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Virgin For The Fourth Time: Barrington Billionaire's Series: Book Four

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by Jeannette Winters

“Yes.” More times than not, admitting to be a Henderson wasn’t a good thing. There were many times it came with a backlash for their harsh behavior. Her brothers may not be as bad as their father had been, but they were still feared in the business world.

  “This is a surprise. What can I do for you?”

  “I’m having a small group over for Valentine’s Day. I was hoping you could cater it. I know it’s short notice, only two days, but Sophie says if anyone can pull it together in that short of time, it’s you.” Unlike her brothers who used harsh tactics to get what they wanted, Zoey found it paid to be a bit sweeter, at least for her. “It’s only going to be for my immediate family.” Really that’s all I have because we have no one else but us.

  “You got it. I’ve been looking forward to seeing Brice and Lena. What’s the occasion?”

  “Valentine’s Day.”

  “Any special request?”

  She hated to admit it, but she needed more than just the food prep. Her home needed some help to look festive as well. “How about help with the décor as well?”

  “Normally that wouldn’t be something I assist with. But Renita is one talented woman. If you want something spectacular, in a short time, she’s the one to pull it off.”


  “You’ll have to ask Renita or Lena to share the story. How about we meet first thing tomorrow morning?”

  It’d give her time to get back to Boston. “I’ll do that. See you both tomorrow.”

  Just a few hours ago she’d been ready to pull her hair in frustration. Now everything seemed to be falling into place. Maybe Bennett’s crazy idea wasn’t so nuts after all. Zoey burst out laughing. It’s even crazier than anyone could imagine. I’m actually going to pretend to be in love with Bennett. There’s no way my brothers aren’t going to see right through that.

  Even though she was filled with doubt, that wasn’t going to stop her from trying. She’d hired Bennett for one reason: he was the best. All she could do was trust him to pull off the impossible.

  Bennett had been able to avoid seeing Zoey again last night. He knew if he had, there was a distinct possibility that he’d change his mind about this ridiculous plan he’d devised. He never mixed business with pleasure, and pleasure was definitely how he viewed her.

  What the hell is wrong with me taking this job? She doesn’t need me, she just needs someone.

  Despite having a list of alternatives for her, Bennett accepted the assignment. He’d done extensive research on the family when he took his first protection detail with Brice almost two years ago. The brothers all were hard asses who crushed anything in their way. They were exactly as he expected after reading about them. Although the Hendersons might disagree, he could usually predict their actions quite well.

  Zoey wasn’t as easy to figure out as her brothers. She stayed out of the spotlight. What he was able to find on her was disturbing. She was a wild child who’d seen more action than the Marines. It was a reputation that still seemed to follow her. There was only one problem. All his research and data had no evidence backing it up, not one inappropriate photo or anything.

  There was no doubt in his mind that all men wanted to be with her. Hell, count me in on that list. Yet he’d never seen her with a man. It made him curious. Was she so good at hiding her love affairs that even he couldn’t track them down? The answer had nothing to do with him doing the job he’d been hired to do. But it was eating at him.

  She didn’t put up much of a fight when I suggested we pretend to be lovers. Although I’d like to sample what she has to offer, I don’t sleep with my clients. Not even someone as sexy as her.

  It explained Dean’s over-the-top reaction last night. Zoey was about to bring a man home to the family, and from his findings this was the first time ever. He knew she hadn’t thought through the long-term consequences of doing this. There’d be the initial shock at who her lover was, but in the end they were going to believe it. What would she do after, when it came out it was all a lie?

  Don’t worry about it, Bennett. Not your concern. Bennett had never had regrets about his decisions before. He wasn’t about to let this be his first.

  Instead of stopping to see her, he sent a text message. “See you in Boston at the party.” Instead of heading straight to Boston, he was going to need to make a detour and pull in a few favors. The Hendersons were a powerful family, and he needed to find the right person who’d help keep this on the down-low. If her brothers caught wind of the DNA testing, without their permission, there’d be hell to pay. And although Zoey thought she could handle her brothers, he knew she was far from a match for them.

