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Page 3

by Claire Ayres

  “She seemed very pleasant, yes.” I reply, trying to deflect. I can feel my face flushing, what on earth?

  “Don’t play coy, you’re even blushing! You really like her. This is more than your usual caveman ‘I’m gonna bed this woman’ thing, you’ve got the want to get to know her properly kind of like her vibe going on.” Jess babbles, her excitement tangible. How did she know?

  “No, I don’t, not sure where you’re getting this from but it’s not true.” I deny it, that’s all I will do, ever. Deny. Now I may be starting to understand Luka’s stance while him and Jess were broken up. Denial is a good healthy feeling.

  “Mate, no point lying to her she’s like a bloodhound.” Luka laughs, he is loving this. I can see it in his face. “But, Jess, if Mark says he doesn’t like her it’s probably true.” There he is, my best friend who always has my back.

  “OK, I will let it go for now, but we will talk about this again. She’s a nice girl Mark, and you need a nice girl”. Jess tilts her head and looks at me as though I’m a lost soul that needs saving. I wonder if things have really got that bad.

  “Thank you. But I will say it again, everything in my life is just peachy.”

  A knock on the door puts a stop to the conversation and a stream of female conversation is followed by Jess opening the front door. Luka and I sit drinking our wine as Jess takes Blair’s jacket and gets her a drink. I note again that she isn’t drinking alcohol and wonder if this a thing with her. Not that it worries me, but I want to learn everything about her. I mentally shake myself off. I never learn anything about the women I sleep with, I barely bother with their names so why do I care so much about the small things with Blair?

  Her and Jess walk to the table and are laughing about something they talked about. She takes the seat between myself and Jess and the second our eyes meet I feel that jolt, the same one I felt when we met yesterday. It takes everything I have not to grab her hand and invade Luka’s bedroom with her.

  “Nice to see you again, Mark” She smiles, and it undoes me. I swear the floor drops 20 meters from below me.

  “Hello Blair.” I flash her my killer smile, the one that always works with the ladies. I catch Luka rolling his eyes out of the corner of my eye and Jess grinning like Alice’s Cheshire Cat. Blair turns to my friend’s and is all business.

  “It was great of you to hire me based on a friend’s word, but I want you to be confident in my abilities.” She pulls a large book from her bag. “I brought my portfolio along, so you can get a feel for my work before you commit to using me.” I would love to use her, in a variety of ways. As though he can read my mind, Luka flashes me a look of warning and I stare deeply into my glass.

  Luka and Jess start flicking through the album, pointing and whispering to each other. I chance a look at Blair and catch her looking at me, I smile, she smiles. What game are we playing here?

  “So, Blair, how long have you been a photographer?” I ask, what a shit question Mark.

  “Always.” Her face lights up. “My Grandpa gave me a camera when I was a small girl and I just went from there, I studied photography at Uni and I decided to specialise in weddings. I haven’t looked back.” I saw a flash of something, but I couldn’t pin point what it was. There was something in that story, something where she said she hadn’t looked back that made me think that maybe she had at some point, but I didn’t push, yet

  “I was like that with music” I replied, “from the moment I picked up a cello I knew there was nothing else I wanted to do. I can’t even imagine going into an office or working on a construction site.”

  We smile at each other, that shared creative passion shining through for both of us. We might have different passions, but the drive is the same.

  “What do you do aside from music?” She asks, now that’s a good question, why didn’t I think of that.

  “Not much.” I admit, well I am hardly going to tell her I’m a man-whore, am I?

  “Ditto.” Her voice is breathy, and I feel like there is so much I have left to learn about this lady.

  Jess and Luka finish whispering and look up, grinning from ear to ear.

  “Oh, Blair, this is wonderful, we were confident just on Dean and Ade’s recommendations but seeing your work here has sealed the deal, you are incredibly talented.” Jess gushes. It crosses my mind Jess might like Blair rather a lot as well.

