Book Read Free

Easy Rumba

Page 15

by Edwards, Anna

  “I’m not leaving you alone with Elise,” I instantly interject, adamant on this point.

  “It’s fine, Leo. I promise.” Elise turns to me. “I need to do this for myself. It’s for Izzy after all.”

  “Elise.” I raise an eyebrow at her.

  Thoughts of him hurting her flood into my mind. She hadn’t mentioned asking him in before. What is she playing at?

  “No, I’ll be fine. Why don’t you take Izzy and get her some ice cream from down the road? You know how much she loves it. She’s probably been missing it.”

  I search her face for some sign of what she’s planning on doing. I don’t understand why she wants to be alone with the man who abused her for so long. I guess I just have to trust her.

  “Okay.” I open the front door and call inside, “Izzy, do you want to go and get ice cream?”

  The little girl squeals with delight and comes running to me. She’s already changed out of the dress and into her shorts and a t-shirt. Her long hair is out of the plaits and free flowing down her back. That’s more like the little girl I know.

  “I’m not sure I like him taking her out on his own. Has he been checked by the local police?” Simon asks as he takes one look at his daughter and shakes his head in disgust at her appearance.

  “He’s checked for the show, but I don’t think that’s any of your business. Izzy is perfectly safe with him.” Elise has a tone of annoyance in her voice now.

  She bends down to Izzy and whispers into her ear. The little girl looks up at her mama with worry in her eyes, but Elise gives her a kiss and her frown disappears. I raise an eyebrow at Elise, but she waves my concern away with a flick of her hand.

  I grab my keys from a table by the front door, and Izzy and I head out. As I turn the car around in the driveway, I watch as Elise and Simon disappear into the house. I’m thoroughly confused. What is she doing?

  Izzy starts chatting to me as we drive down the road, and I momentarily forget what’s happening with Elise and Simon as I focus on the little girl in my care. I buy her favorite butterscotch ice cream with sprinkles in a chocolate cone for her, and we sit outside the shop as she devours the treat.

  “He didn’t hurt me while I was there. I expected him too. I barely saw him to be honest. He’s got a housekeeper, and I spent all my time with her. He ordered her to swap my clothes for those ugly dresses.” Izzy licks her ice cream as she talks to me, volunteering information I think she feels will lessen my worry.

  “Was that a good thing, not seeing him?” I question, thankful he didn’t hurt her.

  “Yes, a really good thing. He got upset when I called him Simon instead of Daddy. He said Mama was a bad person, and he was going to put a stop to her games. Make her come home. I told him she would never do that because she’s found you, and I like you.”

  “What did he say to that?”

  “If I repeated his words, Mama would wash my mouth out with soap and water. I don’t want to visit him, but if I don’t see him and just see his housekeeper, then I don’t mind. At least I’m safe.”

  “You’re a very brave girl, Izzy French.”

  “Only when I need to be.” She finishes her ice cream and looks up at me. “One day, can I be Izzy Westwood? When you marry Mama?”

  “We’ll have to talk to your father about that one, but I don’t see why not.” I don’t want to disappoint her. I’d adopt Izzy in a heartbeat, but I know Simon would never agree.

  Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I look down at it, I’d have expected a message from Elise by now, but there’s nothing. Something isn’t right. An uneasy feeling settles deep in my stomach. She’s planning something. What is it? Why would she agree to be alone with Simon when she knows what he’s capable of doing? She’s no match for his strength.


  It suddenly hits me. I know what she’s planning.

  Stupid, stupid woman.

  She’s going to prove to the world just how violent a man he is.

  “Izzy, we have to go.” I jump up from my seat and race toward the car, dragging the little girl behind me. “We have to get back home now. Get in your seat. Do your belt.”

  “Don’t worry, Mr. Leo.” Izzy climbs into the car and does as I ask. “Mama’s going to save me from him. She whispered it to me before we left the house.”

  Chapter 27


  “Here’s your tea. I assume you still don’t take sugar.”

