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Virgin For The Fourth Time: Barrington Billionaire's Series: Book Four

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by Jeannette Winters

  As she walked past him, she heard him say, “Good, my love. See you at the party.”

  Zoey didn’t even turn back as she rolled her eyes. There is no way that man is going to make it out of that party in one piece, acting like that. He won’t be collecting DNA. He’ll be spending the night in the emergency room.

  She was glad he didn’t probe any further. The last thing she needed was for him to find out these issues were caught during in vitro testing. Her biological clock was ticking. Zoey was willing to accept that no man would want her with her tarnished reputation, but that didn’t mean she should go without a family too. Unfortunately, that’s not going to happen until I know what’s going on with my health. I’m going to get those answers one way or another.

  Zoey Henderson. Beautiful, off limits Zoey Henderson.

  Bennett watched her as she walked back toward the hotel across the street. He ran his hand through his hair in frustration. What the hell was I thinking? I’m her new lover? That’s a bullshit line even for me.

  He knew he should follow Zoey and tell her not to plan any party. Bennett was damn good at what he did. He’d spent many hours undercover to obtain what he needed. However, this wasn’t one of the instances where being undercover was required. He had access to most of the family. He didn’t need DNA for all five brothers, but when he’d seen the copy of the birth certificate he knew something was off. Zoey might not question if she was adopted, but he never ruled anything out. The DNA testing would do exactly that.

  When he said he’d pretend to be her lover, he’d been testing her to see how badly she wanted his help. The Zoey he’d come to know over the last two years never would’ve accepted that option. No snappy retort took place. Instead, she hurried off worried about how she’d pull a party together in such short notice. At one point, it looked like she wanted me to kiss her. Kiss. Her.

  There’s still something she’s not telling me. Until I know everything, I’ll look, but the answers are staying with me.

  Bennett was in no rush to head back to an empty hotel room. Instead, he pulled out his cell phone and started researching the family history. Finding a mother of six children of one of the most influential families in New England can’t be too hard.

  If her brothers had searched before, why hadn’t they found anything? He could understand if it was one child who never had seen the woman, but there was no way Brice couldn’t remember her. Brice would’ve been six years old when Zoey was born and ten for the youngest, Dean. He knew something but for some reason wasn’t sharing. That alone was a red flag.

  He came up with a lot of articles regarding the father, James Henderson, but not one mention of him with any woman, never mind the mother of his children. How could one man father six children and there be no evidence or knowledge of the mother? There was no marriage certificate on record, and all their birth certificates listed the father only. He’d never witnessed such a thing.

  These people weren’t hatched or dropped off by aliens. They have a mother. So why not list her? Were they closed adoptions? They look enough alike to be siblings but that doesn’t mean they are.

  After two hours of research turned up nothing tangible, he closed Google and slipped his phone back in his breast pocket. Bennett hadn’t been sure he wanted to take on this assignment. Honestly, it sounded like something that’d bore the shit out of him. He should’ve remembered he was dealing with the Hendersons. They weren’t the average family by any means. What looked like run-of-the-mill details always had more twists than a roller coaster.

  Zoey’s situation wouldn’t be any different. Hell, I know better. Usually, the one you don’t expect is the one who’ll throw you for a loop. He thought of how her deep brown eyes were practically pleading for his help. When she’d grabbed his arm, he was already lost. He’d been attracted to her since their first meeting two years ago when Brice hired him to ensure the safety of his family and Lena. He’d thought her easy on the eyes. But the more they spoke, he’d realized she was so much more than she appeared to be. He wouldn’t call her fearless, but she liked to challenge authority. He found that sexy, and it made things a bit complicated. But rules were rules, and he knew better than to get emotionally involved with a client.

  I know better than getting involved with someone I find . . . interesting. I need to tell her I can’t take this job. I know people to recommend. Hell, even my buddy, Beckett Davis, would be better for this than I am. The Hendersons know him as well. She should’ve called him. It would have been better for everyone if she had.

  He was about to give Beckett a call when he saw a familiar number calling in. Well, that’s fast.

  “Stone here.”

  “Bennett, it’s Dean Henderson. I’ve got another job for you. I need you to look into something for me.”

  Gee. Should I even guess? Your mother? “Did you piss someone off again so soon?”

  Dean laughed. “I’m about to, and she can be a tyrant when angry.”


  “Yes. My sister, Zoey, just informed the family she’s having a Valentine party and we must all attend.”

  “Lucky you.”

  “Not lucky for the bastard she’s bringing with her. I want to know everything you can find on this man. Leave no stone unturned. Got it?” Dean’s voice lacked all hint of humor.

  Bennett restrained his laughter at the situation. It had only been a few hours, and her brothers were already scouring for information. She was right, they were overbearing. Whoever was going to take this assignment was not just finding her mother; they needed to act as a buffer for Zoey. Whatever she was going through, she needed some space to deal with it . . . her way.

  Damn it. No one is going to be able to handle those guys without raising suspicion. They won’t question me. They won’t like it, but they won’t question it.

  “She’s a grown woman, Dean. Just ask her.”

  “I don’t want a name. I want information. Everything.”

  “When is this party?”