  “I’m so pleased that you do, as much as recommendations are flattering I always like couples to hire me based on my work.” She has switched back to professional and is pulling it off flawlessly. I’m seeing that Blair is a woman who is used to being in control.

  “At the party things are going to be relaxed, we would like you to take photo’s like this, they point at one in the album where the person is unaware the shot is being taken, it’s completely natural and gives you a true sense of the moment. Blair nods and smiles.

  “Those are my favourite to take, you get to see the true person rather than what they want you to see.” She smiles. They continue talking with Blair asking a few questions about the venue, timings and other things they all think are relevant. Then as we get to the end of dinner they move on to me.

  “We’re going to have a couple of small speeches.” Luka says.

  “What?” I look at him suspiciously, he chuckles, Jess winks at me, and I spy Blair stifle a giggle which would ruin her professional persona.

  “As my best man I want you to do a short one, nothing long, not like the wedding.” He finishes.

  “I’m only doing this because it’s you Luka, I owe you a few favours and I like Jess.” I say

  “See, I told you he would do it.” Jess says then turning to me “Sarah and Joe can’t come so she isn’t doing one, the baby is due, and she isn’t well so we’re already down one speech.” Sarah is Jess’ best friend, she must be devastated that she won’t be at the party, it is probably why she’s latching onto Blair so much, she needs a new friend.

  “Don’t make me feel bad as well. Sarah will be back soon.” I say and grab Jess’ hand before Luka pulls her in for a big hug.

  We eat dessert and talk, Blair asks about how Luka and I met, and we tell her some of our University stories which I’m sure get messier as we get older. I don’t refill my wine instead switching to juice with Blair, which doesn’t go unnoticed by Luka and Jess and I’m sure they will have lots to say about that.

  “I have an early start tomorrow with the studio and I need to plan for an engagement party next week as well so I will head off.” Blair says.

  I can’t help myself, I jump in. “Did you drive?”

  “No, I took the bus?” she creases her eyebrows together and looks at me her face a question, I’m not sure if it’s an angry question or a confused question I can’t read her well enough yet.

  “Luka, let me borrow your car, I’ll give Blair a lift home, it’s too late for the bus.” I say and Jess catching my eye jumps in.

  “Absolutely, I agree.” She stalks to a unit by the front door and picks up the car keys.

  “Honestly, it’s not necessary I take the bus all of the time.” Blair protests.

  “Not tonight, we look after our own, I wouldn’t sleep if I didn’t know you were safe.” Says Jess, saving me from having to argue.

  “Well, thank you.” Blair locks eyes with me again and a lump forms in my throat and all I can do in response is nod.


  Blair directs me and as I drive I watch her out of the corner of my eye. She’s beautiful, and each time I see her she becomes more beautiful, how is that even possible. I almost reach over and put my hand on her knee but I stop myself just in time. Instead I grip the gear stick tightly reminding myself to keep control of my instincts.

  “Thank you for the lift, Mark.” I love her accent, the way she rolls her R’s and skips vowels. It’s very alluring.

  “You’re welcome. It’s late you shouldn’t be walking around and taking the bus if there are other options.” I take a corner, a
bit too fast, and her hand reaches out to steady herself and lands on my thigh. Heat roars through my groin and I swallow a growl. “Oops sorry.”

  “No, I’m sorry, didn’t mean to…grab you like that.” She says, in that breathy tone again.

  “You can grab me however you want.” I can’t help it, it just comes out.

  “Don’t make offers you’re not willing to follow through on.” She responds, turning to look at me, I turn and see a fire in her eyes, and I swear she’s daring me.

  I swallow hard, trying to decide how I move forward from here, there’s an incredible spark flying between us and I know for sure if I want her I can take her, but I’m not sure I want to just take her like any other woman. I think I want to get to know her, and that is a feeling which is alien to me.

