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Easy Rumba

Page 14

by Edwards, Anna

  Elise pauses and takes a deep breath. I reach out and squeeze her hand. I know the next part of her speech addresses what happened between our parents.

  “Do you want me to read the next part?” I whisper because the mikes in front of us pick up everything. She nods, and I pull the piece of paper over to me.

  “Next, I’ll address the rumors concerning my mother and Elise’s father.” I should read exactly what it says on the paper, but it’s all crap, and I know I have to speak from my heart. “Elise and I have just returned from visiting my mother and getting her side of the story that my father has chosen to sell to anyone willing to listen. My mother is a God-fearing Catholic. Her faith and being on the right path in her life is important to her. I believe my mother’s version of what happened without any question, and I don’t think Elise will mind me saying that she does as well. My mother and Elise’s father did have feelings for each other. My father caught them kissing, but that was all. None of the graphic sexual innuendo he’s been selling ever happened. My mother wouldn’t do that. It’s against everything she believes in. Yes, they were discussing plans to leave their partners, but nothing untoward occurred between them. My father walked in on them giving each other a chaste kiss. That is all.” I stop there. Nobody needs to know that it led to the death of Elise’s father. That’s something only family needs to try and come to terms with. “Elise’s father died shortly after this incident, and my parents went their separate ways. My father and I have barely spoken since. He abandoned me and now questions my paternity. It’s all lies, though. I’m his. But he never wanted me in the first place. I was an inconvenience to his work life. That’s the truth behind his stories, and I hope that you’ll not give them anymore time, money or credence.”

  I pause for a moment to compose myself. I’ve said a little more than I wanted to say but I hate my father. There I’ve said it. He didn’t need to abandon me as well as my mamá.

  I take a deep breath and continue, “My mother is unwell at the moment. She’s been taken to hospital in Spain, and I’ll be flying back there soon to check on her. I ask for the sake of not only her but for the other patients and staff at the hospital that she be left in peace. She’s stated that should a lie detector test be needed from her, she’ll give it when she’s on the road to recovery.” Sadly, it’s something I’m not sure will happen this time.

  I reach the end of the matters I can address for Elise. The next part relates to Izzy, and I think it’s important she handles it. I give her the paper back, not that I really used it.

  She breathes deeply and continues with her statement.

  “Finally, I want to address the rumors that I’m a bad mother to my daughter. I’ve filed for joint custody of Izzy today. I’ve devoted my life to her. I worship her, and I’ll not accept these accusations. I don’t believe my ex-husband is a good enough father for her to be placed with, but I’m not prepared to go into further details about that here. I have witness statements confirming my caring nature toward by daughter, and by proving that Leo and I did not have an affair, I’ve shown Mr. French to be a liar. I’ll be ensuring I get custody of my daughter as soon as possible, and that’s all I’m prepared to say about that. Our lawyers will be doing the talking on this matter in the future.”

  Elise pushes the paper forward and scrapes her chair back. The press conference is over. I want to get away from here as quickly as possible, and I know Elise feels the same.

  “Thank you. That will be all.” Elise’s lawyer stands and confirms as I take Elise’s hand and start to lead her from the room.

  “Miss Landry. One question?”

  “No questions,” Elise’s lawyer interjects.

  “I just want to know is Miss Landry continuing on the dance show?”

  Elise halts and returns to the nearest microphone.

  “I’ve no plans to quit the show. I’ve come this far, and I’ve not done the Argentinian tango yet. Why would I quit?”

  Chapter 25


  “I feel sick.” I bury my head into Leo’s chest. He’s wearing a tight, black shirt, which is open down to his navel. It’s fucking sexy. I’m in another barely-there dress with a big slit up the thigh. Possibly not the best outfit to be wearing on the weekend before you have a Monday court date to get your little girl back.

  Please don’t let it count against me.

  Izzy’s a tomboy. She’s unlikely to ever wear this outfit.

  I’ll be lucky if I ever get her to wear a dress in my lifetime.

