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Say Yes: A Hush, Hush Novella

Page 14

by Lucia Franco

  "Make sure to fuck James every day when he wakes up. Happy wife, happy life," Natalie says with a cheesy grin.

  "I will be sure to remember that too," Luca chimes in, extremely proud. It's hard for me not to get a rise out of these two. "Why do you call your father by his name?"

  Natalie grinds her teeth together and exhales through her nose. That look makes me think back to when I used to nanny the little twin monsters and they'd ask for water for the hundredth time after they were tucked in for the night, then twenty minutes later they peed the bed.

  Without looking, she spreads her fingers and palms his face, then shoves him down to the bed while holding the phone. He goes down in one swift motion. Natalie is entirely too happy with herself, until Luca snakes a surprise arm around her and tugs her down too. She goes down and the phone flops to the bed. All I see are white sheets now. Natalie giggles like she's being tickled as Luca says, "Say goodnight, Natalia."

  "Goodnight, Dad and bestie!"

  I can hear the smile in her voice and it warms my heart. "That's stepmama to you." She giggles again, and I hang up and place the phone on the floor.

  "Goodnight," James says as he steps out of the bathroom. "Should I be worried?" he asks and returns to his spot next to me.

  I shake my head. "Nope. I know she's your daughter, but trust me when I say she can handle this. She's going to take that guy to school."

  He's contemplative. "Did she really just meet the guy only ten minutes ago?"

  "Aw… baby."

  James runs a hand through his hair. We both saw the flirtatious way Luca and Natalie were with each other. I know he felt how comfortable they were the way I did, but he's still her father.

  "I just want to make sure she's okay. She's in another country."

  I turn to look at him. I want to add that she didn't meet him ten minutes ago, but earlier on the beach, but I realize it wouldn't help the situation.

  "I bet she brings him to the wedding," I say, hoping to smooth his feathers.

  "You're that sure she's okay?"

  I nod. "Yes."

  James tugs me until I'm sitting between his legs with my back pressed against his chest. His arms are around my stomach and his cheek is pressed to the side of mine.

  "You girls are my world. If anything happens to either of you, I don't know what I'd do with myself. If you're confident she's okay, then I trust you."

  I lace my fingers with his, then fold our arms under my chest and cuddle up into his shoulder. "I am."

  We’re quiet, watching the fire together and feeling at home. Neither one of us speaks for a bit, and I think it’s because both of us are recounting the night. A soft smile stays on my face and a warmth fills my heart until I'm bursting from it. I feel like I'm floating on cloud nine. This is what love is and why people want to marry, I realize. I get it now. I'm not naïve to think it'll always be diamonds and cognac, but there isn't one person in the world who I'd want to spend quiet nights with, in the middle of nowhere, just watching a fire as time passes by.

  "I'm going to love you more than anyone, James."



  I'm one lucky son of a bitch.

  My hands are crossed in front of me and my tux feels like I'm wearing an extra layer of skin. There's a harp playing an Ed Sheeran song gently in the background, but it does nothing to lower my blood pressure, let alone soothe me. All I can hear is my heart pounding against my chest and feel the nervous bounce in my heels as I wait for Aubrey to walk down the aisle. If she doesn't hurry up, I'm going to start sweating any second.

  I shoot a fleeting glance at my daughter, who's wearing a massive smile and dreamy eyes. There isn't a day that goes by that I'm not grateful for Natalie's blessing. Those two years I was separated from the love of my life was hell on earth for me. Countless times I found myself looking for her everywhere I went, trying to catch a glimpse of her in the darkest shadows of my mind. I wanted to go to her and tell her to drop the shenanigans and be with me, but I respected my daughter too much for that. I wasn't going to come between them, despite how utterly alone and broken I was inside.

  The world works in mysterious ways, though, and the day Natalie demanded I meet her at a specific time in Chelsea Park, I didn't question it. I fucking jumped.

  In my gut, I knew this was my only chance.

  Now she's watching and waiting for her best friend, my wife to be, to make her grand entrance. I follow her teary gaze and take in the room of guests. We opted for a small, intimate wedding of no more than fifty people in the heart of Manhattan. Tomorrow we leave for Aspen, again, because Aubrey insisted, and then we're off to Greece for a couple of weeks.

