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Say Yes: A Hush, Hush Novella

Page 13

by Lucia Franco

  I watch his eyes study the act like he's lost to what he's doing. His gaze travels lower when the evidence of his pleasure mixed with mine slides down my ass. James sits up and maneuvers himself that so his cheek is resting on my thigh and he kisses my tender clit. I love that he's so comfortable with my body. This man needs no lessons in how to please a woman.

  "James, I can't. I need a second."

  "I’ll be gentle. Just lay there and let me play with you."

  Who am I to argue with that?

  There's no rush to James's kiss. He takes his time, lapping my sex with soft, gentle caresses. I hardly move when the orgasm appears like a burst of energy blowing into me. My legs attempt to scissor his body, little sighs push past my lips. He keeps the slow and steady pace the entire time while holding my legs in place so I can't move. When he does this, holds me still so I have to take what he's giving me, it lights a dark flame inside my belly. Having to remain still while a torment of heat and emotion tears through me always proves to be the biggest challenge of the day.


  I gaze longingly out the French doors. Little flurries of snow fall right before my eyes roll shut and another intense orgasm blows through me. A sexy, long moan pushes past my lips. The sound of James sipping down my pleasure causes a tremble in my bones. I lift my hips to his face, angling them so the orgasm hits harder. It's the only way I can move my body as he wears me down to a pile a pleasure at his feet.

  Rising to his knees, James presses kisses up my belly, over my nipples, then to my mouth. He grins above me. I'm so used I can't even cup his face and hold him. He knows this and I watch as his smile grows larger.

  "Hey, beautiful," James says, then sits to the side and pulls me with him so we're leaning back on the couch in front of the fire.

  A tender kiss is pressed to the top of my head. I'm nestled in the security of his arms, feeling the intimacy between us go from two heartbeats to one.

  My hand is resting on his pelvis. Just like with me, I always need to have my hands on him in some way.

  The dancing burnt orange and amber yellow flames create a shadowy, soft glow in my engagement ring. I lift my hand to take in my ring again, and stare at it in awe. The small diamonds circling the band match the flawless stone at the center. The clarity reminds me of looking through clear glass and not even realizing it. James picked out a stunning ring.

  "Thank you for not giving up on me," I say in appreciation. "I was scared I lost my chance to be your wife."

  "I had no plans of giving up." James pauses, then says, "We're good together, Aubrey."

  "We are, aren't we."

  Picking up my head, I gaze at him with loving eyes. My palm skims up his stomach toward his chest. He grips four fingers in his hand and holds them over his heart. We stay like this, relaxing in front of the fire while the snow falls heavier outside. One thing I love about this cabin is the natural light. There are no window treatments in our second story room, just glass windows that give way to a snowy morning or an uncharted forest at night. If I remember correctly, we're sitting on roughly ten acres secluded in the mountains and surrounded by wildlife. James and I made love in the open for anyone to see, if they were allowed on the private land, that is.

  "I can stay like this forever," I say, my words thick with contentment.

  "Same, sweetheart."

  A little more time passes before we stand. I'm dying to tell Natalie about the engagement and decide to FaceTime her to witness her reaction.

  "Where are the suitcases?"

  Not that she hasn't seen me naked before, but I figured I'd dress first. James glances at me like he's thinking while he uncorks the champagne. My lips twitch. He rarely strays from cognac.

  "Wait. Did you know I would say yes and that's why you have bubbly here? So we could celebrate getting engaged?"

  I'm playing with him. It doesn't matter how James planned what he did, just that he did it. He could tell me a hundred times a day he loves me, but showing me is another story. It takes effort to prove one truly loves someone more than just words. Don't tell me you love me. Show me you love me. And he does. Every second of the day he tries to show me. God, I hope I do the same for him. I want James to know love the way I do from him.

  "Today is your day, and I wanted to celebrate with you the best way I could. Did I hope you'd say yes when I proposed? Hell yeah. The way I see it, the engagement is just a bonus."

  A chuckle gushes from me.

  "Check the closet." He nods with his chin.

