothes. I’ll be right out.” Cora tried to pull herself out of Rex’s grip.

  “Not until I do this.” Rex bent his head to kiss her. Cora melted into his arms. She’d almost forgotten the wonderful feel of this man’s kiss. The softness of his face without the beard warmed her heart even more. His scent tranquilized her. Then, gently, Rex released her.

  “Now, you can go.” He smiled; the dimple even more prevalent now.

  She ran her fingers through his curls. “Now I don’t want to go,” Cora enticed, but she turned and headed toward her room.

  Once in her room, she touched up her face and then looked for something that complemented the way Rex was dressed. She picked her new jeans and sweater Mom had brought home for her from the mall. She smiled the entire time she dressed. Rex had really come for her, and he'd opened up to her too.

  Cora joined Rex in the living room after only a few minutes. “Wow! I thought you couldn’t get any prettier.”

  “Why thank you, sir.” Rex opened the front door for Cora, and she stepped outside. “Nice rental by the way.”

  They left the house after Cora wrote a note for Mom and Dad. In the truck, on the way to the restaurant, she sat in the middle next to Rex. He tried to keep his arm around her, but she had to lean too far up uncomfortably. So instead, she pulled his arm from behind her and wrapped her hand inside his arm. “The only thing that would make this ride more perfect would be some good country music.” Rex winked at Cora, and she rolled her eyes.

  At dinner, they talked more at length about their immediate future, the ranch, the bed-and-breakfast, Susie. They also laughed about childhood memories and the difference between their growing up—Cora at the beach and Rex in South Georgia on a ranch; Rex with hard-earned old money and Cora with white-collar new money. Rex filled her in on the latest happenings of Clarice and Matt. Their dinner included sampling each other’s seafood and sharing a veritable chocolate explosion for dessert. Cora couldn’t take her eyes off Rex’s smooth face, nor could she stop staring into his fiery eyes. Rex kissed a drop of chocolate off Cora’s mouth, and it nearly sent her over the edge.

  Cora asked Rex to come back inside with her when they returned to the house so Mom and Dad could to get to know Rex better. She also needed him with her. He agreed to stay with her for as long as she needed him.

  * * *

  “Well, Rex, here goes,” Cora said as they pulled into the driveway.

  “What are you gonna say to them?”

  “I don’t know. I guess that’ll depend on how they are when we get inside.”

  “Are you still mad? Or are you okay with what you learned today?”

  “I’m not fuming anymore. I’m so much happier now that we’ve worked out our differences, so I think I can be more understanding with them.” Cora smiled.

  “Let’s go then.” Rex opened the truck door and slid out. He held out his hand to Cora, and she climbed out on his side of the truck.

  They took their time getting to the front door. Little beads of sweat formed on Cora’s upper lip. She dashed a silent prayer as they entered the foyer. While they were hanging up their jackets on the hall tree, Dad and Mom came into the foyer from the sitting room at the back of the house. For a moment all four stood, not saying a word.

  Then, finally, Dad removed his pipe from his mouth. “Cora, I’m truly sorry for not telling you. I wouldn’t blame you if you hated me forever. I should never have let this lie go on for so long. Your poor mother’s been heartbroken since you left. I should’ve never put her in the position of having to tell you.”

  The weight of a thousand freight trains lifted off Cora’s chest as Dad shouldered the blame for his family’s disharmony.

  “Why don’t we all go in the sitting room to talk?” Mom held out her manicured hand, pointing the way.

  “I’ll stay in here.” Rex gestured toward the living room.

  Cora shook her head at him and was about to speak, when Dad spoke instead. “No, Son, we’d like you to join us. You’re obviously a part of Cora’s life, so you need to hear everything.”

  Rex nodded. They all walked into the sitting room. Mom disappeared into the kitchen and swiftly returned with a pot of coffee and cups.

  Cora reached to pour a cup of coffee. “I’ve had a lot of time to think about everything you told me today. I’ve been very bewildered. I drove around for hours, crying and yelling. I felt so betrayed. I wasn’t sure what would happen after today.”

