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Unspoken Vows (The Unspoken Love Series)

Page 8

by H. P. Davenport

  Someone whistles and a few catcalls come from our guests. I don’t look over to see where they came from because I can only focus on my bride right now.

  She looks me intently in the eyes with silent adoration. “Let us be partners, friends and lovers, today, tomorrow and all of the days that follow.”

  Camryn’s lips touch mine, “I love you.”

  The pastor asks for the rings and Christian presents two velvet boxes from his pocket. Once the pastor blesses the rings he instructs me to take Camryn’s hand in mine.

  “Jamieson, as you place the ring on Camryn’s finger, please repeat after me. With this ring, I marry you and bind my life to yours. It is a symbol of my eternal love, my everlasting friendship, and the promise of all my tomorrows.”

  Camryn’s hands shake within mine. I slide the diamond band on her left finger. Committing myself to her for the rest of my life.

  “Camryn, as you place the ring on Jamieson’s finger, please repeat after me. With this ring, I marry you and bind my life to yours. It is a symbol of my eternal love, my everlasting friendship, and the promise of all my tomorrows.”

  With shaky hands, Camryn slides the ring on my finger. It gets stuck at my knuckle. She pushes harder, but it won’t go on. She looks up to me with pleading eyes. “Push harder, you won’t hurt me,” I whisper so only she can hear.

  She twists the ring a few times, finally working its way over my knuckle, as we both breathe a sigh of relief.

  “Camryn and Jamieson, you have heard the words about love and marriage, have exchanged your vows and made your promises, and celebrated your union with the giving and receiving of rings. It is at this time that I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride!”

  My lips capture Camryn’s before the pastor finishes his last words. I pull Camryn into my arms and embrace the woman I love. She slips her hands up my chest and places both her hands on either side of my face.

  I place a gentle kiss on her lips. She is my wife, I’m going to kiss her the way I want. I block out the people around us.

  Camryn raises herself to meet my kiss. My tongue traces the soft fullness of her lips. She opens and meets my eagerness. My calm shatters with the hunger of her kiss. We deepen the kiss and get lost in the moment—it is ours to cherish and memorize for the rest of our lives, after all.

  I hear someone clearing their throat and break the kiss. I pull back and gaze in Camryn’s eyes. “You’re my wife now, Tink.”

  “Yes, I am,” she says to me with tears falling down her beautiful face.

  I pull Camryn against my body and lift her in the air. Her perfume intoxicates me when I bury my head in her neck. She throws her head back and laughs as I sprinkle light kisses on the soft skin under her ear.

  “You are crazy. God, I love you.”

  I set her feet on the ground and take her hand in mine. I thrust our hands in the air above our heads as our guests stand and roar an applause.

  In this moment, nothing in my life could be more perfect.


  Once the ceremony is complete, we take what seems to me a million photos. Ones with just Jamie and me, then pictures with our bridal party. Obviously, we did the traditional, formal photos, but some of the positions and poses we did are hilarious. The guys hold me horizontally across them while Jamie looks on with a smirk on his face.

  “You better not drop me,” I yell at them in between fits of laughter.

  Our pictures are taken in the garden, in the gazebo and on the surrounding grounds of the venue. Jamie is acting like a little kid. He’s taking pictures while driving around in a golf cart. Men…. They never want to grow up.

  Christian takes one with me in a bear hug. A few shots are taken of the guys carrying on amongst each other. I love how the photographer captures candid shots of us. These are the ones I am most excited to see. She shows me a few on her camera and I am ecstatic to see the rest. Photos with the family were fun. Jamie’s parents always felt like a second set of parents to me, so it all feels natural.

  “I want a few pictures of me with each of the girls,” I say to the photographer. Karsen, Lindsey and Morgan all gather around.