  Stepping into the walk-in closet, I see our black luggage in the corner and go to retrieve them. I grab both in case James wants to put pants on, only to frown when they're in my hands. I glance down. One of the suitcases feels awfully light. I shake my head. Typical James. He usually under packs, then has to buy clothes. I hope he at least packed a pair of flannel sweats to wear. He looks mighty fine in them.

  With two flutes between his fingers, James comes to stand near me. I place his down and turn around, holding my bag.

  "That's mine," he says.

  I pause.

  "The heavy one? I assumed it was mine and that Natalie just packed everything under the kitchen sink for me."

  "Look closer."

  My gaze roams over the luggage. I cup my mouth and stifle a laugh behind my palm. There’s a keychain that says "My Daddy is #1" hanging from the bottom where the two zippers meet. I got it for James when we were in Barcelona at a little hole-in-the-wall after one of the natives kept referring to him as Papá, thinking he was my father. I thought it was hysterical that he loved it and put it on his suitcase.

  I glance over my shoulder at James, shaking my head. "Why do you put up with me again?"

  His eyes glitter with amusement. "I could count all the ways I love thee, but I fear it would take centuries to complete."

  "You're a riot, James."

  I reach for the other suitcase and kneel on the floor to unzip it, then throw the top back. A whoosh of air blows past my lips as the contents appear in front of me.

  One content, actually.

  Shaking my head, I reach for the yellow Post-it note stuck in the center with Natalie's handwriting.

  You're welcome.

  I giggle while tapping the back of the sticky part with my index finger. "She's such an asshole. Why am I not surprised?"

  I stand up and hand James the note. He squints, then his nostrils flare and I watch as an amused smile moves across his face.

  "I can't believe she did that."

  "Did she know you were going to propose?"

  "No." He huffs out a laugh still looking at the note. He drops his arm and raises his eyes to mine. "I didn't trust her not to tell you. She did say that if you didn't come back with a ring on your finger to consider my brownstone torched. Honestly, she had a crazed look in her eyes. I wouldn't put it past her. Women are mental."

  I raise a brow. "And yet you just put a ring on one of them."

  The corners of James's lips curl into the cutest, most heart melting smile I've ever seen on a man. He drags an arm around my neck and leans over to give me a bear hug.

  "The best one," he says, and a cheesy smile lights up my face.

  "I need a shirt to wear," I say, pulling back.

  James looks up and down the length of my naked body. "I think you look fine just the way you are."

  "I can't call Natalie without a shirt on." I hold up my left hand. "And I want to tell her we're engaged." I faux pout.

  James fluffs my hair. I realize he hasn't stopped smiling at me since I said yes. Butterflies create designs with their wings around my heart. I wish I would've said yes sooner.

  I wish… I decide right then and there to let go of my past decisions. I got the man. Why harp on the past when I can focus on the future?

  "Technically, you can since she didn't pack you any clothes."

  "True… How about I take it off the moment I hang up with her?"


  Once my breas
ts are covered and James has a pair of shorts on, he tends to my tattoo with soap and water, then applies lotion. There's a little tightness and some burning, but he assures me it won't last more than a couple of days. He refills our flutes with champagne while I fix up our makeshift bed in front of the fire. It's toasty and picture-perfect to cozy up next to my fiancé for the rest of the night.

  My fiancé.

  "James." He places the bottle back in the ice bin then looks at me. "You're my fiancé." I don't know why I say it, it's not like he obviously doesn't know. James studies me with a peculiar look in his eyes, and a blush fills my cheeks. I guess I'm just giddy as hell that I blurt it out.

  "And you're mine."

  "We're getting married." I state the obvious like a fool. James seems more amused than anything.

  "And I can't fucking wait."

  Be still my heart.

  James walks over and takes a seat next to me, then hands me a glass. He places the blanket over us and I pull up my knees and lean into his side. He wraps an arm around my shoulders. I can hear the bubbles fizzing as we tilt them toward each other to celebrate.

  "To us."

  Simple. I love it.

  "To us," I repeat.