  The music flows into a different song and the lighting in the private room lessens to cast a soft glow. Aubrey had told me when the lights change is when she’d be walking out. She had gone on and on about some special rose gold bulbs she needed to have that would set the lush, romantic mood and reflect her dress. I had no idea there was such a thing, but it didn't matter to me. I’d shrugged my shoulders and told her she could have whatever she wanted. I wasn't kidding either. This is our one and only wedding, and I want it to be perfect for her. I wasn't going to give her a reason to divorce me.

  But now I understand why she needed these lights.

  My lips part and I freeze while chills run down my tepid arms.

  She's here.

  Aubrey steps into the room and I feel like my heart is actually going to stop. She's unbelievably breathtaking. I've never seen anything so magnificent in my life. Our guests turn to watch her walk down the aisle, the photographers are snapping pictures, I can even hear Natalie sniffling, but all we see are each other.

  There's a tawny hue to her skin that makes her look kissed by sunlight. She didn't want a veil, so her dark hair is in some messy, curly braid thing that pulls to the side with little wispy strands that dangle around her beautiful face. The braid hangs past her breasts that my eyes can't help but stop on. I'm definitely more of an ass man now that she's got a little extra cushion back there, but her boobs are just as spectacular. There are ornate pearl and diamond embellishments embedded along the top of her bodice and plunge down the center. They look almost amber from where I'm standing. The elegant pale ivory corset that cups her breasts makes me drag my teeth over my lip in sheer desire. She said there were layers of tulle that start at her waist, but she forgot to mention the ruffles that look like three dimensional feathers and butterfly wings floating down the sides toward the train.

  "Fuck," I mumble under my breath. She's just incredible.

  I reach up to cup my mouth, my vision a little blurry. I'm in awe and overcome with emotion seeing her like this. If I shed a tear, Natalie would never let me live it down, but man, am I fucking close to it. Every day I imagined what Aubrey would look like walking down the aisle, but my imagination didn't do her justice. Not even close. She's the light of my life, my other half, my best friend, my lover, and the reason I feel like I'm going to have a heart attack from how fast my heart is racing.

  She's everything I could ever want and imagine and more.

  I can't tear my gaze away from her. Aubrey is fierce on the heart and devastatingly gorgeous on the eyes. And she's all mine, forever.

  But then…then she flashes a smile with a look in her eyes only meant for me, and I can hardly hold back another second.

  Aubrey makes it a little more than halfway before I'm walking down the steps and striding toward her on autopilot. She doesn't have time to process what's going on and I really don't either as I take her face and kiss the fuck out of her. I didn't plan this, and while our guests definitely didn't expect this, they roll with it just like we do, clapping and hollering their excitement around us.

  I had to have her.

  I pull back and gaze into her eyes, feeling like my heart is going to explode. "I'm sorry. I couldn’t wait." I give her another small kiss.

  A slow smile spreads across her face and reaches her eyes. "
I wouldn't want it any other way."

  Goddamn, I love this woman.

  Taking her hand, we walk together until we reach the altar. She's blushing and I love that she is. My palm is damp from nerves and there's a slight tremble in my fingers, but she doesn't acknowledge it. Today means a lot to me—it's one of the most important days, next to when Natalie was born—and she knows that.

  I guide her up the steps and Natalie bends to fluff out her dress then takes the bouquet. The harp music descends so we can begin the ceremony, another romantic touch Aubrey wanted.

  I move to stand in front of her, grinning like a fool because I’m so damn happy. Her eyes are glossy, and I can tell she's fighting back her emotions just as much as I am. Unable to fight the urge and how ecstatic I am, I reach in to steal one more quick kiss.

  "James." Aubrey giggles under her breath and her cheeks deepen in color.

  Natalie nudges her and checks if her lipstick is smudged. She wipes a small spot away. Aubrey turns back to look at me, and I mouth an apology.