  Cocktail hour is set up on the patio. Our guests are all enjoying themselves while we get the obligatory photoshoot completed. There are a few tables set up along the back with a variety of stations of food for guests to help themselves. One is a seafood station with shrimp cocktail, lobster macaroni, and mussels in red sauce. Servers walk around with trays of hors d'oeuvres offering a variety to choose from. The guests seem to be loving the chili lime shrimp cups, scallops wrapped in bacon, and crunchy taco cups. Lines are forming at the two bars set up on the patio. Servers bustle with trays filled with flutes of champagne offering them to our guests.

  I sneak into the ballroom to see how everything came together. It is silver and black with splashes of coral. It is beautiful yet screams elegance.

  The centerpieces are elegant silver vases that stand about four feet high with white and pink roses and lilies scattered throughout. A strand of white LED lights blend beautifully with the flowers while supplying a subtle glow on the table.

  A pair of arms encircle my waist and Jamie places soft kisses on my neck. “Have I told you how stunning you look today, Mrs. Banks?”

  Between each word, he plants kisses on my shoulder, neck, and near my ear where he pulls my earlobe between his teeth.

  “I believe you did, but feel free to tell me again.” I tilt my head giving Jamie better access. His lips sear a path down my neck to my shoulder.

  I turn in his embrace and lift my arms, enveloping him in my own hold. He plants a tantalizing kiss in the hollow of my neck.

  “I can’t wait to get you back to the hotel tonight,” he growls.

  “Trust me, I can’t wait either. Just me and you making love as husband and wife.” I grind against him.

  Jamie pulls my body against his and I feel his growing erection. “Keep talking like that and we will be leaving our reception before it even starts.”

  His lips slowly descend to meet mine. He steps back from my embrace and smacks my ass as he retreats. “I need to get out of here before this goes too far. I need a minute to compose myself, thanks to you.”

  I lift my shoulders. “What'd I do?” I ask as I bat my eyes innocently at my husband.

  Our parents have already been introduced and are standing on the dance floor waiting for the bridal party.

  “Something Just Like This” by The Chainsmokers and Coldplay plays loudly through the ballroom. The DJ begins to announce the wedding party. Karsen and Parker walk in first with their hands in the air. They turn to each other and start to dance to the music. Parker jumps up and down, waving his hands in the air.

  When Parker gets to the dance floor, he grabs my mom’s hand to dance. My mom moves her hips to the beat right along with Parker. Karsen takes my dad by the hand and dances with him.

  All of the guests are on their feet dancing when the DJ announces Lindsey and Lincoln. Lincoln bends down and scoops Lindsey in his arms. She throws her head back and laughs as he carries her to the dance floor.

  “Let’s hear it for the maid of honor and the best man,” the DJ says into the microphone. Morgan and Christian make their way into the ballroom. Morgan is dancing from the time the light shines on her. When they reach the dance floor, she leans in and takes Christian by the tie and pulls him toward her. Christian raises his brows and his hands go to Morgan’s hips. The two of them put on quite the show. When Christian tries to retreat, Morgan pulls him back by his tie. All the while laughing at each other. Hoots and hollers come from the crowd. Lincoln laughs and shakes his head. Those two are always the life of the party. Both loving to try to outdo the other.

  “Let’s get this party started!” Christian yells, raising his fist in the air.

  The DJ announces us next, “Give it up for Mr. and Mrs. Jamieson Banks.”

  Everyone starts to cheer as we walk in hand in hand,
with them lifted in the air.

  When we reach the middle of the dance floor, Jamie asks. “May I have this dance, Mrs. Banks?”

  Jamie and I take our place and wait for the soft flow of music to start. Our wedding song, “When You Say Nothing At All” by Alison Kraus begins to play.

  I wrap my arms around Jamie’s neck, locking my fingers tightly. His arms circle around my waist and pulls me so I’m flush against his upper body. I hear him take a deep breath then feel it against my ear as he lets it out.

  Jamie rests his forehead against mine. “You are so beautiful and you are all mine.” My eyes well with unshed tears, this moment searing itself in my memory forever.

  Together, we dance to the music, our feet in perfect sync to the beating of my heart. As the song progresses I relax, and an infectious smile forms on my lips.