  James and I toast, then we take sips.

  "I can't believe we're getting married," I say excitedly.

  "I think you're in shock."

  I chuckle and James smiles. "I think you may be on to something." James gives me a knowing look. "So, when are we getting married?"

  This time he laughs. "That's up to you and the kind of wedding we're going to have."

  My eyes light up at the thought of our wedding. The gowns I get to try on… My lips curve into a smile. It's going to be so much fun dress shopping with Natalie.

  I pucker my lips and think about a date. I say the first one off the top of my head. "I say we get married February 25th."

  James's brows shoot up and he seems a bit overwhelmed now. "That soon?"

  My brows furrow. I feel a pang in my heart over his response. "Now it's too soon?"

  "No, it's whenever you want, sweetheart," he rushes to say. "I just didn't expect it, that's all. You said no every time. Want to elope tomorrow to Vegas? We can do that. It's whatever you want, whenever you want. Just tell me where to be. All I'm asking is to see you in a wedding dress."

  The tension in my neck loosens. He's right. My eyes soften and I smile up at James. He returns the gesture and kisses my forehead.

  "I'm really happy," I tell him softly, but it sounds like I'm talking to myself.

  "I am too."

  My cheek presses into his chest. Drawing in a breath, the burning fire blends seductively with the subtle scent of James's cologne. I exhale as bliss curls through me. The bergamot and lavender creates a cozy softness around my heart. I'm right where I'm supposed to be.

  "You smell like cognac and Cubans," I tell him.

  James studies me with a deep fondness in his eyes that moves me to snuggle closer to him. I gave my heart to a man thirty-plus years my senior, and it was the best decision I ever made. We went through a devastating heartbreak and nearly lost each other forever. We almost didn't make it here. Our love tested my friendship with Natalie. Through it all, I still wouldn't change a thing if it would mean changing this moment right now.

  Age is just a number, and love truly does conquer all.

  "I guess becoming a ritzy prostitute has its benefits after all."


  I hold the phone in front of my face waiting for Natalie to answer.

  "What time is it in Italy?" I ask James.

  "I think we're about six hours behind. So, it's probably early in the morning."

  I glance at the time and my shoulders drop. "Natalie isn't a morning person. Damn. I really wanted—"

  She picks up.

  "Aubrey," she says excitedly, drawing out my name like she's loving life.

  Before I can say anything, I flash my left hand in excitement with a huge, cheesy ass grin on my face. I wiggle my fingers and she squints her eyes. Her jaw slowly drops as she leans in to get a better look. Natalie's sitting against a headboard with a sheet covering her chest, her hair a wild mess, and there's black coal liner smudged under her eyes. Looks like someone had a fun night.

  She pops up when she realizes what she's looking at and screams her excitement. "Ohmigod! Fucking finally, Ram Jam!"

  Laughter spills from my lips. "I know, right?"

  Natalie tries to get a closer look and I hold my fingers still. I can see the ring glistening on the screen, but the camera doesn't do it justice.

  "Wait until you see it in person. It's stunning."

  "A teardrop stone? Oh, Daddy did good," she says, staring at the rock.

  "Who are you calling Zaddy?"

  My brows furrow at the unexpected voice in the background and I bust out laughing, covering my mouth. "Who the hell is that? And did he just say zaddy? Does he know what that means?"

  I'm dying inside. A zaddy is a hot-as-sin older man with swag and sex appeal. James to a T.

  She rolls her eyes playfully and she's blushing hard. Natalie never blushes. "Yeah, that's the lemon guy. His accent fucked up that word."

  "I'm the lemon guy?" I hear.

  "Who's the lemon guy?" James asks, chiming in.

  James leans in to view the screen and waves to Natalie the same time the lemon guy leans in too. I see the space between his eyes crease. Natalie and I watch as they both stare at each other trying to figure out who's who. It's quite comical. We're all quiet for a moment until Natalie speaks.

  "Luca. He's the flavor of the week," Natalie says, her lips twitching. "Lemon."