  “We want things to change between us—to be better. We’ve both been too hard on you all of your life. We’ve made you pay for my sin. That was wrong. It wasn’t your fault. I wanted so much for your mother to love you that I tried to make you perfect. I was too rough on you. I want you to forgive me.” Tears flooded Dad’s eyes, and he reached out for her hand.

  She accepted his hand, a hand that had never done a hard day’s work. “I’ve known all of my life that something wasn’t right. I’ve even noticed many times how I look nothing like Mother. I always thought that the Sinclair genes were extra strong. I wondered why I had no siblings. I knew I had to work too hard for your love. Most of the time, no matter what I did, it wasn’t enough. I grew to accept this and assumed it was normal.” Cora sipped her coffee.

  Rex sat silently beside her, hat in hand. His eyes never left her face.

  “Can we start over?” Mom studied Cora’s face, waiting for her reaction. “I know you may not want to call me your mother anymore, and I will understand if you don’t, but please don’t shut out your father. He feels terrible about this, and we want you in our lives.”

  “We can get past all of this, Dad, Mom.” Cora looked at Mom. “You are my mom. You may not have given birth to me, but you did raise me. Maybe you weren’t the best of parents. Who is, though? We all make mistakes in our lives. We shouldn’t be penalized for them.” She gazed at Rex. “We all need to learn to forgive and forget.”

  “Cora, I never let you forget about your mistake in marrying Clark. I’m sorry. I know you truly loved him. It wasn’t your fault he turned out the way he did. I’m sorry he died. I deeply regret we didn’t offer you our support when you found out about his death. You must have been hurting so.” Dad puffed his pipe.

  Rex held Cora’s hand but didn’t say a word. She relaxed because of his presence. “I know you two want to have a fresh start with me, and I want that too. But I do want to return to Georgia.” She cringed at the potential response. “I hope you agree with me that we can have a fresh start with me there. It’s not an either/or situation. And it’s only a few hours away.”

  “Of course, we understand you want to be with Rex and with his little girl. We want you to be happy. Go, and enjoy yourself. But you better call and write us often.” Mom offered a genuine smile.

  “And you can send us photos of what you’re doing. Who knows? You’re old mom might even figure out how to video chat.” Mom giggled.

  “I’d love to see that, Mom.” Cora perked up. “Dad? Is this okay with you, too? I thought you wanted me to stay here and run the company.”

  “We made some decisions this evening. We don’t want to pawn off our business dealings on you. That’s not fair. But we both
want to travel.” Dad turned toward Rex. “You’d think that since I own a travel agency, we’d travel all the time. In reality, though, I work all the time, and we never go anywhere. We’ve decided to sell the business and to travel in a motor home until we are too old and have to do something else. When we decide to settle down, we’ll probably choose a location near you, Cora. I think we’ll keep the beach house as a vacation home, though.”

  “That sounds great, Dad. How do you like the idea, Mom?”

  “I love it. As long as you won’t miss your childhood home.”

  “No.” Cora breathed in relief. Not much of this home held fond memories.

  “This will give you the space you need away from us, and it will give us some growing time. We’ve neglected our relationship for far too many years.” Mom sipped her coffee and smiled at Dad.

  “Well, Rex, what do you think of this crazy family?”

  “I think it’s no crazier than mine, Mr. Sinclair. I have yet to figure out why Cora wants to be with us. Our house is always in a crisis.”

  “It is not, Rex O’Reilly. You’re such a liar.” Cora jokingly smacked him on the arm.

  “At any rate, I’d like to extend an invitation to the ranch to you both. You’re welcome anytime. Wherever your daughter is, you are welcome.”

  “We thank you, and we may possibly take you up on your invitation,” Dad said.

  Placing her cup on the table, Cora slapped her legs and stood. “I don’t mean to be rude, but I’m exhausted. I think I’ll walk my dear Rex out and head to bed.” Cora yawned.

  “Why don’t you stay the night here, Rex?” Mom offered.

  “Thank you ma’am, but all of my things are back at the hotel. I’ll be fine.” Rex put his Stetson on his head, adding almost a foot to his height.

  Cora and Rex walked to the front door. They talked only for a few minutes before Rex leaned down and kissed her good night. “I’ll call you in the morning. We still have a lot to talk about. Maybe we can go for breakfast?”


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