  “You always feel sick. Suck-it up, wimp,” Leo retorts and brings me out of my thoughts of Izzy. This will be the first time I’ve danced without her in the audience. I wonder if she’s watching on television. I bet Simon won’t allow it. “Earth to Elise.” Leo gently nudges me.

  “Sorry.” I snap back out of my reflection.

  “Gabby is here, and I‘m sure Izzy’s thinking of you. She knows the entire running order of the show.”

  “I want her back.”

  “And you will on Monday, but for now, let’s go and show Simon that he’s not got you rattled. Dance the best you’ve ever done. Give me the Elise I know and love.”

  “I will.”

  We walk forward onto the stage together, and Leo takes his stance. I wrap myself around his body and press my head to his chest. The opening bars of our musical track start. It’s ‘La Cumparsita’, made famous by the original Latino lover himself, Julio Iglesias. It’s a stunning piece of music, and I’ll never grow tired of listening to it. It’s also fast paced, which means I’ve got no room for error with my kicks and flicks. This dance is all about the passion between Leo and me. It’s been my favorite to learn, even if we haven’t had much time to practice it. I won’t let Simon win. I’ll show him how little he’s bothering me by getting to the finals.

  I allow the music to take all the emotions of the week away. It’s just Leo and me. We’re in a club in Argentina. People are watching us as we show them how the dance of love is done. Ochos (figure-eights), ganchos (leg hooks), giros (turns) are all done to increase the points with the judges. I’ve no idea how I’ve learned this dance in so little time. I think it’s the passion behind it. I needed to forget everything and lose myself in the dance. As we twist and turn in open and closed embrace, I don’t take my eyes off Leo’s. They’re dark, his pupils dilated with wanton need. Every night since we’ve returned from Spain, we’ve spent with him buried deep inside me. We’ve needed the reassurance of our connection together.

  The music ends, and the crowd goes wild. It’s a welcome sound after the relative silence following our dance last week.

  “Absolutely fabulous.” Denzel starts the judges commentary. “You two have just proven you can’t keep the passion down.”

  “After the week you’ve both had, it wouldn’t have surprised me if you’d come out here and struggled, but that dance has, in my opinion, sealed your place in the finals.” Sharon adds her thoughts.

  All Elton has to say is, “Bravo, bravo, bravo.” Before falling off his chair with the enthusiasm coursing through his body.

  With the Judges commentary done, we’re allowed backstage for the scores. We hold our breath but don’t need to. A score of thirty is given. Another top score and only the second time Denzel has given a ten before the finals. It’s a miracle, but I couldn’t be happier.

  While we wait for the public vote, we all head to the canteen area for a drink and snack. I take a seat with Leah while Leo fetches me a diet coke and packet of chips. My appetite hasn’t been the best this week, but dancing has left me hungry.

  “How are you feeling?” Leah asks as she takes a sip of her chai macchiato. She’s always first in the queue.

  “I’m better for getting the dance out of the way. Like Sharon said, I expected to struggle tonight. I’m surprised we got thirty. It’s a dream come true.”

  I watch, mesmerized, as she first puts one sugar and then another into her drink. I’m more of a bitter coffee drinker my
self, preferring black with a splash of milk, so how anyone can enjoy such a sugary warm drink astounds me. Leo is the same, though, and tips half a pot of sweetener into his black coffee.

  “It was a brilliant dance. You both did amazingly. I got goosebumps. It was like it was something we shouldn’t be watching…if you know what I mean. Personal to you and Leo. All I can say is you must rock the bedroom together.” She winks at me, and I laugh.

  “His ability to thrust his hips in Latin dances is famous for a good reason.” I’m just as good with the teasing as she is. “What happens when the show finishes? Do you immediately start on next year’s?”

  “We normally get a little break.” Leah looks around us. It seems as though she’s making sure nobody is within hearing distance. “I won’t be coming back next year, though.”

  “You won’t?” I’m shocked. For all intents and purposes, it’s seems as though Leah Winter is a permanent fixture on this show.

