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Page 2

by Claire Ayres

  “We need you to come home the weekend after next.”

  “I’m busy that weekend, it’s Luka’s engagement party.” Typical, I haven’t heard from them since Easter now they need me the same weekend my best friend does. I can tell you who wins this tussle without blinking.

  “No, I’m afraid you must be here all weekend we have someone we want you to meet.”

  “That’s not happening. I can come on the Sunday for Dinner.” I sigh, everything with my Father is a negotiation. The MP in him just can’t help it. “And who do I have to meet this time, another of your MP cronies?”

  “Dinner on Sunday will have to do if that’s the best you can do, are you sure you can’t miss Luka’s engagement party?”

  I roll my eyes, does everybody get this nonsense from their parents, or is it just me? “No, I can’t miss Luka’s engagement party, he is my best friend. I will be his best man, I have to be there. You didn’t answer my question about who it’s so important for me to meet.”

  “Ah yes, of course. You will remember my esteemed colleague Barnaby? His daughter is staying with us and I need you to keep her company.”

  “And why can’t Jane do that? It would make far more sense.”

  “Jane is busy with her duties in London, so we thought as you are just playing your Cello you could make time to help us out.” I take a deep breath and count to five. There is no point arguing with my family about how serious I am about my career, or how hard I work because they still see me as a little boy who messes around with a Cello. I still consider it a miracle they supported me enough to cover my lessons and university tuition.

  “I will come on Sunday, what is her name?”

  “Seraphina, she is a very pleasant young lady. Not married yet either.” Oh, fucking hell, now my parents were at it. And who the fuck named their child Seraphina?

  “I will see you then Father, Good night.” I hung up before he could wind me up any more.

  My Father gets to me, in ways that I can’t describe, it’s like I can feel him crawling under my skin and separating it from my muscles. I decided I needed to do something to help me take my mind off of that awful conversation, especially the part where I realised my parents are playing matchmaker. I shiver.

  Flicking through my phone I land on Isla, a girl I’ve had an arrangement with for some time. I send her a text and ask if she wants to come by. She replies quickly and says she will be over in an hour. I have a quick shower then take my Cello out of its case, needing to remind myself of the love I have for this instrument after the cruel words my Father threw at me.

  I play standing up, an unusual stance, but being angry I want to let it all come out of me. Playing a composition of my own, and am soon absorbed into the music, my whole body contributing to the sounds coming out as I perform with abandon to an audience of none.

  Chapter Two


  Blair closes up the studio and sinks into the couch she has for clients to flick through albums in while they wait. It has been an especially long day and her feet are protesting in the pixie boots she now pulls off leaving them on their side on the floor. Curling her feet underneath her while she tucks her head on the arm of the couch closing her eyes. She should climb the stairs to her flat, eat some food and go to bed, there’s nothing wrong with sleeping in her reception area is there?

  A rap at the door abruptly wakes her up, checking the clock on the wall she sees she can’t have been asleep for more than 30 minutes. Another rap on the door gets her attention and she turns to find a familiar yet unexpected face smiling at her through the glass. Tripping over her boots which she forgot she had left on the floor she unlocks and opens the door.

  “Hey Dean, what are you doing here?” walking into his arms she receives a friendly and welcoming hug.

  “I thought I’d stop in on my best friend before I went home,” he replies ruffling her hair.

  “Well I am privileged. Come in you big lug.” She steps aside for him to enter.

  “Were you sleeping down here just now? Have things got so bad?” He points at the couch, a frown crowding his whole face.

  “Yeah…yes I was sleeping down here although it’s not what you are implying you idiot. I had a really long day and kind of fell asleep. Nothing to worry about. Do you want to go upstairs, I can cook dinner, if you want to stay a few hours?”

  “No, let’s go out. You don’t get out enough these days.” He nudges Blair in the ribs his face holding a playful smile and a wink.