  She shakes it off and looks deep into my eyes, unfazed by it but more so enamored. It's another reason why I fell in love with her so quickly. She gets me, I get her, and we both make it work. We don't fault each other for who we are.

  Aubrey blinks, giving me a smile where she's biting her lip in anticipation, letting me know she feels the same way I do. A sensual curve slides into place and it's all I need to see to know she's ready to be my wife.

  Turning, I look at the officiant. "I'm not getting any younger. Make her my wife before she has the chance to leave me for someone her own age."

  "Salute," Reece says.

  "Salute," I respond, and we clink our glasses together, throwing back a shot. Shots are for millennials, but on the rare occasion, I'll have one.

  "I can't believe you locked her down."

  I glance at him in and nod in agreement, then wave two fingers at the bartender for fresh drinks. I'm not trying to get drunk on my wedding night, so I'm going back to what I'm used to and know best—cognac. Aubrey and I both agreed on a couple of drinks, but that's it. We want our wedding night to be a moment we both remember vividly.

  "Tell me about it. I'm still questioning what it is she sees in me," I say.

  "Never would've thought the girl you had me fuck in front of you would be your wife one day."

  A loud cackle flies out of me. I turn to Reece while laughing hysterically and pat him on the back a couple of times. A grin lights up my face thinking back to that night and how he has the balls to bring it up now. I had to trick Valentina into seeing me at that time. She was fighting fate, even then.

  Typical Reece, though. I'm not angry. I got the girl in the end. I know who she's under at night and who she's on top of in the morning, and that's all that matters.

  "You fuck." I laugh again. "I knew you were going to say something like that tonight."

  He shrugs unapologetically and smirks. "I couldn't resist."

  I take a sip of my poison then turn to glance around the reception room trying to find my wife. "It was a fucking hot night, wasn't it?”

  "It gets my dick hard just thinking about it."

  I nod in agreement and lift my glass to his. I watch as Aubrey and Natalie are deep in conversation. I frown, wondering why they look so intense.

  "All jokes aside," Reece says, dropping the humor from his face, "I'm happy for you, man. You guys kind of give me inspiration. You know I love to live the bachelor life, but now I'm thinking maybe I need to slow down and enjoy the good life."

  I tilt my head and give him a knowing look. "The good life it is, Reece. Take my word for it. Get yourself a woman who knows you and loves you more for it."

  Sipping my drink, my brows crease when I see Aubrey reach for Natalie's arm only for Natalie to yank it back and whip it behind her back.

  "Mind if I have one dance with your wife?"

  I snap my eyes back to Reece. He's got a good poker face, but I know he's dying inside holding the laughs in. "Don't even fucking try it."

  "But I didn't bring a date."

  Eyeing him, I raise my hand and point my pinky at him. "Not my problem." I finish off the cognac then place the sniffer on the bar counter. "I'll be back in a bit. I need to see what my wife is up to."

  "I'll be here scoping out the room, hoping to find my own cradle to rob."

  I shake my head. Reece is such a douche bag. I laugh because he's a good guy at heart and I know he's not serious. He has wedding fever right now. The phase won't last long. Come next week, I'll get a call from him wondering why he was acting like a pussy on my wedding night. I bet he’ll say the bartender drugged him or something equally as dumb.

  I stride to where Natalie and Aubrey are standing, still deep in conversation. Just as I reach the little corner they're in, Natalie lifts her hand to Aubrey and I catch a sparkling reflection under the chandeliers. It happens again, and harsh frown lines fill the space between my brows. My stomach sinks as I close the distance between the three of us.

  "What the hell is that?" I blurt out as I stare at a fucking yellow diamond ring on my daughter’s left hand.

  She snatches her hand away and places it behind her back. Natalie's eyes are round and wide, like blue marbles ready to pop out of her head.

  "You got engaged and didn't tell me?" I say, slightly hurt.

  I'd only gotten a quick look at it, but I'd say it's close to the size of Aubrey's, if not a little bigger. Not something that's easily overlooked, especially since it's a rare yellow diamond at that. I wait, hoping for a solid response, but Natalie watches me with guilty eyes knowing she’s been caught red-handed.