  I hand Simon one of the Target mugs I purchased when I first moved here.

  “Thank you. Interesting choice of cup. I see you’re embracing the hillbilly life.”

  “I wouldn’t exactly call New Orleans a hillbilly area. It’s a vibrant city full of different cultures and history.”

  I take a seat on the sofa opposite Simon, who’s sitting in an old wingback chair in my lounge. It’s a purchase I made from an antique shop. I have to admit he looks ridiculous in it. He’s more of a white leather, wacky-shaped chair type of man.

  “Do you think it’s a good city for our daughter to grow up in? I mean it doesn’t seem very clean compared to Beverly Hills. What is the drug addiction rate? What are the reports like from her school? I hope you’ve checked the teenage pregnancy rates? The last thing I need is a headline like that.”

  “I’ve done all of that, Simon. The city is perfect for her to live in. I grew up here, and I’ve never touched drugs, and my only pregnancy was with your child. Izzy’s getting superb results in class, and her school is the best in the area. She’s learning French, and I know she can choose another language soon. She’s mentioned Spanish. I would never scrimp and save on her education. I have money and can afford the best for her.”

  “Shame you don’t dress her in the best clothes.”

  “There’s no point. With the dust in the area, she’d end up filthy at the end of the day anyway.”

  “Well then she should be taught to keep herself clean.” Simon slams his cup down on the table with such force I’m surprised it doesn’t shatter. My heart rate quickens. I know what my plan is, but actually going through with it is completely different. I look up into the corner of the room where I know the video camera is recording everything happening. It’s part of my security system. “I won’t have press reports of her being a wild child. She needs to be a princess for the press to adore her. Too many children of the Hollywood elite are getting bad press for their families nowadays. I don’t need that. It won’t be good for my career.”

  “I can assure you Izzy is a good kid. She always will be.”

  “Shame her mother is a news grabbing whore,” Simon spits at me.

  I recognize the venom in his voice.

  “We both know that’s the last thing I am. I’ve always loved acting, but I’ve never wanted the fame side of things. I only decided to participate in the dance show because I wanted to do something for myself, and with it being here in New Orleans, I could still look after Izzy while doing it. I didn’t think I’d even get through the first round.”

  “But you did and started a relationship with a long lost friend. Is he the guy you lost your virginity to?” Simon leans forward in his chair, his fists clenched.

  “He is. But as you know, we hadn’t spoken in years. However, I’m glad I got to meet him again.”

  “I bet you are. Do you actually fuck him good or just lie there like you did for me?”

  “I’m not going to discuss private aspects of my life with you, Simon. We’re divorced now, and you’ve lost all rights to that,” I reply adamantly.

  His words mean nothing to me. I would have once been scared by them, but they don’t confuse and hurt me anymore. He’s the man with issues. He believes everyone else is out to destroy him, but the only person doing that is himself. He’s weak and foolish—a self-obsessed narcissist. Why didn’t I see it before? What have I been so worried about all these years?

  “You don’t get it do you, Elise? I’ll always be in your life and not just because of our daughter. I’m i
n your head. I’m under your skin. Leo may be the one fucking you right now, but he’ll never keep you satisfied. Sooner or later, you’ll push him away and come running back to me like you’ve always been meant to. I’m the only one who can give you what you need. Deep down, you hate yourself and the pain I inflict lets you know just what a worthless piece of shit you really are.”

  I take a deep breath and stand.

  His words mean nothing.

  They are his insecurities not mine.

  I’m a strong woman.

  “This conversation is not going down the route of making plans to ensure Izzy is taken care of. It’s time for you to leave.”

  Simon is out of his chair in a flash, his hand circling around my neck as he restricts my breathing. I’m slammed against the wall behind me while he sneers.

  “I’m not going anywhere, my little wife. I’ve told you before…you’re mine. You’ve let another man touch you, and I’m going to punish you for that.”