  "I hope you're using protection, Natalie," James says, his voice a little firm. Spoken like a true, concerned father. If they weren't so open with each other, I'd think this is weird, but it's not.

  "Who is that?" Luca asks.

  He's got a full beard and what looks like hazel eyes, which surprises me. Natalie hates beards, says they're unsanitary. She once told me she'd rather lick the subway floor than kiss a man with a beard. Guess she changed her mind.

  "Hey, Dad," Natalie says.

  I bite back a laugh. She's fighting the laughter herself. I can only imagine how odd this looks. I'm FaceTiming my best friend with her shirtless dad next to me. We've all clearly had sex judging by our lack of clothes and the relaxed flush on our cheeks. Natalie's got a rat’s nest on her head while my mane is just everywhere. I'm going to have to call her later when she's alone to get the details on her date and what happened.

  "That's your father?" the lemon guy asks. He's blatantly perplexed.

  "Yeah, and my best friend."

  A pregnant pause, Luca turns to look at Natalie. He's confused as he looks at her flawless skin like he's trying to figure out what one plus one is.

  "They're together?" he asks, and she nods. "Engaged?" She nods again. This time Luca has a longer pause, then says, "We don't do that sort of thing in my country."

  Natalie gives him a bland stare. "You just got done telling me your inbreeder cousins got married in the hills of Italy."

  "What is an inbreeder?" he asks, and I laugh. It sounds much funnier coming from him.

  "Country folk who fuck their cousins," Natalie says, dead serious too. Luca almost looks insulted, but something tells me he’s actually not. This is great entertainment for us.

  "We are not cousin fuckers, Natalia." I love that he calls her name in his native tongue. It sounds sexy coming from him.

  "To a New Yorker, you are. Cousins who marry are inbreeders."

  Luca gives her a serious look. "That's because New Yorkers are crazy. They're not normal people."

  "Oh, and you've been to New York?"

  "Many times, actually."

  "For what?"

  "Natalie, did you know anything about this man before you got into bed with him?" James asks.

  She ignores James and continues with Luca. They talk like they've been married f
or twenty years, and honestly, I'm loving every second of it.

  "You told me you're one hundred percent Italian."

  He sits up a little taller and his eyes lower. "I am."

  "That's not possible, unless you're keeping it in the family."

  A boisterous laugh expels from James. "Don't torture the man, Natalie."

  "Poor lemon guy doesn't know what he got himself into," I add as James stands up and gestures that he’s going to use the restroom. I nod and watch my fiancé walk away, taking in the powerful muscles in his shoulders that paint a path to a sexy pair of dimples right above his butt.

  "Oh, I know exactly what I got myself into," Luca says, and I turn back as he tilts his head and looks at the screen with a proud smirk on his face. "I've gotten myself into her a lot already."

  I gasp and Natalie looks at Luca like she's actually bashful for the first time in her life. He drags an arm around her waist and pulls her to him. A sweet smile curls her lips. She doesn't even fight him, and she's rarely the type to ever blush from a man, and she totally did with Luca. I feel a little spark in my chest for them.

  Natalie’s got her hands full with this one. I hope she goes on another date with him.

  "Shut the fuck up, Luca," she says, but is completely playful, and he sees that.

  "That mouth." He shakes his head. "My mother does not like women who curse."

  "Since I don’t plan to marry you, I don't really give a shit."

  "We're getting married," Luca states. I'm pretty sure they're in their own world right now.

  Red heat flames Natalie’s cheeks and I'm dying over this for more than one reason. I bet she was sure as shit he'd never be so forward.

  "The fuck we are. I just met you ten minutes ago."

  "And nine minutes ago is when I realized you are to be my wife."

  Natalie turns to look at me with a straight face. "I'm gonna stick an ice pick in his fucking eye."

  I'm trying to hold back my laughter, but it's impossible. Seeing Natalie clearly smitten over this guy is what makes this moment so memorable. A loud giggle erupts from me when I think about what she’d said over the phone in the early evening. She had told me she thought it was dangerous to drink with him. Now I see why.


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