  “No.” She shakes her head. “It’s been a tough decision, but I think it’s time to move on. I pitched an idea to the company executives, and they picked it up, so I’m going to be working on that.”

  “An idea?”

  “Yes, a series of documentaries concerning important issues in America today.” Leah lifts her cup up to her lips and takes a big mouthful of her drink. “Healthcare worries, army wives, that sort of thing. My first program will be about surviving domestic violence.”

  “Domestic violence?” The words hang heavy on my lips.

  “Yes, I’ve been put in touch with a refuge in LA where women have gone after leaving their abusive partners. I’m going to follow them as they try to set up a new life. I know it won’t be easy for many of them. It wasn’t for me, but it is possible. We’re both living proof of that.”

  I snort a subdued laugh.

  “Are we? I’m not sure I’m proof of anything at the moment.”

  “You are. You’re standing up to your ex-husband, despite what he’s throwing at you. And you’re getting your career back on track. I can see you acting in Hollywood again soon. I bet you get the Oscar this time.”

  “Leah.” I open my mouth to tell her that I’ve no intention of standing up to Simon, and that as soon as I get Izzy back, I’m going to run and hide. But then she smiles at me with a look so full of pride for what she perceives I’m doing, and I can’t bear to disillusion her. So instead, I say simply, “You’ll be the one winning prizes for your documentary, I’m sure.”

  Thankfully, Leo chooses that moment to return to my side. He opens the drink and chips he’s brought over and places them down in front of me.

  “Eat,” he orders with a caring tone.

  “I’d better get back to preparing for the results show.” Leah finishes her drink and bids us farewell.

  She’s a brave woman with more courage than I’ll ever have. I can’t wait to see the documentary she makes.

  “You all right?”

  Leo picks up the pot of sugar and starts to pour it into his drink.

  “I’m fine,” I lie. “The tiredness is finally hitting me. I’m looking forward to sleeping tomorrow.”

  “Me too.” He winks.

  “Can we get everybody back on stage for the results please?” one of the shows runners calls us, and I leave the untouched food and drink behind as we get into our positions.

  My mind isn’t really listening to what is happening. The whole concept of moving on and never performing again is devastating. Is there a chance I could get my career back? Simon has voided the contracts now, so why can’t I? Leah is going to stand before an entire American television audience and admit she was beaten by her partner. Is it really that hard to do? Was I wrong to dismiss it as a possibility? No, I can’t. I’d look too weak. I’m not strong enough to do that. Unless I can truly show the world what Simon is like? I might not be able to talk about what he did to me, but what if I could show everyone the abusive side of Simon? Maybe there is a chance. Maybe I don’t have to run, and I could be me again.

  All of a sudden, Leo picks me up and twirls me around in the air. I don’t know what’s happening, but everyone in the studio is clapping and cheering.

  Vanessa approaches me. “Elise, how does it feel to be the first person into the final?”

  “The f-final?” I stammer, sounding stupid. “I’m in the final?”

  Leo cheers again and presses a kiss to my lips, not caring we’re on television anymore now our relationship is out in the open.

  “Yes, you are,” Vanessa adds, trying to nudge a reply from me.

  “Well, to quote Denzel, it’s ‘fabulous’.”

  Chapter 26



  I stand back watching, full of pride, as Izzy, dressed uncharacteristically in a designer summer dress with her long dark hair in two French braids, runs straight into the arms of her mama. I’ve never seen two people so happily reunited. Elise holds Izzy slightly away from her, and I can tell she’s making sure she’s not been harmed by the man now emerging from the top-of-the-range Chevrolet truck.

  “Are you ok?” Elise questions, and Izzy nods she’s fine.

  “Hey, kiddo,” I greet her as well, making sure not to show too much affection toward the little girl in case I antagonize her deranged father.

  The courts were not happy that Simon had lied to them in order to get sole custody of Izzy. He was warned if he did it again, he would lose all rights to her. It only took a few minutes for it to be decided that it was best for Izzy if they shared custody. I’m not sure how it’s going to work with Elise living in New Orleans and Simon, with his glittering action movie hero career, in Hollywood. However, I suspect fighting for custody of Izzy was just a part of his plan to get at Elise, so he won’t be demanding his rights to his little girl too often. Mind you, I’m sure she’ll be happy, not having to spend too much time with her father.