  His fist comes fast into my ribs, and I cough, trying desperately to get air into my strangled lungs.

  “You fucking whore. You’re dead set on ruining my life, and I won’t let it happen. You made a fool out of me in court. I’ve never been spoken to in the way that judge did when he told me off. Nobody talks to me like that. I’m Simon French, the best actor on the whole goddamn fucking planet. I rule Hollywood. Nobody does anything without my say. I’ll not have a bitch like you take that away from me.”

  Two more quick punches come to my body and then one to my face. I’m in agony, but I know this is the only way to put a stop to everything.

  “Maybe I should show you just what I’m capable of. I’ll stop this nonsense and take you back to Hollywood where you can play the perfect wife you were meant to be. I didn’t break you enough last time, but this time, I will.”

  Simon spins me around and thrusts me up against the wall again, facing forward. I feel his body cover mine from behind. He’s hard, and I realize what he means to do. He’s going to rape me. I never thought him capable of that. I’ve underestimated him. Things have gone too far. This wasn’t part of my plan.

  Instinct takes over, and I frantically push against him. I can’t let him do this. I kick out as hard as I can behind me, and it catches his legs. He shouts in pain and momentarily lets go of me. It’s all I need to get away from him, and I run for the front door. He’s quicker, though, and recovers just in time to grab me before I get to the safety of the street. He pulls me down, and I land with a heavy thud on the floor. It knocks the wind out of me, and I struggle for breath as he kicks me in the torso a few times and lays down on top of me. I can’t escape. He struggles to pull my leggings down my body. I’m screaming, and he’s shouting obscene words into my ear, calling me ever derogatory word I know. Then just as suddenly as it started, it all stops. I feel weightless as Simon is lifted from my body and thrown across the room by Leo, my hero. He’s come back, even though I told him to stay away. Leo kneels down beside me, scanning over my injuries.

  “Did he?” His eyes flick to where my leggings are pulled down my body.

  I know he’s checking to see if I’ve been raped.

  “No.” I let out a loud sob. “Izzy, is she okay?” I suddenly realize he was looking after my little girl.

  “She’s outside with Gabby and Rhys. I asked them to meet us here. I think a few of Gabby’s brothers are here too. Well, that’s who she told me they were. I’ve also called the police.”

  At that moment, Simon comes storming back at Leo, and before I can react, he’s pushed Leo through the now open door and outside into the front yard of the house. Simon follows, and as I scramble to my feet, I see them start to throw punches at each other.

  “Stop,” I shout, noticing Izzy standing with Gabby. My friend instantly covers my daughter’s eyes. “Stop,” I shout weakly again. “It’s over. It’s done.”

  In the distance, police sirens sound. Leo and Simon both stop exchanging punches. Simon scrambles to get to his car when he realizes the sirens are heading our way, but Rhys’s and Gabby’s brothers prevent him escaping. I fall to the ground in my doorway, my chest heaving with exertion and pain.

  “He’s finished. He has no hold over me anymore,” I manage to say when Leo comes back to my side. I stroke down the side of his face. “He’s finished, Leo. I’ve got him. I’m going to press charges, and I’ve got video evidence of everything he did. I’m not scared anymore. Simon French is an abuser, and I’m ready to tell the world.”

  Leo presses a kiss to the top of my head, and I groan with pain again. It’s all getting to be too much for me. I can feel the darkness edging into my vision, but I manage to stay awake just long enough to watch the police arrive and arrest Simon for assault and attempted rape. His career is finished. His own arrogance destroyed him, and I finally have all the power back.



  “And the winners are…” Vanessa does her deliberate long pause.

  Elise is shaking next to me. I wasn’t sure she’d make tonight after the beating she took from Simon, but she did. She showed everyone just how strong she is by performing and scoring tens all night in dresses that reveal the bruising to her body. She could have worn outfits to hide her injuries, but she refused. She wanted to show the world what a domestic abuse survivor could do.