  “Three days. I’ve seen you pull off bigger requests in less time.”

  Oh, that I can. But you’re not going to like the answer. I think I’ll wait to tell you.

  “Your usual fee.”

  “Should I ask why?”

  “Nope. But you’ll have the information by the party. Guaranteed.”

  Bennett disconnected the call and looked toward the hotel. This job might be fun after all. Not only getting to bust on Dean’s ass, but being Zoey’s lover will be icing on the cake. Even if it’s all for show.

  Chapter Two

  Zoey stood looking out her hotel window. It was a charming place surrounded by woods. It was a lovely change from the view in Boston. Even though her home wasn’t in the heart of the city surrounded by skyscrapers, she still didn’t have a view like this.

  A smile crossed her lips as she noticed deer grazing on the edge of the woods. She couldn’t help how different her life would’ve been if she’d grown up in a place such as this. The people here had been warm and friendly. But my things would be the same no matter where we grew up unless I had a different father.

  She wished she could hide away here in North Carolina a bit longer but she didn’t have that luxury right now. Thanks Bennett. She had no idea how she let herself get talked into throwing a party on such short notice. Heck, I don’t throw them at all. She should’ve spoken up and told Bennett no way. The entire reason for hiring him in the first place was to put as much distance between her and her siblings as possible, even if it was for a short period of time. She feared Bennett’s suggestion would point a large homing beacon on her saying I’m hiding something.

  If she had any doubts about what their reaction would be, it quickly faded after calling two of her brothers. Her baby brother, Dean, was the worse. He said he’d be there but had demanded to know who her date was. As if I have to share that with my brother. Zoey knew Bennett could hold his own one on one, but he was going to be walking into a firing squad. Her fiv
e brothers joined together on anything was a force no one should mess with.

  There was an option of backing out and telling them she’d changed her mind, but that wouldn’t avoid the questioning. It only meant they’d question her instead of Bennett. His bright idea; let’s see how well he can fare with them. He should know better.

  She’d hardly slept the night before as she tossed and turned over the details of the party, not to mention talking her brothers into showing up. They hadn’t all gathered for an event as a family before. Sitting at a table together was something they’d avoided, but on the rare occasions when they had no choice, they’d sat in silence, all afraid of saying the wrong thing.

  That changed when Lena entered Brice’s life; now they meet monthly for a Sunday brunch. They’d come a long way from where they were when their father was alive, but the truth was, they still had much more healing to do.

  She looked over the short invite list, and three of her brothers had immediately declined the invite. The other two had not even responded. That wasn’t an option. Bennett needed to get DNA samples from all of them, and there was no better way than all at one time. The faster she found her answers, the quicker she could move forward with her life.

  Why should I be surprised? It’s not like I’ve given them much notice, and they’re all running their own businesses. I’m sure they’re not purposely being difficult. But then again, this is out of character for me. Parties have never been my thing and definitely not one that I host. They probably think this is a joke. But they forgot one important thing about her: she wasn’t a quitter. However, that didn’t mean she was beyond reaching out for help.

  It was eight a.m., and she hated calling anyone that early, but she was running out of time. Three days had become two. Picking up her phone, she scrolled through her list of numbers. There was one person who could pull this off. Maybe with her help and guidance, it’d work out. Sophie Barrington, let’s see if you can work your magic on my brothers like you do on your sons.

  Zoey wasn’t as close to Sophie Barrington as her brothers were. She’d been to the Barrington’s home on special occasions, but her brothers had practically been adopted over there. She wasn’t jealous. She knew that if they hadn’t had such positive role models like Sophie and her husband Dale her brothers might’ve turned out like their father. That wasn’t something she’d wish on anyone.

  She pressed call and waited for Sophie to answer. I hope she’s willing to help me. I’ve got no one else to turn to.

  “Good morning, this is Sophie Barrington.”

  Zoey cleared her throat and summoned her courage. This was the first time she’d ever called the Barringtons for any help. “Hello, Mrs. Barrington. This is Zoey. Zoey Henderson.”

  “Hello Zoey; please call me Sophie. Is everything all right?”

  She could hear the concern in Sophie’s voice, and she needed to put her mind at ease quickly. “Yes, everything is good. I’m in need of your expertise, some advice. Is this a good time to talk?”

  “Yes, it is. Dale is out, so you have me all to yourself. What can I help with?”

  “This is going to sound pathetic, but I’m trying to host a small Valentine’s party for my family. It’s in two days, and I have nothing ready.”

  “I have a go-to person who owns some of the best restaurants and catering companies around. Have you heard of Vincent Moretti?”

  “The name sounds familiar.”

  “I believe he’s friends with your brother, Brice, and his wife, Lena. I can vouch for his skills. I hosted a New Year’s Eve event in Vermont. There were major snowstorms and everything could’ve fallen apart. But Vincent stepped in and everything went off without issue.”

  “And you think he’ll do this on such short notice?”

  “Give him my name when you call. Tell him I referred you.”

  “Thank you, Sophie.”

  “I’ll text you his information.”

  Zoey became quiet, and Sophie picked right up on it. She wasn’t used to anyone other than for her brothers caring so much. It was nice, yet unnerving as well.