  “Hi, Mr. Leo. That Argentinian tango was amazing. You made Mama look hot. Can you teach me to do the leg kicks?”

  “Sure thing. Only if your mama agrees, though.”

  “I think she can learn a few. As long as she doesn’t practice them with any boys.” Elise laughs, and its beauty fills the air around us. It’s a wonderful sound and has been sorely lacking from her recently.

  “Boys are yucky. Sam’s the only half decent one, and that’s because he’s good at baseball.” Izzy scrunches up her nose.

  “Well, I hope you continue with those thoughts about boys. It would be a welcome change to your mother’s attitude toward them.” Simon arrives on the doorstep of Elise’s house and insults the woman I love.

  “We mind our manners and what we say on this property,” I retort and fold my arms across my chest.

  “I wasn’t aware that you lived here. Elise didn’t state that in the court papers. Maybe I should go back to my lawyer and inform him that Elise was lying on her declarations.”

  Elise steps in front of me,

  “He doesn’t live here. I’ve not lied. Leo is simply stating the rules of my home.”

  “Good to know.” Simon backs down, and from behind Elise, I glare at him.

  I really want to smack him in the face and wreck his pretty boy looks. What did she ever see in him? He’s a slimy git with no style or substance to him in any way. He loves no one but himself. It’s frustrating he’s still involved in Izzy’s life and therefore in Elise’s, but it’s something we’ll have to live with for the time being.

  “I bought Izzy some more suitable clothes. The only things sent over with her were shorts and t-shirts. I’ll leave them here for her to wear. I don’t think it’s appropriate for her to be photographed by the press looking uncouth.”

  Elise reaches out to me and takes my hand. She squeezes it tightly, and I know she’s trying to suppress my temptation to answer Simon back. We discussed how this meeting would go beforehand. She knew Simon would insult her at every turn, and we both just needed to stay calm and smile politely. I promised her I’d try
. I’ve only got so much ability to ignore the asshole, but I have got years of experience of plastering on a fake smile in the dancing world, so that’s what I do.

  “I can assure you that when she’s on this property, Izzy is safe from press intrusion, but I’ll be certain to make sure she’s suitably dressed when we’re out and about—in case we’re photographed,” Elise’s response is well worded.

  I know she has no intention of putting Izzy in dresses that, no doubt, have an astronomical price tag and are in no way suitable for a child. Even I’ve learned children get dirty just by looking at a piece of play equipment or an ice cream sundae, no matter how hard you try to keep them clean. They are dirt magnets, not just to themselves but also to you. I wouldn’t change Izzy for the world, though. She’s the best kid I know. She’s bright, happy and full of enthusiasm for a world that hasn’t always done right by her.

  Simon grunts his approval of Elise’s response. His hands are in his pockets, and he’s dressed in a white linen suit. He looks like he’s dressed up for this meeting. Elise is in leggings and a long top. I’m in shorts and a t-shirt. We’ve both been training in the house all morning for the final.

  “Mama, can I go and check on my room please?” Izzy asks, and Elise nods.

  The little girl runs into the house, slamming the door behind her and without a backward glance at her father.

  “Look, we’re going to be seeing a lot more of each other while sharing custody of Izzy. I don’t want tensions every time we have a handover.” Elise tries to reason with Simon. “Why don’t you come in, and we can discuss how things will proceed for the future? I made a cake earlier, and I’ve just brewed a pot of fresh tea.”

  “Do I look like I eat cake?” Simon instantly retorts. “I’m starting filming a new movie next week. I need to be in top fitness.” He shakes his head and blows out his cheeks as if he’s frustrated with Elise’s offer of cake. “But I agree for Izzy’s sake we should try to dispel some of the tension. I’ll come in and have tea, but I want it to be just the two of us having this discussion. Mr. Westwood is not a part of this.”


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