  As for Simon, he’s currently released from jail on a three million dollar bail bond, and his case isn’t looking good. He will get jail time for what he’s done to Elise. The better news is he isn’t allowed anywhere near Elise or Izzy, or me, for that matter, which is probably for the best. I was in such shock at seeing the position Elise was in when I rescued her that I didn’t get to give her ex-husband a taste of his own medicine. I’d love to have another chance to punish him. His contract with the studio in Hollywood has been cancelled, and his jobs have all dried up. His career is effectively over, and even his new girlfriend has left him. Couldn’t happen to a better man. He’s got what he deserves, and when Elise is my wife and I change Izzy’s surname to Westwood, he’ll realize that even more. I plan on doing both those things very soon. We’ve wasted too much time.

  Bloody hell, this pause is going on forever.

  Hurry up and announce the winner.

  My cheeks are starting to hurt from smiling at the camera.

  “Elise Landry and her partner, Leo Westwood.”

  “Yes,” Elise and I both scream at the same time. We can’t believe we’ve done it. It’s been the longest most stressful twelve weeks of my life, but I wouldn’t change any of it. I love the outcome too much.

  We’re jumping around screaming. The entire cast are joining us. Streamers fall from the ceiling, and at some point, we’re given a glitter ball trophy. The hosts give up on interviewing us. It’s not going to happen. Everyone is just so loud and happy. Izzy slips out of Gabby’s care and comes running toward us when I beckon her. She embraces Elise who gives her the trophy to hold up high. I pick Izzy up on my shoulders and hold her even higher. She’s screaming with excitement, and then everyone is crying.

  Elise is.

  I am.

  It’s crazy.


  But beautiful.

  The cameras eventually stop rolling, and the night ends. Elise’s time on the dance show is finished. Mine is also. This isn’t what I want. I don’t think I could come back next year and dance with anyone else. It would feel wrong. I’ll support it in any other way I can, but for me, this is the end of competing.

  Apart from asking Elise to marry me later, it’s too soon to discuss the future. She’s mentioned going back to acting but not with any real enthusiasm. It’s more a case of she can if she wants to now. We both got more excited when we discussed starting a dance and acting school here in New Orleans. That could be the future, but I’m not sure. I’m going with the flow at the moment. There’s been too much tension and emotion packed into the last twelve weeks. All I know is I’m happy. I’ve found the one to tame me. So
mething I wasn’t sure would ever happen. Twelve weeks ago, I was the eternal bachelor. Now I’m planning on marriage and instant fatherhood to a ten year old. No longer, Mr. Leo, but Papa, after I asked Izzy for her permission to marry her mama earlier today.




  “Leo, are you coming to bed or are you going to sit staring at that trophy all night?” Elise shouts at me from the bedroom door. She’s wearing her pajamas. A lot of men would say they’re nothing sexy to look at, but with Elise wearing them, they’re making me fucking horny. She’s a goddess. Casual or dressed up, I want her.

  “Can we put the trophy beside the bed?” I reply, padding down the corridor while removing my t-shirt to give her the view of my torso she loves so much. Her eyes instantly lower to my abs, and she blushes. I hope that never changes.

  “You know we have to give it back, right?”

  My lips find hers, and I kiss around to the back of her neck,

  “Not for a year, though, we don’t.”

  “I still can’t believe we won it, Leo.”

  “Easiest victory ever. I had the best partner.”

  “I won’t tell Angelique that.”

  “She agreed with me earlier.”

  I’m still kissing all over Elise’s body as I push her back into the bedroom and close the door behind us. Izzy is with us tonight, sound asleep in her bed with exhaustion. She saw a counselor after what happened to Elise but was dismissed from any further appointments as she was absolutely fine. We didn’t agree on the way Elise went about things, but we got the right result for us all in the end.

  “I’ll have a word with Angelique tomorrow.”

  “Not going to happen, I’m afraid,” I continue to press Elise back onto the bed, my hands working to divest her of her top and bottoms as we go.


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