  Picking up his cell, he dialed the number.

  “Davis here.”

  “Trent, it’s Bennett Stone. I’ve got a favor to discuss with you.”

  “What can I do for you?”

  “This is highly confidential.”

  “That’s my life, Stone.”

  “This is personal.”

  Davis paused then asked, “For you?”

  “No. I can’t give you the client’s name yet. You have the contacts I need to help with a DNA case.”

  “I do. My friend, Jon Vinchi. He’d never divulge who he sent the information to, and I’m not sure he’ll do it for you. Jon would want details before getting involved.”

  “Can he be trusted?” Bennett hated putting his faith in anyone he didn’t personally know. But if Trent trusted him, then he would as well.

  “He’s one of my best friends. I trust him with my life.”

  That was good enough for Bennett. “Okay. Give him my number. I’ll have the samples ready for him in a few days.”

  “Samples? How many are we talking about?”


  “Should I even ask whose?”

  You can, but I’m not going to tell you. “Best not for all involved.”

  “I’ll give him your information. If he’s willing to help, that’s between the two of you. But I hope you know what you’re doing. People think they want the answers, Bennett, but sometimes the truth is uglier than they can imagine.”

  Bennett understood that more than he’d like to admit. Over the years, he’d helped so many people, but that didn’t mean they liked the outcome. “My job is only to get the answer, what they do with it is up to them.”

  As he disconnected the call, he leaned back in his chair and thought of Zoey. He still knew there was something she wasn’t telling him. Before he sent the DNA samples to Vinchi, he was going to find out exactly what that was. I’ve just altered my own contract. Nothing wrong with adding a couple stipulations of my own.

  Chapter Three

  Zoey had decided to hop on a commercial flight back to Boston late that night. She could’ve requested one of her brothers send the Henderson private jet, yet she was still hoping no one had even noticed she was gone. From her conversations with her family, they were oblivious to anything going on in her life.

  Of course, that’s about to change once Bennett shows up as my . . . date. She couldn’t bring herself to call him a lover. It’s not that she was opposed to the idea. It had been almost eight years since she’d slept with a man. Eight years of loneliness. But she’d realized she could survive without sex. At least with a partner. Sex with Bennett? She wouldn’t be opposed to that, seeing as she found him so attractive. A woman would be blind not to notice his deep blue eyes and his killer body. She didn’t need to see him without his clothes to picture what was beneath. I could get lost thinking about it.

  She closed her eyes and leaned back against her couch, picturing how he looked at her when she told him about the health issues she’d been encountering. Although he hadn’t said much, there was something that had changed, softened. It wasn’t sympathy or pity she’d seen. It was as though he had an understanding of what she was going through. But how could he?

  Zoey didn’t know anything about his personal life. She’d tried asking Dean, but his response was the only thing he needed t
o know about Bennett was that he did his job well. That answer might be good enough for her brothers, but she was about to pretend to be Bennett’s girlfriend. There was a distinct possibility they might share a kiss or two. It might be part of the cover story, but she’d still like to know if she was kissing a married man or not. But he can’t be married. Surely he wouldn’t propose being my lover if that were the case. He isn’t a cheater. Well, I don’t think he is.

  She wished people didn’t expect such behavior from her, but her father had made it impossible for anyone to look at her as anything other than a loose woman who’d sleep with everyone. Zoey was instantly filled with anger.

  It made for a cold, lonely existence for a young woman growing up. Other parents didn’t want their daughters being friends with her in case her evil ways would rub off on their prim and proper pride-and-joys. And the boys all wanted to be around her, but she knew exactly why. When they found out they weren’t getting into her pants, they became angry, some even physically abusive.

  She told her father once what happened and the only comfort she received from him was a backhand across her right cheek as he said she was just like her mother: “a cheap whore, good for one thing and one thing only.”