  “Hey, I’m not that bad. I’ll have you know I’ve been out twice this month.”

  “To weddings?” He correctly guesses.

  “Yes, they are still social functions.” She quietly replies.

  “Where you are working.” He responds, his eyes soft as he looks at her.

  “I’m still being social.”

  “By which you mean, you take someone home?”

  “Oh, don’t you even start on me again Dean. You’re no better than me so watch it.” Her face turns serious and she starts to walk up the stairs.

  Dean goes quiet and follows her. This is an argument they always have, will always have, and inevitably will have again in the future. Dean has a low opinion of Blair’s current lifestyle, thinking she needs to settle down. Blair thinks her lifestyle is perfectly adequate and saves her a lot of unnecessary heartache.

  “I’ll go and get changed then we can go out. Where do you want to go?”

  “Let’s do Tapas in Cotham” Dean responds referring to his favourite restaurant in Bristol, which may or may not have something to do with one of the waitresses who works there.

  “OK, I’ll be just a few minutes.” Blair opens her wardrobe and picks out a red dress and matching red sandals. Putting her long blonde hair in a messy chignon and reapplying the subtle makeup she had for work she is ready in under ten minutes.

  “I tell you what Blair if all girls could get ready as quickly as you the world would be much more productive.” Dean laughs.

  “I can tell you it has a lot to do with my not making any effort for you.” She tosses back at him producing a big laugh from this man who has become her best friend in the past three years.

  “Well, lack of effort noted, you look lovely as ever.” He returns.

  “Oh shut up Dean, you’re only creeping because you want the extra shrimp.”

  After leaving Plymouth Blair cut ties with all her friends and family, not wanting to have memories of anything relating to Scott. Her family had sided with Scott telling her to mend fences but she felt humiliated and didn’t want people in her life moving forward knowing what a fool she had been.

  Dean was her only connection to her old life, she hadn’t been able to cut ties with. He was the only person who had been honest with her, at the detriment of his own friendship with Scott. The two of them lost the most important person in their life, and they now clung to each other. He stayed in touch with the others from their group and gave her updates when they got together. Blair purposely kept her distance and refused any attempted contact from them at all costs which simultaneously left her feeling relieved and heartbroken.

  Dean had moved to Bristol a year ago when a new job had come up and they got to spend much more time together. He lived a 10-minute walk away. They would sometimes go a few weeks without seeing each other, knowing she could go and knock on his door was a real reassurance to Blair.

  “Anything interesting happening in the world of Dean?” she asks him while sipping some of her raspberry cooler.

  “I have a new job, same company, new role.”

  “Dean, I’m so proud of you, congratulations. You’re doing wonderful things.” She beams at his good news and tries to decide where to start with the food which is overflowing all over the table, they always order too much.

  “I have a PA now.” He says grinning

  “You’re kidding? Ha. Well I never!”

  “She’s invited me out to dinner tomorrow with a few of her friends so we
can get to know each other a bit better.”

  “It sounds like a lovely gesture on her part.” Blair takes a sip of her drink.

  “I was wondering if you would come. I won’t feel so outnumbered with you there.” He asks

  “Wouldn’t it be really awkward Dean? I have nothing to do with your work? I’m not your girlfriend it would be really weird taking a friend to a work dinner.”

  “Please? Blair, not everyone there will be from work and you’re my best friend, she said she was bringing a friend as well.” He reaches across to take her hand and puts his cute grin and puppy dog eyes into play.

  “Oh, heavens Dean! You are such a baby! OK, I will do this for you. The clause is I get to tell really embarrassing stories about you.”

  He smiles a huge grin which covers his whole face.

  “Thank you, I’ll feel much better having someone on my side.”


  The next evening, they arrive at an upmarket restaurant Blair hadn’t even known existed. She takes a moment to consider the handsome man in front of her, dressed smart casual in white jeans and a navy dress shirt, his blonde hair freshly cut and styled with wax and his blue eyes looking right at her.