  Jamie is perfect. He looks downright sexy in his crisp white shirt and white vest. His eyes, dark as spring rain, are deep and irresistible. One thing is for sure… I am one lucky girl to have him as my husband.

  I wipe my cheeks as tears fall freely. I’m a blubbering mess today. I’m not usually this emotional. Jamie mocks me and says it’s ‘because I don’t have feelings’. I have them, I just don’t show them often.

  Jamie sings the words to me. “I’ll catch you if you ever fall.” He leans down and kisses my lips softly. The smile on Jamie’s face lets me know how much he loves me. How much he needs me. Now he holds my heart, as my lover, my husband. My whole being is now his and his alone.

  “I can’t wait to take that dress off of you. Do you have one of those sexy outfits on underneath that dress that the girls gave you at your shower?” He asks me with a smug look.

  “I guess you’ll just have to wait and see.” Jamie pulls me closer to him and I feel his hardness between us.

  I chuckle. “You’re a hot mess. We are dancing in front of our family and friends and you’re hard.”

  “Just give me a hint. Don’t make your husband beg for answers the night of his wedding,” Jamie says seductively.

  “Okay, just a hint.” I tip toe and pull his face to mine, his ear close to my mouth. My tongue slips out and licks his ear, then I take his earlobe between my teeth, giving it a little bite.

  I feel Jamie heave a deep breath against my face. “I have something tight.” I nip his ear again, “white,” another nip, “and undeniably sexy on under this dress.”

  Jamie pulls his head back quickly. His eyes glaring at me. His dark eyes never leaving mine for an instant. “You’re going to be the death of me, woman.”

  My hazel eyes widen in accusation. “It will give you something to look forward to.”

  We continue our dance, telling each other how much we love each other. How perfect today was. We talk about how excited we are about our honeymoon.

  “I love you, Tink.” Jamie’s hand slides down my taut stomach. “I can’t wait to have a family with you. I know we agreed to wait, but say the word.”

  I raise my eyebrows, surprised by his statement.

  “We will have babies.” I lean in and kiss my husband. “Just not right away. But soon.”

  Jamie’s lips brush against mine as he speaks. “I can’t wait to practice.”

  I smack his chest.

  The song finishes and we walk off the dance floor hand in hand.

  The DJ announces it is time for the father-daughter dance. I selected this song. The words perfectly describe my relationship with my father. “Butterfly Kisses” by Bob Carlisle begins to play. A handful of guests stand around the dance floor, some snapping pictures of my father and me dancing.

  “No matter how old you are, you will always be my little girl.” My father holds me tight as we sway to the music.

  Tears blind my eyes and choke my voice. “I’ll always be your little girl.”

  My father nods his head. “Yes, you will.”

  I glance over and see Jamie sitting next to my mom, his arm around her cradling her up against his side. Christian sits adjacent to her handing her tissues.

  “You look beautiful today. My baby is all grown up and I couldn’t have asked for a better man to love you,” his voice breaks.

  Pulling back to look at his face, he has tears running down his cheeks.

  “Don’t cry. You’re stuck with me. Jamie will share, I promise.”

  He exhales a long sigh of contentment. “I’m going to hold you to that.”

  Leaning in, I kiss him on his cheek. “Always.”

  As I dance with my father, he sings softly in my ear, swaying me slowly to the song. He has our hands interlaced as we move flawlessly across the dance floor. I weep aloud, as we sway back and forth.

  My father gave me away to Jamie, but we both know, he was actually sharing me with Jamie all along.

  The song changes to “When You Need Me” by Bruce Springsteen. “Did you think I wasn’t going to make you smile during our dance, sweetheart?”

  Tears slowly find their way down my cheeks. My dad wipes them as he has done countless times through the years. I didn’t know my dad picked this song to dance to.

  “You used to dance around the living room to this song, with me on your hip when I was little. I remember you singing the words to me.”

  “I meant them then, and I mean them even more now.”

  “I’ll always need you, Dad.”