  That day, not only did she hate her father but her mother as well. Although she knew nothing about her mother, she did know she’d hurt her father so much that it caused him to hate all women. Even his own flesh and blood. He’d never wanted me, never loved me. He had his five sons. I was a constant reminder of what he hated about our mother. Is that why he sent her away? So he didn’t have to be reminded? I just don’t know why he didn’t send me with her. Or did he keep me here to punish her?

  Hate would’ve been bad enough, but it was as though her father’s one desire had been to cause her misery for her entire life. As far as she was concerned, his attempt had nearly been perfect. Most of her teenage years were spent at home, purposely shutting herself off from the world. He may have tried to break me, crush me, but he didn’t succeed. I still have hopes, dreams, and I can still smile, Dad.

  When her father became sick and then died, Zoey thought the pain from her past would be buried with him. But life wasn’t a chalkboard where one could easily erase and start over with a blank slate. It didn’t mean that life stood still. The old saying that time heals all wounds was true. Things were improving, not just for her, but for her brothers as well. A few years ago she never would’ve pictured sitting down as a family because they wanted to. But now they each were slowly breaking away from their abusive pasts and looking toward their futures. Hiring Bennett to find her mother was part of her journey forward.

  She had grave concerns about having this party under false pretenses. Zoey wished there was another way to obtain the information she needed. Everything she’d tried in the past came up with the same results: nothing. This better work, Bennett. I’m not risking my brothers finding out I’m lying to them just to come out empty-handed again.

  The sound of her cell phone ringing was a sweet distraction from her bitter thoughts. She didn’t recognize the number. “Hello?”

  “Hello. I’m looking for Zoey Henderson.”


  “I’m calling from Dr. Gupta’s office. He’d like to schedule the test for—”

  “Sorry. This isn’t a good time to talk. Will you please let him know I’ll call him back when I’m ready to proceed? Thank you.”

  Zoey didn’t wait for a response before disconnecting the call. She knew what test they wanted. Medical testing was her last resort. Finding her mother would hopefully provide her the answers she needed. I’m not quitting. I’m just taking a different route. Dad may have made it so everyone thinks I’m worn goods no respectable man would ever want, but that doesn’t mean I can’t have a family of my own. I promise you, Dad, I’ll be a mother one day. A good one. My child will know what you refused to ever give your children—unconditional love.

  Tears streamed down her cheeks. She didn’t want to admit that even after all this time her father still affected her. She wanted to hate him. After all, she had every right to. He was nothing but an evil man. Not just to his own family, but to everyone he’d ever been in contact with. I refuse to be a product of my upbringing.

  Wiping her cheeks, she got off the couch and went to check her makeup. Vincent and Renita would be arriving soon, and the last thing she needed to do was start off with puffy eyes. I wouldn’t care what they thought, except they know Brice. I need this to go seamlessly on every aspect. One slip and the game is over.

  Just as final touches were set on her mascara, the doorbell rang. Zoey practiced her smile in the mirror. Good thing I’ve practiced false bravado my entire life. It looks real.

  “Hello, I’m Zoey. You must be—”

  “Your sister-in-law whom you forgot to tell you needed help.”

  Oh, great. “Hi, Lena. Sorry. I thought you’d be busy with—”

  “Don’t even try it, Zoey. I’m married to a Henderson, remember? I know how you guys operate.”

  Zoey shrugged. It was true. Lena had to be very intuitive and resilient to survive Brice. She opened the door wider and said, “Come on in. I was just waiting for the caterers, but I’m sure you already know that.”

  “Of course. You of all people should know how hard it is to keep anything a secret in this family. What I hear is you’re the one who usually seems to know all somehow.” Lena laughed as she entered the house and headed toward the living room. “It’s refreshing to know you can be surprised. I was beginning to think you had our phones tapped.”

  I’d be afraid of what I’d hear. “No. Just womanly instinct.” Before she could follow Lena, the doorbell rang again. “Now this should be Vincent and Renita, unless they’ve told anyone else?”