  “Come on then, let’s go do this!” She reaches down takes his hand and smiles at him. He starts to visibly relax as her words sink in and they walk into the restaurant.

  A brunette girl with pink streaks in her hair waves from a table at the back of the restaurant where she is sitting with two men. Dean waves back to her and the two of them make their way over.

  “Dean you made it!” She exclaims jumping up to hug him, and beaming a smile at Blair who has taken a step back from this overly perky blonde.

  “Hi Jess, thanks for the invite. This is Blair.” He says.

  Blair puts her hand out to shake Jess’ however Jess embraces her in a big hug throwing her a little, this is not how Blair says hello normally.

  Jess turns and starts introducing the men at the table. “This is my fiancé Luka, and his best friend Mark.”

  Blair smiles and says “Hi” before her eyes sweep the table taking in the people she will be eating with. She catches the eye of Mark and the world suddenly and dramatically stops spinning. His smile is simple yet earth-shattering, and his eyes are like whirlpools of grey which she feels like she’s being tugged into.

  He picks up his drink, winks and takes a sip leaving her dry mouthed and speechless.

  “Blair, did you want to sit.” Dean is holding a seat out for her while Blair is caught in the web which is Mark, unable to tear her eyes away until Dean taps her on the shoulder. “Earth to Blair, would you like to sit down, this side of Christmas?”

  “Thanks, Dean.” sitting down and trying to hide her embarrassment she gives her order for a sparkling grape juice then looks at the menu while the group around her chat.

  “How long have you and Blair been together then Dean?” Mark asks.

  Blair holds her breath and dips her head deeper into her menu, his voice is smooth and polished. A far cry from her strong Plymothian accent.

  “Oh, we aren’t a couple. We’ve been friends since University, best friends.” Dean replies, pausing a moment before killing her. “Plus, Blair doesn’t believe in relationships.”

  She hates him.

  “Oh, how interesting.” pipes up Jess. “Mark doesn’t believe in relationships either.”

  Blair looks up, the shock at how this conversation has spiralled controlling her actions. Her eyes catch him looking at her and he is looking as awkward as she feels. Her body lights up when their eyes meet, there is something between them, and he knows it too.

  The meal progresses with much less fanfare, Jess tells us how she and Luka met, quite the dramatic story and a stark reminder why she avoids relationships. Throughout the discussion Mark and Blair keep catching each other’s eye, and every time her body erupts, the wetness between her legs screaming at her in a way it never has before, and every nerve on her exposed skin crying out for the touch of a man she has barely said a word to.

  While they are waiting for dessert Blair excuses herself to go to the bathroom she takes a few moments to stand at the sink splashing some cold water on her face, taking some deep breaths, a couple of minutes time out. She doesn’t turn when the door opens, needing to focus on bringing her body under control.

  “Do you think cold water will fix what you’re feeling.” He says placing his hands on her hips. She looks up into the mirror and their eyes lock for the hundredth time since the evening began.

  He turns her so they are facing each other pushing her legs apart, his thigh is pressing against her throbbing clit. His lips are hovering above her neck, his breath sending shivers of desire pulsing through her body. When he reaches her ear he whispers,

  “I can think of a few things which will fix what you’re feeling if you’re game.”

  Blair can’t stand it anymore, she takes his head in her hands and leans in to kiss him, not holding back or waiting for permission. She takes what she wants from this man, demanding and intense, thrusting her tongue into his mouth and entwining it with his. They fall into each other tasting, feeling, discovering until they finally pull apart breathless and nowhere near sated.

  “Fuck. You are something else Blair.” Mark says a smirk on his handsome face, turning back to the door.

  Shaking Blair turns back to the mirror to tidy up her makeup, realising there is nothing she can do about the flush in her cheeks or the plumpness of her lips and she goes back to the table.

  “Blair, Dean was telling us you’re a wedding photographer.” Jess excitedly says while Blair takes her seat at the table.