  Something dawns on me. "How come I didn't notice the ring before?"

  "She had it turned around," Aubrey says, and my eyes shift to her. "I didn't see it either. All you see is a thin gold band. When she was dancing with Luca, I spotted it. She'd unconsciously turned it around with her thumb to the right side up."

  "Is he wearing one?" I ask.

  Aubrey frowns. "I don't know. I didn't look."

  I glance back at Natalie, who's looking guilty as sin but with no remorse now. My chest is feeling a little tighter at the thought of my only daughter getting married. I'm not upset, but I'm shocked as hell and need time to process it. Right now, I just want to dance with my wife. Natalie being engaged is a discussion we'll all have over brunch tomorrow.

  "I'm not engaged." Natalie drops her arm. "But it's not what you think either."

  "Oh, boy. Here we go," Aubrey says, then lifts her palm up, waving her fingers at Natalie so she can see the ring. "What did you do?" Truthfully, I want to see it too. Few people in the world can buy a rare gem like that. If Luca bought her a fake stone, then I’m putting a fucking stop to whatever bullshit this is until I get to the bottom of it.

  I snake an arm around Aubrey's waist and pull her to me as the engagement ring appears before us.


  It's the real deal.

  I'm stunned to the bone. The clarity is blinding, there's no way that's a fake one. Aubrey shifts Natalie's hand and the stone glistens. It's a nice one, and now I'm wondering what the fuck this guy does for a living.

  "What do you mean it's not what we think?" Aubrey says, still admiring the stone. "I didn't know you guys were serious."

  "We're not… I'm not… We… He’s not." She pauses, and I look up at her, hearing the nerves in her voice.

  "Aww," Aubrey says, delivering a sugary sweet smile. She lets go of Natalie's hand. "You like him and you can't admit it. Typical Natalie. Kind of like the way you didn't like that naked musician from back in the day."

  She chuckles and it causes Natalie to release a little of the tension, but she shakes her head and gives Aubrey this look in her eyes that makes me think it's a girl code look. Now I'm confused.

  Women. I'll never understand their language.

  From the corner of my eye I see Luca striding over to us. I turn to look at him as he approaches. He's carrying two d
rinks, and only has eyes for my daughter. He doesn't strike me as a criminal or give me a bad vibe. My instincts are usually on the money, but I'm also human and I make mistakes.

  I guess he has one point so far. Luca doesn’t even notice I'm looking at him as he moves in behind her. I try to get a view of his left hand, but it's blocked by the glass he's carrying.

  "Like I said, it's not what you think," I hear Natalie say like she's almost heartbroken. "He's… he's just not my type. That's all. I'm having a little fun, but he's just not my type."

  I can't tell who she's trying to convince by saying that, Aubrey or herself.

  "Tomorrow," I say quickly, but it's too late. Aubrey notices too and the smile slips from her face. Luca heard what Natalie had said. It's not that I'm trying to help Luca. Quite frankly, I'm pissed off he didn't ask me first, but no man wants to hear the woman he's with say something like that. "You and Luca will have brunch with us tomorrow so we can all talk," I say. "Now, I’m going to have one last dance with my wife, and finally take her home."

  "Hey, Luca," Aubrey says, her voice tight.

  Blood drains from my daughter’s face. I shoot a glance at her fiancé, who's acting completely blasé and uninformed. There’s no way he missed what Natalie said about him, but he’s acting as if he did.

  I shake my head. Kids.

  Natalie turns to greet Luca, but she's looking at him completely different than she was to us two seconds ago. I squint my eyes and shoot a brief look at Aubrey to see if she noticed it too, then look back at Natalie. It's like she blinked, and a new person appeared before us. Gone is the torn look, having been replaced by someone who is happy and free about her life. They're staring at each other as if they’ve been in love forever. Knowing my daughter the way I do, it’s almost alarming.

  Luca hands Natalie a glass. She takes it and leans in to give him a kiss on the cheek, then steps closer to him. She seems rather at peace and now I'm more confused than ever. I have no idea what the hell is happening. I open my mouth to tell them we are definitely meeting tomorrow when Luca puts his hand out.


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