  I pull up outside her studio and before she has chance to open the door I take her hand, pulling her towards me. Wrapping my hand around her face, feeling her soft skin underneath my cello calloused fingers I claim her lips and the explosion of feelings that I experience is new and exciting. My heart fills, my stomach is full of butterflies, and I know that this is what I’ve been looking for, that person who makes me feel excited, someone who makes me want to know more about them, about life, about love.

  I taste her, feel her, my hands explore and touch and she moans while I growl and wish I wasn’t sat in a bloody car. Her hair is silky soft my fingers running through it, I start kissing her face my thumb rubbing a path in front of me. Her jaw, her nose, her cheekbones, her eyes, her forehead, her ears, her neck. She grips my arms tightly digging her fingers in before she looks me in the eye, determined, and sexy as hell.

  “Come in with me.”

  Chapter Four


  Blair and Mark don’t even make it into the flat before they are ripping each other’s clothes off. Blair has been thinking of seeing this man naked since she met him yesterday. She hasn’t had sex for a few months and after the way they kissed in the restaurant bathroom, she’s been desperate to see what he can do for real.

  He lifts her up and places her on the kitchen worktop standing between her legs, her skirt and top discarded somewhere near the front door. His shirt gone the same way, she takes in his body and it’s clear playing the cello is a physical endeavour because despite his slim build he is well toned with a six pack and strong muscular arms. His hands caress her stomach and he starts to kiss her, she sucks in a breath and he murmurs; “so bloody sexy.” Her hands delve into his hair, then wanting to have his scent in her memory she puts her face in his hair and breathes in…patchouli.

  He unhooks her bra and while she sits back up he pulls it down her arms wasting no time filling his hands and mouth with her breasts. Blair throws her head back and moans, a moan which seems to encourage Mark as he nibbles her neck before ending on her lips and kissing her. Another of those kisses where she loses herself completely while he drills her mouth and tackles her tongue into submission.

  While he is still kissing her, he removes her panties and teases his fingers up her thighs, her legs tremble with the anticipation and he pulls away from the kiss a glint of thrill is in his eyes. Blair bites her lip, holding her breath, tensing her thigh muscles. He uses one finger to gently touch her clit and she gasps, tensing a hand on his shoulder.

  “Christ, you’re dripping!” He says his voice a growl.

  Then he places a second finger at her opening and uses the two to taunt her before his rough, calloused fingers enter her and she starts to feel like her body is going to explode. She can feel nerve endings she didn’t know existed. Looking him in the eye, there is an intense connection there, it feels far too intimate for a one-night stand and Blair starts to feel a little uncomfortable. Her body, though, is telling her this couldn’t be better. The orgasm is quick and sudden, wracking through her body while she grips Mark’s shoulders like a life-raft, the next thing she knows Mark is removing a condom from his wallet and is taking off his trousers.

  “Where is your bedroom?”

  “Over there.” She points at the door, her arms shaking from the intense orgasm.

  Mark picks her up, her legs wrapped around his waist, kissing her deeply, then walks to her bedroom, laying her on the bed before covering himself with the condom and climbing beside her.

  “I’ve been thinking about this since I met you.” He says kissing her neck and making her body rock in response. “You are beautiful.”

  Blair doesn’t know what to say to this, she’s learned guys generally have a good time and leave when you aren’t asking for a commitment from them. It’s worked well for her since she walked away from relationships. Mark is throwing her through a loop though; he’s making her actually feel things.

  “Hey, are you OK? You seem a million miles away?” He asks, reminding her he’s also observant.

  “Yes, you surprised me.”


  “What you said. It was nice. I didn’t expect it. I’ve learned to expect wham bam thank you, mam.” She giggles nervously.

  He takes Blair’s face in his hands and looks her in the eye.

  “Normally, in this situation it’s exactly how I would be. There’s something about you Blair. I like you. A lot.” Then he tenderly kisses her. As if there is far more between them than this one night. A kiss which grows more possessive until he is starting to enter her, briefly pulling away from the kiss to check she is OK. Blair putting her hands on his backside, thrusts her hips and moans letting him know to keep going as he possesses her body in one simple move, his mouth muffling the cry of pleasure coming from her.