  “Yes, I have a studio in Clifton.”

  “Would you believe Luka and I are getting married and we are still on the lookout for a photographer? Could we get together to see your work? We have an engagement party coming up and it would be great to have the evening photographed.”

  “Wow, lots of questions.” Blair laughs trying to gauge Mark’s thoughts on this, given what happened between them in the bathroom, thinking about it making heat boil in her belly, a knowing smirk crossing Mark’s face for a split second.

  “Great idea, have her do the party then you can decide on the wedding.” Mark interrupts. Looking at Blair like she were a huge chocolate cake he wants to devour.

  “Can you do the party Blair, I know it’s terribly short notice.” asks Luka.

  “I will double check the dates, it’s fairly quiet at this time of year, I don’t think it will be a problem. If I can maybe meet up with you both beforehand, then I know exactly what you want from it.”

  “Are you free tomorrow evening?” asks Jess

  “Yes, I close the studio at six”

  “Wonderful, come to us for dinner and we can talk about it all then. Mark was coming over anyway to go over what he has to do, it has worked out perfectly we can talk engagement party all evening.”

  Blair smiles and catches Mark’s eye, he’s not smiling but there is a definite look of pleasure in his eye, she is fairly sure an echoing look is in her eye. When she turns and looks at Dean there is a look of curiosity, in his face.

  Chapter Three


  It’s hard to say what has got into Henry the past few days but my back and fingers are still smarting from how hard he has been working us. Today though feels a little easier, that’s not to say it’s easy. We are rehearsing the Brahms Cello Concerto No.1, if I think I am struggling, it is nothing compared to what Luka is being put through as the soloist.

  As we take a break the two of us head to the coffee shop to sit in a comfortable chair and take five.

  “How you doing mate? This is a difficult piece.”

  “Fine, I’ve been rehearsing extra time at home so I’m on it.” Luka is always so calm about it all. I sometimes wonder if I should be more rehearsed like him, I could have a career more like his if I tried but I’m happy with where I am. I’m competitive but not so muc
h I lose all other areas of my life.

  “What’s expected tonight? Sounds like Jess is planning a military operation.”

  “The dinner? It will just be a chat about the party. I don’t think she’s planning much. She will probably spend most of it talking to that Blair woman about the photos.”

  I shudder at the mention of Blair’s name, that kiss was something else entirely, I can only imagine the fireworks we could produce in bed.

  “Hey, are you listening to me?” Luka nudges me,

  “Yep, what did you say?” I gulp my coffee

  “Where did you go?”

  “Nowhere, I’m here.”

  “I said that Jess said she couldn’t understand why Blair and Dean weren’t a couple, she said she could obviously see chemistry and long history between them.”

  “Nah, I couldn’t see it myself. They’re a bit like us in terms of their friendship I think it would be weird for them.” I reply hoping my face doesn’t betray the intense jealousy I feel at the idea of Blair with another man before I get my chance.

  “Ew, I get your point.”

  We chat on our way back to rehearsal and make it through the rest of the day finishing up early with sore backs, arms and fingers. Luka telling me how he’s going to get Jess to kiss him better, far too much information even for his best friend and I go back to my empty apartment, pour whiskey and fantasise about having Blair kiss me better feeling myself needing a long cold shower before I go to dinner and see the woman in question.


  Three of us are sitting at the table waiting for Blair to arrive and Jess has been chatting non-stop about how much she liked Blair when we all met last night. Luka is rolling his eyes in an affectionate manner, his arm draped around her shoulders and I’m gripping my wine glass with white knuckles and my teeth are clenched so tightly that my jaw is aching.

  “Oh my God!” Jess suddenly yelps, Luka and I both look up at her, in shock. She is looking at me intensely. “You like her.” The accusation is clear. Luka’s head rotates suddenly, the look of shock on his face radiating through his entire body.


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