  He leans in and kisses my forehead. “When you need me, just call my name.”

  My father pulls me close to his chest, wrapping me securely to his chest. “I can’t dance with you on my hip, but I can still sing the words to you.” He sings the words softly into my ear just like he did when I was a little girl.

  My chest swells with the emotions of the two songs. I swallow hard and bite back more tears.

  My eyes go wide when Christian walks to the center of the dance floor with the microphone.

  "I'm supposed to give a speech about how crazy the groom is or share a few stories describing all the trouble we got into growing up. Rather, I'm going to put a twist on the typical best man speech. I want to talk about both the bride and the groom.”

  Christian clears his throat, his voice is shaky. "Camryn, we belong to each other. From day one, we’ve always had each other’s back, literally. We have a bond that only we understand. And that's okay. Our entire lives have revolved around each other. I cheered for you every time you took the mound. I would love to say I am your biggest fan, but I think I may offend the big guy sitting next to you.”

  That comment gets a laugh.

  "I know you and I will always be close, that twin bond is unbreakable, but why does this moment make me sad? Dad gave you away to Jamie earlier this evening, but I refuse to give you away. You will always be mine. You will always be my other half, my best friend. I’ve shared you with Jamie for years, but why does today seem different? Will your marriage change our dynamics?" A smile appears on Christian’s face and he shakes his head.

  “No.” Christian's voice is almost a whisper.

  Christian turns and faces me and Jamie.

  "I know you will be safe and cherished by Jamie. It's hard for me to take a step back as your protector. But let's be honest, I've always shared that role with Jamie."

  Jamie looks in my direction, emotion and understanding written all over his face, and shakes his head at my brother.

  "I couldn't pick a better partner for either of you. Camryn, you deserve nothing but the best. The love that Jamie has for you is indescribable. I've seen the way he looks at you for years. Even before he could admit out loud that he loved you, he did. It may have taken him a little longer than we thought, but I'm glad Jamie finally pulled his head out of his ass."

  My mouth drops open and my eyes widen in surprise. I can’t believe he just said that. I turn to look at Jamie and he simply shakes his head at my brother, a big grin on his face because he knows that he’s speaking the truth.

  "Okay, enough of the mushy shit. Let's turn this speech in a different direction. I tru
st you with her heart. I know you will never break it. I couldn't ask for a better man than you to love my sister. You are a man of honor, a man of integrity. I can't remember an event in my life that the three of us haven't shared. And I hope that we continue to make more memories together. Just because the two of you are married now, you aren't going to cast me aside. I won't allow that. It has always been the three of us, and it always will be."

  Christian's speech brings rolling tears to my eyes. This is my twin. My other half. My best friend. I am fortunate that I got to share my life with three best friends. My brother, Jamie, and Morgan. Most people are blessed to have only one best friend and I have the trifecta.

  Christian walks over to where I’m sitting and extends his hand. He clears his throat. "I'd like to have this dance, please.”

  He leads me to the dance floor and pulls me close against his chest, his one hand laying low on my back. “There You’ll Always Be” by Faith Hill begins to play. A sob breaks loose from my throat.

  I love this song. I cried my eyes out when it played during the movie Pearl Harbor. I’d always thought it described my relationship with Christian, but I never told him. I guess it’s just another one of the unspoken thoughts that he senses without me saying a word.

  I look up at him, tears in my eyes. “How did you know?” I ask.

  He raises his brow. “When I heard this song years ago, I knew it was our song. It fit us perfectly. I’ve always had a soft spot for it.”

  Christian pulls me tightly against his chest and we dance slowly to the song. He guides me around the dance floor in perfect rhythm.

  I block everything out around me and focus solely on the words. The words seep into my soul, bury their way into my heart. This is Christian’s way of telling me now I belong to Jamie, but he will always be there. Always be by my side.

  “Please don’t cry,” he whispers in my ear as his hand rubs up and down my back consoling me.

  I lean back to look at my brother. I gasp when I see his shirt. My tears left wet marks and black stains from my mascara.


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