  Mark is carnal and yet still loving. Time passes and the two are tangled in a web of sex and each other. Blair can’t help but notice how connected they are, the way they stare into each other’s eyes at every available opportunity. How Mark keeps telling her she is beautiful, how he fits perfectly inside her, and how he makes the sexiest noises. He is making her feel special, a feeling she hasn’t felt in a very long time, and this terrifies her more than 100 throwaway men ever could.

  As Mark finds the perfect pace and Blair starts to fall over the side of an orgasm again, he pulls her into a sitting position, so they are looking at each other, nothing hidden. Then he brings her over, going with her into the abyss and she clings to him, while he clings to her with equal vigour and she knows without a doubt she is frightened Mark might be planning to stick around.


  A distant phone rings, making Blair sit up quickly in bed. First, she realises she’s naked, then she realises there’s someone else in the bed. Looking cautiously to her left she see’s Mark, laying on his back out for the count. She watches him sleeping and it crosses her mind not for the first time how attracted to him she is.

  Her phone starts ringing again from wherever she dropped her bag last night. She puts on a large t-shirt she normally uses to sleep in as she races through her flat to find her phone. Managing to pick it up before it cuts off again.

  “Where on earth have you been?” Moans a familiar voice down the line, she looks at the clock and baulks at the time.

  “Hello, Dean nice to hear from you.” She responds trying to avoid an awkward conversation.

  “Hmmm. What’s going on Blair? I’ve been trying to reach you all day.”

  “Shouldn’t you have been working all day?” She rebukes, what has got into him lately?

  “Yes, although this is still about you. I wanted to know how you got on with the meeting.”

  “You mean Jess and Luka?”

  “Yes, they seemed really keen I was hoping it went well.” Digging, he’s digging, for what though?

  “Yeah, it went great. The engagement party is in little over a week, then all being well I will do the wedding. You know all this already though Dean.”

  “Was Mark there, the bloke you were eyeing up from dinner the other night?” She thinks to herself…Bingo!

  “Yes, they said he would be.” Knowing he had been mentioned Mark walks thr
ough the bedroom door towards her, his shorts his only clothing and she finds herself distracted from her phone conversation, her mouth running dry. She licks her lips as he strides towards her and places a string of kisses from her ear to her neck on the side she isn’t holding the phone.

  “...don’t you think?” Shit, she had no idea what Dean said.

  “Ummm sorry Dean what did you say?”

  “Is he still there? Did you actually do a sleepover?”

  “I may have why?”

  “Because Blair, you don’t do sleepovers, ever.”

  “Well apparently I do, because last night I did.”

  “Your place or his?” Dean asks.

  Meanwhile, Mark’s hands are lifting under her vest top and his fingers lightly brush her breasts, she tips her head back Mark rewards her with a kiss on the lips as he pinches her nipples making her have to bite her tongue to stop from moaning aloud.

  “My place.” She replies through clenched teeth.

  “Well wonders never cease. Call me when you’re on your own, we need to talk.” Dean states before hanging up.

  Blair drops her phone on the floor next to her, turning into Mark’s arms. He lifts her arms and pulls her top over her head, leaning down and taking her nipple between her teeth. This time she lets the sound erupt from her voice, somewhere between a yelp and a snarl. A chuckle rumbling in his chest Mark picks Blair up her legs wrapped around his waist and he lays her down on the couch, his arousal evident through his boxers. He takes her arms pinning them above her head with one arm. With the other arm he rips her lace panties leaving her fully exposed, her arousal evident by the glistening wetness between her legs.

  Mark removes his boxers and guides his erection to her opening, no hesitation in entering her, she can still feel the soreness from the night before which is only heightening the experience of having Mark inside her again. He slowly moves in and out, letting Blair feel his whole erection, while he feels her every muscle clenching around him.


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