  “Nope. Just me.”

  She opened the door and was greeted by a woman with such a sweet smile you wanted to be her friend. The man behind her didn’t portray the same warm fuzzy feeling. She could see right away why Vincent and Brice were friends. How they get these women to love them is beyond me. Oh hell. I’m a Henderson. I know all about not being loved. We wrote the book on it.

  “Hello, I’m Zoey. You must be Renita and Vincent?”

  Renita stepped forward and hugged Zoey. “I’m so happy to meet you. Lena’s told me so much about you.”

  Great. I really have to hire people outside the family circle of friends next time. Oh heck, there isn’t going to be any next time. This is it. Bennett collects the DNA and back to living our own lives again. Easy as pie.

  “How nice. And you must be Vincent?” He nodded from behind Renita. “Please come in. Lena is waiting for us in the living room. May I get either of you something to drink?”

  “No, thank you. I don’t have much time, so let’s talk menu real quick and then I’ll leave you ladies to discuss the rest of the details.”

  Zoey hoped the entire meeting would be brief and over quickly. That wasn’t going to happen if he was leaving Renita here with Lena. It was going to take some smooth talking to get them all out of here at the same time. She was good, but not good enough for Lena not to see right through her.

  “Let’s get to it then. Did you bring a sample menu?”

  “I can do anything you want. I just need to know what that is. How many people, type of food, any restrictions and such?” Vincent was all business and Zoey felt so ill prepared.

  Herein lies the problem. I don’t know what I want. I know what I don’t want. Drama. Can he ensure that doesn’t take place? She turned to Lena and asked, “Do you have a preference?”

  “I’m only here for moral support.” Lena shrugged and laughed.

  “Oh no, you don’t. If you’re here, you’re helping,” Zoey teased.

  “I only stopped by to—”

  “To do this with me. So you might as well face it, Lena. You’re not going anywhere.” Zoey gave her a warning look.

  “Well then, let’s get talking about food so we can kick Vincent
out and we can move to the fun part. Decorations,” Lena said, smiling.

  “I don’t want to be accused of ruining a good time. Why don’t you ladies just tell me later what it is you decide?” Vincent bent over and gave Renita a brief kiss on the lips before turning back to Zoey. “We’ll be here tomorrow by three to set up and cook. You have my number if you have any concerns before then.”

  More concerns than I can voice. “Thank you.”

  Once Vincent was gone, Lena linked her arms with both Zoey and Renita and said, “Finally. Now let’s grab some coffee and plan one heck of a party.”

  As they walked toward the kitchen, Zoey saw Renita scoping the setup of her home. She peeked into the living room and said, “Zoey, you have a beautiful home. I love your Steinway. Do you play?”

  It was the one question Zoey hated being asked. She never lied, but never really answered either. Turning her eyes away from Renita she answered, “It’s a show piece.”

  “A shame. Something so beautiful is meant to be enjoyed. Well, I can dress it up a bit once we talk décor.”

  Zoey forced a smile and continued to guide them toward the kitchen. She hated thinking of anyone touching her piano. It wasn’t something anyone would understand, and not something she would ever try to explain.

  She needed to change the subject, so Zoey brought the conversation back to the party. “This is only a small family gathering.”

  Lena stopped dead in her tracks. “From what I hear there is a special someone who’s going to be attending by your side tomorrow. So let’s make this introduction one that will never be forgotten.”

  Why did I agree to do this? I won’t have to worry about finding my mother; getting through tomorrow night is probably going to kill me. “It’s nothing. Just—”

  “The first time you bring a man home to meet the family.”

  First and last time, Lena. “Don’t remind me. I’m already having second thoughts.” And third and fourth.

  “Zoey, I totally understand how you feel. I remember when I took Brice home with me, and my family was there. I was so nervous I thought I’d be sick. But it went off better than I thought. Maybe it’d help if you told us about him, so he won’t be a total stranger tomorrow.”


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