  Before she could say goodbye, Sophie said, “Zoey, I raised enough children to know when someone has something they need to talk about. Why did you really call me?”

  She is astute. My brothers have been so lucky to have her in their lives. I know I can trust her. I wish I had been . . . invited over to the Barrington home more often. But I understand why. Knowing and understanding doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt.

  “It’s my brothers. I’m getting a lot of resistance from them.”

  “By resistance you mean they don’t want to attend?”


  “Which ones?”

  “Brice, Dean, and Shaun. I haven’t heard from Logan or Alex yet.”

  “Oh, I see the problem. You’re speaking directly to them. If you want anything done, you need to speak to the women in their lives.”

  “Are you serious?” It wasn’t something she was used to. In fact, she’d been raised that it’s a man’s world and a woman’s opinion was worthless. Not good when you’re the only female in a house of six males.

  “Of course I am.” Sophie’s voice was soft and sincere.

  “But you get your family together all the time. They’ve only recently started getting married. How’d you pull it off all these years without them?”

  “It wasn’t easy, Zoey. I’ve faced many obstacles and rejections along the way. Thankfully Dale intervenes on my behalf when the boys need some nudging.”

  Although Zoey knew the Barrington boys were strong-willed, she’d always pictured the Barrington home running like clockwork.

  “And you think if I reach out to Lena, Tessa, and Morgan, the guys will show?”

  “I know they will. Why do you think I’m enjoying my daughters-in-law so much?” Sophie let out a soft chuckle. “It’s also good for you. You were the only woman in that family for too long. Now you have women who can be like sisters to you if you let them.”

  Zoey had always been leery of letting people get too close. At some point in time, people asked questions she never wanted to face. Having heard her father’s blatant and demeaning lies, suggesting she was nothing but a cheap whore, she’d lost confidence that anyone would ever see her as anything else. It had devastated her soul. He was no longer here to inject more vile insults into her heart, but how could she recover from that? When she was young, she’d tried to make people see who she really was, but after years of verbal abuse, she had no fight left in her.

  Her sisters-in-law were amazing women, with such great character. How was she ever going to fit in with them?

  “We’ve never had a . . . normal family.”

  Sophie replied tenderly, “I don’t know anyone who has. Even the best families have their problems. Some more visible than others.”

  Zoey couldn’t believe Sophie was speaking of her own family, because they were all so tight. She couldn’t remember a holiday going by without them all gathering together. The Hendersons didn’t celebrate anything. One holiday was no different from another. Birthdays meant you were just a year older. If the Barringtons weren’t the normal family everyone wanted to be, they were close to it.

  “I guess mine has more than others. But you’re right. I’m starting to see some changes. Maybe I should reach out to my sisters-in-law.” I could use a few allies in this family. Because I can’t hold them all together on my own anymore.

  “Good. I hope I was some help.”

  “Yes, you’ve been a great support; thank you for your guidance.”

  “Zoey, one more thing. Don’t look for perfection, it doesn’t exist. Look for love and happiness.”

  Love and happiness. Do I even know what that means? “I will.”

  When she disconnected the call she knew she’d made the right choice in calling. She wasn’t sure it’d work as easily as Sophie explained it, but it was worth a shot. Since Dean was the most difficult one, she probably should start w
ith Tessa.

  It didn’t take long for Tessa to answer. “Hi, Zoey. How are you?”

  “Hi, Tessa. I’m great. Did Dean mention that I’m having a party on Valentine’s Day for the family?”

  “No, he didn’t. Good for you, Zoey. That sounds great. When and where? I’ll check the calendar to make sure we’ll be there.”

  Zoey rolled her eyes. Oh, Sophie. You were so right. “It’s a last-minute thing, but I’m so happy you guys will be there.”

  “Tell me, what can I do to help?”

  “If I text you the information, can you reach out to Logan and Alex? I can touch base with Morgan and Lena.”

  “You’ve got it. This is going to be great. I was worried Dean would be dragging me to some boring restaurant. I’d much rather spend it with family.”

  Hope you still think that once Dean sees my date.

  “Great, I’ll see you in two days.”

  Zoey was filled with optimism as she dialed Lena’s number.

  “Hi, Zoey.”

  “Good morning, Lena. How are things going?”

  “Going great. Busy as usual, but that’s okay.”

  “Did Brice mention that I’m hosting a family Valentine’s Day gathering?”

  Lena laughed. “If it doesn’t have to do with his latest invention, I don’t hear about it. Details please.”

  Zoey ran off the date and time.

  “We’ll be there.”

  She had the same outcome when she called Morgan. Now there was only one thing left to do: go through the list Sophie sent her and organize catering. Zoey loved to cook, but that was only for herself. She’d never attempted anything so formal. This might be the first get together at my house, but I don’t want it to be our last. She located the number Sophie had texted her.

  “Moretti here.”

  “Hello, Mr. Moretti. Sophie Barrington said you’d be able to help me.” Or pull off a minor miracle and make this last minute party actually seem like it’s a real party.

  “And you are?”

  “Zoey Henderson.”

  “Brice’s sister?”


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